Try as best you
can to show compassion and help those in need:.Jeremiah
21:12,13 "O house of David, this says the Lord; Execute judgment in
the morning and deliver him that is spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor,
lest my fury go out like fire and burn that none can quench it, because
of the evil of your doings. Behold, I am against thee, O inhabitant of
the valley and rock of the plain, says the Lord, which say, Who shall come
down against us, or who shall enter into our habitations? Jeremiah
22:3 "Thus says the Lord; Execute you judgment and righteousness and
deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor and do no wrong, do
no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed
innocent blood in this place."
We are in the hands of the
Infinite One:.Romans
2Thessalonians 1:6;
10:27,28; again,
1John 5:14,15.
We can trust Him for protection. He will
bring things to our individual attention on how to be alert and careful
in life and will provide warnings towards
being careful. There is another more.insidious
war, that if we would wage it, we would not need 'outside' wars to 'tune
us up', which was the lesson of Old
Testament history.
Does the Infinite lie in
all this?.Titus
Hebrews 6:18; Numbers
23:19. No, you can have confidence in it. When you're in love,
you can have confidence and boldness, because you know that you're there
only to love.(why?
and know that in this, you have the power of God on your side because you
are aligned with what God is, the highest consciousness known:.Ephesians
3:12; Romans 8:31; 2Thessalonians
If you lie it shows you
don't believe in the true and only God of all good. And, if you lie it
shows you do believe in the true and only God of all good. What?
Each circumstance is different. Learn from the prostitute Rahab's
Be aggressive for the spiritual
qualities of kindness, love, consideration, all the aspects
of the one multiversal overall law of love:.Titus
2:14; Matthew 11:12.(in
the original Greek."
.....the kingdom of heaven is gotten by those eager.{hot
for the spiritual things}.for
talking about those who are warriors in life).
These warriors in the spirit carry the gusto
for the right things, such as having boldness.(Hebrews
on that which is true, that is, the things which express the extremely
high quality spiritual standard. Be on the lookout for those where
love dances in the freshness of the unknown. Here love's intelligence
ensures vibrant interest.
When the word of the invisible
Creator is in you with a fire, as it was for Jeremiah
and later, Paul, life changes for you
and you change in life. It was a consuming passion for Jeremiah and Paul.
And many of those the Creator called after the
resurrection of Emmanuel the Christ became hot for the
things of God:.2Corinthians
Revelation 2:4,5.
What thaws in the Sun will
freeze again in the shade unless one keeps the fire of the Great Infinite
One in him or her. This is called enthusiasm.
is one of the four
main things one can do to get into and grow further in the sincerity
higher consciousness, the realm
of the Creator-Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit, the
When you meditate, the flow
of evil in your life is stopped dead. In addition to that, it is effective
in stopping all evil everywhere. How?
The now passed on, yet still
highly effective helper and healer from beyond, Bruno
Gröning, gave one example of meditation that he called einstellen,
a German word.
In these spiritual practices
such as meditation, an individual becomes one with the most important function
of the entire multiverse, which is love. This is what Emmanuel
came to Earth from the Father
to reveal to humanity:.John
10:28. So, it's been said that when in alignment
with love or when we are of love for all humanity,
then we are 'in Him'.(what
does 'in Him' mean?).and
have eternal life:.1John
5:11,12 "And this is the record, that God has given to us eternal
life and this life is in his Son. He that has the Son has life..."
Meditation is directed thinking,
that is, directing the mind to be calm so that the spirit
of each of us can
and guide us by welling up to our attention
what is important to become aware of. Using the ways described in the meditation
subject will assist you in calming the mind.
Here one observes what one
is being made aware of. Evaluation at this time stops any more insight;
just be
silent observer. Forget evaluating. Just observe. Before bedtime go
over each day's happenings quickly; don't labor over it for minutes. Upon
awakening, go over what happened at night, if anything did. Again quickly.
Any dreams? By observing what's going on in your life, insights come.
times are important because they anchor insights in memory for what comes
along as your life continues onward:.Deuteronomy
8:5. Insights are a part of
wisdom. Insights are the pathway to greater intuition
and with intuition comes clairvoyance.
Take the pathway!.Matthew
11:29 "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly
in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls.".Why
to contemplate:.Proverbs
16:1 "The preparations of the heart in man and the answer of the tongue,
is from the Lord."
Contemplation enables spiritual
information to become more compact,
and by this means
one rises in high
consciousness., such as from 3d to 5d and beyond.
This thing called repentance,
which is a change of heart, involves contemplation to be able to do it
can also incorporate contemplation an
of the higher things of consciousness encapsulated
into the 'container' formed of love. All things are part of everything
else, because all is energy flowing from one form into another form,
true for thoughts
a sense true for movement, true for things we call 'stable'.
Pick a thought about the
Creator or some spiritual phrase, such as from your studying
spiritual truths or some concern of yours. See what comes to your mind
regarding it when you are alone and sitting or lying
the dark and quiet. One thought oftens begets another and so you surf
a wide range of probabilities.
In your daily contemplation
time it's beneficial to go over the day that you had, to see what your
soul brings special attention upon.."The
idea is interpretation of the self to the self. We interact with the self
with different forms of our own attention....Unconscious
thoughts run your life. You increase awareness by every thought that's
good or dim it with every thought that isn't."....Deepak
sees you the same way you see yourself.(*).and
he sees you the same way as you don't see yourself and he is your creator."....Grigori
10:5 "Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself
against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought
to the obedience of Christ.(come
to an overstanding
of what
'Christ' really is)." 2Chronicles
16:9; Matthew
Contemplation leads you to
the hub of what your attention may be on, whatever it is that you are concerned
about enough to think about:.Psalms
4:4 "...commune with your own heart upon your bed and be still..."
on how you would like to become and let the idea grow. This is a first
step in moving stuck energy that binds
one to the low consciousness dark side.ego
13:12; 2Corinthians 4:6;
5:8; 6:12;
1:13; 1Thessalonians 5:5;
2:9; 1John 1:5; 2:9;
Since there is no time in
the invisible realm where your memory always is, you can mentally spiral
back. Here you can handle one negative at a time, deciding now how you
would handle it in the present memory. That dissipates
Think about how it is that
you presently are and why? The purpose of life is moving the negatives
in one's life into the light of truth. Deal
with your darker side, those pesky
negative habits, fears, worries, anxieties,
strange aberrations,
weaknesses, etc., before they take you over, examples
Take contemplation as an effective tool to use in slaying and in avoiding
living negatives. Living them embeds
them more firmly into us.
Ego motivated people prefer
TV to meditation because it pacifies
the ego and keeps a blanket over their soul's silent promptings.
Such promptings are urges for them to come to a higher level into a better
way of living. But a person only sees what he or she allows.
It's often the traits
we don't like that tack on to us. We respond more negatively than positively,
so what can your expect? What you resist is what persists. To counteract
negatives have a desire to love and be loved. Love is light and light eliminates
5:39 "But I say unto you, That you resist not evil....".All
evil is of God, in that God controls
everything, that why it's
better to desist
that resist:.Acts
5:39 "...if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it, lest haply you be
found even to fight against God." 1Peter
3:9 "Not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing, but contrariwise
blessing, knowing that you are thereunto called, that you
will inherit a blessing."
Evil is healed in the
unified field. Not resisting evil means to learn from why evil
is present in your life. Not resisting evil
does not mean that you allow yourself participation in it.
Those of the past who believed
Matthew 5:39 did it because they saw something better in the future:.Hebrews
Evil is necessary as the
'push' to get us to seek options.
If evil came without the reap/sow
law, there would be no push toward something better.(*),
because man would rather cover up than clean up. Ancient David was
this way for awhile.
Man would rather not seek
for solutions, because his ego mind is always leading him to believe
it's better to get away than it is to deal with. So he bumbles on to the
next error in his life and does the same, as
the ancient Israelites did. This continues until something serious
makes him stop and think as it did for this
Something has to lead humanity
to get into the unified field through getting him or her meditating,
so produce good and good will come by being
One important way to resist
and to not resist evil:.Proverbs
Ancient king David learned
this too:.2Samuel
If things are in your life
which are annoying
to you, figure
out if you're the cause
and how beliefs may have
affected this. If not, then it's a trial
to strengthen character,
as it was for ancient
Take some time for contemplation
and think! Only
good can come out or contemplation.
Evil is a dis-ease.
Evil is the other side of life, that is, it causes lack of ease
in those who adhere
to it, for awhile, meaning, doing evil again and again wipes away the lack
of ease because the person has seared
the juices of evil in him:.1Timothy
4:2. Perhaps he was never taught that he is one
coin with two sides.
And which side one's character is developing depends upon which side
chosen for attention.
There are two kinds of people
in the world. People who think the government is looking out for them and
people who think.
Just as darkness disappears
in the presence of light, similarly
it is with the coin. You can look at the tail or turn it over and see the
head. It's always your choice. Like driving to get somewhere, one
must learn how and what road will be the better one to take: Psalms
109:3-5 "They compassed me about also with words of hatred and fought
against me without a cause. For my love they are my adversaries, but I
give myself unto prayer. And they have rewarded me evil for good and hatred
for my love.".(always,
Spiritual things as
these turn one from evil to good:.Acts
26:18 "To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and
from the power of Satan
unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among
them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
The power of the dark side
lies in deceptions
of all kinds and from various angles, to get one into and/or subject to
evils in any way the darker side beings can:.Revelation
12:9. Those of the dark side have many
tricks toward evils aimed at those of low consciousness to affect their
lives negatively. Just look at the world and consider how it has become
over the last few centuries
Have you done research to
prove it out? No? Why not? Perhaps you just don't really care.
Are you free? Are you living
under policies which you, along with others, have approved as those wanted
for governing society? Are you getting the truth from those in positions
of trust, such as the pharmaceutical / medical / chemical / political /
media / banking and religious cartel?
Do you think you are?.Revelation
again please.
is susceptible
to and contributes to the darkness of humanity when it responds to dark
side tricks.
This keeps a person away
from developing belief
in truth and subtly
keeps one bound in mediocre.attitudes
and outlooks, outlooks based on selfishness at the exact degree of blindness
to reality one possesses.
One example is that for hundreds
of years we have third world living conditions when we know how to solve
the issues to help. Why?
Another example is because of greed being one of the tenets
of low consciousness thinking processes and we are still laboring with
poisonous methods of providing energy for humanity, when safe
alternatives have been available for over a hundred years. See the
Another, lies and corruption for greed; see the movie.What
the Health?.and.Sustainable.on
Netflix, movies done to correct wrong paths societies have been on.
Belief is the power of the
side of light, but like any power it can be used two
ways, for good or for evil purposes:.Matthew
6:13 "...for your.(the
is the power and the glory...".And
that kingdom?
If one does not know the
power of the side of light, his life remains dark and in error:.Matthew
22:29. The power of the light side is in the gospel, which means, good
news, good news of what?.Romans
1:16 "...the gospel of the power of God unto salvation
to every one that believes..."
The power of the light has
3:20 "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all
that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." Ephesians
6:10-12 "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord.(how?).and
in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may
be able to stand against the wiles
of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high places.".They
are out to get you offside so they have
an advantage over your life.
It's impossible to not resist
the evil we come up against if we are taking action being motivated by
our egos, because it is the way of the ego to defend and fight back, rather
than go within. Do we have wars? Do we have upset people in litigation?
Ever seen the other person's middle finger when you may have inadvertently
cut him or her off on the road? If you're an inconsiderate angry driver
at times, be glad that's all you got.
Not resisting evil and loving
your enemies is a higher consciousness quality, way far and above the low
consciousness problem causing, life frustrating ego level. One
solve problems created at the ego level while he is still at the ego
level, because higher consciousness things change the heart that is steeped
in ego workings.
Just like a vehicle or a
boat, the same energy makes it go forward or backward. The difference is
your intention. You can leave the room in darkness or make the darkness
leave, not by fighting it, not by sitting there cursing it, not by blaming
it on someone else, but by putting your intention on turning on a light
and then flipping the switch.
There is only unity underneath
it all, a unity maintained through
10:12. There is only oneness of the universe. Your universe
is simply a reflection of what you have put into it. How?
Nothing can come into your
life unless it finds affinity.
That's why you need to always be on the qui
vive. See the incredible award winning movie.What
If? The Movie.for
a lot more on this.
What we have thought and
accepted as true.(whether
or not it was actually true; see the movies.What
If? The Movie.and.The
Grand Self.herein
making our life out of the invisible energy. If you don't like it as it
is, you can change it from how it is continuing to unravel.
If what you have thought has made it how it is, the words.(words
are thoughts).we
now hold fast to will remake it and it limiting beliefs are preventing
it being remade; in other words, your words don't produce because of limiting
outlooks still held, then see the movie.The
Grand Self. Yet it's work, but worth it.
In the time of the Old Testament,
had schools
for those wanting to be more fully dedicated to understanding and using
the tools of God that deepen spirituality. Today, such 'schooling' is at
hand for worldwide spiritual growth on sites such as this one and in movies
such as those mentioned. It saves one a lot of time and expense for this
type of efficient
and effective
learning, a learning that was not easily attainable
by those of olden times, but readily
available for those interested today.
Evil is expunged
when in the unified field by meditation, because this field is a field
of love and love is light and light eliminates darkness:.Proverbs
10:12 " covers.(original
is also 'overwhelms').all
just what is sin?)."
6:22.23 "The light of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye be
single, your whole body shall be full of light. But if your eye be evil,
your whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that
is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness!".
Just as light covers all
darkness, love covers all evil. You can't find the dark when the light
is on. Love covers doesn't mean you sweep hurtful injustices under the
carpet. It means you use love to overwhelm
them, to dissipate
them. How?
Emmanuel said not to resist
to always be forgiving
because if you resist the evil you created, it only hurts you. It is self-destructive.
It you fail to forgive that which offended you, you are shutting off forgiveness
from the one who created the deed needing forgiving, you. That's because
nothing can enter your life unless it finds
affinity. That's because you are in the
collective consciousness by default
if you are not in the higher consciousness realm.
In your contemplation
time examine the thing(s).that
you fear the most and the things that you have concern over. Take time
for yourself. How else will the universe take time for you? Having the
ability to stand aside and look at yourself is assurance that the Infinite
One's mind is in you:.Ephesians
2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in
Christ Emmanuel unto good works, which God has before ordained
that we should walk in them.(original
'in Him'; thus the purpose of our human experience, to walk in the
high consciousness ways of He whom Emmanuel came
to reveal)."
Although called meditation,
this is really contemplation.
is also sister to these two. This is the spiritual trinity which brings
and keeps you keeps
you growing in higher consciousness.
In the dark
and quiet in meditation, one then has the
consciousness necessary to be at one with the intelligent universal
energy we commonly refer to as the
Infinite One:.Psalms
46:10 "Be still and know.(to
know is to believe).that
I am God..."
is a great technique for meditation and one proven in scientific studies
to be a definite key in contributing greatly to world peace.
Those in Old
Testament times were not hot for God, because sin was in them
and not Christ:.Isaiah
64:7 "And there is none that calls upon your name, that stirs up himself
to take hold of you. For you have hid
your face from us and have consumed us, because of our iniquities.".They
were too consumed with selfish concerns.
You are hot for God if you
are hot to learn/share/show love.(as
Paul left us such fine words), by backing
up your love with actions.(see
Radiate to all the world
for life you feel. Some spiritual people get spiritual to get decent,
but not dynamic!
Dynamic people live and learn
from experiences in life. If you tend toward being bored, this will
fix it, because you can't be bored if you are praying
for others. Praying for others lifts you out of a life of dissatisfaction:.Ecclesiastes
One can only radiate, be
light to others, when in action, getting out and among others on a
regular basis and as such, action generates memory and memory generates
desire. One's desires change the more he is out and around others:.1Corinthians
1:9; Ephesians 3:9..(*)
change as time goes along. From Laura Aboli,
not her anymore…
was my dad's birthday yesterday and I hosted a dinner party with friends
and family. My eldest daughter mentioned she had digitalised some old VHS
videos of my wedding and of when she was a baby, so we ended up watching
some of the recordings.
I had
not watched the video of my wedding since when it took place, so it was
quite an emotional experience to revisit the moment.
wedding was a simple and intimate affair that took place under the carob
trees in my parent's garden, one hot summer evening many moons ago. The
video was taken by a friend, so it's an unedited and totally candid capture
of the beautiful spirit of the moment.
I watched the video, what struck me the most, was the sense of time, it
was much slower and the naivety, the lightheartedness, the calmness and
the innocence of us all.
different life feels now…
I realised
I wasn't aware then, of just how beautiful I was. Such a natural and authentic
beauty, so full of light, of love, of joy… A twenty three year old child
full of dreams and hopes for the future, about to embark on a journey with
no return.
is an essence of that girl that still remains inside of me, but as I watched
her smile and sing and dance, I realised, I am not her anymore.
stole away the innocence and completely destroyed the naivety, it replaced
the calmness with stress and the peace with a constant sense of worry.
It limited the possibilities, constrained the dreaming, shattered my beliefs
and shook me until one day, my life as I knew it, came tumbling down. That
was the moment when my awakening started, when the girl I used to be, had
to pick up the pieces of her broken heart.
of us are who we used to be, my story is not unique, we've all had to face
the crude reality of life with all its trials and tribulations.
is a constant process of change and evolution and I am proud of all the
mountains I have climbed and of who I have become and are becoming, but
I confess, that I was overcome with a deep sadness to be reminded of the
loss of that beautiful, unspoiled, genuine innocence that once emmanated
from every pore of my being.
I dream
of that state of being. I dream of a reality where we can regain our unspoiled
nature, our joy, our childlike innocence, our hopes, our dreams and our
doesn't have to be this way, it doesn't have to be this heavy and dark,
the Great Awakening is about realising that things could be infinitely
must remove the veil that distorts what's real, the lies that disguise
the truth, the perversion that ruins the pure and the evil that is destroying
the good.
I may
not be her anymore, life made me trade innocence for wisdom, but I know
that her spirit is still with me and it's her spirit that made me start
this channel, it's her spirit that talks to you everyday and it's her spirit
that despite all, still believes that what I dream is possible.
I wish, is for more of you to dream with me so that together we can make
it happen.
David N. Elkins, Ph.D., Graduate
School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University, said."incorporate
acts that move you". Only negatively inclined
people avoid incorporating character
and good acts that result in a passion for good works.(what
acts?). And if negatively inclined,
it's time to get out of the direction toward boredom,
which can lead to hurtful acts to yourself in attempting to alleviate
a negative mental state. Go to a different world in your mind. Go to the
wonderful worlds of words.
"If you want to be outstanding,
you must stand out."....Charlie
Boredom comes from not liking
what you are doing or being what you are. Dissatisfaction
creates negativity.
Always have the mind on something positive
and good. You can't be bored
when engaged in some passion for good.
Many people who lack ideas
and prefer not to learn things to improve their outlook and depth of comprehension,
are those who allow the TV to do their thinking
for them, that is, they
adopt concepts
and attitudes
from what they are exposed to on TV and do so with no or little thinking
about it. No wonder they get propagandized.
Careless in acquiring
knowledge leads to carelessness
in life. Such are they who prefer the
to the stupendous.
These are on the road of the 'living
dead'. It is no wonder such people are subject to boredom more than
others who have and pursue ideas with fire of enthusiasm.
There is more to discover
today than ever before. Choices are endless. There is never any reason
to be bored. Boredom is just plain laziness. The symptoms
of boredom, fatigue
and laziness are identical.
Boredom is the domain
of those with minds too busy and out of control with concerns of the
ego to bother with the high consciousness things that produce satisfaction.
The ego will 'run
you ragged' and disappoint you at every turn somewhere on and down
the road of life. This leaves one fatigued and contributes to being bored
with existence. Such is the way of the world for many people, ending up
to the sidelines of life. Rise above the ego rut.
Explore a new consciousness, a new way of living. Break out of the worry
bound Earth existence by thinking of the impossible in
quiet times. Why? A child
feels wonder in the light of daily mundane
living. Learn from the
of children.
If you are bored, you are
not allowing the Soul promptings to
generate anything new. Perhaps a change of scenery, seeing and talking
with people you have not met before, helping those you are able too, a
new book, a new different book on a subject you normally would not have
chosen. Become knowledgeable on some new things.
The flow back and forth from
the Soul
and your spirit is the real you. The
way out of boredom is hidden within the invisible reality of the Soul.
The Soul is invisible. The spirit
you have is invisible. The results of a growing connection between
your spirit and the Soul are tangible.
And it's not near all discovered,
nor, ever will be, as all is continually changing. Like the multiverse,
learning new things is endless. Creation never ends. It expands. Learning
is useful, but learning just for the sake of curiosity
doesn't accomplish anything:.Acts
17:21. There is much to do, much to learn, much to get educated about
and take action on. Boredom is a trick of the dark side slanted downward
toward frustration
and inactivity, designed to take you down and out. There are many more
the dark side uses to 'get to you'.
New species are being discovered
daily. More scientists are needed in all fields where emerging
technologies require working with discoveries, especially in the free energy
areas, but also in ethics,
human relations and on and on we could go.
The entire
electrical engineering discipline is in need of radical
realignment. New and hitherto
unknown information needs to be turned into knowledge and worked with to
benefit humanity. Look up the new manufactured folding houses. See what
others are doing.
Don't allow the dark side
to turn you into one of their
to turn you into their goal for you which is depression
and guess where depression leads to. Their ultimate goal is your destruction
and everyone else of
humanity. Beware and be alert to destructive policies of governments,
governments at all levels, school boards, etc. Destructive policies unapproved
by people. of
course, are designed to get you sick, enslave you, frustrate you, confuse
you, steal from you, legally of course as the corrupt ones make the laws
that violate rights of peoplew. The dark side is out to take away your
natural rights. Such policies originate out of this invisible dark
4:7 "...Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
To find out just how hot,
how enthusiastic
for God you are, monitor your heart by being aware of what thoughts are
in your mind. Be aware: Do many thoughts have to do directly with believing
more about what is good
for you and what is good for each of us is love here and now and one's
soon and seemingly.far
off life, with your reward in it? If not, you
are out of sync
with what the multiverse is. How
to get in sync
and stay in sync.
Thinking takes place in
mind and is frequency
functioning within the invisible spirit.(Isaiah
each of us. Science has proved thinking occurs in our cells and as has
been been reported by Deepak Chopra,
'True thinking thereforis
a non local silent event',
affecting the physical and actually is more of a sensing, such as when
you scan your body with
your mind. Thinking is the action of the mind producing thoughts about
what the attention may be on. Put your attention on a park you enjoy and
note what thoughts are initiated. Thinking is a welling
up to conscious attention from movement of mind begun by what is being
noticed. The thoughts you have on something is thinking.
'Noisy' thinking is the 'chatter'
of random thoughts running rapidly into and out of the mind. Control
these mental actions.
"True thinking is that knowledge
which gives us creativity."....Deepak
Being hot for things of
the Infinite One means excited about learning and believing that which
is guaranteed to affect your heart, the belief
that you are
righteous because of what
has given you. This will launch you forward.
you know about yourself is what you become. If your life is no different
today, it's because yesterday's thoughts were the same as the day before
it. Avoid thoughts that don't improve you. Embrace
thoughts that do. Avoid TV that adds nothing to you. Avoid people and corporations
who live by their negative qualities ... selfish 'me always first' ways.
One cannot allow changes God wants to make in an individual without beginning
to think apart from the way he or she always has..(*)
best to help others without neglecting yourself, that is love.
Showing love can be clumsy
at first and at times, especially if we tend to act without thinking, that
is, thinking how who we may be interacting with may react to us and what
words we may say.
Keep at it:.Exodus
10:26 "...we take to serve the Lord our God and we know not with what
we must serve the Lord, until we come thither." 1Kings
3:7 "...I am but a little child. I know not how to go out or come in.".Learning
to ride a bicycle was clumsy for all of us, but you either 'go for it'
or you don't! People, where the
wrong kind of pride comes first, are interested in upholding their
name, as compared to others whose highest priority is to uphold
love. Those who are arrogant
avoid any sign of vulnerability.
Those who are loving aren't
when it comes to stepping up with love in their heart to either awaken,
care about and/or provide help to another:.Psalms
119:165 "Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall
offend them."
Expressing love may cause
standoffishness until others have time to assess
your sincerity.
Some people may require
a long time to be won over, as perhaps they have been abused and taken
advantage of all their lives by those close to them and of course all of
us by corrupt authorities and their conscienceless
Then it's no wonder that
someone becomes suspicious
of another's motives
and builds walls of resistance
toward them.
Acts of kindness which affect
will eventually break down the walls of disbelief in your