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P o t p o u r r i  E 2

-Elah: An evil king, son and successor of Baasha, king of Israel, B.C.E. 926:.1Kings 16:6 "So Baasha slept with his fathers and was buried in Tirzah.(map).and Elah his son reigned in his stead."

After reigning two years, Elah was slain by Zimri while he was intoxicated:.1Kings 16:9 "And his servant Zimri...conspired against him, as he was...drinking himself drunk..."

Zimri was one of the officers of Elah's dad Baasha and also was servant to Elah. Zimri slew Elah and succeeded him as king:.1Kings 16:10.

Elah was father of Hoshea the last king of Israel:.2Kings 15:30. He reigned nine years:.2Kings 17:1-3

Zimri destroyed all the family of Baasha, according to the prediction of Jehu the prophet:.1Kings 16:7.

As Baasha conspired against his master Nadab, so Zimri against Baasha's son Elah. Zimri in turn was slain by Omri. Thus retributive justice pays transgressors in kind

-elders:.The "elders".of the New Testament.church were the "pastors".(Ephesians 4:11),."bishops or overseers".(Acts 20:28), "leaders" and "rulers".(Hebrews 13:7; 1Thessalonians 5:12).of the flock. Pastors and teachers have a responsibility to be honest and honorable.

Everywhere in the New Testament 'bishop' and 'presbyter' are titles given to one being recognized by people in a branch of the Christian church as being a leader:.1John 2:12-14. He who is called presbyter or elder on account of his age or gravity is also called bishop or overseer with reference to the duty that lay upon him:.Titus 1:5-7; Acts 20:17-28; Philippians 1:1. See 'church authority'.

Eli:.Eli was the high priest and a judge of ancient Israel for forty years. Samuel from birth was dedicated to God by his mother and after weaning, was brought to the temple where Eli the high priest was, so he could learn the things to do with God.

Apart from being a terrible father.(1Samuel 2:12,22-24; 3:13), Eli was a good, but fat man.(1Samuel 4:18), who probably lacked the energy needed to ensure his sons were properly raised:.Proverbs 22:6. His sons were named Hophni and Phinehas, both so corrupt, God got rid of them, along with Eli.(lesson? be sure to get good at being a mom or dad):.1Samuel 2:34; 4:1-22.

Always follow through with what you know to be right for all concerned. Eli had a lackadaisical.laissez faire attitude that 'did him in'. He knew better, but his heart wasn't for doing his best with the knowledge and responsibilities his position presented. His protege, Samuel ended up taking Eli's place when God got rid of Eli. Eli, as they say, 'blew it'. Don't you make the same mistakes. 

-Elijah.(called Elias in the New Testament.as it was written in Greek):.(below comprised from.Easton's Bible Dictionary):

Elijah is suddenly introduced to our notice in 1Kings 17:1 as delivering a message from the Lord to Ahab. This is the first mention of him. Nothing is said of his lineage. Was he an angel, appearing for a time as human? By his work, his purpose is shown to be that of awakening men from the slumber of their low consciousness, to the opposite, that of life in God.

Elijah's Hebrew name 'Alihu' signifies 'he is my God', the he meaning God, the one we all refer to. Elijah's life was a humble existence with basic.necessities:.Proverbs 30:8; 1Kings 17:2-16.

Elijah appeared suddenly on the world scene, as did Melchisedec, both without parentage and alluding to these great personages being manifestations in the flesh of the Great Intelligent Being we call the true God. Angels? Good non terrestrials?

Elijah, having delivered his message to Ahab, he retired at the command of God to a hiding place by the brook Cherith, beyond Jordan, where he was fed by ravens. When the brook dried up God sent him to the widow of Zarephath, a city of Zidon, from whose scanty store he was supported for the space of two years. During this period the widow's son died and was restored to life by Elijah:.1Kings 17:17-24. During these two years a famine prevailed in the land. 

Elijah met Obadiah, one of Ahab's officers and a very spiritual man, whom Ahab had sent out to seek for pasturage for the cattle and Elijah bade Obadiah, go and tell Ahab that Elijah was there. King Ahab came and met Elijah and reproached him as the troubler of Israel.

It was then proposed that sacrifices should be publicly offered for the purpose of determining whether Baal or Jehovah were the true God:.1Kings 18:17-39. This was done on Carmel, with the result that the people fell on their faces, crying "The Lord, he is the God". Thus was accomplished the great work of Elijah's ministry.

The prophets of Baal were then put to death by the order of Elijah. Not one of them escaped. Then immediately followed rain, according to the word of Elijah and in answer to his prayer:.James 5:18

Jezebel, Ahab's wife, enraged at the fate that had befallen her priests of Baal, threatened to put Elijah to death:.1Kings 19:1-13. He therefore fled in alarm to Beersheba and thence went alone a day's journey into the wilderness, sitting down in despondency under a juniper tree. As he slept, an angel touched him and said unto him "Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you."

He arose and found a cake and a cruse.(small container).of water. Having partaken of the provision thus miraculously supplied, he went forward on his solitary way for forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mount of God, where he took up his abode in a cave. Here the Lord appeared unto him and said "What are you doing here Elijah?" In answer to his despondent words God manifests to him his glory.(I guess, showed him some things that convinced him that this indeed was the Creator of the multiverse).and then directs him to return to Damascus and anoint Hazael king over Syria and Jehu king over Israel and Elisha to be prophet helping Elijah:.1Kings 19:14-21; 2Kings 8:7-15; 9:1-10.

Elijah had an interesting interaction with those who didn't believe in the real God and were instead steeped in worshiping 'gods' of their satanic practices:.1Kings 18:17-40; Isaiah 46:1,2. These so-called prophets of Baal and the groves, were as bad as those who do similarly today in their satanic worship practices, as reported by Janet Ossebaard.

When Elijah's time was done on Earth, the Infinite One took him away in a whirlwind.(2Kings 2:1-12).in the sight of Elisha, the one who took over from Elijah. Elijah passed on without the intermediary step of what we call the death of the physical body. And so all this leads up to the words of Emmanuel thousands of years later:.John 11:26 "And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Believe you this?"

Elijah comes again and can be noticed by what was happening on Earth in Emmanuel's time:.Malachi 4:5,6; Matthew 11:13,14.

With one of the free Bible computer programs, type in Elijah and/or Elisha and read about his remarkable life.
   More on Ahab.

-Elisha:.(comprised from Easton's Bible Dictionary)

After Elijah's departure.(2Kings 2:1-12), Elisha returned to Jericho and there healed the spring of water by casting salt into it:.2Kings 2:21.

Elisha possessed, according to his own request."a double portion".of Elijah's spirit.(2Kings 2:9).and for the long period of about sixty years.(B.C.E. 892-832).held the office of."prophet in Israel":.2Kings 5:8.

Elisha's circa was B.C.E. and 900 years before Emmanuel. Elisha was an attendant and disciple of Elijah:.1Kings 19:16-19. His name first occurs in the command given to Elijah to anoint him as his successor; see verse 16.

This was the only one of the three commands then given to Elijah which he accomplished. On his way from Sinai to Damascus he found Elisha at his native place engaged in the labours of the field, ploughing with twelve yoke of oxen.

He went over to him, threw over his shoulders his rough mantle.(a large overgarment).and at once adopted him as a son and invested him with the prophetical office.

Elisha accepted the call thus given.(about four years before the death of Ahab).and for some seven or eight years became the close attendant on Elijah till he was parted from him and taken up into heaven.(the air; off the ground and away from view): 2Kings 2:1. During all these years we hear nothing of Elisha except in connection with the closing scenes of Elijah's life. After Elijah, Elisha was accepted as the leader of the sons of the prophets and became noted in Israel.

After his trip to Jericho, Elisha headed to Bethel.(2Kings 2:23), where, with the sternness of his master, he cursed the youths who came out and scoffed at him as a prophet of God who was bald:."Go up, you bald head."

The judgment at once took effect and God terribly visited.(2Kings 2:24).the dishonour done to his prophet. Similarly it happened to Emmanuel. The lesson is, respect others, even our enemies.

Elisha came to king Jehoram of Israel when a war broke out between the Syrians and Israel. Elisha was able to bring the war to an end without the bloody conflict that had been the history for both nations:.2Kings 6:21-23.

We next read of Elisha predicting a fall of rain when the army of Jehoram was faint from thirst.(2Kings 3:9-20); of the multiplying of the poor widow's cruse of oil.(2Kings 4:1-7); the miracle of restoring to life the son of the woman of Shunem.(2Kings 4:18-37); the multiplication of the twenty loaves of new barley into a sufficient supply for an hundred men.(2Kings 4:42-44); of the cure of Naaman the Syrian of his leprosy.(2Kings 5:1-27); of the punishment of Gehazi for his falsehood and his covetousness; of the recovery of the axe lost in the waters of the Jordan where iron floats.(2Kings 6:1-7); of the miracle at Dothan, half way on the road between Samaria and Jezreel; of the siege of Samaria by the king of Syria and of the terrible sufferings of the people in connection with it and Elisha's prophecy as to the relief that would come:.2Kings 6:24 to 7:2

We then find Elisha at Damascus, to carry out the command given to his master to anoint Hazael king over Syria.(2Kings 8:7-15); thereafter he directs one of the sons of the prophets to anoint Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat, king of Israel, instead of Ahab. Thus the three commands given to Elijah.(2Kings 9:1-10).were at length carried out. 

We do not again read of him till we find him on his deathbed from some sickness in his own house:.2Kings 13:14-19

Why sickness unto death and yet his guru, his master, Elijah escaped all this? Don't know why, except, Elisha had asked to be even more effective than Elijah and that would have given him a greater name. Perhaps he, at the time, thought it to be important in getting the people to think he was just as good as Elijah was:.2Corinthians 10:12. But probably he just wanted to be more effective in serving and helping.

Barnes New Testament Notes:."Apparently the special function of the two great Israelite prophets, Elijah and Elisha, was to counteract the noxious influence of the Baalistic rites and when these ceased, their extraordinary ministry came to an end.".And in Elisha's case, his end came as a result of some illness. I wonder why he wasn't taken away directly to God as his predecessor Elijah and the earlier Enoch was, instead of going through some illness? Hmm!

Joash, the grandson of Jehu, comes to mourn over his approaching departure and utters the same words as those of Elisha when Elijah was taken away:.2Kings 13:14 "My father, my father! The chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof."

Afterwards when a dead body is laid in Elisha's grave a year after his burial, no sooner does it touch the hallowed remains than the man."revived and stood up on his feet":.2Kings 13:20,21.

With one of the free Bible computer programs, type in Elisha and read about his remarkable life. A story about his remarkable confidence in his Creator:.2Kings 6:8-23.and.a story about iron floating.

-Enoch.(*):.was the seventh from Adam:.Genesis 5:21-24. He was the son of Jared, and father of Methuselah. After the birth of Methuselah, his son, Enoch."walked with God three hundred years".and then the Creator took him away by translating him without tasting physical death:.Genesis 5:21-24. When he was translated, only Adam, so far as recorded, had as yet died a natural death and Noah was not yet born.

This was not the Enoch who was a son of the murderer Cain:.Genesis 4:1,17.

Some wonder if the non biblical Book of Enoch was removed from the Bible, as another 711 books appear to have been?

-ephod:.something girt.(to encircle with a belt or band), a sacred vestment worn originally by the high priest.(Exodus 28:4), afterwards by the ordinary priest.(1Samuel 22:18).and characteristic of his office:.1Samuel 2:18,28; 14:3. It was worn by Samuel and also by David:.2Samuel 6:14. It was made of fine linen and consisted of two pieces, which hung from the neck and covered both the back and front, above the tunic and outer garment:.Exodus 28:31. That of the high priest was embroidered with divers colors. The two pieces were joined together over the shoulders.(hence in Latin called superhumerale).by clasps or buckles of gold or precious stones and fastened round the waist by a "curious girdle of gold, blue, purple and fine twined linen":.Exodus 28:6-12.

The breastplate, with the Urim and Thummim, was attached to the ephod.

-Evil-merodach: Means 'man of Merodach'. He was the son and successor of Nebuchadnezzar-II, king of Babylon, B.C.E. 561 and originally named Amelu Marduk.

Evil-Merodach's friendly treatment of Jehoiakim the captive king of Judah, in releasing him from prison and variously distinguishing him above other captives, is mentioned to his praise:.2Kings 25:27-30; Jeremiah 52:31-34

His reign and life were cut short by a conspiracy, headed by his brother-in-law Neriglissar, who succeeded him:.Jeremiah 39:3.

To a woman, anything a man says after the last argument, is the beginning.