continued from...
"...The importance of Christ's
resurrection will be seen when we consider that if he rose, the
gospel is true and if he rose not it is false.
resurrection from the dead makes it manifest
that his sacrifice was accepted.
justification was secured by His obedience to the death and therefore
He was raised from the dead:.Romans
resurrection is a proof that He made a full atonement
for our sins, His life offered for us all was to finish
the work He came to do and His
blood was a ransom
for sinners.
"It is also a pledge and
an earnest of the resurrection of all believers:.Romans
8:11; 1Corinthians 6:14;
3:21; 1John 3:2. As He lives, they
shall live also.
"The resurrection proved
Him to be the Son of God, inasmuch as it authenticated all His claims -again,
2:19; 10:17.
"If Christ did not rise,
the whole scheme of redemption is
a failure and all the predictions and anticipation of its glorious results
for time and for eternity, for men and for angels of every rank and order,
are proved to be chimeras.(an
impossible and foolish fantasy).
"Therefore the Bible
is true from Genesis to Revelation." 1Corinthians
15:20 "But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits
of them that slept."
"The kingdom of darkness
has been overthrown, Satan has fallen as lightning from heaven and the
triumph of truth over error, of good over evil, of happiness over misery
is forever secured." ...Hodge.