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M o s a i c  L a w
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Paul does say that this now defunct law of rules and regulations brought a curse.(death, no eternal life:.Galatians 3:10,12,13 and Hebrews 7:18 calls this law of rules and regulations, weak and unprofitable; why was it weak {Hebrews 9:9} and why was it unprofitable? and why didn't it work?).upon those who could not keep it perfectly and that was everybody who ever tried to keep it:.Deuteronomy 5:29;.Jeremiah 11:3,4 "And say thou unto them, This says the Lord God of Israel, Cursed be the man that obeys not the words of this covenant which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt.....".But this was all part of the great lesson God is teaching humanity:.Jeremiah 32:38-42. Without knowledge, how can anyone proceed in anything?

As it shows here, they did not have a hope of escaping that curse on their own. It was all part of Creator's plan. It was all part of pointing to the day when that hope became possible, the day when the Creator would make available the Holy Spirit to all who believe in His Son.(?).

So what today to obey? The obedience of faith:.Romans 16:25,26.

And Paul.(who is Paul?).says that if one is righteous the law is not for him.(1Timothy 1:9,10), because, he now lives by the laws of love and compassion from his heart:.Matthew 25:38-40

Paul says to give heed to that which is in faith.(1Timothy 1:4).and he says that the Spirit comes through faith, again, Galatians 3:14.(nothing about pre or post requisite commandments keeping is mentioned here either)

Paul says that the law has nothing to do with faith.(Galatians 3:12), so why have anything to do with any of it in relation to God, instead of Christ? 

And in Galatians 5:22,23, it tells us that the law has nothing to do with the higher form of righteousness based on love. Even Isaiah commented on righteousness and said that we do not "plant our own". 

Paul says that the heart is established with grace:.Hebrews 13:9. No mention of commandments and the tablets of stone where God had wrote with His finger on, all the words that He was giving.to His ancient.people, tithing, etc. Many things back then are not for today.

Paul tells us that the Spirit of God comes to us by faith.(Galatians 3:12), so why have anything to do with the law?

Paul tells us the law is a curse.(Galatians 3:10,13), so why have anything to do with a curse?

Paul tells us we are no longer under the "schoolmaster", the schoolmaster being the Old Testament law:.Galatians 3:24,25, and that now we are to "grow up.(Ephesians 4:15), and leave behind the 'religious' things.(Hebrews 5:11 to 6:2).and be now concerned with the things of the spirit, the things of the heart.

Some Christians are in error and frustrated over trying to write on their heart what was written on the ancient tables of stone.(Exodus 24:12; 31:18; 32:15,16,19; 34:1,4,28; Deuteronomy 9:9-11; 9:25;.10:1-5; Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26).and will be ashamed one day if they continue to do so:.Romans 9:32,33; 2Corinthians 3:3. We are here to grow!

The commandments along with the words of the agreement the ancient Israelites had agreed to, that were then etched by the finger of Creator-God on two tables of stone.(Exodus 31:18).were for a people whose hearts were of the same material, precious but hard:.Deuteronomy 5:29; Jeremiah 44:16,17; Matthew 19:8; Mark 10:15; Romans 2:5

There is evidence that is close to being proof positive that the so-called tablets of stone were crystalline.structured.orbs made of sapphire, a precious stone. See the video, type Nassim Haramein, Tetragrammaton into YouTube and you can download it with some browsers and utilities available, for viewing later. And what is the Tetragrammaton?

But many misguided.(and yet goodhearted and well meaning).religious people are desperately trying to do what God said He.would do!.Hebrews 8:10; 10:16; Romans 4:5

It is important to listen within.(Hebrews 3:7,8).to get guidance God has just for you. Sometimes this takes many years of listening as we often negligently allow our ego programmed understandings to cloud over the initial 'still small voice' of God.

It's the same with so much good stuff on the Net and that which also comes in out Emails. It rings true. It's light. It's interesting. But, it may not be light for you, or not in harmony with where you may be spiritually at this time.

Six months later you may find when something causes some memory of it to come back to your mind and you may realize that, although the information was good, you never made use of it.

In here is a key. Get guidance from your soul. Your soul, your connection by means of your spirit with it, depending upon what is needed for you on a moment by moment basis, will cause coincidences to occur at the proper time for you to become aware of them, all in answer to your need.

The tables of stone upon which Creator-God, with His finger etched the basics of the law described in the Old Testament, were not for those within whom is the spirit of the New Testament, the spirit or Holy Nature, also called the Spirit of God:.2Corinthians 3:3,6,7

Is the Creator going to use the commandments as a basis for judgment or the gospel?.Romans 2:16

Did Paul labor day and night to be able to teach the commandments to others?.1Thessalonians 2:9

If so.(and it is not so, but for sake of argument, if so), as many churches erroneously teach, why would Paul, who knew the Old Testament Mosaic Law probably better than anyone else back then, emphasize only the commandment part when he knew this...

Does Hebrews 12:15 state that we should be diligent in applying the commandments in our lives? 

Does Hebrews 12:28 say that we serve our Creator through tithing, commandment keeping, church attendance and other do's and don'ts religion would impress upon us as having importance?

Or are we to serve in the spirit?.Philippians 3:3; Galatians 5:25.

The spirit involves grace.

Are we kept saved by the power of our Creator through tithing, commandment keeping, baking cakes and cookies for church bazaars and such things?.1Peter 1:5; 1Corinthians 3:16. What keeps us out of the clutches of evil?.1John 5:18.

Some religious people blindly follow things that lack spiritual substance and neglect those things that do:.2Corinthians 6:16; Luke 10:38-42

Does it say anything here about treading under foot the commandments, tithing, church attendance, doing despite unto old Mosaic law of God, etc.?.Hebrews 10:29

Does it mention commandment keeping here as being important in a relationship with God?.Titus 2:11

Does it say that we are justified.(made righteous).and become heirs of God's promises by being diligent to keep the commandments and being sure never to neglect tithing or any of the other do's and don'ts religion would have us adhere to?.Titus 3:7; Hebrews 6:12.
