If you gave all
your money away, what would be left to help others in the future?.Matthew
6:21 "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Yet, there may be a time
to be like this. Perhaps when one is old. Some have given all they have.Mark
12:41-44 "And Emmanuel
sat over against the treasury and beheld how the people cast money into
the treasury. And many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain
poor widow and she threw in two mites which make a farthing.(a
coin formerly used in Great Britain worth one fourth of a penny; something
of very little value). And he called
unto him his disciples and said unto them, Verily
I say unto you, That this poor widow has cast more in than all they which
have cast into the treasury. For all they did cast in of their abundance,
but she of her want.(out
of her poverty, her state
of lack).did
cast in all that she had even all her living."
The Creator promises that
who trust Him will be looked
after and therefore, those trusting.(James
God are those of faith and need not be of
mind. God looks after
you: Deuteronomy 20:1-4;.Judges
7:2-7; 2Kings 6:8-23; 2Kings
19:32-35; 2Chronicles
25:5-13; Psalms 62:8; Proverbs
30:5; Isaiah 41:14,15;
39:15-18; Nahum 1:7; Hebrews
All well and good, but how
and what does one think and/or do to be an individual who is trusting in
God? First thing is to know God is real.
Once one knows God is indeed real, then one's trust
can reside in God. How's this work?
Never reject another's attempts
to have peace with you:.2Chronicles
25:5-22. Always care
for your enemies once you have conquered them, because it's an awakening
from the stupid blindness they've lived by, that of not knowing the real
God that has brought them to a severe awakening. Caring is praying,
a talking to God about what's on your mind at.any.time.
God is always
there. How then does God answer?
It's obvious one can't trust
those who've brought the world into the mess it's in. It's no wonder they
are dishonest,
using deceit and cheating to remain in position. Not only are they ignorant
of the way to peace.(Romans
3:17 "And the way of peace have they not known"),
they also are stupidly blinded.
It's obvious they have allowed
dark side to penetrate
their souls. One sees this by results of decisions they have made, which
turn out to be against the best interests of humanity. Such decisions are
seen to work no good for others but themselves. It's no wonder they have
to present false
fronts to stay ahead in their twisty games dealing frivolously
and uncaringly
with the lives of others. And such is the low consciousness of humanity
of those deceived and pumped
by and numbed
to others by the master duper:.Revelation
9:10 "And they that know your name will put their trust
in you, for you, Lord, have not forsaken them that seek you."
18:2-6 "The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God,
my strength, in whom I will trust. My buckler
and the horn of my salvation and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord,
who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved from mine enemies. The
sorrows of death compassed me and the floods of unGodly men made me afraid.
The sorrows of hell compassed me about. The snares of death prevented.(went
before; all I seemed to do led me in a pathway I didn't want).me.
In my distress I called upon the Lord and cried unto my God. He heard my
voice out of his temple and my cry came before him, even into his ears."
20:7 "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember
the name of the Lord our God."
31:5,6 "Into your hand I commit my spirit. You have redeemed me, O
Lord God of truth. I have hated them that regard lying vanities, but I
trust in the Lord."
31:15 "My times are in your hand..."
37:3 "Trust in the Lord and do good, so shall you dwell in the land
and verily you shalt be fed."
37:40 "And the Lord shall help them and deliver them. He shall deliver
them from the wicked and save them because they trust in him."
62:8 "Trust
in him at all times you people, pour out your heart before him. God is
a refuge for us..."
71:1 "In you, O Lord, do I put my trust. Let me never be put to confusion."
141:8 "But my eyes are unto you, O God the Lord. In you is my trust
not to leave my soul destitute."
3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own
22:17-20 "...hear the words of the wise and apply your heart unto my
knowledge. For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you...That
your trust may be in the Lord...Have not I written to you excellent things
in counsels and knowledge?"
29:25 "The fear of man brings a snare, but whoso puts his trust
in the Lord shall be safe."
1:7 "The Lord is good, a stronghold
in the day of trouble. He knows them that trust in him."
So, it is a thing of the
heart, personal for each of us according to our individuality, so why
worry? Who's ahead of you anyhow?.2Corinthians
10:12; Acts 10:34; Luke
The Creator has many ways
to take good care of us, so feel free to trust and put your hands in
His. And sometimes all
you can do is life up one hand and pull God's hand close to you.
A story from Sister Raquel's
letter, sisterraquel.com
A little boy and his father
visited the country store and upon leaving the store, the owner of the
store offered the little boy some free Sweets… 'Get a hand full of Sweets'
the merchant said to the boy.
The boy just stood there
looking up at his father. The owner repeated his offer 'Son, get a hand
full of Sweets, it's free'. Again the boy did not move, continuing to look
up to the face of his father. Finally, the father reached into the candy
jar and got a hand full of Sweets and gave it to his son.
As they walked back home,
the father stopped and asked his son why he did not grab a hand full of
the free candy. The boy, with a big smile, said 'Because I know that your
HAND is BIGGER than mine'.
So, whatever our needs are,
as we journey through life, please place them in OUR FATHER'S HAND because
HIS HAND is BIGGER THAN yours. God Bless and protect you!!
Our identity.(and
is that?).is
in and revolves around
His light. A person of
higher consciousness doesn't allow his life to revolve around the
things of the world, like money:.Colossians
3:3 "For you are dead
and your life is hid with Christ in God."
Make the
prize of a reward for your spiritual growth a priority;
put it first in life, enter into the kingdom of the Creator which is within
you, for it is this that is eternal and you'll live forever.
Your identity involves your
behavior and relationships with someone or something. What is it that you
are identified with?.Colossians
3:1,2; Philippians 4:8.
Identifying with Emmanuel
the Christ
us as being dead to ourselves.(Colossians
alive with Him in His resurrection.(Romans
6:11; 1Corinthians 15:18-22;
all that means; acceptance
by the Father, righteousness, forgiveness
and hope.
Creator-God gave the Earth
to humanity
to live on it. If you're here, you have a right to free land for yourself
and your family. God wanted you and all humans to exist in a physical paradise.
This was God's plan. This is why the Earth was created:.Genesis
1:1. The Creator obviously has accepted you or you just would not have
been created physically:.2Timothy
1:9. You're here because God wanted you to be here for a reason; what's
your passion?
But the dark side ones who
came to Earth to take it over and who were named the Khazarian.mafia
had their plan. And it wasn't good. They hated humans and figured they
would use them as slaves, disposing of those along the way they didn't
want around anymore.
Is there then really anything
so evil that one of the human species God made would do, that God just
could not forgive him or her for doing it? No matter how harmed one's soul
may have become, it can be repaired. gene
Decode explains. God wants your good. Satan's Khazarian mafia wants
to take it from you. They use land grabs everywhere and in many ways. There
are many evil tricks to dispossess you of property.
Since the God realm
is eternal,
things created also are eternal as their invisible pattern is always there,
even though the physical manifestation of that eternal design comes into
view, runs down and.could
eventually be gone from view. Our short life here is for learning and
then living forever with what we've gained. Not so for the satanic Khazarians.
Grace means you are in a
state of acceptance, a continued state of protective and blessed energy
surrounds you. That's what it means to be living by grace.
You were forgiven before your spirit, the real you that functions as your
human physical body, was made.
Christ was planned by the
Father-Creator-God to come and make any and all ways not of love, of non
spiritual effect in one's life, that is, so nothing would remain to hinder
relationship with God the Father. That's why all
sin for all time was all covered by what
Christ did.
God knew that we were coming
into a 'sin pit' of the devil on Earth. He knew we would partake of some
of it and would reap what we may have sown, hopefully learning lessons
in our lives along the way of living:.Psalms
When living
by grace one naturally wants to rest on God in all he or she thinks
to do:.1Thessalonians
If you feel that you must
do things to keep yourself in the favor of the Creator or things will
turn bad for you, you are living from a lower level of consciousness, a
level even below those of animals:.Matthew
6:26-30; Hebrews
12:12 "Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees."
Trying to keep some religious
law(s) is woefully inadequate and leaves one asking "What do I still need
to do":.Matthew
19:16-21 "And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what
good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him,
Why call me good? There is none good but one, that is God. But if you will
enter into life keep
the commandments. He said unto him, Which? Emmanuel said, Thou shalt
do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou
shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother and, Thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The young man said unto him, All these
things have I kept from my youth up..What
lack I yet?.Emmanuel
said unto him, If you will be perfect, go and sell that you have and give
to the poor and you'll have treasure in heaven and come and follow me.".(learn
to be of the best service that you can be {Luke
22:26 "...he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger
and he that is chief, as he that does serve."};
it's good for your reward)
Does this mean God wants
us to really sell all we have? No!
All the Old
Testament religious law did was cause
and that was what it was supposed to do:.Romans
3:19 "Now we know that what things soever the law said, it said to
them who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped and all the
world may become guilty before God."
See more under 'Mosaic
Law' and unhappy.
Emmanuel was showing the
of trying to be right with the Father.(which
means being in alignment with the intelligent energy, the higher consciousness
thinking frequencies).by
keeping the Old Testament law. A thing today of great importance that counts
with our Creator is belief.
That's the righteousness now, a righteousness of the heart.
And that's the righteousness
the Creator appreciated even back then. But few looked at the Creator
then as wanting a relationship
with Him. David did. Read
through the Psalms and see the love he felt in his heart for the Creator,
especially Psalms 31 and
David even understood the
of forgiveness and that rules, regulations, penalties and various sacrifices
really necessary to keep
oneself right with God. David
sought the higher spiritual relationship.
said to grow up.(Ephesians
4:15 "But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things,
which is the head, even Christ.").and
gives an example regarding eating that which may have been first sacrificed
to a pagan idol.(as
was common back then, as they had so many
idols), showing that mature Christians
need to be careful with their liberty so as not to offend babes.(new
Christians still growing toward a mature.comprehension):.1Corinthians
Let's desire
sincere word of the Creator and grow up in achieving the high calling:.Philippians
3:14 "I press toward the mark for
the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Emmanuel." 1Peter
2:2 "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that you
may grow thereby."
Ephesians 4:13
"Till we all come in the unity of
the faith.(the
faith is a oneness
of those in high consciousness).and
of the knowledge of the Son of God, into the perfect man.(Christ
was the perfect man), unto the measure
of His stature, the fulness of
the original can also be translated)."
1:23 "...the fulness of him that fills all in all."