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(has 15 pages)


Keys to a good relationship are, don't judge, don'trationalize, don't defend your point of view, don't interpret, don't be evaluating, analyzing, describing, don't even describe; just be defenseless and no one has anything to attack."....Deepak Chopra.

All humanity has at one time or another experienced a longing for connection with others, a longing that if not fulfilled can make an individual lonely. This longing is because of man's soul. To feel deeply what it is we sense is an important intrinsic component of both our soul and what God is; the Soul.(Ezekiel 18:4).of the great Infinite Intellient Energy through which we and all things are connected. How are we connected?

Relationships provide opportunity for bringing forward substance in life and that preferably of love.(which is God:.1John 4:8-15).

  • Children
  • Creator-Father.(the Great Everliving Infinite One)
  • Gene Decode also speaks somewhat about relationships
  • Male and female:
  • ...conversation
  • ...educational
  • ...homosexuality
  • ...with others
  • Successful corporation

  • Relationship With The Great Infinite One, often referred to as the Creator-Father or God, the Great Infinite Intelligent Energy:.John 4:23,24

    The One who came to Earth and was born as the man they called Emmanuel, whose main impetus in life was His relationship with the Great Infinite Intelligence, the Supreme Being that we commonly refer to as the Creator, God, the Father, Source, etc., the Father of all that is known by inner 'seeing'.

    So what should our impetus be?.1John 1:3; 1Corinthians 1:9. That is a reason why God came here in this physical individual of Christ:.2Peter 3:16; Hebrews 5:11. And why does God want a relationship with us? Not only does God massively care for us.(John 3:16,17), but loves us so very much that God made it possible through Christ, by what was done, to give us such a great and powerfully effective gift that would turn our lives around from a lackluster existence into a life of all abundance:.John 10:10,11; 1Timothy 6:17.

    To be in a relationship, one has to be accepted by another and we have been:.Ephesians 1:6 "To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he has made us accepted in the beloved."

    A relationship with another means you communicate. We converse with God through our heart using prayer and meditation:.1Samuel 1:13 "Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard, therefore Eli thought she had been drunken."

    But if we are unaware of this, what good is it then?."A lack of awareness of your true relationship with the infinite power will always leave you with a distorted image of yourself."....from Bob Proctor's book You Were Born Rich, page 202.

    You were born rich, but it just didn't end up with you in the cradle and that because it was all kept from you by those wanting you to perpetual slaves. How? And for how long? Until you die from their poisons.

    The entire world has been saved and that before the physical world was here:.2Timothy 1:9. What good is that though if one lacks deeper knowledge in order to affect his life? It's like the knowledge of how to drive a car is available for you to learn.

    Some more knowledge for 'being saved' is needed to make a meaningful difference in spiritual growth, knowledge such as of the magic of righteousness and such as the knowledge of being in a relationship with the Father, that Christ came to reveal.

    In a relationship with the Father, we do spiritual things. When we listen in our quiet times, the Father is able to express through you. How?

    Christ, the resurrected person we commonly label Emmanuel, again.(John 17:5).in that spirit realm the Bible calls heaven, has total confidence in this being we call the Father, the Creator, the Lord of all, His and our spiritual Father. He came from His Father. He came to show us the way of the Father. The Father in a sense.became flesh: John 1:14. In the physical form of the One we label Emmanuel came the Father. Emmanuel was the 'spitting image' of His Father in consciousness:.John 14:9; John 14:6; 6:46. The Father was revealed through the One who came to Earth and was later labeled with the name Emmanuel.

    And what was the One who was the spitting image of His Father like?.Matthew 20:34; Mark 5:19; Luke 7:13; 1Peter 2:21.

    We came out a production by our father and mom in the form of humanity.

    The Great Infinite One wants us to live as a warrior, not some namby-pamby. Life is for living and not shrinking from it. Spiritual warriors are those engaged in discovery to know who they really are, as they have seen the futility of the ego led life and want something better and do not want 'outta here'. They are out to fix their problems, which also fixes problems of others:.Romans 8:34-39; 1Corinthians 15:55;

    Individuals resist the spirit because we have collectively been conditioned by the workings of the ego, that is, people assume they already know what life has to offer and their memory has conditioned their soul to remain at the ego level. They need connection of their spirit to the Soul of Creator-Father, restoring them, if they are ever to find uninterrupted happiness.

    Relationships built on cause and effect as a result of using the rational mind we all have, become frustrating over time because intuition and clairvoyance, spiritual qualities of the soul, have been often bypassed.

    Emmanuel won the battle against the Satan controlled dark side, because He was connected to Father-God:.Acts 10:38. He stayed connected to the spiritual side.(how?). What does it mean to be on the spiritual side?

    David, once a great warrior and then a king, sent others to battle. Instead of leading his men, he stayed home and played around with a woman belonging to another.
       He had lost courage:.Revelation 12:11. Have we?

    On Earth as Emmanuel, He had confidence:.Matthew 26:39; John 5:30;.John 8:29 "And he that sent me is with me.(Emmanuel was absolutely confident about this). The Father has not left me alone, for I do always those things that please him." John 11:42 "And I knew that you hear me always.....".He was always sure God heard Him, that God was there, that God listens and responds to one's thoughts, one's heart. Are you?

    We were chosen to have a relationship with God:.Ephesians 1:4 "According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world.(see 'Predestination'), that we should be holy and without blame before.(original for word 'before' is 'in His presence').him in love.(original in this verse for word 'love' is 'rapport' and 'deep affection').".We are chosen to be one of His sons and daughters.

    We are chosen to grow up into the fulness of Him.

    Ephesians 1:6 is saying that we are accepted by Him when we have rapport with Him and we have rapport when we avail ourselves of the opportunity that was made possible. 

    He wants those that may be in a relationship with Him to be in that relationship because they want to be in it, their heart is to be in it. A big lesson of the people in Old Testament times is that they didn't have a heart to have God near. 

    One is in a relationship with God because they have come to see that this is really 'where it's all at' and where it will continue to be 'all at', where all one wants in life is now possible.
       Some angels thought differently. 

    By the.Holy Spirit, we are Creator's children:.Galatians 4:6. Once a child of God you'll always be in that nearness with the Father. We can now have a relationship with Christ and the Father:.1John 1:2; 3:1,2. The Creator always wanted this

    Emmanuel is the mediator, bringing us to where we have a relationship with the Father:.1Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 9:15. Emmanuel came to do the Father's will:.Hebrews 10:9. God loves you and Emmanuel tells us why:.John 16:27. Part of the Father's will is revealing to us eternal life:.John 17:3.

    In the times you have with God, He brings things to your mind, guiding and teaching us. Like with any relationship, the time spent together.(a caution:.Proverbs 25:17).is opporunity for increasing intimacy.

    The overstanding of all the promises being in Emmanuel the Christ, is critical to your well being here. Emmanuel wants us to know the Father as He does:.John 7:28,29; 8:55. To come to know the Father, one has to know Emmanuel:.John 14:7. Emmanuel, while on Earth, wanted people to know the Father as He did:.John 12:49; 17:26; 1:18.

    Many spiritual individuals of a love.(called 'Christians' in the Holy Bible, also called the books of wholeness).relationship with God suffer because they still and unnecessarily so, hold on to guilt. How can one be thankful to God while he is holding onto guilt?.Colossians 1:3; Ephesians 5:20; Romans 15:6. How can one be comforted by God.(1Thessalonians 5:14).while still bathing in guilt? God is the God of all comfort, not the God of all conflict:.2Corinthians 1:3. Guilt conflicts with any good that is in us.

    This is sad, because under the old covenant.(Deuteronomy 5:29), for most people, a spiritual relationship with God was not possible:.Hebrews 8:8-10; 10:16
       David, however was one of a few exceptions, others being Abraham.(Genesis 20:7), Moses, Enoch, Elijah, Elisha and a few others

    The Father sent Christ here; to impute unto us His righteousness so we would be just as holy, perfect and righteous in His eyes as He is Himself, because God only deals with equals, so He made you equal. So there is never a reason anymore to feel guilty.

    Through working on the mind by thinking about what is the truth about you, guilt evaporates. 

    Creator-God wants relationships:.Ezekiel 36:25; Romans 8:15. If we want to know Him we have to grow him and will then be interested in what John had to say regarding fellowship with Him.

    Some correctly think God is the intelligent energy that prevails the universe through His agent of expression, called the Holy Nature or Holy Spirit. Others, that He looks different from man, or perhaps, has no shape whatsoever.

    About God's appearance.
