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4:1-4 When therefore the Lord knew how the
Pharisees had heard that
made and baptized more disciples than John, Though Emmanuel himself baptized
not, but his disciples. He left Judaea and departed again into Galilee.
And he must needs go through Samaria.
4:4 And he must needs go through Samaria.
4:5,6 Then he came to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near
to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now Jacob's
well was there. Emmanuel therefore, being wearied
with his journey, sat thus on the well and it was about the sixth hour.
4:7,8 There came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Emmanuel said unto
her, Could you share a bit of your water with me as I'm thirsty?.(Emmanuel
was tired and sat there waiting for the disciples to return, when this
woman showed up with a bucket and rope to get some water from the well;
why couldn't this man who did so many miracles {John
21:25} create the water for himself? He could have but it was a meeting
guided by God for this openminded
woman to grow further along in her spiritual journey), for
his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.(means
4:9 Then said the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that you, being
a Jew, ask drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the
Jews have no dealings with the
we see
people and that's just what those calling themselves Jews are always, even
today, out to do because they are of the line of satanists,
where division
is their byword..(1Samuel
4:10 Emmanuel answered and said unto her, If you knew the gift of God
and who it is that said to you, Give me to drink, you would have asked
of him and he would have given you living
4:11,12 The woman said unto him, Sir, you have nothing to draw with
and the well is deep. From whence then have you that living water? Are
you greater than our father Jacob which gave us the well and drank thereof
himself and his children and his cattle?
4:13 Emmanuel answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinks of this
water shall thirst again.
4:14 But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give never thirsts
because the water
that I give will forever be in him springing up into everlasting life.(John
4:15-18 The woman said unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst
not, which neither came I hither
to draw. Emmanuel said unto her, Go call your
and come hither. The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Emmanuel
said unto her, You have well said, I have no husband. For you have had
five husbands and he whom you now have is not your husband. In that said
you truly.
of her answer was to conceal
the truth. What she said was legally true.(*),
but ethically
false; true in fact, but a small truth told to conceal the whole truth
and that's not necessarily
bad, example also of Rahab
the prostitute.
4:19 The woman said unto him, Sir, I perceive
that you are a prophet.
'sir' is a term of respect, also translated 'Lord' in many places, as in
4: 20,21 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain and you say that in
Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Emmanuel said unto her
Woman believe me, the hour comes when you shall neither in this mountain,
nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father..(because
it's a thing of the spirit)
John 4:22 You worship you know not what. We know
what we worship, for salvation came through the line of Judah.
4:22 You worship.(worship
is to give attention to).you know not
what.(people need to
know that in the ego level of life they are actually worshipping the self
and celebrating the world's
holidays, many of which are tied to Satanic
holidays). We know what we worship, for salvation came through
the line of Judah.
That is, that
line of descent
was from Abraham and all the way down the line to Emmanuel the Christ.(Matthew
1:1,17), the Messiah.
The Messiah came through the
physical line of the ancient tribe of Judah, who was the fourth
son of Jacob by Leah.
John 4:23 But the hour comes and now is, when the
true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the
Father seeks such to worship him.
4:23 But the hour comes and now is.(Acts
17:30), when the true worshippers.(a
true worshipper is one who knows himself; what
does this mean?).shall
the Father in spirit and in truth.(that
is not a phony;
how, when, where?.Matthew
6:1-8; and, what is truth?
what isn't? how
does one worship 'in truth'? see next verse, verse 24). For the
Father seeks such to worship him.
Or, to be in
alignment with Him and that means being of the same mind (1Corinthians
1:10) and that is of love:.1John
4:8,16; why
does the Father seek such to worship Him and what does the word 'worship'
The word 'worship'
means 'attention'. We worship the Infinite Intelligent One.(Revelation
we give attention to
things of higher consciousness, the invisible things that put us and
keep us in a rapport with this Infinite Being,
this Presence which is
the Soul.
Avoid carrying around your baggage. Approach God in truth when you pray
and meditate, that is, have a concern in mind for God to see that may be
bothering you. God can know everything if God is interested, but God's
not. God cares about what you care about that is good. The rest doesn't
matter. Why?
John 4:24 God is Spirit and they that worship Him
must worship in spirit and in truth.
4:24 God is Spirit.(words
'is' and 'a' often added to make 'God is a
Spirit', but not in original; it's simply
that the words God and Spirit are synonymous,
referring to the Infinite
Intelligent Energy. One could also say 'God is eternal being' or 'Creator
is Intelligent Invisible Energy' or 'Creator is source', all these phrases
focus one's mind on God).and they that
worship him.(what
does worship mean and who are they that worship? Anyone who believes
in God).must worship him in spirit.(a
better translation would be: 'the Creator, being spirit {what's
'spirit'?}, is given attention to when humanity is in the same spirit,
that is, when in the same attitude of high
consciousness as God is, are you not then
equal?).and in truth.(how?).
One can't worship
God believing in lies. How
to get out of the lies most have lived there lives with. There is no other
way to really
4:22 "You worship you know not what, We know what we worship..."
Notes: men should worship God in spirit and in truth. By this is
meant that God is without a body, that he is not material, that he is invisible,
every place, pure and holy. Here's what
to know when in your quiet time:.Psalms
46:10 "Be still, and know God...".Most
all nations have had some idea of God as material, but the Bible
declares that he is pure spirit. As he is spirit, he dwells not in temples
made with hands (Acts 7:48) neither
is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything (what
about the various Old Testament sacrifices & offerings the ancients
made to God?), seeing he gives to all life and breath and all things:.Acts
17:25. A pure, a holy, a spiritual worship, therefore, is such as he
seeks (Isaiah 66:2), the homage
of the heart rather than that of the lips:.Matthew
is sincerity of being as evidenced by meditation, prayer, contemplation,
the things which keep you (Jude 1:21)
in what the Creator is, the realm
of that existence, the realm beyond the physical
world. What it means is, you attend to spiritual things by means of
soul which is connected invisibly with what
we commonly refer to as God,. The connection keeps a person aligned
with the Creator. Alignment with God is being in truth and therefor
seeing beyond this illusory
world with all its distractions. How
to see beyond it.
The God Spirit
or Spirit of God is both omnipresent
and omnipotent.
for English Readers:.God
is Spirit, was the great truth of ancient Israel
and Judah since the time of Jacob
whose name was changed to Israel; those of Israel and Judah even
more so
were distinguished
from the idolatrous
people around them who worshipped what they believed to be many
Gods; the true one God believing Samaritans
held even more strongly to God than did those of Judah; this perhaps maybe
partly the reason why our Lord, as Bengel remarks 'never delivered, even
to His disciples, things more sublime'
than to this Samaritan woman:.John
4:25 The woman said unto him, I know that Messias
comes, which is called Christ. When he is come, he will tell us all things.
us all things"?.Deuteronomy
18:18; 1John 2:27; John
4:26,27 Emmanuel said unto her, I that speak unto you am he. And at
this time came his disciples and marveled
that he talked with the woman. Yet no man said, What are you up to or why
are you talking with her?
4:28 The woman then left her waterpot and went her way into the city
and said to the men,
4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did. Is
not this the Christ?
Clarke's Commentary:."This
woman was the first apostle
of Christ in Samaria!
She went and told her fellow citizens that the Messiah
was come and gave for proof, that he had told her the most secret things
she had ever done."
Christ had
4:30 Then they went out of the city and came unto him.
4:31-33 In the meanwhile his disciples prayed him, saying, Master,
eat. But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that you know not of. Therefore
said the disciples one to another, Has any man brought him ought.(word
'ought' not in original; simply means 'has anyone brought him some food
that we don't know about?).to
4:34 Emmanuel said unto them, My meat.(the
word 'meat' in the Bible simply means 'food').is
to do the will of him that sent me
and to finish.(original
here for word 'finish' is 'carry on with').his
original for word 'finish' in Romans
4:35 Say not you, There are yet four months and then comes harvest?
behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they
are white already to harvest.
4:36 And he that reaps receives wages and gathers fruit unto life eternal,
that both he that sows and he that reaps may rejoice together.
4:37 And herein is that saying true, One sows and another reaps.
4:38 I sent you to reap that whereon you bestowed no labour. Other
men laboured and you are entered into their labours.
4:39-41 And many of the Samaritans
of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman.(verses
28-30 above), which testified, He told me all that ever I
did. So when the Samaritans were come unto him, they besought him that
he would tarry with them and he abode there two days. And many more believed
because of his own word;
4:42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe.(Romans
4:5), not because of your saying, for we have heard him
ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ.(notice
how open-minded.they
17:11; it was not such a cynical
age as today; how today to hear Him yourself:.Psalms
95:6-8), the Saviour.(original
'savior' also spelt
'saviour', meaning 'deliverer', 'preserver', 'keep safe').of
the world.
3:17; Acts 5:31; Romans
1:16,17; 2Corinthians 5:19;
2:4-8. Note that He already was a savior:.2Timothy
1:9; 1John 4:14. And, because
He already was a savior, we already were saved, but we may not have known
that, until now.
Christ came
to be a savior.
Henry's Commentary: When God intended to give a sacrifice for sin
and a Savior for sinners, he did not spare his own Son, in order that he
might spare us. The inexorable.laws
of the multiverse work as they were designed to for every one's good.
4:43 Now after two days he departed thence and went into Galilee.
4:44 For Emmanuel himself testified, that a prophet has no honour in
his own country.
4:45 Then when he was come into Galilee, the Galilaeans received him,
having seen all the things that he did at Jerusalem at the feast, for they
also went unto the feast.
4:46 So Emmanuel came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made
the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick
at Capernaum.
4:48-54 Then said Emmanuel unto him, Except you see signs and wonders,
you will not believe. The nobleman said unto him, Sir, come down ere my
child die. Emmanuel said unto him, Go thy way; your son lives. And the
man believed the word that Emmanuel had spoken unto him and he went his
way. And as he was now going down, his servants met him and told him, saying,
Your son lives. Then enquired he of them the hour when he began to amend.
And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.
So the father knew that it was at the same hour, in the which Emmanuel
said unto him, Your son lives. And he believed and his whole family. This
is again the second miracle that Emmanuel did, when he was come out of
Judaea into Galilee.
5:1 After this there was a feast of the Judeans.(according
to many Bible Dictionaries this feast was the Passover).and
Emmanuel went up to Jerusalem.
5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is
called in the
Hebrew tongue, Bethesda, having five porches.
5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt.(crippled),
withered, waiting for the moving of the water.
5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season.(a
blessing of love to the people back then needing help).into
the pool and troubled.(original
'moved', 'agitated', 'stirred up').the
water. Whosoever then first.(the
first group; those ready and waiting; those who knew what they were there
for, not those lazy ones who would wander down some time later).after
the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease
he had.
5:5-13 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and
eight years. When Emmanuel
saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he
said unto him, Will you be made whole? The impotent man answered him, Sir,
I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool but
while I am coming, another steps down before me. Emmanuel said unto him,
Rise, take up your bed and walk. And immediately the man was made whole
and took up his bed and walked and on the same day was the sabbath. The
Jews therefore said unto him that was cured, It is the sabbath
day. It is not lawful for you to carry your bed. He answered them, He that
made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up your bed and walk. Then asked
they of him, What man is that which said unto you, Take up your bed and
walk? And he that was healed wist
not who it was, for Emmanuel had conveyed himself away, a multitude being
in that place.
5:14 Afterward Emmanuel finds him in the temple and said unto him,
Behold, you are made whole. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.
5:15,16 The man departed and told the Jews that it was Emmanuel, which
had made him whole. And therefore did the
Jews persecute Emmanuel and sought to slay him, because he had
done these things on the sabbath day.
5:17 But Emmanuel answered them, My Father.(who
was Emmanuel's father he is here referring to?.John
4:24).works hitherto
and I work.
5:18 Therefore the
Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken
the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal
with God.
5:19 Then answered Emmanuel
and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you The Son can do nothing
of himself.(the
to us).but what he sees
the Father do.(how
does He see what the Father does?.Luke
6:12). For whatever things he does these also does the
Son likewise.
5:20 For the Father loves the Son and shows him all things that himself
does. And he will show him greater works than these.(1Corinthians
2:9), that you may marvel.
5:21 For as the Father raises up the dead
and quickens them, even so the Son quickens
whom he will.
who are those that he will, if not the
so", that is, in the same manner. By the same
authority and power. The power of raising the dead must be one of the highest
attributes of the divinity. Emmanuel affirms that he has the power to do
this, as the Father, so it follows that he must be equal
with God. The so-called trinity is oneness.
5:22 For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment unto
the Son.
then is the Son?
5:23 That all should honor
the Son, even as they honor
the Father. He that honors not the Son honors not the Father which
has sent him.(why
would this be?.Matthew
5:24 Verily, verily,
I say unto you, He that hears my word and believes on him
that sent me.(John
10:29,30; 14:28),
has everlasting life.(1John
5:12; John 17:3).and
in condemnation, but is passed from death unto life..(when?)
John 5:25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour
is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the
Son of God and they that hear shall live.
5:25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming and now
is, when the dead.(who
are these guys?.Romans
6:2,8; Colossians 3:3).shall
hear the voice of the Son of God.(and
the Son of God is also you (why?),
so it's your heartfelt thoughts toward that which you may be concerned
about, that is the voice in you).and
they that hear.(how
does one 'hear'? Those that hear are those open to higher consciousness
things, open meaning, wanting
13:13-16; Romans 10:17; Hebrews
5:11-14).shall live.
But some dead
won't hear and be awakened:.verses
28,29 below;.what's
for them?
5:26 For as the Father has life in himself, so has he given to the
Son to have life in himself.(and
if the Son is in you, you
have it too);
5:27 And has given him authority to execute judgment also, because
he is the Son of man.
became as a man, comprehending
all things concerning the things of man:.Romans
5:28 Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming.(that
was then; now, the time is here).in
the which all that are in the graves.(original
is 'dead and remembered').shall
hear his voice.
5:29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection
of life and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation...
for 'damnation' is 'judgment'. Nothing
is forgotten. All will give account
for their actions.
John 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing. As I
hear, I judge. And my judgment is just, because
I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which has sent me.
5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing. As I hear, I judge.(means
decides as one lives his life; we all make decisions as we go along in
life; doesn't mean Christ is judginga
person as to any wrongs they may have done as the universal law of reap
what you sow takes care of that). And my judgment is just.(always
decides according to the
consciousness of the Father-Creator, that's how to be sure your decisions
are in alignment with truth, that's how your judgment is just),
because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which has
sent me.
5:31 If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.
5:32,33 There is another that bears witness of me and I know that the
witness which he witnesses of me is true. You sent unto John and he bare
witness unto the truth.
John 5:34 But I receive not testimony from man.
But these things I say, that you might be saved.
5:34 But I receive not testimony from man.(what
could man at the ordinary low consciousness level he may be at ever say
that would lead a person into eternal life? Nothing! and especially so
if he has been propagandized
by false
religious doctrines). But these things I say.(because
Emmanuel was at a different level), that you might be saved.
5:35 He was a burning and a shining light. And you were willing for
a season to rejoice in his light.
5:36 But I have greater witness than that of John. For the works which
the Father has given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness
of me, that the Father has sent me.
5:37 And the Father himself, which has sent me, has borne witness of
me. You have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.
that's who we are in cantact with when we meditate
and/or pray.
5:38 And you have not his word abiding.(original
Greek is 'continuing present').in
you because, whom he has sent, him you
believe not.
were not yet beyond the stage of being
alerted, which was happening here. And, they couldn't get beyond this
stage into believing unless God was ready for a greater benefit to them
at that time; the principle:.Isaiah
6:9,10; John 8:32; Romans
intelligence is in one to the degree of thit belief in God.
John 5:39 Search the scriptures, for in them you'll
learn about eternal life because they talk of me.
5:39 Search the scriptures.(Acts
17:11), for in them you'll learn about eternal life.(Titus
1:2).because they talk of me.
from context.'You
guys search the scriptures, know them better than anybody, but miss the
point of them, the point being that they talk of me, in whom is the life
you are searching for:.John
7:37."...If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink.".Christ
is the answer to one's thirst for truth:.John
5:40 And you will not come to me, that you might have life.
5:41-43 I receive not honour from men. But I know you, that you have
not the love of God in you. I am come in my Father's name and you receive
me not. If another shall come in his own name, him you will receive.
5:44 How can you believe, which receive honour one of another
and seek not the honour that comes from God only?
5:45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one
that accuses you, even Moses, in whom you trust.
here that these corrupt ones appropriated
the ideas and principles in the books the Judeans
followed. These were books of the Mosaic law.
These ones called themselves Jews,
to hide their nefarious
Where was Moses
at this time?.Matthew
5:46 For had you believed Moses,
you would have believed me.(Genesis
49:10), for he wrote of me.
3:22; 7:37; Luke
5:47 But if you believe not his writings, how shall you believe my