8:12 "For I am merciful.(re:
word 'merciful'; original is 'be far from'; how far?.Psalms
their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will I.remember.(original
Greek is 'stay handling').no
will be removed from any unrighteousness by never again seeing sin.'.In
want nothing more to do with it as My Son has destroyed sin once for all.'
the will of God in the
second covenant, we are sanctified,
once and for all time. Our job here is to awaken to that. Emmanuel's sacrifice
was great and large enough for the once for all time:.Isaiah
1Corinthians 15:17.
If Christ is not raised.(resurrected),
we are still under the penalty of sin 'thanks' to Adam:.1Corinthians
The Father does not regard
your sins:.2Corinthians
5:19. Why then hasn't religion which claims to base tenets
on Bible truths, dispensed
with repentance as the great apostle.Paul
talked about?.Hebrews
6:1. Persuading people to accept the item of thinking that they are
sinners and have vile
natures that can be ameliorated
when they repent, sets a person up for continual repentance and takes his
mind off of progressing into higher consciousness.
The result of sin is surely
6:23. But whose sin?.Adam's!
And whose death?.1Corinthians
Your sins never did matter
in the eternal scheme
of things:.Romans
this note
explaining about sins covered for all time).and
similarly, neither do
righteousnesses matter.(but
reward does).
They never did matter because
we were all saved, as
it were, from the beginning:.2Timothy
1:9. We are however,
on Earth at this time to awaken to that and move into where
there are rewards available. In this life on Earth we've adopted guilt
from all kinds of concepts presented to us that we somehow and for our
own various ironical
reasons, have accepted as true.
The message of the gospel
is freeness from the past, giving hope to you for a better life here, now
and forever.
It's no wonder some people
don't have much spiritual knowledge. They lack belief that all their sins
for all time have been eradicated:.Luke
1:77 "To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission
of their sins."
Putting it another way: Spiritual
knowledge comes by belief in the ability of God
in Christ.(Philippians
3:14; 1Thessalonians 5:18).where
sin is already wiped out.(*):.2Corinthians
5:19; Hebrews 4:3.
As far as the Creator is
concerned, there is no longer.(in
new covenant).any
sin imputed
unto humanity. They were.all.imputed
Christ! And they had to do with the sins of missing the mark of keeping
the Old Testament law.(Hebrews
9:15), the Mosaic Law which is
done away. He exchanged His righteousness for the law that produced
9:23-26), so the new covenant would
be prominent.
So, are you in the old or in the new
covenant? Some religious people still have one
foot stuck in the old.
In the Old Testament it was
breaking the law that was sin. In the New Testament the shedding of Emmanuel's
blood covered one's dead works, works of no import
spiritually, works of death, works that had nothing to do with getting
any reward one might gain.
We already have forgiveness
of sins:.Ephesians
1:7 "In Whom we have.(not
'had', as at a time of a repentance
at one particular time in the past).redemption.(one
is now in a state of redemption,
covered by His blood, meaning, what Christ came to Earth to do in the
physical body of one called Emmanuel).through
blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace.".(not
the skimpiness
of it, the abundance of it:.Romans
Because of this, we need
to hear that we are ok with our Creator, unconditionally and not 'if.you
repent', 'if.you
do this' and.'if.you
do that':.Hebrews
6:1,2. There is no ifs or ands about it. We are already accepted and
once was all it took for all time:.Hebrews
7:27; 10:10.
It was the law that was nailed
to the cross.(Colossians
that there would be no transgressions.(Romans
by it.(Romans
only righteousness now available to all those who believe:.Romans
3:22; 6:22,23; 10:12.
This is how it was hoped it would be from the beginning:.2John
1:6. But God saw that humanity must first learn many lessons about
The result of sin was here
when you arrived on the Earth:
15:21,22. You were, shall we say, set up from the start with three
strokes against you that you never knew about.
Some may have felt guilty
over Romans 6:14.("for
sin won't have dominion over you").when
they see that they are far less than perfect,
having sin still around like a plague
or just fighting pressured
down feelings most days, tending to overall depression.
Feelings such as this can
be discouraging. Some may feel even worse, perhaps like a pall
of gloom
is been covering them most days. Many
feel similarly. What
can be done when you can't really do anything?
The Creator knows why
you feel 'down in the dumps' at times and God has given us a
gift to lift us up high.
Just as through a comprehending
of nature's patterns,
we derive stability,
so it is when we seek to know an overstanding.of
the Creator's pattern of thinking toward us, we become stable
in spirit:.Ephesians
3:17; Colossians 2:7.
It is through comprehending
subject of righteousness that establishes us and keeps us stable.(Matthew
higher consciousness things of the Creator family's nature of love,
that enables us to be equal with them:.Psalms
85:13 "Righteousness shall go before Him.(righteousness
was a mark of Christ's presence on Earth and today comes from His presence
sets us in the way of his steps." Philippians
2:5,6. Herein lies our security and stability,
about the so called 'unpardonable sin'?
6:1-6 talks about moving away from one's repentance.(repentance
means 'changing':.Psalms
19:7; once one has decided to change, there's no need to keep on deciding
on that), moving from
that got you nothing, eternally speaking..Hebrews
10:26 talks about there being no other sacrifice for sin past, present
or future sins, but Christ. But
we sacrifice to idols, not even realizing it. How?.1Timothy
It says that if one was
to fall away, he cannot start all over again. Why? Because
killing where He spilled His blood.(John
19:34; Hebrews 9:12).was
for everyone and for all time and necessary to occur only
2:14 "Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity
and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works."
1:18,19 "Forasmuch as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible
things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation...But with the
precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot."
14:24 "And he said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament,
which is shed for many."
26:28 "For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for
many for the remission of sins.".Why?
22:20 "Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the
new testament in my blood, which is shed for you."
11:25 "After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped,
saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood. This do you, as oft
as you drink it, in remembrance of me."
if I leave off being interested in God and later come back?
His death for man's redemption
purifies man's conscience so that such men and women are able to become
a creator.
In this we can have boldness
and joy:.Hebrews
1:5; John 14:16; Hebrews
9:28; 1John 1:4.
dying once was enough:.Hebrews
Matthew 20:28; 1Timothy
2:6. Was
death insufficient?
We don't make ourselves
qualified to be in the realm of the Creator. He has made us accepted:.Ephesians
Colossians 1:21; Romans
5:9; 1Thessalonians 5:9;
9:28. Did
we have to first acknowledge
Christ as our personal savior?
When were we made accepted?.2Timothy
Because we have been made
He gave us the gift of His righteousness:.Romans
5:17. Now we are honest, clean and pure. Prayer
and study abides you
in this nature enabling you also to grow thereby:.John
the New Testament era all sin no longer
counts, unlike it did in the Old Testament era:.Hebrews
9:15. There it counted from year to year.
The apostles preached the
same things, but a translation error has given many people a slightly altered
perception of repentance from Acts 2:38,
where the word 'for'
should more correctly be translated 'into', as obviation
of all sin exists when in Christ, that is, us being
in Christ; not 'for' as though it comes from Christ. See at
Acts 2:38.
Still, many Christians,
a little wayward
on the pathway, erroneously
desire some of the old rigid
set of defunct
rules and regulations.(Galatians
guide them.(they
lust; they just gotta have those 'ol rules and regulations, this
in effect being 'making provision for the flesh {Romans
13:14}; a standard of and for their own measuring as adopted from information
given to them by their church, in many cases, which lightly at first leads
one to live apart from faith:.Galatians
5:6 and love),
thinking that if they follow a bunch of do's and don'ts, they are on their
way to being righteous.(Galatians
approved of the Creator.
Acting in any way that says
effect 'I'm doing these things because I want your approval Creator
based on what I believe I should do and this based on what my church has
told me' and not on faith made possible by what Christ
already done doesn't do much for anyone.
We are kept in the family
of the Creator by faith:.1Peter
1:5; 2Timothy
3:15 "...know the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise
unto salvation through faith which is in Christ
3:19 shows that the Old Testament law was added until Christ
came and took away all sin once and for all time.