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in spite of.idiom
not stopped by; regardless of

malicious.ill will.prompting an urge to hurt or humiliate (the flies contaminating one's life); an instance of malicious feeling; in defiance or contempt of or ignoring something, thus carrying on regardless; not stopped by; irregardless of (they kept going in spite of their fears); ignoring it; without being prevented by spite; petty ill will or hatred with the disposition to irritate, annoy.(she did it just to spite the cat), thwart, hurt or humiliate; an instance of spite; to show spite toward; to vent spite on; someone who is spiteful does cruel things to hurt people they dislike
spited, spiting, spited, spiting, spites.transitive verbs
annoy, offend; to treat maliciously.(as by shaming or thwarting); to show spite toward
filled with, prompted by or showing spite; malicious

spur, spurred, spurring, spurs.verbs
transitive verb sense.incited to action or accelerated growth or development; stimulate; induce; sparked; bring on; to proceed in haste at the utmost speed
something that serves as a goad or an incentive; a short spike or spiked wheel that attaches to the heel of a rider's boot and is used to urge a horse forward; a spurlike attachment or projection, as a spinelike process on the leg of some birds; a short or stunted branch of a tree; a bony outgrowth or protuberance
occurring or made hastily on impulse (a spur-of-the moment choice); a not taking a step back for time to think over what one is interested in doing or having

quality or status gained by growth, development or achievement; the natural height of an individual in an upright position

stimulate, stimulated, stimulating, stimulates.verbs
transitive verb use.to excite to activity or growth by something that could be acted on (listening to music she liked reminded her of what she earlier was thinking could be added to the book she  was writing; he used compost and copper rods, called 'electroculture', to further the growth of vegetables in the garden); to arouse; animate; provoke
stimulative, stimulatory.adjectives
intransitive verb use.to act or serve as a stimulant or stimulus

something that stirs first to thought and possibly also to action, if a decision is made; an incentive; something causing a sensation, a response; an agent, an action that elicits or accelerates a physiological or psychological activity; something that incites or rouses to action
an agent, especially a chemical agent such as some drug or caffeine, that temporarily.arouses or accelerates.physiological activity; a food or drink, especially an alcoholic drink, believed to have a stimulating effect
serving as or being a stimulus; stimulating

sullen, sullener, sullenest.adjectives
gloomily or resentfully silent or repressed; dull or somber in sound or color; dismal, gloomy; moving sluggishly
sullenness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)
synonyms.morose, surly, sulky, glum

any structure or concept erected on something else; the part of the building above its foundation

sarcasm is speech or writing which actually means the opposite of what it seems to say, often used in a jocose.manner to lovingly and out of good heart, to insultingly.mock someone, such as is done at a 'roast' to honor someone; a form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the temporary butt of contempt or ridicule; a cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound; sarcasm is a sharp, bitter or cutting expression or remark; a bitter taunt; compare sardonic

having the character of sarcasm.(sarcastic criticism); given to the use of sarcasm implies an attempt to be insightful, amusing or provocative by saying usually the opposite of what is meant (made the sarcastic comment based on the ironic observation that the government could always be trusted) implies an intentional inflicting of ridicule
synonyms.ironic, caustic, satirical, sardonic

done, made or acquired by stealth; clandestine; secretive; acting or doing something clandestinely; stealthy; done secretly or quickly because you do not want other people to notice

marked by settled sedateness and self-restraint; sober; serious; grave; serious

standing; to stand advantage (used chiefly in the phrase 'to stand one in good stead'); the office, place or function ordinarily occupied or carried out by someone or something else (acted in his brother's stead); in place of (acted in place of his brother, as one would do who had power of attorney)

steady, steadier, steadiest.adjectives
firm in position or place; fixed; direct and unfaltering; sure; free or almost free from change, variation or fluctuation; uniform (a steady increase in value; a steady breeze); not easily excited or upset (steady nerves); unwavering, as in purpose; steadfast; reliable;dependable; temperate; sober
steady, steadied, steadying, steadies.transitive and intransitive verbs.to make or become steady
in nautical terms, used to direct a helmsman to keep a ship's head in the same direction (steady as she goes!)
the person whom one dates regularly, usually exclusively
steadiness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

fixed or unchanging; steady; firmly loyal or constant; unswerving.faithful
stedfastness.or.steadfastness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

sate.(pronounced 's eight'), sated, sating, sates.transitive verbs
to satisfy an appetite fully; to satisfy to excess; satiate
if you are sated with something, you have had more of it than you can enjoy at one time (children happily sated with ice cream)
satiate, satiated, satiating.transitive verbs
to satisfy as a need or desire, fully or to excess (some people's appetites seem insatiable)
synonyms.sate, surfeit, glut, gorge
satiate may imply complete satisfaction but more often suggests repletion that has negated interest or desire (years of globe trotting had satiated their interest in travel) (readers were sated with sensationalistic stories) 
gorge means to fill to repletion; suggests glutting to the point of bursting or choking (gorged themselves with chocolate) 
surfeit.impliesa nauseating repletion (surfeited themselves with junk food) 
glut implies excess in feeding or supplying (a market glutted with diet books)
filled to satiety

the condition of being full or gratified beyond the point of satisfaction; surfeit

meanly or cravenly submissive; abject; of or befitting a slave or a menial position; a serf; subservient
servileness, servility.nouns

existing or occurring together or at the very same time; exactly.coincident; contemporary

snow job.noun.slang,.plural.snow jobs
an effort to deceive using various methods to overwhelm, redirect or persuade with insincere talk and lies, often using flattery or outright.coercion, typical of totalitarians
snow, snowed, snowing, snows.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover, shut off or close off with snow (we were snowed in)
slang.to overwhelm with insincere talk, especially with flattery
frozen precipitation in the form of white or translucent hexagonal ice crystals that fall in soft, white flakes; a falling of snow; a snowstorm; something resembling snow, as the white specks on a television screen resulting from weak reception
attributive.often used to modify another noun (the snow season; snow removal)
intransitive verb use.to fall as or in snow
phrasal verb.snow under.meaning to overwhelm (I was snowed under with work); to defeat by a very large margin

being the only one (the sole survivor of the crash); single; of or relating to only one individual or group; exclusive (having the sole right to decide)
sole, soled, soling, soles.transitive verbs
to furnish a shoe or boot with a sole; the sole of your foot or of a shoe or sock is the underneath surface of it (shoes with rubber soles); to put the sole of a golf club on the ground, as in preparing to make a stroke
any of various chiefly marine flatfish of the family Soleidae, related to and resembling the flounders, especially any of several European species, such as Solea solea, valued as food fishes; any of various other flatfish, especially certain coastal flounders
alone; singly (solely responsible); entirely; exclusively (did it solely for selfish purposes)

authoritative.permission or approval that makes a course of action valid
sanction, sanctioned, sanctioning, sanctions.transitive verbs
to give authorization or approval to (administrations both corporate and governmental, sanction greed at the cost of their reputation, showing which is more important to them); approve

a penalty for noncompliance; (corrupt.totalitarian.governments illegally sanction We the People for noncompliance to their illegal.dictates, such as was done with the covid nonsense); a coercive.measure.adopted by others colluding against We the People's rights; compare embargo

strange, stranger, strangest.adjective
not previously known; unfamiliar; out of the ordinary; unusual or striking; differing from the normal; not of one's own or a particular locality, environment or kind (Numbers 3:38); exotic; reserved in manner; distant; not comfortable or at ease; constrained; not accustomed or conditioned (she was strange to her new duties; she felt strange discussing topics she had feelings about); something that is strange is unusual or unexpected and makes you feel slightly nervous, uneasy or afraid (good to follow your gut feeling, as it could be a warning to you, keeping you safe)
in a strange manner
strangely enough.adverb
you use strangely to emphasize that what you are saying is surprising (one would think that because so many people believe in the evolutionary theory that it would be correct, yet strangely enough, this is not the case); strangely enough, the Sun actually seems to be a gateway for Extra Terrestrial beings, as this pic shows)
the quality or condition of being strange
Physics: in physics, a strange number is a quantum number equal to hypercharge minus baryon number, indicating the possible transformations of an elementary particle upon strong interaction with another elementary particle

a stranger is someone you have never met before; if two people are strangers, they do not know each other; if you are a stranger in a place, you do not know the place well; a stranger is a person who is neither a friend.nor an acquaintance; a newcomer is a stranger; one who is unaccustomed to or unacquainted with something specified; a novice (a stranger to computers); a visitor or guest (hey stranger! haven't seen you for awhile)

a deep, lethargic or unnatural sleep

inducing or tending to induce sleep; drowsy
a drug or other substance that induces sleep; a hypnotic

a state of drowsiness; sleepiness
drowsy; sleepy; inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific

Schrödinger, Erwin 1887-1961. Austrian physicist; shared a 1933 Nobel Prize for new formulations of the atomic theory; a quote

a rough cloth of camel's hair, goat hair, hemp, cotton or flax; garments made of this cloth, worn as a symbol of mourning or penitence

Sydenham's chorea.noun.plural.Sydenham's choreas
a nervous disorder occurring chiefly in childhood or during pregnancy, closely associated with rheumatic fever and characterized by rapid, jerky, involuntary movements of the body; also called Saint Vitus' dance; after Thomas Sydenham 1624-1689, English physician