those living in Canada should love to be one with our American brothers
and sisters.
How does no more income tax,
etc. sound to you, debts wiped out, money coming back that was stolen
in many ways
by the cabal who took it from all of us, including you, our moms, dads
& grandparents and that going back for generations.
much is coming to each of us? It's all been tracked back
to the 1700's.
How does free healing of ALL diseases, restoring even missing
limbs and making
you much younger and stronger with the new Med
Beds sound to you?
How does peace sound to you with no more horrible
evils upon children or anyone?
How does the elimination of subjugation
of all people by the many
ways, such as financial corruption,
the cabal used sound to you? How does a three day work week sound to
you? And so much more!
Not available in your country yet? It will all
be, thanks to Trump, Putin and the rest of the Alliance world militaries
et al.
Support what's coming with your prayers as much
as you can.
Canada far better off with America under Trump
than being sold to the Communist Chinese. Who would you rather be with?
I would like to celebrate Canada's birthday! Well another
might say, just wait till July 1 and you can celebrate It'll probably be it's last as the corporate cabal controlled government of Canada, which is actually Canada Inc. a private now bankrupt corporation owned beyond Canada, like the USA, also a corporation and both broke because of the satanic financial Babylonian money system used by those who created & controlled those corporations for their benefit, while you were made to pay the price. But that's all over now, thank God! So what was Canada when it was a foreign corporation? Please see the great video above Canada The Illusion. Canada, like so many countries in the world today, needs to be and is, changing from its satanic origins to the new world of God and becoming again how the country was before the British came to Canada and conned the people out of both their land and resources. Canada finally awakened to its true origins, that of being one with what is called America who is one with other God centered nations, Russia and the BRICS nations. Oh Canada! The national anthem, has the words, "...we stand on guard for thee", but easy to see We the People didn't stand on guard or the country wouldn't have gotten into the mess it's now having to come out of. It's a lesson for us all to learn. Be determined toward that. Learn about and stand up for truth about the country. We don't want evils ever again begin to creep in, spoiling the place where we live and the lives of good people in it, never again, that is, once it's cleaned up, which is being done as we speak. Canada Inc..(was an incorporated geographical expression held by custom. convention and tradition as a corporate business owned off Canada's shores by foreign corporate bodies - the extremely evil British Crown & Vatican, the British Crown now is defunct, the Vatican too and Canada has been bankrupted by those who used and abused what We the People thought was our home), is the foreign held corporation, called since 1867, the government of Canada and is insolvent and has been for some time. America had to come to Canada's aid so it could at least keep going. The cabal's
plan having been to bankrupt the country and totally subjugate its people,
even murdering Canada's
people any way they can. Did you see it creeping toward this? Did you
know that the satanists
were in control, edging you toward sickness and death? All the while they
pretended to be good government, while they screwed you to the wall. It is hoped that the last Canada Day of the corrupt system having ruled Canada for decades has already occurred. Praise God, because it's the end of the time allowed for the dark side ones to change from a heart of evil to one of good. In the time they had left. instead of changing, they just got worse, putting We the People on a highway to hell. The new better life for all good people including those in Canada, is now here thanks to Trump recognizing Canada as it was before the corrupt British Crown ruled over Canada as well as the US and that since the cabal's constitution of 1871, a screwjob on We the People to put and keep the country in their hands. Shall we name a new day that reflects the joining again of Canadian people with their brothers and sisters in the US. Nah! Let's just use July 4, American Independence Day. No longer called the US or USA, but now properly 'America', America as evidenced in the original American 1776 Constitution, now restablished thanks to Trump. Independence Day sounds good! Homecoming Day sounds good; a coming back to our original home, before the cabal, which was all under Britain with its corrupted Washington, D.C. controllers hoodwinking all of us. Canada has been a part of America until what become known as the cabal, took over the United States, supplanting the good We the People.1776 American Constitution with their own corrupt 1871 one. This took decades of their planning and infiltration. Why did most people let all the evil just slide in? Well, the cabal had already infiltrated the education system. Always be as sure as you can that you are choosing good:.Psalms 37:9-14. So, the cabal got ahold of Canada, right underneath peoples eyes, as they had done in virtually every other country on Earth, using their tools of lies and deceit. Corrupt & paid off and blackmailed politicians, judges, court systems, police, attorneys, health systems, etc., etc., etc. who were and are all corporations, including the media and individuals hidden behind pulling the strings as the master controllers, all were in on it for your money, resources and for control over you for their use toward your death and that because they are satanic, dark ones who hate males & females God created. They were also content to get you into slavery in all ways, until you would be gone, all used up. They cared not at all for you. And considering their ways, they still don't:.Matthew 7:16-20. They are being taken down so people of love can now live their hearts in a safe, healthy and prosperous world. Fraud vitiates everything. It's then a clear slate to go forward from here. Being happy that we again are with our brothers and sisters in America and thanks to Trump and the original 1776 constitution, we are brought back into the lawful country we once were in. So, because it was all such a con job from the start, there is no valid historical truth about Canada that applies today. The fraud just carried on by those proven to be disreputable. As an example, initially, Canada Day was about the original four provinces in the Dominion of Canada and would more correctly be called 'Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Day'. Nova Scotia however, did not want any part of it. Maybe they knew what it really celebrated, British control over them. Anyhow, Canadian children were taught about it in the cabal programmed (brainwashed) school system. But, isn't it an accepted fact of Canadian history, that Canada's birthday is based upon her confederation in the year 1867? Sorry folks! There is no historic fact, nor any law, nor any agreement to support the fairy tale of an actual confederation in Canada in 1867. You've been duped! We were already with the Americans. The schools didn't teach you and the media kept information of true goings on away from you, because they were satanists and satanists always lie about everything. Honest constitutional
experts, honest parliamentarians, honest legists and true parliamentary
documentation support information herein.
How, indeed can something be repatriated that never originated? It was all part of Trudeau's con job upon the Canadian people. To restore or return to the country of birth, citizenship or origin, a constitution must have initially existed therein and in Canada only the BNA Act (British North America Act) had been extant and it wasn't a constitution as we comprehend a constitution to be. What was it then? One may say, surely after all this time if something was wrong with the whole setup, which it was, then constitutional experts, professors in various universities and legists would have had something to say. The ones who said nothing were part of the deceit. Yep! That widespread. And they did nothing because of fear of losing personal gain and because of being blackmailed and brainwashed. Many good experts had much to say. But most didn't care enough to follow them, instead watching the cabal tel-lie-vision's programming of people's minds. "There is nothing
so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."
...Peter F. Drucker, 1909-2005, Austrian born
Management Consultant and Author.
Truly, Canada is a great country in the eyes of the world. The men and women of the nation like it! It has so many good things for everyone and does continue to improve in spite of the corrupt governments it has had. Canada is and by its people, a land of custom, convention and tradition. Canada has grown to become what it today is, not because of government, but thanks to its 'We the People'. Why 'governments' in Canada (provincial and national) have had to rule by custom, convention and tradition, that is, by consensus of a geographical expression accepted by default and not like other properly formulated governments. The reason
Canadians have not created a proper federal union is because their rights
have been purposely kept from them.(*),
as you will see as you read through.
Many Canadians.think.that the repatriated BNA Act (British North America Act) forms the basis of the Constitution of Canada, that's the one former Prime Minister Trudeau brought to pass when he.'repatriated' the 'constitution', as he referred to the BNA Act (altered and now called 'The Constitution Act', but it was nothing of the sort). Have you ever wondered where it is
the central (federal) government gets its authority to act from and,
who gave it to them?
No other constitution
in the world allows what has gone on in Canada by the previous federal
governments. I mean really, just what
is Canada constitutionally? Questions: Just what documents support
a position of governing over Canadians? And, who
really owns the land in Canada? To comprehend, we need to know what
Eminent Domain is. And we need to be aware of the meaning of what former
Prime Minister Trudeau referred to as the repatriation of the constitution.
Haste by Ottawa. Haste
by England. In cons, there's always
haste,.'get it done before someone notices
the details and figures out where it's all headed'.
It was.his.constitution (called.his because the people of the country really had nothing to do with it, especially when consideration is toward how constitutions were formulated and implemented in other countries). Trudeau figured, that if he can pull this off, the advantages to Ottawa of continued central control over all Canadians would be dyed even more in the minds of the populace. The 'constitution' was never ratified by the people of the Provinces. This particular constitution has no legal basis according to British law or any common law. It was a snow job. "The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default, by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles." ...Ayn Rand..So, you see folks of Canada, the well meaning attempt at giving Canadians some kind of a constitution obviously didn't mean much to most of the people of the country, so they were effectively left out of it. Did they deserve a proper constitution? If they did, they failed to show it by any actions on their part. So, they have what they have.It's been the same throughout history whenever the people have no effective say in matters that affect or will affect them. At any rate,.off Trudeau flew to.Great Britain.to get.approval of the British Parliament.(was he really nuts; going to.another.country for approval of a constitution the people in.his.country had nothing to do with, but could have been created by them without need of anything from Britain at all? Well, at least it was something appearing constitutional).for ideas disguised.as a constitution for Canadians, but it appeared to be an unnecessary and unfounded 'smoke and mirrors' ploy. As it played out it kept Canadians far away from the wonderful rights conferred upon the Provinces by the Statute of Westminster; rights, that should have been made known to Canadians; rights not made known to any degree of effectiveness to the public and ended up being of continued great advantage to those wishing the status quo of central control of the country by Ottawa continuing to disadvantage We the People. What the prime ministers, Trudeau, Bennett and King wanted, was to make if look like the BNA Act was a continuing act, with Trudeau hailing it as at least something Canadians could have to be proud about; but not many cared. All of these Canadian prime ministers began referring to the BNA Act as Canada's constitution, as they all wanted it to look as if it was. Trudeau, obviously comprehending
little about Canadian constitutional history or perhaps
knew it better than many and could see the implications
if the truth were known, spent taxpayers money
to create a so-called
Canadian constitution, a 'constitution' that constituted ideas gleaned
from the BNA act, lacked effective public input (had nine people agree
to it, of which, as it appears, most of whom had no idea what was.really.going
on), reflected few if any of the desires of the people or the concerns
of businesses in the Provinces; made sure, by the haste, a lack of effective
public meetings about it occurred, attached other
documents to the defunct
British designed BNA Act and off he went to England to 'repatriate'
what he thought Canadians would accept as being.their.constitution.
He never told Canadians exactly what Britain said regarding all this. What
did Britain think of it all?
It was the use of 'smoke and mirrors' to make it look on the surface as though everything at the top was hunky dory. In practice, however, Ottawa was appointing (say controlling) the Governor General.(*).instead of the other way around (the other way around was how it was under the BNA Act.when it was in force). It was a
twist that has served Ottawa well in its course of interaction with the
Provinces. Their self-setup privileged
ways of managing the country supplies oligarchical
policies. Perhaps they have had advisers like
this ... and hopefully that's not the case at the present.
It was a wrong way to have anything to do with even the hint of a constitution. It included nothing of what people in Canada may have wanted, as they were.not involved in its formulation, mostly because they cared little if at all, being somewhat content with things as they were. Maybe the people knew this. If that be the case, the people of the land are much wiser than we give them credit to be. In addition, no availability was
made for.at least two.widespread
voting opportunities for Canadians.(critical
when an important document such as a constitution is being set up, wouldn't
you think?).on formulation of ideas
toward a constitution.
In this effort to provide some kind of a constitution, it was seriously inept in understanding facts from legal documents, such as.Letters Patent, the Statute of Westminster.(meaning of 'statute') and BNA Act. Was it not known what a Special Committee convened to investigate the British North America Act at the House of Commons, Ottawa, February 26, 1935 discovered? The BNA Act was not a reproduction of the Quebec Resolutions.at all. Trudeau had many fellow lawyers and
advisors who should have had access to these documents. How must they have
advised him? Could they see the possibility Eastern central control of
Canada would erode if the truth were widely known? Is this what spurred
this haphazard so-called constitutional effort onward?
The US and Britain (stemming from two brothers back in Old Testament times; two brothers called Ephraim and Manasseh) had a long altercation history (don't all brothers fight once in a while as they grow up?). See an encyclopedia for War of 1812, etc.. The United States at this time, was itself an imperial power competing with Britain and also very upset. The US was upset at what Britain had done and was demanding reparation. Among many British rulers it was
felt that the American
Revolution resulted from Britain permitting independence.(*).in
the 13 American colonies,
and they must have thought.'not
another war with the US.(they had a
war some 50 years earlier, the war of 1812),.we've
been too soft; in this BNA Act, we had better tighten up the things which
led to this earlier American
Britain desired to bind British North Americans more securely to Great
Britain. Britain wanted to unite the provinces in Canada, at this time
Upper and Lower
Canada, Nova Scotia and
Brunswick under a Corporate
Sole (the Governor General), providing thereby a framework within which
other colonies (provinces) could be be included, as well as to further
strengthen Britain's presence against the US in discussions that were forthcoming
American Representative Banks designed a.bill.for annexation of Canada, dated July 2, 1866, and presented it to the American House (here it is). Ten thousand American troops were encamped in Buffalo, ready to move across Lake Ontario and another 180,000 braced for action in case Britain refused to submit their differences to an impartial Tribunal of Arbitration. 1,500 of the Buffalo contingent did invade Ontario under Colonel John O'Neil. The next day Britain agreed to arbitration. Some permanent solution had to be found. Britain compromised and paid the US, making great concessions in the process in order to keep Canada a colony of Britain. Britain was not about to leave the
colonies comprising Canada on their own to some sort of, what they viewed
at this time, 'cockeyed confederation plan' shoving Britain 'right out
of everything'. Britain did not want to lose her colonies in Canada and
worse yet, if she lost them, they may become part of the United States.
Sir John A. Macdonald received his
title from Britain appointing him to the Privy
Council, and thus made
him a member of the British Government.(he
was not in any way a "father of some sort of a Canadian confederation"
as Canadians have been led to believe). Sir John made a speech in
the House Of Commons February 24th 1871 clearly showing he
was no "father of confederation of any Provinces of Canada".
Index of Canadian political history Eternal Keys