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of, for or used in the game called billiards (a billiard ball; a billiard parlor)
a game played on a rectangular cloth-covered table with raised cushioned edges, in which a cue is used to hit three small, hard balls against one another or the side cushions of the table; Carom billiards is usually played on a pocketless table measuring 1.5 by 3 m (5 by 10 ft), using two cue balls, one for each player and one or two red object balls; the simplest version is called straight or free, billiards nd is the most widely played; a point is scored by caroming the cue ball from one object ball to another; more difficult are cushion caroms, in which the cue ball must come into contact with one or more cushions before completing the carom....comprised from Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Byzantine Empire.(map)
Constantinople became a capital of the Roman Empire in 330 A.D. after Constantine the Great, the first so-called.Christian.emperor, refounded the city of Byzantium and named it after himself.
The Byzantine Empire was the eastern part of the Roman Empire, which survived after the breakup of the Western Empire in the 5th century A.D. Its capital was Constantinople, now Istanbul, Turkey. Its predominant language was Greek. The Byzantine Empire has a long history 330-1453, having evolved from the Roman Empire's eastern territories after the western regions of the Roman Empire fell in the 5th century A.D. Initial harmony between church and state fortified the early empire during the 4th-6th centuries. The Crusades taxed the territories during the 11th century, precipitating a decline. Constantinople, the capital, fell in 1204 to Ottoman Turks, who conquered the last remnants of the Byzantine Empire in the early 14th century.....comprised from Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
of.or.relating.to the ancient city of Byzantium or relating to the Byzantine Empire; of or belonging to the style of architecture developed from the fifth century A.D. in the Byzantine Empire, characterized by a central dome resting on a cube formed by four round arches and their pendentives and by the extensive use of surface decoration, especially veined marble panels, low relief carving and colored glass mosaics; of the painting and decorative style developed in the Byzantine Empire, characterized by formality of design, frontal stylized presentation of figures, rich use of color, especially gold and generally religious subject matter; of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it; highly complicated; intricate and involved (to most people the computer wiring of vehicles today is downright byzantine)
a native or inhabitant of Byzantium or the Byzantine Empire

baby, babied, babying, babies.transitive verbs
to treat with often inordinate.indulgence and solicitude; pamper
the endearing ways babies act
baby, babier, babiest.adjectives
of or having to do with a baby; infantile or childish; small in comparison with others of the same kind (baby vegetables such as baby carrots)
the time of being a baby
a very young child; an infant; the youngest member of a family or group; a grown individual who behaves in an infantile way; an object of personal.concern, attention and interest (that old car is his baby after he restored it to perfect.condition)
a baby; an infant; an innocent or naive individual; a young woman

a piled-up mass, as of snow or clouds (a snow bank); a heap; a steep.natural.incline; the slope of land adjoining a body of water, such as adjoining a river, lake or channel; in the game of billiards or pool, the cushion of a billiard or pool table (the fabric on the bank of the table was worn from use over many years)

the lateral inward tilting, as of a motor vehicle or an aircraft, in turning or negotiating a curve
bank, banked, banking, banks.verbs
transitive verb use.to border or protect with a ridge or embankment; to pile up; amass (banked Earth along the wall); to construct with a slope rising to the outside edge (the turns on the racetrack were steeply banked); to tilt an aircraft laterally and inwardly in flight; to tilt a motor vehicle laterally and inwardly when negotiating a curve; to strike a billiard ball so that it rebounds from the cushion of the table; to play a ball in such a way as to make it glance off a surface, such as a backboard or wall
intransitive verb use.to rise in or take the form of a bank; to tilt an aircraft or a motor vehicle laterally when turning

a business.establishment in which money is kept for saving or commercial purposes or is invested, supplied for loan or exchanged; the offices or building in which such an establishment is located; a supplyorstock for future or emergency use (a grain bank; a seed bank; a blood bank); a place of safekeeping or storage (a computer's memory bank); a moneychanger's table or place of business was called a bank (Emmanuel chasing out the moneychangers of the temple:.Matthew 21:12-14)
bank, banked, banking, banks.verbs
transitive verb use.to deposit in or as if in a bank
intransitive verb use.to transact business with a bank or maintain a bank account; to operate a bank

bank on, banks on, banked on, banking on.phrasal verbs
to have confidence in; rely on (she's banking on a decent.bonus for her hard work)

a set of similar or matched.things.arranged in a row, such as a set of elevators or row of keys on a keyboard
bank, banked, banking, banks.transitive verbs
to arrange or set up in a row (every street was banked with purple-blooming trees)

those in bankruptcy do not have any contract rights, they have  lost capacity to exist, such as a government gone bankrupt no longer has any authority, nor do any of its various departments and agencies; an individual or corporation (most governments in the world are corporate entities) that is totally.lacking in a specified.resource or quality (an intellectual bankrupt; a corporate bankrupt; one being morally bankrupt)
Law:.in law, a debtor, individual or government, that upon voluntary.petition or one invoked by the debtor's creditors, is judged insolvent, the debtor's remaining property is then administered for the creditors or is distributed.among them (a government goes bankrupt, its assets are seized and distributed among the people)
having been declared financially insolvent; financially ruined; impoverished; depleted of valuable.qualities or characteristics (a morally and ethically bankrupt politician, who stood not for We the People, but for a corporation of corruptness); destitute (was bankrupt of new ideas); being in a ruined state (bankrupt policies which impoverish nations, such as financial rules used to subjugate We the People)
bankrupt, bankrupted, bankrupting, bankrupts.transitive verbs
to cause to become financially bankrupt; to ruin (an administration that bankrupted its credibility by seeking to manipulate the news)

a stiff hair; bristles are the short hairs that grow on a man's chin after he has shaved; the hairs on the top of a head can also be called bristles when they are cut very short; bristles are thick, strong animal hairs that feel hard and rough (it has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles); the bristles of a brush are usually the preferred thick natural animal hairs or the cheaper plastic hair-like pieces attached to it (the bristles on your toothbrush) 
bristle, bristled, bristling, bristles.verbs
intransitive verb use.to stand stiffly on end like bristles (the hair on the dog's neck bristled); to raise the bristles (the cat bristled at the sight of the large dog); to react in an angry or offended manner (the authority bristled at the suggestion of plagiarism); to be covered or thick with or as if with bristles (the forest path bristled with thorns)
transitive verb use.to cause to stand erect like bristles; stiffen; to ruffle; disturb
bristly, bristlier, bristliest.adjectives
consisting of or similar to bristles; thick with bristles; tending to react with agitation or anger; belligerent

befriend, befriended, befriending, befriends.transitive verbs
to behave as a friend to; if you befriend someone, for example someone who is lonely or far from home, you make friends with them (the film's about an elderly woman and a young nurse who befriends her)

of, relating.to.or belonging to the human body; physical.as opposed to.mental or spiritual (bodily health)
in the flesh; in person (bodily but not mentally present); as a complete physical entity (carried the child bodily from the room)
the entire.material or physical structure of an organism; the physical part of a man or woman; a human being; a group of individuals regarded as an entity (Romans 12:5 "So we, being many, are one body in Christ and every one members one of another."); a number of persons, concepts or things regarded as a group (that family has a great body of beliefs that have sustained them through the rocky road of life; this is the entire body of books on the subject of bylaws); the passenger and cargo carrying part of an aircraft, ship or other vehicle); a mass or collection of material that is distinct from other masses (a body of water such as the ocean); consistency of substance, as in paint, textiles or wine (a spaghetti sauce with body, not runny as most are)
body, bodied, bodying, bodies.transitive verbs
to furnish with a body; to give shape to ("Imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown"....Shakespeare)

body language
your body language is the way in which you show your feelings or thoughts to others by means of the position or movements of your body, rather than with words:.Proverbs 23:7

having no body, form or substance; incorporeal