Abraham, Plains of.(Quebec's battle on these plains)
Adam Smith
Acts and events (of Britain and US pertaining to Canada)
Adderly's.(British House of Commons member).comments on initiation of the BNA Act.(*).
Aid and advise.(the British appointed Governor General had a body of men to
...."aid and advise" him)-1--2--3--4--5--6
Altered status of Provinces
American colonies of Britain
American Revolution.(why Britain thought the Revolution developed)
American invasion.(ready to invade Canada)
Annex Canada.(US was going to)
Arbitration, Tribunal of.(American/British conflict)
Articles of Confederation.(United States first constitution)
Articles of Confederation (Article XI allows Canada to be admitted into the United States Union)
Assumed power (Ottawa did after Britain pulled out).-1--2--3--4--5
Atlantic Charter
..Eminent Domain
..federal union got going in 1901
....Imperial Conferences 1926; references-1--2--3
Author of this treatise
Balfour Report
Banks, American Representative's bill to annex CanadaBeauchesne, Dr. Arthur credentials
Bennett, Rt. Hon. Richard B. (11th prime minister of Canada, 1930-1935 {Conservative Party})
..and the Imperial Conference 1930
..his 'Commission' Governor General trick
Bills.(what's a 'bill' in parliamentary language)
..Bill of Rights, England's, 1689
..Canadian Bill of Rights.(also see Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms)
..BNA Act was a private British Bill.(not.a Canadian constitution, but rather a British designed Act)
..Reform Bill of 1832
BNA Act (British North America Act)
..a coerced unifying
..a constitution for her colonies it wasn't (well, just what was the constitution?)
..a private British Bill.(not.a Canadian constitution)
..allowed for Provincial and Federal responsibilities
..and Governor General's authority
..bamboozled into believing the British BNA Act actually made Canada a country in her own right
BNA Act now dead-1--2--3
..cannot be implemented without a Governor General
..changed wording
..clauses inserted
..comparison of wording delegates from Canada, now in Britain wanted, with what Britain used
..did not provide for two central governments in Canada where one may 'take over' after Statute
of Westminister, December 11, 1931
..does not create a government.–.so just what did it create
..drafted by, authored by, written by
..ending date
..first page deleted which had Canada wanted (and different versions appear)
..a guide (wanted to be used by the Canadian delegation as a guide for creating their own country)-1--2
..haste to hurry BNA Act through.–.by England.(Great Britain, British, United Kingdom)-1--2--3
..haste to hurry BNA Act through.–.by Canada
..inadequate for the sovereign provinces
..intent and purpose of the Act in 1867
..not a reproduction of the Quebec Resolutions of 1864
..not brought to Canada
..never designed to be a constitution (or 'you can't turn an orange into a car', unless of course you
believe in evolution)-1--2--3
..opposed to the idea of self government.(not a basis for a constitution)
..original and Canadians delegates wording compared
..presentation of the BNA bill to House of Lords in Britain by Lord Carnarvon, February 19, 1867
..'sick bird'.from the beginning
..Sir John A. Macdonald's copy of the BNA Act
..Special Committee convened to investigate the BNA Act after enactment of the Statute of Westminster
(what they said)
..used by Prime Minister Trudeau for his ideas
..what the Clerk of the House of Commons in Canada feels about the BNA Act
..why the BNA Act can not be used for a confederation of the Provinces in Canada
..why the BNA Act was put forth
..wording was as Britain decided (circumvented the Canadian delegation)
..wording as Canada wanted
Bright, John (British Parliamentary member in 1843).his comment on rushing the BNA Act through parliament
British.(words Britain, Great Britain, England, United Kingdom are generally synonymous)
..abandon Canada, if necessary, discussed at time of threat of American invasion
..authority for exercising her might over her Colonies 1) 2)
..coercive tactics of the past to Nova Scotia and to Virginia, as examples of how fierce Britain
....was in controlling her colonial possessions
..colonial holdings.(in Canada and US)
..compromised with US demands
..control of her Dominion of Canada-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8
..deleted first page of BNA Act before it goes to House of Commons
..first colony in North America
..free of her control of Canada--1--2--3
..haste to hurry BNA Act through.(why the haste?)-1--2--3
..House of Commons (called the same in Canada and akin to House of Representatives in US)
....House of Commons March 29, 1867
..House of Lords (called the same in US and akin to Senate in Canada)
..how the British colonies in the US separated from Britain and why
..limited monarchy-1--2--3--4--5--6
..owned the land in Canada before 1931
..right and reason for might by which Britain held its colonies 1) 2)
.too soft in the past wanted the BNA to firm things up
British ColumbiaBrothers.–.US and Britain in history