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1.75 billion.(estimated number of evil ones being eradicated from the Earth)
2 overall awakening keys people need awareness of
3 days in the sepulchre.(Emmanuel the Christ during his death time)
3, 6, 9.(Tesla's quote on the key to the creation)
3 is the key to answered prayer is 'praise'.(word in original for prayer is 'praise', cabal changed it to 'pray')
3 nations.(tops in serving and helping others)
3D to 5D.and beyond
4 important things
4 terrorists today
5G, a bioweapon for your demise.(5G & 6G, dangerous wireless technologies when used by the corrupt cabal ones, but could have been made safe with a special installation of a Tesla coil)
6 names for the gospel, all correct
7 angels.(the 7 angels and their trumpets of the book of Revelation)
7 deadly sins
8.(the figure 8 pattern of the Sun); (8 rules of grammar to know)
10 minutes.(for growing spiritually, is very valuable)
12, not 10, commandments
12 tribes of ancient Israel
15 years added to life of king Hezekiah
40 years goodbye God
450 more worlds being cleaned up
666 the beast
70 A.D..(pivotal point in history)
70th week prophecy of Daniel
747.(above one's head, like a 747);
777 books of the Bible (where are they?)
800 number (to come out in your area for the Redemption Centre)
1200 types of apples saved from extinction
1918.(the so-called 'Spanish Flu' was caused by, guess what?)
1929.(an economic crash was engineered; how was it done?)
1950.(in effect we'll have 1950's prices)
1960's.(when women didn't have to work)
1776 vs 1871 and 1787
144,000.(what's this?)
1918 plandemic
20 percent.(adding twenty percent in making right a wrong you did)
205.(205 {a growing number} countries behind Trump in restructuring world for good for all)
2012.(space particles on the increase)
21 trillion mile cloud
6 questions to use
650, 250, 30.(proof posiitive of meditation's effects)
6000 helpful devices suppressed by deep state
7885.(agreement God made with the devil for this time, why? and it ended December 21, 2023)
800,000 cabal rules, etc.,.(number of rules used worldwide by cabal to control and harm people)
920 humanoid species.(that share the Earth with us humans; what's a 'humanoid'?)
1,000,000,000,000.(!Gen4-8.html#five_and_a_half_trillion years ago when God created humanity, with many ages having come and gone since, the latest being the Biblical one)
AA.(Alcoholics Anonymous)
Aaron.(brother of Moses)
Abased.(and questions on this topic)
Abba.(word meaing)
Abednego, Shadrach, Meshach in the fiery furnace
Abel.(and Cain his brother, the first two children)
Abiding in Him.(and questions on this topic)
Abiezrite/Abiezer.(family and dad's name from whom came Gideon)
Abigail.(and other fine women of God)
Abijah.(also called Abijam; heir to the throne of his father Jeroboam I king of Israel)
Abilities, skills and talent
Abimelech.(king of the Philistines; the name of two kings of Philistia; God can keep you out of trouble God did with Abimelech)
Abimelech.(son of Gideon)
Aboli, Laura:
...about our spiritual journey
...on innocence when young
Abortion.(andquestions on this topic):
...main page
...the "Earth is overpopulated myth"
Above the Law.(Steven Seagal movie and a trailer of his TV series)
Abraham and Moses.(Moses too was called a friend of God:.Exodus 33:11)
...Abraham's life
...birthplace of
...and Keturah.(mother of the Arab nations)
...and king Abimelech and Abraham's wife Sarah
...and Lot.(their story)
...and the 50, etc., bargaining with God
...covenant.with Creator as to promises made to Abraham which are with us today in Abraham's descendants
...decendants of Abraham; where are they today?
...did a lot of bad things
...father of the faithful
...generations that came from Abraham & his women and so he became the 'father of many nations'
...in archaeology
...meets angels
...name changed from Abram
...promised by God that he & Sarah would have a child in their very old age
...promised by God that he would be a blessing to the world
...we'll see him when in the kingdom
Abraham Lincoln.(what he was really like {a BAR member, a communist and cabal member} and a free book about him which delves into who was behind his assassination)
Absalom.(a son of David who avenged his sister Tamar and later revolted against David his father, who though he knew Absalom's feelings toward him, loved him so deeply anyway)
Absolute zero.(no, not your last girlfriend)
Abundance.(abundant living)
Abundant Earth.(so why isn't the food getting to people)
Abused.(children, young adults and adults; abused by vaccinations)
Abusing the poor
Abusive relationships
Advice.(for daily living - stick with the good)
Acceptable to God
Accepting His word as true
Accepting.(the act of)
Accepting Christ, a valid concept?
Access to God
Access faith by grace
According to His will.(and questions on this topic)
According to your faith
According to your works
Accursed thing.(mentioned in the Old Testament; what was it?)
Achaemenian.(the name of an dynasty of ancient Persia)
Achish.(another name for Abimelech)
Acid and alkaline information
Acknowledging truth
Acquaintances and family.(get them healed and/or helped)
Acquiescence.(how people unthinkingly give away the rights God gave them)
Act.(how God acts) (when to act, how to know?);
Act.(when should you act on something and how to know?.Proverbs 13:12)
Acting toward others
Action4Canada.(Brian Peckford & Rocco Galati)
Actions are important:
...are important
...for the innocent
A.D.D., also called A.D.H.D..(Attention Deficit {Hyperactivity}.Disorder)
Adam.(and questions on this topic)
Adam.(city of);.(what language did Adam & Eve use?)
Adam and Eve.(and dates from the beginning up to Noah)
Adam and Eve.(great life missed)
Adams, Mike.(great true info, news from naturalnews.com)
...gasoline additive MTBE, another hurtfulcon job?
Admiral Richard E. Byrd.(discovered the inner Earth; pictures shown on the Admiral Byrd series of videos at genedecode.org in his Deep Dives section {$7. a month}, really worth it!)
Admiralty/Maritime law.(the 'law' you never knew you were under)
Adolescents.(are they having fun while growing mature or are they stupidly flitting about)
Adonai.(meaning and song)
...into Creator's family
...physical adoption
Advantage.(your secret advantage)
Adverse drug reactions
Advice.(advising others)
Advice.(from God to those in captivity)
Advocate.(help to rise above no matter what)
Aerial of DNA
Affection.(what is and benefits of)
Affirm as compared to swear
Affordable housing.(yurts.com and search for 'Tiny Houses'; search also for 'Cob homes', still lived in seven hundred years later)
"After the flesh".(meaning)
Agabus and other prophets
"Against such there is no law"
Against the evils out there?
Against you.(you'll come to see who is against you)
Against you.(nothing can harm you if God is active with you)
Against yourself
Agenda of the reptilians
Ager, Dr. Derek V..(non evolutionary view)
Ages.(early man; how long they lived)
Ages.(Greek words for 'ages' & 'world')
Ages.(other ages on Earth before the reboot)
Aging.(and reversing it)
Aging.(how should elderly men and women behave?)
Agreed.(at the beginning people back then agreed with God's words, for awhile)
Agreement.(relationship agreement)
Agreements.(made one and it's not turning out as expected)
Agriculture.(why in such a sad state?)
Ahab.(humorous story)
Ahaz.(a king of ancient Judah)
Ahaz.(son of a prophet)
Ahaziah.(king of ancient Israel)
Ahaziah.(king of ancient Judah)
Ahijah.(a highly regarded prophet in days of Jeroboam I king of ancient Israel who predicted the kingdom of Israel would be split in two)
Ahithophel.(a trusted friend of David, who left David and allied with David's son Absalom against him)
AI.(means 'Artificial Intelligence; also, 'the head honcho over evils in all the worlds affected, Satan only being one of the minions)
Aion.(Greek words for 'ages' & 'world')
Air.(cleaning indoor air)
Air quality and noise
Aircraft catastrophes
Aircraft.(pics and information)
Air compressed water pump.(video)
Air pressure
Akashic record
Akkadians.(or Accadians; people of circa B.C.E. 2400 in Mesopotamia)
Al Sears, Dr..(reverse aging by lengthening your telomeres; 'med beds' also correct this)
Alan Cohen.1) 2)
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi.(biochemist and discoverer of Vitamin C)
Albert Schweitzer, Dr.
Alberta & Australia.(did you know this was going on?)
Alberta Bill of Rights
Alberta.(when organized?)
Alberta's stonehenge
Alberta Treasury Branches.(the peoples' bank)
Albino peacock
...twelve steps.(Alcoholics Anonymous {AA})
...what leads to it?
Aldous Huxley.(didn't stand up for We The People)
Alert.(to what others are saying, as many are out to deceive)
Alerts us.(before God opens minds, they are first alerted)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.(quote & book)
Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander the Great
...red algae
Alienated from God by our minds
Aliens, ET's, angels in Old Testament.(and what about today?.Also, The Alien Races Book)
Aligned with God
Alive to God
All.(what's the word 'all' mean in the Bible?)
All for us
All in all
All one
All nations to be blessed
All things are from Him
All things possible
All to be saved.(and questions on this topic)
Alliance.(209 countries behind Trump in restructuring world for good for all)
Allodial right.(land patent, land title)
Alone.(God never leaves man alone with his troubles)
Allowed by default.(how we have contributed to the evils in the world)
Alphabets.(how they came to be)
Aldermen.(air quality & noise)
Aliens.(ancient spacecraft, ET's); angels, invisible living creatures; giants)
Alliance.(the many countries and territories along with the benevolent beings)
Alone with God
Alpha and Omega
Alpha dracos.(strange creatures on Earth found in the tunnels)
Alpha particles, alpha decay.(see also 'beta_decay')
Alphabet.(history of)
Altar calls
Alternate gospel.(and questions on this topic)
Alternate sites.(to the mainstream media, because of their lacks)
Altruistic behavior
Always in nearness with the Creator
Alzheimer's disease
Am.(the word)
Amalekites.(ancient people who will 'kick a man when he's down')
Amasa.(nephew of David; slain by Joab)
Amaziah.(king of Judah)
Amber.(the amber forest)
Ambitious traps
Amen.(the word)
America.(United States)
American Bill of Rights
American Civil War.(why?)
American Flag.(the civil one & the military one)
American Northwest Ordinance
Amino acids
Amish.(the wonderful, friendly, helpful and innovative peaceful Amish people; look what they do for those in need)
Ammon/Ammonites.(one of the many ancient tribes called the Canaanites)
Amnon.(a son of David and the sex drive he couldn't control)
Amon.(ancient king of Judah)
Amorites.(a large nation in humanity's early history)