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a practice of withholding information from the public (governments agreeing with and/or concocting.policies of subservience for control of and less freedom for citizens such as in creeping communism and/or often with headwords used such as freedom and democracy, good for or necessary for health; a practice of presenting corrupt policies in such a way as to deceive the public into thinking that such policies are beneficial); the policy of preventing facts or full details of something from becoming known through control of information distribution and media presentation
a person or thing that obscures

not clear or distinct; ambiguous; hidden; dim; dark; murky
obscure applies to that which is perceived with difficulty because it is veiled (2Corinthians 3:16); obscurantism
obscure, obscurer, obscurest.adjectives
not readily.comprehended or clearly expressed, mysterious, remote, secluded; deficient in light; dark; so faintly perceptible as to lack clear delineation; indistinct; far from centers of human population (an obscure village); out of sight; hidden (an obscure retreat)
obscure, obscured, obscuring, obscures.transitive verbs
to make dim or indistinct (smog obscured our view); block; to conceal in obscurity; hide
obscureness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
deficiency or absence of light; darkness; the quality or condition of being unknown

occur, occurred, occurring, occurs.intransitive verbs
to take place; come about; happen; to be found to exist or appear (heavy rains occur during a summer monsoon); to come to mind (the idea never occurred to me)
an event; incident; a general word for anything that happens or takes place; an instance of occurring; something that takes place

the branch of zoology dealing with birds
a scientist in this branch of zoology

an occurrence or phenomenon believed to portend a future event, either good or bad 
synonyms.portent, sign, warning, premonition, foreboding, augury, indication

threatening; containing a warning of something evil or bad that will happen 
synonyms.menacing, sinister, portentous, threatening (ominous rumblings of discontent; ominous black clouds); inauspicious, foreboding, fateful, unpromising
ominousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

impenetrable by light; neither transparent nor translucent; if an object or substance is opaque, you cannot see through it (you can always use opaque glass if you need to block a street view); if you say that something is opaque, you mean that it is difficult to comprehend (the opaque language of the inspector's reports)
opaqueness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

the quality or state of being opaque; something opaque; obscurity; impenetrability; dullness of mind

a binary.compound of oxygen with a more electropositive.element or group
a substance used as an oxidizing agent

the process of oxidizing; the combination of a substance with oxygen; reaction in which the atoms in an element lose electrons and the valence of the element is correspondingly increased

oxidize, oxidized, oxidizing, oxidizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to combine with oxygen; make into an oxide; to make rusty; to increase the positive charge or valence of an element by removing electrons; to coat with oxide
intransitive verb use.to become oxidized
Chemistry:.to increase the positive charge or valence of (an element) by removing electrons
oxidizable (or, isable), oxidic.adjectives

obtain, obtained, obtaining, obtains.transitive verbs
to succeed in gaining possession of as the result of something (astute planning resulted in an enduring endeavor); acquire
intransitive verb use.to be established, accepted or customary; to succeed

mentally slow or emotionally insensitive; dull; stupid
obtuseness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

obviate, obviated, obviating, obviates.transitive verbs
made unnecessary.by reason of.consequence (entrenched in evil it was seen best to obviate their inclusion in the plan to improve humanity); to render.unnecessary; to do away with; to dispose of; counter; prevent; to preclude; to obviate something such as a problem or a need means to remove it or make it unnecessary; to get rid of

a violent attack

orient, oriented, orienting, orients.transitive verbs
to become familiar with; to make familiar with or adjusted to facts, principles, location or a situation; when you orient yourself to a new situation or course of action, you learn about it and prepare to deal with it (you will need the time to orient yourself to your new way of eating); to align oneself with a new direction; to determine the bearings of; if someone is oriented towards or oriented to a particular thing or individual, they are mainly concerned with that thing or person; to focus (the content of a story or film, for example) toward the concerns and interests of a specific group; to locate, align or place in a particular relation to the points of the compass or to some reference point (orient the swimming pool north and south to maximize the warm sun)
orientate, orientated, orientating, orientates.verbs
to orient (coming again to the old town, he stood there for a moment orientating himself as many of the buildings he knew were now gone)
intransitive verb use.to face or turn to the east
the act of orienting or the state of being oriented

of.or.relating.to the countries of the Orient, that is, countries of the continent of Asia designating the biogeographic.regions that include Asia south of the Himalaya Mountains and the islands of the Malay Archipelago
an individual of Asian descent

an idea held in the mind for consideration that may or may not be true; a quasi conclusion held somewhat with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof; what one thinks of something (medical opinion); an estimation of the merit of an individual or thing (has a low opinion of 'greedco's'); the prevailing view (public opinion;."Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings and not by the intellect"....Herbert Spencer

opine, opined, opining, opines.transitive verbs
to hold or state as an opinion

extremely.unusual or unconventional; extraordinary (often dresses in outrageous clothing; found some outrageous bargains). being beyond all reason; extravagant or immoderate (spends an outrageous amount on entertainment); if you describe something as outrageous, you are emphasizing that it is unacceptable or very shocking (she apologized for her drunken outrageous behaviour; mortgage and student loans charges are particularly outrageous); grossly offensive to decency or morality; being well beyond the bounds of good taste (outrageous epithets); having no regard for morality
(a wild person has many outrageousnesses)

a section or scene, as of a movie, that is filmed but not used in the final version; a complete version, as of a recording, that is dropped in favor of another version; an opening for outward discharge; a vent

if something happens once, it happens one time only (once a day); at one time in the past; formerly; at any time; ever (once known, her face is never forgotten)
a single occurrence; one time (once will have to do; you can go just this once)
as soon as; if ever; when (once he goes, we can clean up)
having been formerly; former (the once prestigious estate home in the area)
at once.idiom
all at one time; simultaneously (everything happened at once; the view of the skyline is at once awesome, grand and disappointing due to pollution); immediately; instantly
a person who does a particular thing only once
once and for all.idiom
with finality; definitively; for the last time; in a conclusive way
once in a while.adverb
from time to time, every now and then again, every so often, on occasion, at times, sometimes, off and on, at intervals, periodically, sporadically, intermittently
if you give something or someone the once-over, you quickly look at or examine them (she gave the apartment a once-over)
to look at someone or something quickly to check what they are like (to clean or tidy something quickly); a swift.cursory examination or inspection

oneness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
the quality or state of being one; singleness (the infinite oneness of God); singularity; uniqueness; the condition of being undivided; wholeness; sameness of character (those of higher consciousness have the same laudable character qualities); unison; agreement (oneness of mind and purpose)

a range of activity, experience or knowledge; a range of control or influence; range; the path of a celestial body or an artificial satellite as it revolves around another body; one complete revolution of such a body; the path of a body in a field of force surrounding another body, for example, the movement of an atomic.electron in relation to a nucleus
orbit, orbited, orbiting, orbits-transitive verb
to put into an orbit (orbit a satellite); to revolve around, such as a center of attraction (the hologram is programmed so that the moon orbits Earth)
intransitive verb use.to move in an orbit
of.or.relating.to an orbit
the wave function of an electron in an atom or molecule,.indicating the noticed location of the electron; atomic orbitals are mathematical descriptions of where the electron in an atom {or molecule} are found); experimental data has been the impetus behind the creation and dismissal of physical models of the atom; Rutherford's model, in which the electron moves around a tightly packed, positively charged nucleus, successfully explained the results of scattering experiments, but was unable to explain discrete.atomic.emission, that is, why atoms emit only certain wavelengths of light.

"Bohr began with Rutherford's model, but then postulated further that electrons can only move in certain quantized orbits; this model was able to explain certain qualities of discrete emission for hydrogen, but failed completely for other elements

"Schrödinger's model, in which electrons are described not by the paths they take but by the regions where they are most likely to be found, can explain certain qualities of emission spectra for all elements; however, further refinements of the model, made throughout the 20th century, have been needed to explain all observable spectral phenomenon.

"Atomic orbitals are mathematical descriptions of where the electrons in an atom (or molecule) are most likely to be found. These descriptions are obtained by solving an equation known as the Schrödinger equation, which expresses our knowledge of the atomic world. As the angular momentum and energy of an electron increases, it tends to reside in differently shaped orbitals. The orbitals corresponding to the three lowest energy states are s, p and d, respectively. A spatial distribution of electrons occurs within these orbitals. Form is about spatial structure.."Models of the Atom," Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99

In addition, the fundamental nature of an electron allows it to always come again to the exact same position in the same orbital. What appears to be the overall distribution of more than one electron in an atom, is the sum of its many such occupying positions, all happening so rapidly, one would think there is many of them. The positioning of the electron, which, again because of what we call speed, has has its description confirmed by many experiments in chemistry and physics, including an actual picture of a p-orbital made by a Scanning Tunneling Microscope.
