before the physical Earth and humans on it, there came a time for them
to be. The original man was made of red
Earth by God and named Adam.
Adam became out
of sync with his creator, out of sync with the ways set up for things
to function for good for him and all humanity and thus,.his
missing the mark applied to us as soon as we were conceived:
15:21,22 "For since by man came death, by man came also the
resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in
Christ shall all be made alive." Romans
8:20 "For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but
by reason of him who has subjected the same in hope." Ephesians
4:4 "There is one body and one Spirit, even as you are called in one
hope of your calling." Hebrews 6:18,19
"...we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge.(where
to? where from?).to
lay hold upon the hope set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of
the soul, both sure and stedfast..." Colossians
1:27 "To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory
of this mystery
among the Gentiles.(and
are they?), which is Christ in
you, the hope of glory."
God made a partner for Adam.
She was named Eve:.Genesis
2:21,22. Adam and Eve became
the first parents. The separation that occured between them.(Genesis
over to their children; one was good, one was not; their names were Abel
and Cain. And so we have the contrast
existing right up to today, where there are the problems that crop up between
all those who see a separation from others in life.(*).
That's the cabal way, the way of the communistically
inclined ones; divide and conquer, always create division.
Adam and Eve, before being
sent out of their wonderful living in a garden, with all provided for them
by the garden's abundance and beauty, were destined to forever live. But
they cut themselves out of that:.Genesis
3:19. And so they had to leave the area:.Genesis
3:22. Lesson is, if you're not aligned with the true God
of all good, you're on your own:.Jeremiah
The consciousness humanity
was to come to live from in history following him was set by Adam. This
has become known as man's ordinary
consciousness, an invisible but very real consciousness that is both
contributed into and drawn from by all humanity, a consciousness that is
subject so easily to being
pumped by the dark side.
It wasn't because of not
being able to keep the Old Testament Mosaic law
that made people unrighteous. They already were unrighteous and no thanks
to Adam for getting the ball rolling on this thing called sin
and there was no way anyone could be made righteous by keeping the Mosaic
13:39 "...you could not be justified by the law
of Moses.(or
any part or parts of it:.Galatians
James 2:10; 2Chronicles
Keeping the Mosaic Law perfectly.(which
one back then could or even wanted to {Jeremiah
11:7-17}, why?.Jeremiah
not make atonement
for any unrighteousness in anyone of humanity toward the righteousness
that could only come later through Christ.
The Mosaic Law is also referred
to as the law of Moses because it was Moses who got it from God.(Ezra
delivered it to the people back then:.Exodus
34:27-32. The Mosaic Law simply showed that rules and regulations.(of
which there were way
too many).could
do nothing toward attaining the righteousness that could only come through
in us; that is, Christ's
righteousness in us. The evil ones called the deep state or cabal knew
this and so they created over 800,000 rules,
regulations, statutes, all over the world to keep people away from the
freedom and righteousness of Christ. They, from the start, were out to
replace God by usurping
the true God's ways and instead, controlling God's creation with their
negative and destructive ways, this keeping those of good heart away from
the true God. Satanic ones know how effective for good God's ways are,
so they don't want you anywhere near those ways. But it's as easy choosing
Christ as it is to choose what drink you may have. That's why the cabal
set up a society for you to grow into. By default
you would think that this is the best it could be.
5:12-14 "Wherefore, as by one man.(Adam
ego all humanity has which separates one from spiritual pathways).sin
entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men,
for that all have sinned.(in
or because of Adam, as the next verse shows).
For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there
is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them
that had not sinned after the similitude
of Adam's transgression.(the
reason it says that."death
reigned from Adam till Moses".is
because in Moses time there was provision
for forgiveness of sin under the Old Testament
Law, but only a yearly atoning
for sin which looked forward to that
ultimate sacrifice of Christ, which would
away with all sin, once and for ever, yet people still physically
die; death to God is moving into an, invisible to us, dimension:.Matthew
22:32; later there will a resurrection,
a renewal; to us familiar with life as it is, we believe in death of
the physical; to God there really is no
death, as He is eternal, as
we are too
{which is our spirits and what we are below
the atom}), who is the figure of
him that was to come.
5:15 "But not as the offence, so also is the free gift.(sin
and death came by one and righteousness and life came by one).
For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the
grace of God and the.gift
by grace,.(which
is because of His
is by one man, Emmanuel the
Christ, has abounded unto many.
5:16 And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift.(or,
the free gift came not by one that had sinned {meaning Christ as compared
to Adam}, so also is the gift, that is, the gift of righteousness came
by one {Christ} and applied not just to one sin {Adam's}, but to all sin
all time). For the judgment was
by one to condemnation,
but the free gift is of many offences.(how
5:17-19 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one, much more
they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift
of righteousness shall.reign
in life.(this
life here and now).by
one, Emmanuel the Christ. Therefore as by the offence of one, judgment
came upon all men to condemnation, even so by the
righteousness of one the free gift.(the
free gift of righteousness).came
upon all men unto justification of life.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners.(how?),
so by the obedience of one shall.(word
'shall', not in original).many.(how
made righteous."
3:22 "But the scripture has concluded all under sin, that the promise
by faith of Emmanuel the Christ
might be given to them that believe."
Adam was the first man and
like all humanity since, had a spirit.(what
is spirit?).added
to him that enabled him to comprehend
human things such as we all
are able to, that animals cannot:.Zechariah
12:1. This spirit in man is an ordinary consciousness or lower consciousness
spirit, as showed by the Creator offering Adam the tree of life twice where
he could have freely had the same consciousness as the Creator, a higher
consciousness. The ordinary consciousness of man is a
'death' consciousness, a death trap as
it were. But the ego
was necessary.
Adam ate of the tree of
illusion of seeing himself in a negative self-image instead of seeing himself
in the image of the true God. Adam didn't know any better, but he did know
God and didn't listen
to what God had told him. Adam in this, never awakened from the deep sleep
of this illusion:.Isaiah
25:7. So man because of Adam's decison to not listen to the Creator's
words, began in the syndrome
of negativity:.1Corinthians
Conflict and fear dogged
Adam and this passed on to all who came after him. Fear was the veil that
hid the light within man from affecting him for good. Even though God is
there with each one of us, we failed in believing this because of the
negative veil over us all:.Hebrews
10:20. As a result, the light in humanity was covered by the darkness
of fear which has cursed us since, that is, until Christ came on the scene:.Matthew
4:16; Luke 11:35. Humanity, though
of God, was blinded by the negatives
of fear.(Genesis
3:9,10), despair.(the
a parent must feel when one sibling
murders the other sibling), murder,
3:34), lack.(Genesis
3:17), depression, unfulfilment,
emotional pain, guilt, shame and self-hate.
"Every human being has an
attendant spirit and wise are
who obey its signals. If it does not always tell us what
do, it always cautions us what not to do.(Matthew
M. Child, abolitionist.(against
all forms of slavery), activist, 1802-1880.
It's because of this spirit
in man that he is able to choose.
He is not an automaton.
God made us with free will.(*).
Adam used his free will,
if he even knew himself well enough to know what free will was, and was
He was duped by the master duper. Adam was made in the image of God:.Genesis
1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created
he him; male and female created he them.".Adam
forgot this, I guess. Maybe Adam just never thought about how God made
him and Eve in God's image. Anyhow, it somehow just didn't 'ring true'
for him or he may have had a short memory or didn't care much one way or
the other. So, what does he do? He listens to Eve after she was influenced
by the dark side being we call the devil. And what was told to her:.Genesis
3:5 "For God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes
shall be opened and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil."
What was his approach? God
knows something that you don't know, something that is holding you back
from your full potential and that's the way God wants it for you; He's
actually holding you down so you don't progress in the full knowledge you
need to reach the level He's at. I guess Adam's eyes weren't open to the
fact that he was already 'as Gods', for he was created in God's image,
but perhaps the 'knowing good and evil' stuff, wherein lies the contrasts
of life, was somehow enticing to him. And perhaps Adam never talked with
Eve about them both being made in the image of God. Then she would at least
have had a 'heads up' on it, who knows!
And, many of us today are
kinda like Adam was, in that we just are not aware of our
true status with God now that Christ is on the scene. We are here
to awaken to that. The ultimate has been achieved for us by Christ
and if in Christ, you're there!
"The last Adam.(1Corinthians
15:45), Christ, was tempted in
a similar manner to the first with the words from the devil "If you are
the Son of God…" Christ refused the temptation to do something Godlike
to prove his "sonship". He, the Last Adam, defeated what felled the first."....Mike
This invisible spirit in
us also is humanity's connection to the multiversal
invisible cosmic field, the multiversal
consciousness, the Soul
of all, that we commonly refer to as God or the Creator or the Infinite
Intelligent Energy. One needs to want to tune
in to it.
This spirit in man provided
great gap between man and the animals: 1Corinthians
2:11 "For what man knows the things of a man, save the
spirit of man which is in him? Even so the
things of God knows no man, but the Spirit
of God.".So,
here it is showing another spirit and one of a higher consciousness. This
takes us into the world of the spirit of love,
the world of the invisible Infinite One, the world one can be in through
prayer and contemplation of spiritual things, through going inward. This
is where the spirit of
life is.
42:5 "Thus says God the Lord, he that created the heavens and stretched
them out, he that spread forth the Earth and that which comes out of it,
he that gives breath unto the people upon it and spirit to them that walk
What went wrong? The first
man Adam had it all. He had.a
woman designed by the Great Designer.(Genesis
2:18), a lush garden paradise to
live in.(Genesis
2:8-15), an interesting job.(Genesis
2:15,19), no problem with lack
of food.(Genesis
2:9), no neighbours.(yet).that
were jealous of him, etc.
But death came upon him
all of us born after him:.1Corinthians
15:22. The original sin
was not sex. The original sin was guilt. Adam and Eve wanted independence
from their Creator. That's why they disregarded what the Creator told them
about which tree not to touch. Adam and Eve were no longer friends with
their creator. They disrespected their creator and felt that they could
'go it on their own'.
Adam's sin brought death
to humanity and Emmanuel's death brought life back to humanity:.Genesis
3:1-6. In this Adam lost the favor of God and communion with him. This
act brought in a whole new nature, that of
low consciousness which is a mind that doesn't believe God.
life eternal became available for us through Emmanuel
So what really was Adam's
error? Apart from his partner Eve, the only other individual.of
Earth then, Adam had no one to hate and hurt, no reason to overdo alcohol
consumption, such as people often do to escape from a life affecting them
negatively. Adam had no drugs and no reason to take them if he even knew
of the strange effects some plants produce, no money around to embezzle
and none other of his kind yet around that he could take selfish advantage
of, which is what sin is.
According to DaveXRPLion,
sin is an an acronym
for 'Self Inflicted Narcissim', that is, one's
choice to a narcissistic
way of life.
Did Adam stuff himself like
a pig? No, he and Eve had the best food that was both nutritious and satisfying:.Genesis
2:9. He had no reason to escape from stress by gaining comfort through
overeating. He obviously had need of Eve:.Genesis
Adam had a good and
growing relationship with his creator. This is evidenced by the time they
were walking in the garden and how he and Eve reacted when they heard God's
3:8-13. Adam here, in trying to protect his relationship with God,
throws his relationship with Eve out the window; see verse 12.
Creator loved Adam and wanted
the relationship to continue and grow. In relationships we have choices.
But Adam chose for Adam, motivated no doubt, by a desire to please his
inclined woman. Adam's choice brought heartache. This choosing a way apart
from trusting the way Creator-God had earlier told him was for his good.
But Adam chose otherwise and that changed Adam's life for
the worse:.1Corinthians
Adam had it all and blew
it with a little, but effective, push from the
dark side:.Genesis
3:1-5. Adam thought, like the thinking of many today, surfacely, that
is, not really thinking to convince himself, not knowing himself well enough.
He was like Peter, who came along much later, in the time of Christ:.John
13:36-38. And like many today, they accept without much thought on
things. They take vaccinations. They aren't careful about what they eat,
accepting wht is in front of them without questioning. Some are all for
these things and others against. That should clue people into some finding
out which is which. How deeply one reflects upon each side of the information
available is a question only each person can answer for themselves.
Like Adam, who trusted the
easy way the dark side was presenting to him, acted upon that information,
without dedicating himself to much thought before making a decision.
Earlier Adam
with his partner Eve regarding the importance of having knowledge they
became convinced the lack of would be a hindrance
to total fulfillment:.Genesis
2:9. They wanted more than just living in the present, not trusting
that they were on the road to a continuing interesting life.
Adam and Eve became persuaded
they had the right to what eating the tree's produce would provide. They
saw that they were capable of independence. They were independent in their
Adam probably reasoned 'I
know the Infinite One and what I've learned from Him and now I'm looking
to know more; I now want to know the answers from what is all around me'.
And that's how Adam found
out about the knowledge of good.and.evil
through experience and without even knowing anything about this thing called
'I'll now be wiser and more
enlightened, because I'll know both and then have a greater mental outlook
about which way to proceed with.my.life.'
This way he could be in control and leave off God:.Matthew
The meaning of things.(even
dependent on its outset connotation.
For example, how could one identify sin without understanding the original
event from which sin's meaning became known?
the mark of love with his Creator, love here meaning a rapport,
rapport with the Great Infinite One. Adam stepped outside of what he
knew the Creator expected in His relationship with him. This was his error.
And Adam carried on with his life as guided, not by the Creator, but by
his ego consciousness that he had
decided to be his guide in life.
But what does all this mean?
He broke the rapport that had been developing with this Great Being. He
broke the relationship. He knew he did wrong and tried to hide himself
and the problem from the Creator.(Genesis
that his position would be maintained even though he decided to follow
his own way. He feared God would cause him loss and no one wants loss.
He felt guilty. He no longer walked and talked with the Creator, but rather,
stayed away as much as he could:.Genesis
But, how did he come to be
in this state of no rapport anymore, this state we have called Adam's sin,
the sin that has been passed on to all humanity and what exactly did he
do to break this rapport.
Well, it's the
same thing we do every day.(good
video at this link I think you will like).when
we look outside of ourselves for guidance, when we look to the advice of
others while neglecting our own contact and guidance from the
Infinite One that is inside us, thus leaving off contact with this
Great Intelligent Energy Field, we often refer to as God. Meditation
and the easy to do other 3 disciplines
get and keep you in contact with your Creator.
Today we need guidance:.Isaiah
chapter 1; Ezekiel 14:3-23.
14:6 "Emmanuel said unto him, I am the
way the truth and the
life. No man comes unto the Father, but
by me." John 15:5 "I am the
vine, you are the branches. He that abides
in me and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit.(what
fruit?), for without me you can
do nothing."
Christ we get guidance. The whole world is off kilter.(*).
We ask this Great invisible Infinite One about all we feel we need to.
That's what children do. They ask. And, we are the Creator's
Ask Him for help about anything
until we learn, thereby becoming more like Him in all ways. Just as we
grow to trust our parents and what they have taught us, there is also no
other way in existence at any level but the way of
love. All else is a con
job by the dark side to make us think something
that is untrue:.John
10:8,9; 6:51;
4:12; 15:11;
5:9; Hebrews 5:9; 9:28.
Adam could not get rid of
his sins as the Old Testament Mosaic Law had
not yet been put into effect.(Romans
of course it was long before the time Emmanuel
came to remove all sin for all time:.Job
So, in any relationship we
should be sure to have more wisdom.(what
is wisdom).than
Adam and consider both the little and big threats to the relationship so
as to avoid them. But don't be too hard on Adam. He had no history to look
to. None others but the Creator to talk to and Adam avoided Him. Adam was
the first; no one else was around to consider consequences
of their actions.
Just as the children we reproduce
are so different, so it is with the Creator. He wants individuals, not
The Everliving Consciousness
we commonly refer to as the Creator or God, placed a spirit in man to begin
this process.(Romans
8:16 "The Spirit itself bears witness
with our spirit, that we are the children
of God.".How?).
If you have the Spirit of
high consciousness of the Creator
in you, you are a child of the Creator. If you don't, you are still
a potential
spiritual child of the Creator, but for now
are the Creator's physical child.
First the comprehension,
observance, interaction and evaluation of ourselves and our surroundings
which leads us to tie our identities
to externals. Then comes the spiritual if
the Creator is working spiritually with you, or, working
on you:.1Corinthians
15:45-50 "And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living
soul. The last Adam was made a quickening
spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is
natural and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is of the
Earth, Earthy. The second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the Earthy,
such are they also that are Earthy. And as is the heavenly, such are they
also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the Earthy, we
shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Now this I say, brethren, that
flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, neither does corruption
inherit incorruption."
Adam was
one through whom sin and death was passed on to all
of us who are still mostly physical and not
yet living fully in the Creator's invisible realm,
mostly called the kingdom of God or kingdom
of heaven.(again,
15:21 "For since by man came death, by man came also the
resurrection of the dead").and
through being in what we call Emmanuel the Christ, life
The resurrection of all those
dead depends on Christ. Adam died; we're all dead. Emmanuel resurrected;
we're all as good as resurrected:.Ephesians
2:5 "Even when we were dead in sins, has quickened us together with
Christ. By grace you are saved." 1Corinthians
15:55 "O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?"
Adam's story begins in Genesis
The Earth was created for
1:28 "And God blessed them and God said unto them, Be fruitful and
multiply and replenish.(original
means 'fill up').the
Earth and subdue it.(or,
take control of it).and
have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and
over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth." Isaiah
45:18 "For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God himself
that formed the Earth and made it. He hath established it, he created it
not in vain. He
formed it to be inhabited;
I am the Lord and there is none
He set it all up so they
could populate it. The physical creation was planned by Creator to begin
the process of Him reproducing Himself in us, but not
as clones.
Guzik's Commentary:."When
God created the Earth, He quite
likely built an 'old' Earth, as He also built Adam and Eve full grown
mature people. There was age 'built in' to them. God had created things
in the midst of a time sequence, with age 'built into' them. Likewise,
the trees in the garden of Eden had rings in them and there were undoubtedly
canyons and sand beaches in Adam's world."
plainly that death upon humans came by Adam:.Romans
5:12. Since fossils are the result of death, they could have happened
Adam's time of about 6000 years ago.