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Original Words Notes List

O r i g i n a l  W o r d s  N o t e s  A 3

amen: this Hebrew word means firm, belief and hence also faithful:.Revelation 3:14. The word amen also is an earlier word, referring to the Egyptian word Amen or Amon, the God of life and reproduction, represented as a man with a ram's head, as the satanic transgender representation of the same basic description. Many Christians do not therefor close prayers with this word, preferring instead to just end the prayer as one would normally do when ending a sentence.

Was it inserted into the Bible we have today on purpose as a secret honor to Satan? Was this one of the tamperings of the Bible, along with the removal of 711 other original books? Maybe. We'll know soon as the other 711 books are being scrutinized now.

In Isaiah 65:16, the Authorized Version has "the God of truth," which in Hebrew is "the God of Amen". I don't end any prayers with the word 'Amen', because of its ambiguous history.

Prior to the word 'amen' in the Bible, the word referred to an ancient pagan God, Amon, out of Mithraism, an ancient Persian pagan cult whose Amon was also followed by Egyptians and later those under the 'holy' Roman Empire. Was this a sneaky way to get true believers to unknowingly worship Satan? Many changes have occurred to the original Bible and apparently as many books as 711 were removed from its 777.

The name Amon meant the hidden one and his image was painted blue to denote invisibility; very descriptive of Satan, the one behind all evil on this Earth.

The word amen is found singly and sometimes doubly at the end of prayers:.Psalms 41:13; 72:19; 89:52. Was it so in the original? It appears to have ben used in token of being bound by an oath:.Numbers 5:22.

In the primitive churches it was common for the general audience to say Amen at the close of the prayer:.Matthew 6:7; 1Corinthians 14:16.

The promises of God are Amen; i.e., they are all true and sure:.2Corinthian 1:20. More on word 'amen'.

-Asaph: the name means convener or collector. Asaph was a  Levite; one of the leaders of David's choir:.1Chronicles 6:39. Psalms 50 and Psalms chapters 73-83.inclusive are attributed to him. He is mentioned along with David as skilled in music and a seer:.2Chronicles 29:30. The singers of Asaph, mentioned in.Ezra 2:41, were his descendants and a class of poets or singers who 
recognized him as their master.
