Pauling, Linus Carl,
1901-1994, a chemist who earned a Ph.D.
California Institute of Technology. Born in Portland, Oregon and educated
at Oregon State Agricultural College, he discovered the many beneficial
functions for vitamin C's functions
during his work on chemical bonding and molecular structure at CalTech.
Nobel prize winner Dr.
Albert Szent Gyorgyi was the original discoverer of Vitamin C.
Pauling's first Nobel
prize was in 1954 for his investigation of genetic chemistry
and the second one in 1962 for his dedicated efforts to stop nuclear weapons
testing. Pauling was a voracious
learner with a phenomenal
memory, often applying what he learned from one field of science to another.
In the 1970s Pauling came to see from his research
that large doses of vitamin C, just below the point of diarrhea.(many
people restoring health start at around 2,000 milligrams twice daily and
move up 500 milligrams daily until they reach the diarrhea stage, then
cut back a bit; this is when the body is telling you it can't use all that
you are now giving it and the rest is just wasted), are instrumental
in providing macrophages
the fuel needed to remove garbage from the body, keeping one free of colds
and free of being susceptible
to other types of infections.
as a garbage truck needs fuel in order to get to your place
and remove your garbage, so the body needs fuel to do what it has to do
to keep you healthy. Just as the streets need to be kept clear of snow
that would hinder
first responder vehicles getting around, so also the streets of the body,
the blood stream system, needs to be kept clean so the macrophages can
travel around doing what they do.
your partner is the person you are married to
or are having a romantic
or sexual.relationship
with; your partner is the person you are doing something with, for example,
dancing with or playing with in a game against two other people; one that
is united
or associated
with another or others in an activity or a sphere
of common
interest; a man and woman in a personal relationship because they love
each other and want to have children because they care to have a full family;
a spouse; either of two persons
dancing together; one of a pair or team in a sport or game, such as tennis
or bridge; in nautical.terms,
a wooden framework used to strengthen a ship's deck at the point where
a mast or other structure passes through it
partner, partnered,
make a partner of; to bring together as partners; to be the partner of
work or perform as a partner
any of various small nematode
worms of the family Oxyuridae that are parasitic
on horses, rabbits and other mammals,
especially Enterobius vermicularis, a species
that infests
the human intestines and rectum; also called threadworm
any of several.mammals
of the family Suidae, having short legs, cloven
hoofs, bristly
hair and a cartilaginous.snout
used for digging, especially the domesticated.hog,
Sus scrofa, when young or of comparatively small size; the edible parts
of one of these mammals, called a nicer word, pork; an individual regarded
as being piglike, greedy
or gross;
a crude
block of metal, chiefly iron or lead, poured from a smelting.furnace
(Pig iron)
pig, pigged,
to give birth to pigs
in a pig's eye.idiom
under no condition; never
pig in a poke.idiom
something that is offered in a manner that conceals
its true nature or value (she bought that old car but it was a pig in a
because mechanically it was garbage)
a horizontal.surface
raised above the level of the adjacent.area,
as a stage
for speaking to the public
which may be near by or walking by the speaker; a place, a means or an
opportunity for public expression
of opinions;
a declaration
of the principles
on which a group,
such as a,
makes its appeal
to the public; a landing alongside railroad tracks
pulverize, pulverized,
transitive verb
or grind
to a powder or dust; to demolish;
to pulverize something means to do damage
to it or to destroy it completely;
if you pulverize something, you make it into a powder by crushing it; using
a pestle and mortar
(pulverized the grain to a coarse powder; the fries are made from chemicalized
pellets of pulverized potato)
intransitive verb
be ground
or reduced
to powder or dust
an elevated,
of land; a relatively.stable
level, period or state;
a plateau is a large area of high and fairly flat land (a broad
valley opened up leading to a high, flat plateau of cultivated
land); if you say that an activity or process has reached a plateau, you
mean that it has reached a stage
where there is no further.change
or development
to reach a stable level;
level off
in a patent manner; openly, plainly or clearly
(the theory
of evolution
presents itself with patently false statements)
a grant
made by a government that confers
upon the creator of an invention the sole.right
to make, use and sell that invention for a set period of time; Letters
patent; an invention protected by such a grant; a grant made by a government
that confers on an individual fee
to public
lands; the official.document
of such a grant; the land so granted; an exclusive
right or title patent.adjective
plain; apparent;
protected or conferred by a patent or letters patent (a patent right);
in patents (patent law);
not blocked; open; spreading open; expanded; of high quality,
used of flour; open to general.inspection
(documents available for perusal)
patent, patented,
to obtain
a patent on or for an invention
it must not be natural, example, Bill Gates attempting to patent the lemon;
to be patentable something must be man made; invent, originate
or be the proprietor
of an idea;
also to grant a patent to or for a bioweapon (a bioweapon
is something.such
as the combination of two things: 1) creating the problem, such as
a real or presented so as to be believable, disease and 2) having what
the public has been led to believe is the solution to it, for example the
Covid so-called vaccine, which is actually a patented and planned and
proven to be bioweapon for war against We
the People and what kind of monsters would
do such things? See the revealing reports
by Janet Ossebaard and keep alert for the vaccine injuries and deaths
initiated by Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization,
the CDC, the FDA, the misnomer
Health Canada, etc. and etc. and etc. Yep, the world has been mostly satanic
for a very long time and no longer is this tolerated by an increasing
number of good people, pray will yuh?
of farmers, sharecroppers,
laborers, etc. who work on the land where they form the main labor force
in agriculture; a country
person; a rustic
peasants considered as a
group (the various peasantries
of different locales in medieval
a Presbyterian Church; of or relating to ecclesiastical
government by presbyters
a member or an adherent
of a Presbyterian Church presbyterianism.noun
an elder (1John
2:12-14) of the congregation
in the early;
a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church
a peninsula
forming the southern part of Greece (map)
south of the Gulf of Corinth,
once dominated by Sparta, a
city-state of ancient Greece in the southeast Peloponnesus
until B.C.E. the fourth century
also spelt
protégé; also the spelling protegee
is often used when referring to a woman; the protege of an older and more
experienced person is a young person who is helped and guided by them over
a period of time (he's been a great asset,
as he was the protege of a retired eminent
scientist); a protege/protegee is one whose welfare, training or career
is promoted by and learned from a skillful
person, one who has earlier traveled a similar life road
or partial
paralysis; general
loss or impairment of the ability to move a body
part, usually as a result of damage to its nerve supply; loss of sensation
over a region
of the body; inability to move or function; total stoppage or severe
impairment of activity