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scornfully or cynically-mocking
synonyms.sarcastic, ironic, caustic, satirical

a flat grassland of tropical or subtropical.regions

socially ill at ease, as we all were as self-conscious teenagers; excessively conscious of one's appearance or manner; overly aware that one's actions may be misconstrued as inappropriate, and as a result, acting artificially; stilted

induced by oneself or itself (self-induced vomiting); electricity produced by self-induction

used in written texts to indicate that a surprising or paradoxical word, phrase or fact is not a mistake and is to be read as it stands

sick, sicked, sicking, sicks.transitive verbs
to set upon; attack; to urge or incite to hostile action; set (sicked the dogs on the intruders)

sick, sicker, sickest.adjectives
suffering from or affected with a physical illness; ailing; mentally ill or disturbed; unwholesome; morbid (a sick joke); defective; unsound (a sick economy); deeply distressed; upset (sick with worry); weary; tired (sick of it all); constituting an unhealthy environment for those working or residing within (a sick office building); unable to produce a profitable yield of crops (sick soil)
the condition of being sick; illness; a feeling of.dis-ease; a malady; nausea; a defective or unsound condition (the old building was sick from age and mold and needed to be demolished)
sick and tired.idiom
thoroughly.weary, discouraged or bored

one who is mentally or emotionally.deranged or perverted

of, relating.to.or.concerned with the stars or constellations; stellar; measured or determined.by means of the apparent daily motion of the stars; astral

vital.principle or animating presence within living beings as evidenced by attitude (she was in good spirits; anger is being in the spirit of the devil); the.Holy Spirit; incorporeal.consciousness; the soul or, what it is that you know yourself to be; the soul, the one considered as departing from the body of a person if death.occurs

the attitude an individual has (she has such a lively happy spirit; the young filly was a beautiful horse with such a good spirit); the part of a human being having to do with the mind, will and feelings (though.unable to join us today, they are with us.in spirit, that is, their hearts and thoughts are with us); the essential.nature of an individual or group (he is a proud spirit; her actions show a generous spirit; the couple's engagement was announced in a joyous spirit); the.Holy Spirit; a mood or an emotional.state (the guests were in high spirits; sang with spirit; team spirit;."The spirit of 1776 is not dead"....Thomas Jefferson); the actual though unstated sense or significance of something such as the spirit of the law (the train crossing's lights were flashing for miles as we approached the track, but still no train in either direction, so we figured that the switch was not working and that if the lights meant legally one is not to cross, the spirit of the matter is to go carefully ahead); spirits are also an alcohol.solution of an essential or volatile.substance (petroleum spirits such as varnish are poisonous); spirits made of alcohol suitable for drinking by distilling.liquor for consumption by humans are safe in small amounts
full of or characterized by animation, vigor or courage (a spirited debate; a spirited horse); having a specified.mood or nature (high-spirited racehorses; low-spirited)

spirit, spirited, spiriting, spirits.transitive verbs
to carry off mysteriously or secretly (the documents had been spirited away); to impart courage, animation or determination to; inspire

of, relating to, consisting of or having the nature of spirit; spiritual means that there is more going on than what you can see with your physical vision (can you sense another's love for you?); not material (things of the spirit have to do with the mind and heart; immaterial; not physical.yet having physical ramifications; invisible; the invisible spirit of humanity; of, concerned with or affecting.the soul, which are the things of invisibility or the spiritual concerns of expressing as life; generally.referred to as the good spiritual energy coming from Creator-Father-God, the true and only God of all creation in the entire multiverse, but the word spiritual can also mean energy of the dark side (spiritually evil examples); of, from or relating to the only true Creator-God; deific; relating to or having the nature of good spirits, a good attitude and these are the things of a higher consciousness, the things of love; supernatural (above the natural and into the invisible realm)
the state, quality, manner or fact of being spiritual, of which there are different degrees of as we grow spiritually:.1John 2:12-14; Luke 8:18.

We are always growing in either good or evil ways, such as those who worship Satan and do evil and those refusing to, instead giving attention to the true, only great everliving.God of all goodness and creation.

lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not genuine; false (many books of and about the.Bible.and its characters are spurious, that is, altered in subtle ways, such as the word 'bless'; if you have doubt over something you may be considering, such as the true meaning, simply ask God to show you the truth about it and we're now finding that in addition to the 66 books in the Bible we have, there are another 711 books the cabal removed)

of, relating.to.or.consisting of stars; outstanding; principal

an upright stone or slab with an inscribed or sculptured surface, used as a monument or as a commemorative tablet in the face of a building; in botany, the central core of vascular.tissue in a plant stem or root

the part of the mind below the level of conscious.perception entered into in meditation and influenced in other ways you should know about

serving to assist or supplement; if something is subsidiary, it is less important than something else with which it is connected; serving to assist or supplement; subordinate or secondary; something that is subsidiary to another; functioning in a subsidiary or supporting capacity (the main library and its auxiliary branches)

succumb, succumbed, succumbing, succumbs.intransitive verbs
to give up under something or someone afflicting you; to submit to an overpowering force or yield to an overwhelming.desire; to give up or give in; to yield.

sully, sullied, sullying, sullies.transitive verbs
to mar the cleanness or luster of; soil or stain; to defile; taint
something that stains or spots; to besmirch

any of the relatively cool dark spots appearing periodically in groups on the surface of the Sun that are associated with strong (over 2500 times greater than the Earth's) magnetic fields

"Sunspots tend to occur in pairs, with the two spots having magnetic fields that point in opposite directions, one into and one out of the sun. Sunspot pairs in the Sun's northern hemisphere leads its partner in the direction of rotation and has a magnetic field direction opposite to that of a leading sunspot in the southern hemisphere.

"As a new 11 year cycle.(no one knows as yet, why the Sun runs on these cycles; apart from the hologram, we have no other answer).begins.(and one began the summer of 2011, so next is 2022, then 2033, etc.), the magnetic field direction of leading sunspots in each hemisphere reverses. Thus, the full solar cycle, including the magnetic field polarity, takes approximately 22 years. In addition, the sunspots on the sun at any given time tend to occur at the same latitude in each hemisphere.

"Because each sunspot exists for, at most, only a few months, the 22-year solar cycle reflects deep seated and long lasting processes in the Sun and not just the properties of individual sunspots. Although not fully understood, the phenomena of the solar cycle appear to result from the interactions of the Sun's magnetic field with the convection zone in the outer layers of the Sun. These interactions, furthermore, are affected by the rotation of the Sun, which is not the same at all latitudes. The Sun rotates once every 27 days near the equator but once every 31 days nearer the poles."....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. 

Sun spot activity apparently effectively shut down during what's called the Maunder minimum period.

suppress, suppressed, suppressing, suppresses.transitive verbs
to keep back from disclosure or circulation; to put down; to keep from knowing; to stifle; repress; to subdue; to overpower; to quell; beat down; browbeat; bully; censor; coerce; compel; crack down on; crush; domineer over; enslave; extinguish; grind down; hold down; intimidate; jump on; keep under; lord it over; oppress; overbear; override; press heavy on; put down; quash; ride over; ride roughshod on; shut down on; subjugate; terrorize; tyrannize
those who put others down
suppressible, suppressive.adjectives

a bad state or condition; a complex of symptoms.indicating the existence of an undesirablecondition or quality, often caused by negative thinking, such as thinking vaccines are good (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also called SIDS, is most often caused as a result of poison laden.vaccinations), because you don't find that coming up in those avoiding vaccinations and the other ways society is being poisoned; a distinctive or characteristic.pattern of behavior; a group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, a psychologicaldisorder or another abnormal condition; a distinctive or characteristic pattern of behavior (skipping meals and drinking coffee all day at work, became a syndrome as the months wore on)

a literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision or wit; the branch of literature constituting such works; caricature; irony, sarcasm or caustic wit used to attack or expose.folly, vice or stupidity
satirize, satirized, satirizing, satirizes.transitive verbs
to ridicule or attack by means of satire
of, relating.to.or.characterized by satire; sarcastic

subvert, subverted, subverting, subverts.transitive verbs
to destroy completely; ruin (schemes to subvert God given liberties); to undermine and redirect the character, morals or allegiance of; corrupt; to overthrow
the act or an instance of subverting; the condition of being subverted; a cause of overthrow or ruin; one engaged in subversion (gossiping is the product of a subverter)

intended or serving to subvert whatever principles or established moral beliefs of individuals in order to bring into prominence self-serving opportunistic dishonest practices of subservience
one who advocates or is regarded as advocating.subversion

dirty and wretched, as from poverty or lack of care; dirty; sordid; from Latin 'squalidus' from 'squalere' meaning 'to be filthy' from 'squalus' meaning 'filthy'
a filthy and wretched condition or quality
squalidness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

smug, smugger, smuggest.adjective
if you say that someone is smug, you are criticizing the fact they seem.inwardly.focused on comparing themselves with others whom they believe to be not nearly as good, clever or lucky as they are and as such remain.aloof from those they deem to be so (Thomas and his wife looked at each other in smug satisfaction); exhibiting.offensive.satisfaction with oneself or with one's situation; self-righteously.complacent; unconcerned about others

appropriate to a purpose or an occasion; fit

presenting the substance in a condensed form; concise (a summary review)
a presentation of the substance of a body of material in a condensed form or by reducing it to its main points; an abstract
summary court.noun,.plural.summary courts
a corporate court where an appointed judge decides; contrast 'tried by jury' where peers (the jury) are present (be sure you know what court you may be in and the implications of each because they won't tell you unless you ask); also contrast.common law court
Summary Judgment
a decision made on the basis of statements and evidence presented for the record without a trial; it is used when there is no dispute as to the facts of the case and one party is entitled to judgement as a matter of law; a material fact is one which might affect the outcome of a case under governing law; to preclude summary judgment, the dispute about a material fact must also be 'genuine' such that a reasonable jury could find in favor of the non-moving party; conclusory or speculative testimony is insufficient to raise a genuine issue of fact to defeat summary judgment; in general, inadmissible hearsay evidence may not be considered on a motion for summary judgment; summary judgment is properly granted when the evidence in support of the moving party establishes that there is no issue of material fact to be tried; a court is required to consider all the evidence set forth in the papers, except where objections are properly sustained and all inferences reasonably deducible from such evidence; any doubts as to the propriety of granting the motion must be resolved in favor of the party opposing the motion; if the court determines there is no triable issue of fact, the court will determine any remaining issues of law

summarize, summarized, summarizing, summarizes.intransitive and transitive verbs
to make a summary or make a summary of
a summation is a summary of what someone has said or done; a final part of an argument reviewing points made and expressing conclusions; the act or process of adding; addition; a sum or an aggregate; a concluding part of a speech or an argument containing a summary of principal points, especially of a case before a court of law; in  physiology, the process by which multiple or repeated stimuli can produce a response in a nerve, muscle or other part that one stimulus alone cannot produce

a servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering and sucking up to influential people or people who have control over them using bribes, brainwashing and/or blackmail; a lackey; a dweeb; an obsequious man or woman; a servile follower; to wait on as a footman; a flunky; a toady; a truckler; as a baby needing milk from its mother's breast, so are adult sycophants; a strong suggestion of fawning, flattery or adulation (a powerful prince surrounded by mindless, heartless sycophants)
slang.a 'suck up'; a 'brown noser'

a woman teacher, especially one who is regarded as strict, old-fashioned and/or prudish
