-Why did God give
us the Holy Spirit?
So that we might have a both
a means of energy to recharge ourselves, and a relationship with the Father,
the Great Infinite Intelligence of the universe who created all there is,
both seen and unseen. This relationship with the Spirit comes when we leave
the ways of the ego and come
into the higher
consciousness of the Spirit.
This can have a great effect
change of our hearts, as it did in the hearts of those with Emmanuel,
as we look at them before and compare their attitudes after His death and
upon receipt of the Holy Spirit.
This can have a great energy
effect, keeping us charged up, filling up the hollow inside of us, the
hollow created by the drain of just being human, the drain which increases
the more negative things we encounter.
Peter's example
26:34 to end of chapter. Even after Emmanuel's resurrection, some doubted:.Matthew
28:17 "And when they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted.".They
had not yet received the Holy Spirit.
Without the Holy Spirit
with you, 'calling' you, a making you aware of, so that you become interested
in spiritual concerns, even if Emmanuel himself was there talking to you,
you would be like
Peter and Thomas and even after they were there for Emmanuel's crucifixion
and resurrection.
For spiritual things to 'stick',
takes the action of the Great Infinite One:.John
21:1-3 "After these things Emmanuel showed himself again to the disciples
at the sea of Tiberias and on this wise showed he himself. There were together
Simon Peter and Thomas called Didymus and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee
and the sons of Zebedee and two other of his disciples.
Simon Peter said unto them, I'm going fishing.(in
other words; 'to hell with this, I'm outta here to go and live my life
as I darn well deem
fit). They say unto him, We're also
going with you. They went forth and entered into a ship immediately and
that night they caught nothing." John
20:25 "The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the
Lord. But he.(Thomas).said
unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put
my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side,
I will not believe.".(the
key of belief)
20:30 "And many other signs truly did Emmanuel in the presence of his
disciples, which are not written in this book."
But after the Holy
Spirit came, there was change:.1Corinthians
2:12 "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit
which is of God.(the
we might know the things that are freely given to us of God."
After the Holy Spirit came
upon Paul, there
was drastic change. So it can be in lives today. All one needs to know
God is His Holy Spirit in you. From there one will be guided into an increasing
comprehension and in most cases that seems to involve reading
-Are Christ and the Father
both in us? John 17:21; Matthew
Being in Him and/or the Father
'being in us'.(*).means
that we have His
holy nature, the primary.component
of which is love:.1John
4:8 and verse 16 "He that loves not knows not God for God is
In Christ is all
the fullness of the Father:.Matthew
28:18; Colossians 1:19; 1Thessalonians
1:1. They are one in Spirit, attitude, outlook and nature and these
frequencies indwell.(we
have been renewed in mind, now able to stay tuned to His 'station').us
individually as hopeful attitudes and we now have an implanted motivation
that typifies a genuine
concern for others and our emotional makeup and expression of it is one
joy. Our spirit.(1Corinthians
theirs is one Spirit.(1Corinthians
6:17), for all
is of God and all
is connected:.1Peter
4:11; 1John 4:9.
We are enveloped 'immersed'.(original
Greek for 'baptized').into
His Holy Nature, aka the Holy Spirit now
tuned in as it were to receive the same nature, outlook that comes from
Him. Our heart has been retuned to pick up 'station love'.
to the words of the Great Infinite
Oneness enables them to be living spiritual words in our lives:.John
1:1-4; 1Corinthians 2:5.
The Creator never overrides
our hearts. We, living at the low consciousness
level can choose a
higher consciousness to function by. Why is this so important?.Ephesians
A growing relationship
with this Invisible Intelligence we mostly refer to as God,.increasingly
brings forth the power and character
of this high consciousness realm,
increasingly that is, because of your love of others also increasing:.2Peter
One's love toward others
from his or her heart, as
generated when one meditates, when one prays for things for self and
others, when one contemplates on what comes to mind and when one studies,
provides strength for daily living into the lives of self and others. It
will make a difference. And, that difference can be accelerated through
what's known as fasting.
long will that take? When love flows out, more of it flows into an
individual and he or she has gained. Note this scripture here, showing
the power of God is a supply. Don't strangle the supply of the spirit
with energy
How much of it you may have
at any one time depends on you and on others who can help, such as Bruno
Groening in the invisible. So, one has to draw in spiritual strength
for self and open a wider path for others in that regard, if he or she
hopes to make positive use of this pressure cooker life:.Philippians
1:19 "...the supply of the
Spirit of
Emmanuel the Christ." Ephesians
3:19 "And to know the love of Christ...that you might be filled
with all the fulness of God.".It's
by knowing the love of Christ.(*).that
you get filled with the Holy Spirit.
2:15 "....but having hope, when your faith is increased.(note
that faith can be increased; it's a supply, like
all high consciousness
qualities)..." Nehemiah
8:10 "...for the joy of the Lord is your strength."
That's why Bruno said he
would believe for us until
we can, so that what you may want and need would begin immediately to work
for your good. Why wait, ask now if you have some need?
This is growth.(1,
necessary because we couldn't make use of all the energy through the Soul
all at once while still mostly at the level
of the ego:.Ephesians
4:13. Your desire is
the key to having more spirit
energy in your life, because it leads you to how
to go inward to get it.
And here is great power for
1:19 "And what is the exceeding greatness of his power
to usward
who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.".Ephesians
And what
is the regulator of this believing leading to this mighty power?
1:16 "And of his
2:5,6; Ephesians 3:19).have
all we received.(original
is 'taken'; some desire more than others).and
grace for grace." Colossians 1:19
"For it pleased the Father that in him.(and
we are His body:.Ephesians
all fulness dwell.".And
to all who are persons of the spiritual quality of love.
1:10 "That you might walk worthy of the Lord, unto all pleasing, being
fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.(2Peter
3:18)." Colossians
1:13 "Who has delivered us from the
power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear
Son." Ephesians 3:19 "And to know
the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with
all the fulness of God.".(note
that it's love that enables you to be filled)
So ask for more of
the Holy Nature of love:.Ephesians
5:18 "...be filled with the Spirit.".That
is where the power is. Your spirit is connected with the Soul of all. It
hears. Here is one reason to ask for
that which will benefit you.
The Creator will bring circumstances
and things to our minds so that more of the Spirit can
be able to flow into us:.2Kings
2:9 "And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah
said unto Elisha: Ask what I shall
do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray
thee, let a double portion of
thy spirit be upon me." Philippians
1:19 ".....the supply of the Spirit of Emmanuel the Christ."
If He gave Elisha a double
portion, why not you too? Elisha
asked for double and got it! You could ask for triple.or
more. Ask for it!:.Romans
15:4 "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for
our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might
have hope."
-What does it mean to be."filled
with the Spirit".(Ephesians
Once filled, you are filled.
You have got it all. Most people having accepted the nature of the Infinite
One into their hearts.('accepting
Emmanuel' as it is commonly said).fall
short in awareness of all
the potential they have in Him, especially so, once they become involved
in ego level religion; no, not churches and the fellowship with others,
but rather the crappy religion
that often goes along with it.
3:34; Philippians 1:19.
To be filled with the Spirit
is to be full and fufilled by the indwelling of that which many of us fail
to comprehend
effectively, that being Creator's love.(1John
grace and sufficiency for us without reservation:.2Corinthians
3:5; 9:8; 2Peter
1:2; 3:18.
Once you are filled with
this new life, you know there is no need for searching for life elsewhere,
as so many youth do in their quest
for fulfillment 'out there' somewhere.(friends
and adventurous activities).
Some spiritual people believe
they have needs that the Creator is not presently meeting. Impossible!
He meets all needs on a moment by moment basis; what's impossible with
the Creator?. They are just looking in life where they are not yet and
seeing negatives in it. The one caveat
is that the Creator may presently be using
circumstances in one's life in such a way as to bring a person to where
his purpose on Earth will be; which is where his passion will be ignited
for good for humanity.
Paul is cautioning them here
in Ephesians 5:18 regarding this question on being filled with the spirit,
to drink too much to the point of drunkenness, but rather to find fulfillment
in spiritual things, such as
study and acts
of compassion toward others, etc., actions that bring more
of the Holy Spirit forth into one's life.