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Q u e s t i o n s  O n  T o p i c s  ' H '
p a g e  1

Harmony Of The Gospels.no questions


-Are you sure you're righteous, holy and perfect in the Creator's eyes?

-Do we have to be anointed with oil before God would heal us of illness? And, do we have to be anointed with oil to be recognized by God as being Christian?

-How can anyone feel bad about themselves when they know that they are righteous?

-Is God's will that you be well?

-What about absentee healing?

-What are you doing about your health? Why would anyone expect to be healed if their body is to continually struggling getting rid of poisons constantly ingested and/or generated?

-What is lacking if some remain sick and how does one change the gears in his mind to work to produce wellness? 

-Why bother to work on an area of your life that you know you should improve?

-Why do some die after praying for them to be healed?

-Why is the power of God the gospel?


-What about where it says the heart is desperately wicked?

-Why did God harden Pharaoh's heart?

-Why does God want us to be stable?


-Can God destroy both the body and soul in hell?

-Did Emmanuel die for them so He could later send them into hell? Does God bring people to change by scaring them?

-Did Emmanuel go into hell?

-Did they go to the place commonly believed to be hell?

-Do you think God has more concern for and ox or ass than for man? Should we believe that His standard is that we should give all to see that others come to know Him while they live; then expect us to turn around and rejoice with Him over an endless torture in hell for them if they stop breathing before they come know Him?

-Does God tell us to forgive seventy times seven and to go the extra mile and then not do so himself? Does God tell us to visit  those that have 'pressing issues' as the original has it, those in prison and to look after strangers, but with those same He deals and shuts them up forever in an eternal prison of torment and never even visits them? Who's been teaching all this crap about eternal torment in hell? Does God tell us to have compassion, yet has none himself to those still strangers to Him?

-Does Lazarus and the rich man prove there is a hell?

-How can I be sure I'm not one of those that 'qualify' for the fiery furnace?

-How many people live as this today?

-Is Emmanuel here talking of the place we commonly call hell, that ever burning location somewhere in the Earth?

-Is the everlasting punishment talked of here hell?

-Is there an everlasting hell awaiting those rejecting God?

-What about Christ talking to the."spirits in prison"?

-What does hell mean? Who are those under a curse and why?

-What happens to them once the flesh is burned up?

-What is the."great fixed gulf"?

-Where is 'hell'?

-Why does God have obstinate people get 'burned' in life?

-Will getting man into adherence to the commandments law, or teaching him about love, cover his sins keeping?

-Would God have two standards?

-Why does God not just force us to go the way that is good for us?
