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a flat-bladed hand tool for leveling, spreading or shaping substances such as cement or mortar; a small implement with a pointed, scoop-shaped blade used for digging, as in setting plants
trowel, troweled, troweling, trowels.transitive verbs
to spread, smooth, form or scoop with a trowel

a dense growth of shrubs or underbrush; something.suggestive of a dense growth of plants, as in impenetrability or thickness

thick, thicker, thickest.adjectives
something that is thick has a large distance between its two opposite sides (for breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and maple syrup; this material is very thick and this needle is not strong enough to go through it)
in a thick manner; deeply or heavily (seashells lay thick on the beach); in a close, compact.state or arrangement; densely dozens of braids hung thick from the back of her head; so as to be thick (slice the bread thick for the best French toast)
you can use thick to talk or ask about or describe how wide or deep something is (slice the meat thickly; the folder was two inches thick; how thick are these walls?; the size of the fish will determine the thickness of the steaks); if something that consists of several things is thick, it has a large number of them very close together (she inherited our father's thick, wavy hair; they walked through thick forest); dense ( rounded a bend where the trees and brush grew thickly); if something is thick with another thing, the first thing is full of or covered with the second (the air is thick with smoke and chemicals); having or suggesting a heavy or viscous.consistency (thick tomato sauce); having a great number; abounding (a room thick with flies); impenetrable by the eyes (a thick fog); noticeably affecting sound; conspicuous (a thick brogue); lacking.mental.agility; stupid; very friendly; intimate (they have been thick friends for years)
the thickest part; the most active or intense part (in the thick of the movie)
thick and thin.idiom
good and bad times (they remained friends through thick and thin

a band of tough, inelastic.fibrous.tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment

topographic study of a given place, especially the history of a region as indicated by its topography; in medicine, the anatomical.structure of a specific.area or part of the body; in mathematics, the study of the properties of geometric figures or solids that are not normally affected by changes in size or shape, as discovered by the great French mathematician Henri Poincaré topologic.or.topological.adjective

topography is the study and description of the physical features of an area, for example its hills, valleys or rivers or the representation of these features on maps; the topography of a particular area is its physical shape, including its hills, valleys and rivers (the topography of the world has changed significantly since the great flood); detailed, precise.description of a place or region; graphic representation of the surface features of a place or region on a map, indicating their relative positions and elevations; a description or an analysis.of.a structured.entity, showing the relations among its components; the art or practice of graphic.delineation in detail.usually on maps or charts of natural and man-made features of a place or region especially in a way to show their relative positions and elevations (topographical surveying); the surface features of a place or region; the surface features of an object (the topography of a crystal); the surveying of the features of a place or region; the study or description of an anatomical region or part

having a physical appearance and exhibiting personal qualities that are deemed highly appealing to television viewers

the diffused light from the sky during the early evening or early morning when the Sun is below the horizon and its light is refracted by the Earth's atmosphere; the time of the day when the Sun is just below the horizon, especially the period.between sunset and dark; dim or diffused illumination; a period or condition of decline following growth, glory or success (in the twilight of life); a state of ambiguity.or obscurity
often used to modify another noun (the twilight glow of the sky; a twilight area in the interpretation of a Constitution)
twilight zone.proper noun
an area of ambiguity between two distinct states or conditions

a main road or public highway; a place of passage from one location to another; a heavily traveled passage, such as a waterway, strait or channel

an uncaring individual who is obstinately.rude and/or cruel; a ruffian; a hoodlum

the.definite article
used before singular or plural nouns and noun phrases that denote.particular, specified persons or things (the baby; the dress I wore; the car she drives); used to indicate.uniqueness (the Prince of Wales; the moon; the film industry); used before nouns that designate natural phenomena or points of the compass (the weather; a wind from the south)

transport, transported, transporting, transports.transitive verbs
to carry from one place to another; convey; to be moved to strong emotion (got carried away with the music and, in my mind, was transported into the past); enrapture
the act of transporting; conveyance; the condition of being transported by emotion; rapture; ecstasy; a vehicle, such as an aircraft, used to transport passengers, mail or freight; to transmit; a system for transporting passengers (public transport such as buses, taxis, airplanes and the like)
the act or an instance of transporting; the state of being transported; a means of conveyance (conveying passengers or goods); a fare in order to ride a public conveyance

Tiberius B.C.E. 42 to 37 A.D. Emperor of Rome (14 to 37 A.D.)
chosen by Augustus Caesar to be heir to the throne, he was a suspicious, tyrannical ruler

toward.preposition.also 'usward' or 'us-ward', seen used as 'to us-ward' as in Ephesians 1:19, but today just used as toward)
word toward means, in the direction of (driving toward home); in a position facing (had his back toward me); somewhat before in time (it began to rain toward morning); with regard to; in relation to (an optimistic.attitude toward the future); in furtherance or partial.fulfilment of (contributed five dollars toward the paying for the meal); by way of achieving; with a view to (efforts toward peace)
favoring.success or a good outcome; propitious; happening.soon; imminent
appearing likely to succeed; promising; advantageous; favorable
Usage note: Some critics have tried to discern a semantic.distinction between toward and towards, but the difference is entirely dialectal, where 'toward' is more common in American English and 'towards' is the predominant form in British English. See more Usage notes

treat, treated, treating, treats.verbs
transitive verb use.to act or behave in a specified.manner.toward; to regard and handle in a certain way (she treated herself to an afternoon of quiet and reflection); to regard.something or someone in a certain way (they treated the day as if it was her actual birthday); to subject to a process, an action or a change (treated them with kindness; treated the water with ozone after dangerous fluoride was thankfully removed; treated the injection water with salt to produce a harmless placebo); if something is treated with a particular.substance, the substance is put onto or into it in order to clean it, to protect it or to give it special properties, which can be either good or bad for humans; when someone, a caring knowledgeable individual, such as some health professional or a doctor or nurse, treats a patient who has some illness, he or she tries to make the patient well again; to deal with in writing or speech; discuss (a book that treats all aspects of health care); to provide with food, entertainment or gifts at one's own expense (treated her sister to dinner and the theater); to give someone or oneself something pleasurable (treated herself to a day in the country); to give aid to someone (the veterinarian treated many types of illnesses in different animals)
intransitive verb use.to deal with a subject or topic in writing or speech; to pay for another's entertainment, food or drink
something, such as one's food or entertainment, that is paid for by someone else; a source of a special delight or pleasure (a day in the country is a real treat for a city person; home made pumpkin pie is a special treat)
the act, manner or method of handling or dealing with someone or something (a sewage treatment plant; the emergency section of a hospital has trained people to apply medical remedies to a patient, but mostly avoiding the natural God given cures)

a teenager who follows the latest fad or craze as in dress or music; a young teenage girl
a teenager; an entertainment, especially a movie, directed toward a teenage audience (it was a teener movie)