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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary (m-w.com)
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maladministration of public position, such as an emolument violation; to seize; concealment of treason or felony by one who is not a directly active participant in the treason or felony, but who covers it up, thereby allowing others to be harmed by that action; seditious conduct; neglect in preventing or reporting a felony or treason by one not an accessory to those crimes, but aware of them (the Nazis in Germany in the Second World War were tacitly allowed to commit their atrocities because the people out of fear, did nothing to stop them and so it is the same today with the cruel imposition of covid's.guidelines, corrupt monetary policies, etc., which are criminal, because those pushing the fraud of covid and finances constantly lie about it; contempt; disdain; despise

lack of trust or confidence arising from suspicion; uncertainty
mistrust, mistrusted, mistrusting, mistrusts.verbs
transitive verb use.to regard without trust or confidence
intransitive verb use.to be wary, suspicious or doubtful

mausoleum.noun,.plural.mausoleums or mausolea
a large, stately.tomb or a building housing such a tomb or several tombs; many large gloomy rooms or buildings can be referred to as mausoleums (this building does nothing to lift one's attitude higher)

consisting of all universes, of which our universe is only one of a vast amount; all the galaxies and all therein; the contents of intergalactic space; compare universe; move away from thinking linear.timeline. We live in a multiverse where all events from past, present & future exist simultaneously; learn about timelines

What you actually experience in the present is a physical manifestation of your energetic signature; your own vibration, frequency & energy is rippled throughout the quantum spacetime reality, which magnetizes to everything & every moment that is unfolding in your physical presence; your life is truly a 'choose your own adventure' book, that is, you select the timeline from inside yourself that you want or you accept the default.negative one presented as prevalent throughout a society you may be living in. The prevalent one is that of the collective consciousness. There are many negative influences upon each of us plying for our attention, in order to set certain, predetermined by the cabal, things within us. Don't choose any negatives for your own timeline, your overall thinking. The cabal has wanted humanity to think there was only one timeline, that of destruction, sadness, heartache, death and taxation and as depicted in the Book of Revelation in the Bible we have, for example in.Revelation 16:18. But, there were other timelines one could focus on, had they been known. The cabal plan was to hide the other 711 books of the Bible so people would think that the destruction timeline was the only one ordained.as.inevitable.by.God, translation being, 'God's cruel' and so you don't wany anything to do with God:.Jeremiah 44:15-17. That's how the satanic ones want you to think of the true good God of all love, to think of him as a cruel.being who is limited in changing things, thus, having to use destruction on those who have wronged him, which itself is really the way Satan works, always the inverse and always lies. We have all been duped by the master duper:.John 8:44; Revelation 12:9. So, regarding destruction, fear, scarcity and other negatives of harm, people accepting this timeline are actually worshipping satanic ways and by doing that, perpetuating them because they contribute to the basic overall consciousnes of us all, exactly what the dark side, the devils want. The deeper into evil people can be conned, the more negative frequencies there are to feed the demons, who actually feed off these frequencies. When you don't feed them, they vanish:.James 4:7; Ephesians 6:10-18.
multiversalness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

the way in which something is composed or arranged; composition or construction; qualities or temperament that constitute an individuality; disposition (being happy is part of her makeup)

cosmetics applied especially to the face; materials, such as cosmetics and costumes, that an actor may use when being

one who composes, conducts or performs music, especially instrumental music
musicianship is the skill involved in performing music (his musicianship is excellent)
the art of arranging.sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified and evocative.composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm and timbre; vocal or instrumental sounds possessing; the written or printed score for such a composition; an aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds (the music of the wind in the pines); music is the pattern of sounds produced by people singing or playing instruments; Music is the art of creating or performing music; music is also the symbols written on paper which represent musical sounds (she reads written music very well); if something that you hear is music to your ears, it makes you feel very happy; the word 'music' is from Middle English and Old French 'musique' which is from Latin 'musica' and from Greek 'musike' meaning 'art of the Muses'; Muses is from 'mousikos' meaning 'of the Muses', from Greek 'Mousa' meaning 'Muse'
you use musical to indicate that something is connected with playing or studying music (she enjoys musical movies)
in a way that is related to music; in a musical manner (she sang very musically, but he sang unmusically)
face the music.idiom
if you face the music, you put yourself in a position where you will be criticized or punished for something you have done
Grammar usage note
do not say 'musics' or 'a music' (I love listening to music);
do not say 'music band' or 'music group', instead say band or group (why don't we form a band?; one of the favourite groups is Rolling Stones); you can also use a word that describes a type of music before the word 'band' or 'group' (a jazz band; a rock group); 
do not say 'music concert', say 'concert' (it was the first time I'd been to a concert); you can also use a word that describes a type of music before 'concert' (pop concerts; a classical music concert, etc.); See more grammar usage notes

The word 'mankind' was introduced in the 16th century. Why, when the word 'humanity', from the word 'human', introduced in the 13th century to describe men, women and children of good heart, worked perfectly fine? It was a notification by the cabal, that there was another type of 'mind kind' or 'mankind' (kind of like man), looks like man but is missing somewhat the nature of what's called humanity (1John 3:12), because of an individual soul's connection to what's called the 'Oversoul' or Creator-Father-God being lacking in various degrees. The 'mankind' creations were as they say 'not quite all there', humanly speaking. They have a deep hidden nature set within, a nature subject more easily to influence of evil beings (Proverbs 30:11-14), beings out to take the world for their nefarious purposes. More on that:.James 3:7,8. What do these evil beings in 'human meatsuits' actually look like?

The Old Testament talks about them:.Numbers 3:38. Christ told us about them:.John 17:9 "...I pray not for the world, but for them which you have given me, for they are yours." Revelation 18:4 "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues." John 17:15 "I pray not that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil." Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

We all have seen varying.degrees of evil mankind natures out there and what they are like. We and those living before us have seen much decrepitude in interactions with others as we lived our lives, such as, dealing with people who are like this. Their nature is what we have seen and see today in sociopaths and psychopaths and those looking as if they were one of us, such as Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Bezos (Amazon) Zuckerberg (Facebook, Instagram), Dorsey (Twitter {now taken over by Elon Musk and renamed to X), CPC/CCP members, the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas, George Soros, et al and before, including the Mussolini's and Pol Pot's of the world throughout history. These were those demons which can make themselves look and be acceptable to you, with their heart natures being very different. 

Such are they who are offspring of those who, having been here at the beginning, continued through their posterity, the 13 bloodlines of ancient Cain (2Peter 2:12; 1John 3:12), to worm their way into global control, overriding true humanity. The original Jewish  Encyclopedia of 1905, revealed that the main stock of the so-called Jews came from Asiatic people known as Chazars or Khazars. More about them and what Esau had to do with it all:.Acts 13:6.

What are the numbers of those on Earth today? According to the great researcher gene Decode, you've seen his famous dog, there are about 4.3 billion people on Earth, not the 7.5 billion we have been told (satanic ones lie about everything, even the Earth, saying it's flat and also lying about its polarity, the proven truth being, the South pole is actually the North pole. Of those 4.3 billion, 1.3 are human; 1.7 are mankind with 0.3 of the rest being non terrestrials, with many of them evil, being reptilian shape-shifters. The good angels also can appear on Earth as humans and even buildings.

Little by little over many centuries the demons were out to gain control and push in their depopulation agenda so that the evil ones under Satan would reign supreme, that is, until they too, were of no more use to Satan. And there are those beings who are above Satan. Gene Decode talks about them in many of his videos. This plan of depopulation temporarily required the elimination of the humanity ones, then it would be even the mankind ones until any and all semblance of those who even looked like they were made in God's image were eradicated. See the Janet Ossebaard reports. And so today we see the same thread of evil, the same purpose, of the evil ones, that of poisonings, violence, bioweapons, such as the covid jab, etc., all such things by those who instinctively hate the humanity ones God created. This all gets even more sinister and you can hear how all this came about and is playing out and where it's all going, from Gene Decode at https://www.bitchute.com/video/SHcpEylAXmma/
and see about the cabal's The Secret Covenant book Gene reads an excerpt from.

And, see gene's incredibly informative 3 hour December 14, 2021, Question & Answer video with whomever had questions
begins with the murder weapon, the bioweapon the cabal has made to jab you with; and at 32 min is on how memory works; also covered, do it now and get involved with others of similar mind to share your vision who also could clue into your vision, a being in alignment with; also covered, left side & right side of body; and also covered, the red dot you may see in your dreams, meaning for you to focus elsewhere. And so much more really good stuff. 

It does make sense, but the information is different to anything we have known.
Comprised from gene Decode (Gene Decode) interview with Patriot Underground, June 2nd 2021.

Satanists say they created 'humanity'. They didn't create 'humanity'. They created the cabal, the 13 bloodlines of the cabal that is 'mankind' not 'humanity', not the same species, totally different:.Numbers 3:38; James 3:7,8

A report on what's going on 'out there'.

But then of course, as it goes, they get children and start interbreeding:.Genesis 6:2. Christ said don't marry 'mankind'.(any of this group named 'mankind').and interbreed. (2Corinthians 6:14-17)

'Mankind' is dominant in.their.genetics, 'humans' are recessive, so if you had two 100 percent human parents they are only going to have human children, but if you have two 'mankind' parents, they could have human genetics and have 'human' children and 'mankind' children, to the degree of the amount of gene combinations of such in each individual. (so you may wonder why your brother or sister seems to be on such a different wavelength or, that those who seemed to like you, turn against you; water and oil don't naturally mix, but love and kindness can have great effect on someone to change back to sanity)

And that because of, there has been much interbreeding and intermixing for so long and so now we are in a situation that where Joshua was told to go to take down Jericho and take down all these places and people. 

There have been many good people, groups and military throughout the Bible that have been told to get rid of the Canaanites because they are the seed of the Nephilim. The Annunaki and all those from heaven that fell here.(Luke 10:18).and tried takng over the whole planet are, attitudinally, the same as others who are against the true God.

The bloodlines that were created are the 13 bloodlines called 'mankind', that is, the most pure of them formed the base of those to come after and so now there are layers upon layers of people and even in the mkUltra programs they found out that if somebody is more than 75% human genetics, the mind wash doesn't hold, a 'human' would wake up to it, but if they are over 50% 'mankind' genetics, then that mind control would hold. It would then take a miracle from the true God to turn them around to good. See on this when Gene explains God giving them a new soul or repairing the one they have for them, no matter how evil they may have been, if they ask. This at 40 minutes in https://rumble.com/v2f8vui-gene-decodeknowledge-shall-be-increased.html

The Alliance knows this so that is part of what is going on with the jab. It has been inverted to where the jab is starting to change the genetic self so it is getting rid of the 'mankind' genetics. (so there is hope for those not of the same loving nature the 'humanity' species possesses, that of compassion, caring, helpfulness, the higher consciousness things)

But of course if an individual has a massive amount of the genetics of 'mankind' you can't get rid of it. (and these are those who do those things that harm others, many of whom are pedophiles and/or controllers toward evil affecting others {covid con; poisoning world), psychopaths and sociopaths) If you get rid of that massive amount of genetics they can't survive it, but if they are majority 'human' they can survive as the human genetics overplace the 'mankind' genetics because the jab takes it out after being severely ill with the jab.

So there is a lot of what is going on but people don't comprehend why Trump would say this (about taking the covid jab). Why he say that? Because you are looking at a standing army, an MK-Ultra army with various programming, that one individual could be on every block of every city on Earth (be a 'sleeper' who can be activated).

This would be millions and millions of people and I mean you saw the riots with Antifa and BLM. It would be that way everywhere. We have to get that army gone one way or another. At least down to a manageable level, so this so-called vaccine is to alter this situation for the better for all of us. It doesn't mean you should get the vax. It's meant to help those of 'mankind' who may be able to 'come back', as has already happened to some of the 'mankind' ones. Pray that the only true Creator-Father-God and Christ, the only Son of the Father, will either change the frequencies of the mankind ones or remove them. 

The kingdom of God is a clean kingdom, only entered by those of clean heart. And how does one get like that? These mankind types must see the examples of love the humanity side possesses. When around others, be what you are from your heart.

At least then, you've done your part when you are like this along with your prayers/meditations and efforts of respect and kindness and questions you may use in awakening others to the truth of what has gone on here on Earth to bring them to know about the mess that is now being cleaned up that has been caused by these wayward ones..Questions, rather than statements, are what opens minds. One can state covid is evil and another can find reasons why it's not. Better to ask what another thinks of this whole covid (or some other) thing and see where he or she is on it. Questions are better than statements, especially questions along spiritual lines.

Leviticus 19:34 "But the stranger that dwells with you shall be unto you as one born among you and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God." Romans 11:14 "If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them.
1Corinthians 9:22 "To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak. I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." Matthew 4:16 "The people which sat in darkness saw great light and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up."

mesmerize, mesmerized, mesmerizing, mesmerizes.transitive verbs
to be hypnotized; to be enthralled; if you are mesmerized by something, you are so interested in it or so attracted to it that you think about it a lot; infatuation

marbles is a game played with small balls and larger balls, all made usually of coloured glass (we often play marbles with our children because its fun and they love it; marbles are not made with marble); you roll a ball along the ground and try to touch another player's ball with it and if it's touched, you get that marble as yours for the game; the one getting the most marbles wins the game when the other player or players are all out of theirs; a good game for up to four, maybe six people, if you have enough individually colored marbles, so that you know which ones are yours

marble is a type of very hard rock which feels cold when you touch it, shines when it is cut and polished and chips easily on its edges if you're not careful with it; this stone is often used in homes built in hot areas surrounding the mediterranean sea;  marble is limestone that is more or less crystalized by metamorphism, that ranges from granular to compact in texture, that is capable of taking a high polish and that is used especially in architecture and sculpture

a stone that looks marbly has different colors swirled through it
one who has the skill to precisely cut marble
made of or covered with marble (a marbled facade); having a mix of fat and lean (a well-marbled roast of beef is usually tender when cooked properly, low and slow)
marbleize, marbleized, marbleizing, marbleizes.transitive verbs
to marble
a mottling or streaking that resembles marble; the process or operation of giving something the surface appearance of marble; flecks or thin strips of fat, especially when evenly distributed in a cut of meat
