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obeisance to someone or something is respect shown (leaders are corrupt who show lack of obeisance in their dealings with We the People); an obeisance is a physical gesture, such as a bow, that you make in order to show respect for someone or something (anciently, people would give obeisance to a token made with their own hands; they had many idols); a movement of the body made in token of respect, such as a bow; deference; respect showing obedience; from Middle English 'obeisaunce' which is from Old French 'obeissance' and from 'obeissant' the present participle of 'obeir' meaning 'to obey'

ordain, ordained, ordaining, ordains.verbs
to put in order; gets ready; appoints 

if you describe people or things as odious, you think that they are extremely.unpleasant; resentful; arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion.or.intense.displeasure; hateful; deserving.repugnance (odious associatesl an odious business)
odium is the dislike, disapproval or hatred that people feel for a particular individual, usually because of something that he or she has done; the state or quality of being odious; a strong dislike, contempt or aversion; a state of disgrace resulting from hateful or detestable.conduct

a small building of ancient Greece and Rome used for public performances of music and poetry; a contemporary.theater or concert hall

the property or quality of a thing that affects, stimulates or is perceived by the sense of smell; a sensation, stimulation or perception of the sense of smell; a strong, pervasive.quality; repute (a doctrine that is not currently in good odor, such as evolution taught as a body of principles explaining the origin of living organisms; the putrefactive odor of political policies designed for harming people)

exposed to something unpleasant or harmful; odiously or disgustingly.objectionable; highly offensive 

perversely.adhering to an opinion, purpose.or.course.in spite of.reason, arguments or persuasion (becoming seared in mind:.1Timothy 4:2); not easily subdued, remedied or removed (obstinate fever); unreasonable.persistence; close-mindedness; stubborn; mulish; headstrong; pertinacious
the state or quality of being stubborn or refractory; the act or an instance of being stubborn or refractory

marked by unruly or aggressive noisiness; defiant; clamorous-(obstreperous merriment); stubbornly resistant to control; unruly

offend, offended, offending, offends.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause displeasure, anger, resentment or wounded feelings in; to be displeasing or disagreeable to (onions offend my sense of smell)
intransitive verb use.to result in displeasure.(bad manners may offend)
one that offends; an individual who is offensive

also, language variant.offense,.offenses
the act of causing anger, resentment, displeasure or affront; (because of her unfriendly uncaring attitude she has created an energy that shoves others away); the state of being offended
Sports:.a team in possession of the ball or puck
giving painful or unpleasant sensations; nauseous; obnoxious (offensive odor of garbage); causing displeasure or resentment; in sports, of or relating to an attempt to score in a game or contest also of or relating to a team in possession of the ball or puck (the offensive linemen)

obtrude, obtruded, obtruding, obtrudes.verbs
transitive verb senses.to impose.(oneself or one's ideas) on others with undue.insistence or without invitation; intrude; to thrust out; push forward; to push forward into consideration or sight
intransitive verb senses-to impose oneself on others

forward in manner or conduct (obtrusive behavior); undesirably.prominent; something thrust out; protruding; given to thrusting oneself into the affairs of others; improper or offensive conspicuousness of interfering actions; to push oneself assertively forward; brash; pushy: the obtrusive behavior of a goon; undesirably noticeable
obtrusiveness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)
unobtrusive.is not being obtrusive

ostracize, ostracized, ostracizing, ostracizes.transitive verbs
to exile by ostracism; to exclude from a group by common consent
the act of banishing or excluding; banishment or exclusion from a group; disgrace; in Athens and other cities of ancient Greece, the temporary banishment by popular vote of a citizen considered dangerous to the state

open to view by all; done or shown openly for all to be affected by; manifest; not concealed or done in secret (overt hostility); overt murder such as by the so-called.covid 'vaccine')
overtness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

oppress, oppressed, oppressing, oppresses.transitive verbs
to keep down by any and all means; unjust use of force by authority (a people who were oppressed by tyranny); to weigh heavily on (poverty oppresses the spirit); compare repress
the act of oppressing; arbitrary and cruel exercise of power; things that oppress; to suppress, treat violently, maltreat, vex, do wrong to
difficult to bear; burdensome (oppressive laws); exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; weighing heavily on the senses or spirit (oppressive weather); burdensome

task; burden, responsibility

wild, riotous merrymaking; overindulgence in sensual depravation as referred to in 1Corinthians 10:7,8

opprobrious-(pronounced 'eh pro bri es').adjective
abusive; disgraceful; shameful; expressing opprobrium; deserving opprobrium; infamous
disgrace attached to shameful conduct; anything bringing shame or disgrace; demeaning

oppugn.(pronounced 'eh pune').transitive verb
to oppose with argument; reason.against; criticize.adversely; controvert; averse; adverse; antagonistic; anti; opposed
the quality.or.state of being oppugnant 
antagonistic; hostile; opposing

given to ostentation; pretentious
forward outright display; showiness; boastful; loud and proud exhibition

a natural result; a consequence; effect

government by a few, especially by a small faction of individuals or families; a state controlled by a few persons often behind the scene, behind closed doors and away from public view; those making up such a corrupt government
oligarchic or oligarchical.adjective

overture, overtured, overturing, overtures.transitive verbs
to present as an introduction or a proposal; to present or make an offer or a proposal to
Music:.an instrumental composition intended especially as an introduction to an extended work, such as an opera or oratorio; an introductory section or part, as of a poem; a prelude; an act, an offer or a proposal that indicates readiness to undertake a course of action or open a relationship

obfuscate, obfuscated, obfuscating, obfuscates.transitive verbs
to hide something by making it so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or overstand (obfuscating true events for purposes of deception): to render.indistinct or dim; to darken (the fog obfuscated the shore; names changed to purposely obfuscate:.1Kings 10:12)

an activity that serves as one's regular source of livelihood; a livelihood; an activity engaged in especially as a means of passing time; an avocation; the act or process of holding or possessing a place; the state of being held or possessed; invasion, conquest and control of a nation or territory by foreign armed forces; the military government exercising control over an occupied nation or territory
of, relating to or caused by engagement in a particular occupation (occupational hazards)
occupy, occupied, occupying, occupies.transitive verb
to fill up (time or space) (a lecture that occupied three hours); to dwell or reside in; to hold or fill (an office or a position); to seize possession of and maintain control over by or as if by conquest (occupy a territory); to engage, employ or keep busy (occupied himself with sculpting)
the occupants of a building or room are the people who live or work there; one that occupies a position or place (who is the new occupant of the house on the corner?; the occupants of a beehive; the four washrooms all have occupants); in law, one that is the first to take possession of something previously unowned
the act of occupying or the condition of being occupied; the state of being an occupant or a tenant; the period.during.which one owns, rents or uses certain.premises or land; the use to which something occupied is put (a building for commercial occupancy)

overwhelm, overwhelmed, overwhelming, overwhelms.transitive verbs
if something is overwhelmed, complete control or victory over it has been achieved; to affect deeply in mind or emotion.(he was overwhelmed with emotion at his son's graduation); to present with an excessive amount (they overwhelmed us with their kindness and gifts); to surge over and submerge; engulf (waves overwhelming the rocky shoreline)

used to mean that a fact can easily be noticed or understood (we're obviously going to need more help; your research has obviously been very thorough; obviously, this is going to take some time; effort is obviously important; she frowned and was obviously puzzled); used when giving information that you expect other people to already know or agree with (she was obviously a bad mom, just look at their son)
if something is obvious, it is easy to see and comprehend (Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse."); easily perceived or comprehended; quite apparent; you use obviously to indicate that something is easily noticed, seen or recognized (they obviously appreciate you very much); you use obviously when you are stating something that you expect the person who is listening to know already

a protein of the retina, especially the protein constituent of rhodopsin, that makes up one of the visual pigments

approval; agreement (said it was OK to cross the bridge now)
OK, OK'd or O.K.'d or okayed, OK'ing or O.K.ing or okaying, OK's or O.K.'s or okays.transitive verbs
to approve of or agree to
used to express approval or agreement

used especially in response to sudden pain (mommy made the 'owee' all better)

oasis.(o a sis).noun,.plural.oases.(o a siz)
a fertile or green spot in a desert or wasteland, made so by the presence of water; a situation or place preserved from surrounding unpleasantness; a refuge (an oasis of serenity.amid.chaos)

organize, organized, organizing, organizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to put together into an orderly, functional, structured whole; to arrange in a coherent form; systematize: organized her thoughts before speaking; to arrange in a desired pattern or structure; to arrange systematically for harmonious or united action (organize a school outing); arrange; to establish as an organization (organize a club)
intransitive verb use.to develop into or assume into a structure

the act or process of organizing; the state or manner of being organized; something that has been organized or made into an ordered whole (organized her clothes so that all the sweaters were in one drawer); a group of persons organized for a particularpurpose; a company or association (a charitable organization); a structure through which individuals cooperate systematically to provide services (the city parks department); the administrative personnel of such a structure