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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  p a g e  7 2 b

-Viper:.Unlike most reptiles, vipers, aka adders.(a venomous {poisonous} snake of the family Viperidae, having a single pair of long, hollow fangs and a thick, heavy body; also called adder).give birth to live young!

The Savannah species of viper can have 156 live babies! Others only about 60. Why?

-Diamondback snake:.The.Pit Viper.group of rattlesnakes, which include the Diamondback, have 2 pits close to their eyes that allow them to zero in with deadly accuracy on prey in the darkest of nights. This is typical of all rattlesnakes.

However, antitypical is the way they give birth. Like most Pit Vipers, except for the 12 foot long highly poisonous American Bushmaster which lays eggs, the Diamondback gives birth to live young.

There are 139 snakes of the Pit Viper designation.
   Rattlesnakes can only sense vibrations. They can't even hear another snake's rattle. ...Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
