Letters Patent
The following is the very last Letters Patent issued by Great Britain; March 23, 1931.(a document 9 months before the Statute of Westminster,  December 11, 1931, and showing Canada, on this date, had no confederation tracing to 1867 whatsoever. Britain was still in control, Canada being a legal dominion of Britain..this dominion being a collection of British colonies {provinces} in the area called Canada, named The Dominion of Canada).signed by Sir Claude Schuster, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery.(one of the five divisions of the High Court of Justice of Great Britain, presided over by the Lord High Chancellor), Dept. of Lands of Great Britain, Colonial Office.
    These Letters Patent left no doubt in anyone's mind back then as to who was in control of the Provinces collectively then called the Dominion of Canada.
    The Letters Patent granted by the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain to Governors General of Canada state that.they.are the constitution of the government, the absolute corporate sole, the boss, the dictator,.the.law..the Governor General.
(copy retyped here is of original record from National Archives Ottawa)
N o t e s
This is a legal Letters Patent.
    Compare to the phony one.(*).a former Canadian Prime Minister created; part of the ploy to continue central Canada control over all Provinces after December 11, 1931.

These Letters Patent gave tremendous power to the Governor General in Canada; so much so that.he.was the 'constitution'. What he determined constituted the law in Canada. All that occurred withing his realm, he had the power to change if he so desired. He was the 'corporate sole', the ruler, the dictator; what he decided was how things were to become.(*).

Note how often the word 'constitute' occurs.
Note the date at the top.(not the 1905 one..above it).on this authentic Letters Patent..This was 64 years forward from the BNA Act of 1867, showing Britain still in control.(no confederation for Canada had occurred up to this date, and no confederation for Canada has been put together by the Provinces {who.only.can legally do it} since).

Considering the date of this document and the power the document grants to the Governor General, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that.no confederation had occurred in Canada.
They were now creating a new Letters Patent, after revoking the old. The word here 'Dominion' means a 'colony' as defined by the Interpretation Act
The office of the Governor General was appointed by a British Commission and his authority came from Letters Patent.

Any change to Letters Patent was reserved to themselves, but dishonest Canadian Prime Ministers thought otherwise even after all Letters Patent were made null and void by Britain..like, 'why not resurrect them for our own selfish advantage 'eh?'


Letters Patent CONSTITUTING the
office and instructions. 


Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, constituting the Office of Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of Canada.

Dated 23rd March, 1931.

GEORGE THE FIFTH, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, KING, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India; 

To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greetings:

Preamble — Recites Letters Patent of 15th June, 1905

WHEAREAS by certain Letters Patent under the Great Seal bearing date at Westminster the Fifteenth day of June, 1905, His late Majesty King Edward the Seventh.did.constitute, order, and declare that there should be a Governor General in and over Our Dominion of Canada, and that the person filling the said office of Governor General should be from time to time appointed by Commission under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet:
    And whereas it is Our Will and pleasure to revoke the said Letters Patent, and to substitute other provisions in place thereof:

Revoke Letters Patent of 15th June, 1905.

Now therefore We do by these presents revoke and determine the said recited Letters Patent, and everything therein contained, but without prejudice to anything lawfully done thereunder: And we do declare Our Will and pleasure as follows:

Office of Governor-General and

I. We do hereby constitute, order, and declare that there shall be a Governor General and Commander-in-Chief in and over Our Dominion of Canada (hereinafter called Our said Dominion), and appointments to the said office shall be made by Commission under Our Sign Manual and Signet.
II. We do hereby authorize and empower Our said Governor General to keep and use the Great Seal of Our said Dominion for sealing all things whatsoever that shall pass the said Great Seal.

Appointment of Judges, Justices, etc.
III. And We do further authorize and empower Our said Governor General to constitute and appoint, in Our Name and on Our behalf all such Judges, Commissioners, Justices of the Peace, and other Necessary Officers and Ministers of Our said Dominion, as may be lawfully constituted or appointed by Us.

Suspension or removal from office. 

IV. And We do further authorize and empower Our said Governor General, so far as We lawfully may, upon sufficient cause to him appearing, to remove from his office, or to suspend from the exercise of the same, any person exercising any office within Our said Dominion, under or by virtue of any Commission or Warrant granted, or which may be granted, by Us in Our name or under Our authority.

Summoning, proroguing, or dissolving the
Dominion Parliament.

V. And we do further authorize and empower Our said Governor General to exercise all powers lawfully belonging to Us in respect of the summoning, proroguing, or dissolving the Parliament of Our said Dominion.

Power to appoint Deputies.

VI. And whereas by "The British North America Act, 1867," it is amongst other things enacted that it shall be lawful for Us, if We think fit, to authorize the Governor General of Our Dominion of Canada to appoint any person or persons, jointly or severally, to be his Deputy or Deputies within any part or parts of Our said Dominion, and in that capacity to exercise, during the pleasure of Our said Governor General, such of the powers, authorities, and functions of Our said Governor General as he may deem it necessary or expedient to assign to such Deputy or Deputies, subject to any limitations or directions from time to time expressed or given by Us; "Now we do hereby authorize and empower Our said Governor General, subject to such limitations and directions as aforesaid, to appoint any person or persons, jointly or severally, to be his Deputy or Deputies within any part or parts of Our said Dominion of Canada, and in that capacity to exercise, during his pleasure, such of his powers, functions, and authorities, as he may deem it necessary or expedient to assign to him or them: Provided always, that the appointment of such a Deputy or Deputies shall not affect the exercise of any such power, authority or function by Our said Governor General in person..(limiting the appointee's power to below that of the Governor General)

Succession to the Government.

VII. And We do hereby declare Our pleasure to be that, in the event of the death, incapacity, removal, or absence of Our said Governor General out of Our said Dominion, all and every the powers and authorities herein granted to him shall, until Our further pleasure is signified therein, be vested in such person as may be appointed by Us under Our Sign Manual and Signet to the Lieutenant Governor in Our said Dominion, then in such person or persons as may be appointed by Us under Our Sign Manual and Signet to administer the Government of the same; and in case there shall be no person or persons within Our said Dominion so appointed by Us, then in Our Chief Justice for the time being, then, in the Senior Judge for the time being of Our said Supreme Court then residing in Our said Dominion and not being under incapacity.
    Provided always, that the said Senior Judge shall act in the administration of the Government only if and when Our said Chief Justice shall not be present within Our said Dominion and capable of administering the Government..(the Governor General was the government over all the Provinces in Canada)
    Proviso..Lieutenant Governor, etc., to take oaths of office before administering the Government.
Provided further that no such powers or authorities shall vest in such Lieutenant Governor, or such other person or persons, until he or they shall have taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by the Governor General of Our said Dominion, and in the manner provided by the Instructions accompanying these Our Letters Patent.

Officers and others to obey and assist
the Governor General.

VIII. And we do hereby require and command all Our Officers and Ministers, Civil and Military, and all other inhabitants of Our said Dominion, to be obedient, aiding, and assisting, unto Our said Governor General, or, in the event of his death, incapacity, or absence, to such person or persons as may, from time to time, under the provisions of these Our Letters Patent, administer the Government of Our said Dominion.

Power reserved to His Majesty to Revoke, alter, or
amend the Present Letters Patent.

IX. And We do hereby reserve to Ourselves, Our heirs and successors full power and authority from time to time to revoke, alter, or amend these Our Letters Patent as to Us or them shall seem meet.

Publication of Letters Patent.

X. And We do further direct and enjoin that these Our Letters Patent shall be read and proclaimed at such place or places as Our said Governor General shall think fit within Our said Dominion of Canada.
In Witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent. Witness Ourself at Westminster, the twenty-third day of March, in the Twenty-first Year of Our Reign.

By warrant under the King's Sign Manual.

(Schuster was the man in charge of the Colonial Office;
The King of England at this time was a limited monarch and couldn't sign it, as the sovereign rights to royalty
had long since been signed away)
Letters Patent CONSTITUTING the Office of Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of Canada

(photocopy of this legal Letters Patent)

I n d e x  o f  s i t e
