If one is stupid
enough to believe that another's curse can affect him, it will! Ancient
people were into all sorts of witchcraft:.Isaiah
8:19. In Christ,
one never has to fear dark
side things.
Noah pronounced a curse on
his fourth son Ham for what he did to him:.Genesis
A curse, such as a
generational curse involves attempting to invoke
evil power to put another down the road to hell to a increasing degree.
The power lies in one's belief. The curser believes it works. He or she
is out to curse, not correct, not forgive. And if the one cursed also believes
it, then look out.
What one believes, forms
out of the multiversal energy. When someone whom you may look up to curses
you, it probably comes with great weight on you. If you have offended another,
make it right, make it ok again, if possible:.Proverbs
in good for yourself, not curses. If you've done something worthy of
someone cursing you, that is, wanting your life to take and stay in the
here's how
to eradicate
Know that if you are now
out to do good, to love those you meet and those you meet again, those
you have met in some distant past and those you have yet to know, then
you are not in any framework of mind where someone would even think bad
of you. And if they did, then, that's on them, not you. But what
if you were as evil as anyone could be?
If your heart is right, who
would ever want to curse you, unless they are like
the Pharisees back in the days of Emmanuel?
13:10 "Love works no ill to his neighbour; therefore love is the fulfilling.(or
the 'fulness').of
the law.".What
2:12 "So speak you and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law
of liberty."
Think evil and evil follows:.Proverbs
good and you are aligned with the frequencies of the loving nature
of the Creator.
thinking evil thoughts opens yourself for taking
steps down in life. For,
would anyone want to be on the side of evil unless they were just dumbed
Descendants of primitive
tribes existing in Africa today are terrified of a curse being placed upon
them. They go to their witch doctors for help in removing the curse. It
is the belief of the one cursed in accepting that the curse is actually
true, that can affect him. His subconscious takes the curse as real. It
becomes real. He believes it to be. He or she was brought up that way.
Here and now, for you, it's
important to cleanse any reasons why anyone would harbor evil thoughts
toward you, which is really what a curse is. How?
subconscious is the gatekeeper
what you allow to be formed from the invisible spirit energy. Depending
upon how you've programmed it by your decisions or unfortunately, allowed
others and life's negatives to program it by accepting opinions and circumstances
as true for you, so it is that life becomes for you, affecting all you
may know, your wife and children, others in the family, friends you have
and acquaintances
you know. It is your beliefs.(a
is a thought).that
are the various keys to the doors you either unlock or allow to remain
closed. Once one opens the
door back to God, life changes for the better for him or her. One slays
his or her ego life by deciding to do
7:17-21. One's life then passes onto a new road, but it has the same
old 'car'. Christ dealt with this 'old car'-. How?.Psalms
The difference between
thinking and having what you want is if your subconscious mind is affected
or not..(*)
mind wanting to be in alignment with Creator God of all life can simply
ask questions of himself or herself using Ask Suby, until he or she is
so in touch with the information accumulated that's good, that he or she
just knows the answer while the question is still forming in mind to ask:.Isaiah
65:24; Psalms 16:8; 91:15,16;.
So, you want things! That's
good! Let's get to it so you get them and as quickly as is possible. First,
with what it is that has limited you till now. What it is that has
kept these things you want away from you all your life, if not your mind?
After you do that, learn how to use the
gift of the subconscious functioning of your mind, which will bring
into your life all that you want.
It's like planting a seed
in the ground. Each thought you have has its invisible, but very real,
seed. And like those planted in the Earth, some come quickly, depending
on the programming God put into the seed and some take longer. And like
on Earth, it also depends on the environment, such as proper watering and
sunshine and no hail or poisonings, etc.
You can give up on your dreams,
effectively pulling the seed out of the ground. You can abandon your dream,
like walking away from the garden you planted and forgetting about it,
not caring if something grows or not, effectively sabatoging it or you
can just say 'to hell with it', I'm going to the grocery store as I've
always done and forget about the effort needed to ensure the plant grows
as it should. It's your
choice. To see what your life will be, look at your life as it may
be now. If nothing new and better is thought, it'll all turn out the same
as it's always been.
Maybe it's been some good,
some bad or more bad than good. That can all be changed. It's worked for
others. It'll work for you if you do what they have done. And what's that?
Well, follow through on putting some effort into it, otherwise it's all
just wishful thinking and that doesn't impress the subsconscious with what
you want and it'll never come. Get going! You have enough information to
Only open the doors that
are good:.Philippians
4:8. The keys to the good doors of life are the things
of love:.1Peter
3:13 "And who is he that will harm you, if you be followers of that
which is good?".Think
good follows:.3John
1:11 "Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good.
He that does good is of God...".Hebrews
12:14 "Follow peace with all men and holiness...."
6:11 "But you, O man of God...follow after righteousness,
5:15; 1Corinthians 14:1;
"Where there is a good will,
there is a good way."....Bruno
Gröning. One of the new good ways is revealed in the
Quantum Frontiers information package, produced by the Trump administration
and based up the laws of how the multiverse is governed.
All you need to know
is that what you want is good
and then that is in your Father's heart regarding you:.1Peter
5:7. This is the 'prayer, the praise and the thankfullness without
5:17), that is, you have in your
mind what it is that is sure to be yours, because the Father loves you:.3John
1:2; Matthew 9:29. The energy
of life comes from believing and that's from accepting to be true what
has been proven to be true; example, God's
existence and God's prosperity
for you.
The only lack there is comes
because we've stepped off of being aligned
with God. Here's where an individual needs to be alert to never finishing
a negative thought, thoughts such as
Keep the image you've formed
in you mind on the positive side, by keeping away from limiting doubts.
The master movie on this is The Grand Self.
See it!."You
cannot get new results with old habits. Change is essential for spiritual
growth, wherein is God's blessing in life."....comprised
with writings of Bob Proctor.
1:20 "For all the promises of God in him are yea and in him Amen, unto
the glory of God by us.".A
negative mind will never give you a positive life. You
choose what you think.
The human side of mind is
very reluctant to unlearn the old and reach out for the new, even when
the new is the very thing for which it has been yearning. Strange, but
God gave us the
gift of a subconscious mind. It's in the subconscious that are the
workings of how the physical body is maintained. This is the
spirit God made for us. One doesn't have to program it to do something
we want and/or need. That's already done and now
widely becoming evident.
Those who have learnt
to use it properly.(studying
the Bible helps you a lot spiritually),
which simply means to allow God's guidance in your life, are on the pathway
of the good life here and now and eternal life. One can have all the
good they may want and that God wants you to have all their life:.3John
It's a multiversal law and
there is one multiversal law that guarantees you'll always be on the high
road of life.
Dr. Joseph Murphy's.The
Power Of Your Subconscious Mind, is available free on the public
domain; also in libraries; also free audio versions. Search on the Net
for it. Information on the rest just below, here.
Dr. Joseph Murphy
soul is the subconscious mind.".and."A
belief is a thought in your mind.".and."when
you ask God for something, it means to claim."
How's this work? A thought in the mind that is
good is one that is true, producing good things in one's life. So you
see how advice is good or not:.Matthew
"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to
accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass
anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible
"A winner is a dreamer that
never gives up."....from
a gene Decode video.
The amazing.The
Grand Self.movie,
about leaving limitations behind.
Dr. Joseph Murphy quotes:."All
disease originates in the mind. Nothing appears in the body unless there
is a mental pattern corresponding to it.".What
thoughts that are
in your conscious thinking mind are the ones absorbed by your subconscious
mind, which brings to pass those images from thoughts held as true,
whether or not they may be positive or negative. For example, it may be
true that you do not like that individual. Your subconscious is programmed
to automatically start working on what's in your mind. So, only focus on
what it is that you want that's good for you: and others.Philippians
4:8 "Finally brethren whatsoever things
are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever
things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of
good report and if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think
on these things."
What thoughts run through
your mind? You are the gatekeeper to it. You allow or disallow. Whatever
ones are allowed, the subconscious accepts, because you've let them in
through the gate. Know what you are going to think by always being aware
of how you feel. If angry, disappointed, of blameful mind at the time or
any other negative frame of mind, replace those thoughts right away. Dr.
Murphy explains in these two videos.
"Worry is a prayer bringing
negative results."....Bruce
Lipton. The conscious and subconscious are one, just having different
13:8 "For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.".What
on Earth does this mean? Click on the scripture link.
"Think good and good follows.
Think evil and evil follows."
"The Treasure house is within
you. Look within for the answer to your heart's desire."
"There is only one healing
power, your subconscious mind aligned with God."
"Pray for your loved ones
who may be ill. Get into a quiet mood and have thoughts of their wellness.".And
do what you can.
Some of Dr. Joseph Murphy's
quotes from http://www.drjosephmurphy.com/quotes.php
So, let's learn how to properly
use this thing called the subconscious mind, because it will turn you on
like nothing else ever has, as well as bring you super abundance
in all areas of life you want:.John
10:10; 1Timothy 6:17. God wants
all that for each of us. If you don't have it, please learn how to get
Because Dr. Murphy has passed,
many of his books are now free.
See how.the
information in this classic great book on The
Power of Your Subconscious Mind continued helping famous Bob
Proctor and helped the creator of the.The
Grand Self.movie.
But folks, there.are
things to be learned. One is, that supply
is never limited, not in nature, nor in your life, unless your
thoughts are that it is and that type of thought itself creates limitation.
Many having followed and
paid money to gurus
end up disappointed when results of following advice from them over years
fails to produce what they were led to expect. Remember that in all things,
look to the true God of all creation and not to get into worshipping, which
means important and continuous attention to something. Keeping God as the
focus ensures you'll be always on the right track for you. Other people
are on their own track. Love and respect where they are. Take what fits
with God in your life from all whom you can. Learn, learn, learn!
Letting go of ideas that
you come to see that seem to be holding you back, enable you to more freely
move into action when you feel the right opportunity presents itself, but
again, be cautious. What you don't want is to find out that the light at
the end of the tunnel is a train that's headed toward you and could run
you over.
It's a
mathematical multiiverse and any tools used, that means, the things
you have already learned in life, produce for you as you learn use of them.
A mechanic without tools to fix but with the knowledge of how to, is worth
Turn off the worthless TV
shows and do something real, something that does provide results.as
big as you can imagine. How big do you want to imagine? What would
you do right now? Ok. Good! Now avoid thinking of reasons why it
is not now possible, because in God, all
things are possible, including the wealth, health, love and
expression in life that all people want and deserve.
Here's where to start:
Grand Self.movie
is about removing limitations in your mindset
that block good
things and/or the type of life that you want. Remove those blocks so
the spirit energy is free to now enliven your mind and enrich your life
here on Earth and on into eternity.
Learn to leave limitations
where they belong, far away from you. Let yourself be in the great
realm of God.
Remember, you reap what you've
sown, so sow good:.Psalms
103:10. What's good?
Like in nature, there's never
a shortage unless man has intervened with his negative concepts, such as
greed, etc.
The movie and the fast course
is somewhat similar to the training some individuals wanted back in the
Old Testament time of the schools
of the prophets. It's all about knowing that God is with you in life:.1Timothy
if you just can't seem to believe but want to? That's ok! We all had
to start somewhere? Example.
is a gift to you so you can experience a thrilling life. But what good
is it to anyone unless they know they have a gift and have knowledge of
how to use it? And then how
do I believe 'enough' to make this gift from God work for me or do I just
Once you're finished with
your limitations stuff and have jumped into the fast course that follows
the movie, about accelerating.your
life into prosperity in all areas, learn
from a man of some 58 years of experience putting it all into practice.
Proctor passed on at 87 years of age in 2022. He started turning his
life around before he was 30 when his life was in a hapless
and hopeless state.
Thousands daily are
now being helped to a most effective use of their subconscious, getting
things they have always wanted, but never before knew how
to get them. Take some time to learn what Bob learned from.Dr.
Joseph Murphy. These audios help:.The
Secret of Life.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mydHYd0CcsU).and.Transformed
By The Renewing Of Your Mind Cures Lack &
Get things happening for
you by using the tools.
When you help yourself, you're also helping the world because we're
connected. Decide to continue learning those things that will increasingly
stick to you and keep you on the right road of all the health, wealth,
love and expression you deserve. Learn from this man. You may have already
heard of Bob
Proctor's information of his years of experience putting the tools
to work, the tools that work for all who use them, the tools that took
him from a sickly individual, earning $30. a month cleaning floors to millions
of dollars annually, which he uses in building schools in Africa every
week and a half, but having the goal to reach one new school every day.
You too can have a lofty goal as Bob has and as Jack
Kidd has.
When we are on the qui
vive to anything that may trigger a subconscious reaction from us,
we become in control of ourselves.
The subconscious
can be used to mold from the invisible those things of health, wealth
and all else wanted that are good for us and others. You'll learn to hold
these things in mind as true. For, what good is truth if there is no belief?
What good is truth if you let it go?.Mark
11:24; Matthew 13:58; Mark
The subconscious generates
an association with your brain and mind, the mind being, the 'thinking
and aware you', which is the invisible
spirit energy part of you. It's the subconscious, the unformed spirit
energy that is used in producing all the good:.Proverbs
The subconscious mind itself
is not a thinking area in you. Instead it responds to stimuli
or things such as life circumstances that trigger a reaction from its emotional
database, which reaction forms thoughts that actually become things in
a person's life.
Use your imagination to think
about a design for your life as you want it to be.
Into the subconscious comes
stored information from memory,
All you are has to do with memory.
In problem solving, it is
wise to learn a lesson from Thomas Edison. He naps. People would often
come to his offices and find him sleeping. He wasn't really sleeping. He
was 'stilling down' his conscious mind so his subconscious could come into
play in figuring out a problem he was facing. He said that this led to
many solutions. He would be mulling
over something he wished a solution to, just before he 'dosed off' and
many times the solution would be waiting for him upon 'awakening'.
There have been cases where
one hated was informed that a curse was placed upon him and that he would
die on a certain day and time, so he had better get his affairs in order,
cause he was going to die. He believed it! He would get his affairs in
order and on that day and even to the hour predicted, he died.
In these cases, the cursed
one is always informed of the curse. That is what being brought up in a
society which believes all this stuff does for you. If you believe it,
it is true for you or becomes true. Select carefully your beliefs so that
your life is based on good. Get the good going for you.
Belief is very powerful.
In torture, sometimes only an ice cube was used. Running an edge of the
ice cube down the victim's back made him think that the knife shown earlier
to him was actually being used. And as the cube melted, he believed it
was blood from cuts.
Many past
experiences have induced our belief system. The Creator inspired this
to be recorded:.Proverbs
the original Hebrew it means."to
your mind").
when some natives were informed of various curses placed upon them, they
just laughed and laughed. It did not affect them one bit. And the one who
placed the curse felt a great weight come upon him and often, because of
his own warped beliefs, received upon himself the effects of the curse(s)
he had cast upon others.
I mean people accept all
kinds of crap that eventually becomes a lodged belief. Here in the 'intelligent'
western world, we believe that a very dangerous substance next
to arsenic in toxicity will not harm us and is even good for our teeth
to prevent decay, never thinking that
we are
what we eat from the inside, not like what we paste on with stannous.(stannous
is 'with tin' added).fluoride
toothpaste on the outside. I mean people still fervently believe in all
kinds of nonsense, such as vaccines
improve the immune system, genetically
modified crops are ok to eat and many other deadly fables.
And yet, in
the higher consciousness.realm
of the Creator, available to all, thanks
to Christ, nothing can hurt you, but it also may not benefit you either:.Luke
10:19-24. Everything has its specific frequency. Some are in harmony
with health and others inharmonious
to health.
It's wise to go with knowledge
and not be carelessly blind eyed, because everything is frequencies
and some foods which are the genetically modified ones are out of sync
with the basic operational frequencies of humans and of course there are
other poisons in the same
Some still believe that
their minds can function well on too little sleepand
that homosexuality is normal????
I mean can two women or two men produce a baby??? Gimmee a break! Get real!
We are almost just as nuts here as those who believe in curses in Africa.
No wonder no aliens come here. They have heard about us. Ha ha! "Beam me
up Scotty, there's no intelligent life here." Ha ha! So then, why
We stupidly believe that
is the culprit, while we stuff gobs of preservatives, coal tar and
other colorings, flavorings, stabilizing agents, saturated fats, genetically
modified 'foods' containing the genes of mice and other concoctions
labeled as nutrition and wash it all down our gullets
with fluoride.infested
beverages contaminated with harmful sweeteners and colorings, all contained
within plastic bottles
and then load up on x-rays for our aches and pains and vaccinations
for our 'health protection'. It's no wonder we live less than a hundred
years and want to go early because of not feeling so well.
We buy the latest genetically
modified frankenfood because it is less money than organic food. Yeah right,
for now maybe; until the ones that hold the patents reduce or eliminate
the competition, because you the 'not to brilliant' consumer, will eat
'anything' if it saves him a buck right now and never mind the increased
costs to the health system later. So eat crap food, save a few bucks, put
your money into your fancy car and not your health and you can drive to
your death quicker and in a clean shiny new car.
Like hello! What is your
body worth? More than your car? Another reason non terrestrials stay away
from us is most people have no commonsense.
The truth is there. Where?
If you seek for it, you will know it. Learn to get yourself away from all
the garbage, psychological
and physical.
Sadly, idiot TV shows.(there
are many good TV shows).are
more important to some than learning things to improve one's life, such
as in areas like getting the life you really
want, diet, conversational skills,
etc. A nation of
sadly, planned
to be that way, sees purpose only in immediate physical titillation.
If someone ever puts a curse
on you, you can bet they will inform you of it! But for sincere spiritual
persons, know that the Infinite One is always on the side of love,
love and those aligned
with the higher
consciousness things are above all the worldly
lower consciousness ego generated crap, which includes fears of all
types. Who is there then that can hurt you?.Luke
10:19 "...nothing shall by any means hurt you.".Always
read the context
to gain comprehension
of any scripture in its setting.
God came in the individual
of one He, God became, called Emmanuel and took all curses on Him!.Galatians
Proverbs 26:2.
Anyone cursing
you is now dealing with the
Infinite One. Let it go from you and let God deal such idiocies.
Consider the example of
Balaam, an ancient man who lived in Mesopotamia,
who knew the secret of attraction, one of the multiversal laws. Using it
to great success, he had quite a reputation far and wide.
However, what he wanted one
time did not occur, as the Great Creative Intelligent Energy of the multiverse
would not allow it. God, because He created all things, can alter the mathematical
functioning of that which He created, such as the Sun, as in this example:.2Kings
These ancients knew that
laws of the multiverse work inexorably;
just like gravity will cause both the good and the bad individual to hit
the ground if they should trip and fall.
So, this Balaam was a man
of some reputation and was asked by King Balak of the Moabites to curse
the ancient Israelites who were great and growing in number and were close
enough to where King Balak resided, that he considered them a threat:.Numbers
22:5,6 "He sent messengers therefore unto Balaam the son of Beor to
Pethor, which is by the river of the land of the children of his people,
to call him, saying, Behold, there is a people come out from Egypt, they
cover the face of the Earth and they abide over against me. Come now therefore,
I pray thee, curse this people for me, for they are too mighty for me;
peradventure I shall prevail, that we may smite them and that I may drive
them out of the land. For I wot.(am
he whom you bless is blessed and he whom you curse is cursed."
So, Balaam enquired of God:.Numbers
22:8 "And he said unto them, Lodge here this night and I will bring
you word again, as the Lord shall speak unto me. And the princes of Moab
abode with Balaam."
God talked to Balaam about
the Israelites:.Deuteronomy
23:5 "Nevertheless God would not hearken unto Balaam.(re
his request against the Israelites),
but the God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee.(the
Israelites), because God loved thee."
Balaam then talks to those
King Balak had sent: Numbers
23:8 "How shall I curse, whom God has not cursed? or how shall I defy,
whom the Lord has not defied?" Numbers
22:15-18 "And Balak sent yet again princes, more and more honourable
than they. And they came to Balaam and said to him, Thus says Balak the
son of Zippor, Let nothing, I pray thee, hinder thee from coming unto me.
For I will promote thee unto very great honour and I will do whatsoever
thou ask of me. Come therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people. And
Balaam answered and said unto the servants of Balak, If Balak would give
me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of the
Lord my God, to do less or more."
The power of Christ is on
your side:.1Peter
3:12,13; Romans 8:33-38;
10:17-24. Your now perfect,
and righteous. How could you be even worthy
of any curse? How can you now have any guilt?.John
Know that all your past,
present and any future sins are
covered. You have no reason to fear all this crap about cursing. Christ
was made a curse for us:.Galatians
He took all upon Him, any
and all curses upon Him. Anyone who may curse you is putting the curse
to Christ's attention, for you are a member of the God
family once you have decided to be. Those against you do not know who
they are really dealing with. God will deal with it in His own way and
at the time He decides to!.Romans
12:19. Your only concern is to love one another:.John
13:34; Romans 12:10; Galatians
5:13; Ephesians 4:2; 1Thessalonians
And if a curse were really
something anyhow, how could it ever affect you? Do you think that
could happen when you are in the
high consciousness family of God? Again, Galatians
3:13 and.Luke
10:19 "Behold I give you power.....over all the power of the enemy
and nothing shall by any means hurt you.".More.
You are Christ's disciple
today if you love and care for others.(John
no one is able to take you away or upset your life with any stupid curse:.John
10:29,30; again,
Romans 8:33.