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a membranous layer, especially the iridescent (rainbow like colors) choroid (vascular membrane that forms the middle coat of the eye, between the sclera {white of the eye} and the retina) membrane in the eyes of certain animals, as the cat

any skillful.methods.employed to gain an end; an expedient for achieving a goal; a maneuver; procedures or a set of maneuvers engaged in to achieve an end, an aim or a goal (various tactics employed to subvert what was considered competition; tactics of control over others)
of, relating to or using tactics; of, relating to, used in or involving military or naval operations that are smaller, closer to base and of less long term significance than strategic operations; carried out in support of military or naval operations (tactical bombing); characterized by adroitness, ingenuity or skill

concerned with design or purpose in nature as relating to final causes
the study of final causes; the study of evidences of design in nature; a doctrine, as in vitalism, that purposes are immanent in nature, that purpose is involved in creation; a doctrine explaining phenomena by final causes; the fact or character attributed to nature or natural processes of being directed toward an end or shaped by a purpose; the use of design or purpose as an explanation of natural phenomena 

the quality of apparent purposefulness in living organisms that derives from their alleged-evolutionary-adaptation

an optical instrument consisting of a small mounted telescope rotatable in horizontal and vertical planes, used to measure angles in surveying, meteorology and navigation

passing from one stage, form, activity, place, etc., to another; 
Paleontology:.a fossil of which can be said representation exhibits (shows) a form that lies between two fundamentally different structures and functions in an actual evolutionary line of descent, or that is directly ancestral to any such fundamentally different species
the act of passing over, across or through; passage; conveyance of people or goods from one place to another, especially on a local public transportation system; a transition or change, as to a spiritual existence at death; in astronomy, the passage of a celestial body across the observer's meridian; a surveying instrument similar to a theodolite that measures horizontal and vertical angles
transit, transited, transiting, transits.verbs
transitive verb use.to pass over, across or through (aircraft transiting the United States and Canada); to revolve the telescope of a surveying transit about its horizontal.transverse.axis in order to reverse its direction
intransitive verb use.in astronomy, to make a transit

foolish boldness; foolhardiness; recklessness; rashness 
temerity referes to a boldness that fails to evaluate the consequences

transpose, transposed, transposing, transposes.verbs
to put something in the place of another; reverse or transfer the order or place of; interchange; to put into a different place or order; turned about in order or relation (transposed letters of the alphabet forming a different word); to alter in form or nature; transform

a transposable element especially when it contains genetic material controlling functions other than those related to its relocation

transvalue, transvalued, transvaluing, transvalues.transitive verbs
to evaluate by a new principle, one rejecting conventional or accepted standards 

the tau neutrino is a tauminus particle and is the most massive lepton at 3,500 times the mass of an electron, with a very short lifetime of 10-13 seconds
tauon; the tauon is an unstable lepton with mass approximately 3500 times that of the electron

a method of making X-ray photographs of a selected plane of the body; a method of producing a three-dimensional image of the internal structures of a solid object (as the human body or the Earth) by the observation and recording of the differences in the effects on the passage of waves of energy impinging on those structures; compare computerized assisted or, axial tomography (CAT) scan and positron emission tomography (PET)
radiography in which a three dimensional image of a body structure is constructed by computer from a series of plane cross sectional images made along an axis, called also computed axial tomography, computerized axial tomography, computerized tomography 

transform, transformed, transforming, transforms.verbs
transitive verb use.to change the form or outward appearance of something external or in inner nature (she was transformed into a happy girl)
transitive verb use-to change markedly the appearance or form of; to change the nature, function or condition of; convert
intransitive verb use.to undergo a transformation
the result, especially a mathematical quantity or linguistic (the study of the nature and structure of human speech) construction, of a transformation

a device used to transfer electric energy from one circuit to another, changing potential by either stepping up or stepping down the voltage by means of a potentiometer or similarly acting device; a pair of multiply wound, inductively coupled wire coils effecting a transfer of electrical potential by means of an alteration in voltage, current, phase or other electric characteristic

the act or an instance of transforming; the state of being transformed; a marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better; a mapping of one space onto another or onto itself; a construction derived by such transformation; the process of a transform from one level into another
transformative, transformational.adjectives
Genetics:.alteration of a bacterial cell by introduction of DNA from another cell or from a virus
Linguistics:.the process of converting a syntactic construction into a semantically equivalent construction according to the rules shown to generate the syntax of the language
a grammar that accounts for the constructions of a language by linguistic transformations and phrase structures, especially generative transformational grammar
Mathematics:.replacement of the variables in an algebraic expression by their values in terms of another set of variables

transmogrify, transmogrified, transmogrifying, transmogrifies.transitive verbs
to transform; to change into a different shape or form; convert
a transmogrifying or being transmogrified

transmute, transmuted, transmuting, transmutes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another (the way to change lead into gold); transform; convert
intransitive verb use.to undergo transmutation
change of one thing into another; the conversion of one element into another, as in radioactive-disintegration or by nuclear bombardment

the act or an instance of transmuting; transformation; the state of being transmuted
Physics:.transformation of one element into another by one or a series of nuclear reactions; the conversion of base metals into gold or silver in alchemy
tending to transmute; having to do with transmutation
transmutation, transmutability.nouns

trust is confidence in; the direction your confidence is toward is because of your faith; it is what your attention is on what it may be on; you have trust in one whom you have placed confidence; trust is reliance on something (we trust the car will get us there as we checked it all over); if you trust someone, you believe that they are honest and sincere and will not deliberately do anything to harm you; if you trust someone to do something, you believe that they will do it; if you trust God, you know God is real and is available for a relationship with you; firm.reliance on the integrity, ability, character, justice, etc. of an individual or thing; hope; entrusting one's self into another's care; having faith in another
Law:.in law, a legal.title to property held by one party for the benefit of another
trust, trusted, trusting, trusts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to have or place reliance; depend (scriptures on trusting in the Lord); to be confident; to hope in
transitive verb use.to have or place confidence in; depend on; to expect with assurance; assume (I trust the part needed for the car will arrive today so it can be fixed; I trust that you will be on time); trust is to believe (I trust what you say, meaning you agree and accept it as being true); to place in the care of another; entrust; to grant.discretion.to confidently (can I trust them with the boat?)
dependable, trustworthy
in trust.idiom
in the possession or care of a trustee

trustworthy, trustworthier, trustworthiest.adjectives
warrantingtrust; reliable; someone who is trustworthy can be trusted and depended on.(*)

trusty, trustier, trustiest.adjectives
trusty things, animals or people are reliable and have always worked well in the past (she still drives her trusty old Honda Civic); meriting trust; trustworth
trusty n., pl. trusties
something or someone regarded as worthy of trust; a trusted person
trustiness n.

  ADJ: ADJ n
  = faithful

one to whom something is entrusted; a trustee is someone with legal control of money or property that is kept or invested for another person or company
trustee, trusteed, trusteeing, trustees.intransitive and transitive verb use
to place property in the care of a trustee or to function or serve as a trustee

by that means; because of that; in connection with that

at that place; there; at that event; on account of that

titter, tittered, tittering, titters.intransitive verbs
to laugh in a restrained, nervous way; giggle
titter, titterer.nouns
a nervous giggle

exhaustively.complete (a thorough search); a thorough action or activity is one that is done very carefully and in a detailed way so that nothing is forgotten; painstakingly.accurate; carefully done (followed instruction exactly; thorough research)
thorough, thoroughly.adverbs
very thorough; complete (thoroughgoing research); unmitigated; unqualified (a thoroughgoing student of physics)

a reckoning or score; a stick on which notches were formerly made to keep a record of amounts paid or owed; something that is very similar or corresponds to something else (how does this tally up?)
tally, tallied, tallying, tallies.verbs
transitive verb use.to reckon or count; to record by making a mark; to cause to correspond or agree
intransitive verb use.to be alike; correspond or agree

trade wind.noun,.plural.trade winds
any of a consistent system of prevailing winds occupying most of the tropics, constituting the major component of the general circulation of the atmosphere and blowing northeasterly in the Northern Hemisphere and southeasterly in the Southern Hemisphere; often used in the plural, trade winds

the people working in or associated with a business or an industry (the trade of carpentry; the trade of plumbing); an exchange of one thing for another; the business of buying and selling commodities; commerce; the customers of a specified.business or industry; clientele; a transaction; an occupation, especially one requiring skilled effort; craft (the building trades, including carpentry, masonry, plumbing, and electrical installation); often trades, the trade winds
trade, traded, trading, trades.verbs
intransitive verb use.to engage in exchanging; to make an exchange of one thing for another; to trade at the local farmers markets
transitive verb use.to give in exchange for something else (trade our farm products for other goods; will trade my ticket for yours); to pass back and forth (we traded jokes)
trade down.phrasal verbs
to trade something in for something else of lower appearance value (traded the elaborate bike for a older one with less weight)
trade up.phrasal verb
to trade something in for something else of greater value
trade in.phrasal verb
to surrender an old or used item in exchange for a newer one

designated as TM; a trademark is usually a name and/or symbol.identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer; a distinctive.characteristic by which a person or thing comes to be known (the shuffle and snicker that became the comedian's trademark) 
trademark, trademarked, trademarking, trademarks.transitive verbs
to label a product with proprietary identification; to register something as a trademark
