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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  p a g e  6 6 b

Bats use various frequencies ranging from 4 to 210 KHz, but mostly between 20 to 80 KHz. Their high frequency generation system is perfectly suited for identifying small objects.(like insects).right down to the cochlea.(inner ear).having been specialized for the needed high frequencies in the ultrasonic range.

The bat's brain processes information and forms images by comparing outgoing pulses with the echoes. From this it knows how far away is the object and its size. The direction and speed of the object is detected by the different arrival times of the sound at each ear and by the echo's intensity. Bats have a two signal system; one being a CF signal.(Constant Frequency).and the other being an FM signal.(Frequency Modulated).signal. The effective range is three to thirty plus feet. A bat's intensity of signal can be as low as a whisper, while others, loud like a jackhammer, but all inaudible.(can't hear).to the human ear. The pulse ratio changes too. When searching for prey, its signals are about 10 pulses per second. After detection, 25 to 50. Upon contacting the prey, it rises to 200 pulses per second, delivering more precise information and thus increasing chances of success, his dinner!
