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I n d e x  G


Gabriel.(a most high ranking angel)
Galati, Rocco.(the amazing Canadian constitutional lawyer)
...Intergalactic Federation of Light beings, Special Forces
...gene & Nino on it and what does our galactic family look like?
...his life
...Project Galileo
Gamble, Foster.(Thrive movies)
Gambling and debt.(drugs, drinking, sex and othersources of problems)
Games.(about manipulative games people engage in to gain selfish advantage)
Gamma rays
Gangs/clubs/lodges/churches.(joining one)
Gap.(between attention and intention)
Gap.(between man, angels & animals)
Garbage can.(some people think that the world is their garbage can)
Garden of Eden.(where was it?)
...The Secret World of Gardens
...hanging gardens of ancient Babylon
Gardens and seeds
Gary Null, Shaken Baby Syndrome informational movie
Gary 'Z' McGee.(quotes and books from a Navy Intelligence Specialist)
Gaslighting.(what's that?)
...the additive MTBE; another hurtful con job?
Gate.(strait gate / narrow way)
Gates, Bill.(a dyed-in-the-wool satanist)
...his crimes 1 many listed, 2, 3)
Gaza.(in Israel)
Gedaliah.(an ancient good man, but nonsensical)
Gehazi.(a lesson in the importance of honesty; more lessons)
Geller, Uri.(moves boat Evergreen stuck in Suez canal)
Gender.(boy or girl; how to 'lean' the sperm one way or the other)
gene.(genetic coding)
gene Decode.(a CV of a brilliant man who comprehends how God creates)
...at the crucifixion
...books recommended
......and movies gene has mentioned (they have information in line with the truth he talks about)
...highlight shows.(a few of his interviews and talks)
...his amazing life
...important December 14, 2021 Question & Answer information
...invocation of Gene's to help and protect you and others you care about
...martial arts, extremely advanced, what he has learned
...meets God
...why we all have a dark side
...got to be a word greater than evil for these cabal monsters
...repairing the soul
...gene Decode mentioned movies and books
...Emmanuel back to Adam
...Moses back to Abraham
...not needed anymore by anyone
General relativity
Generation.(the 'seed' son)
Generational curses?.(maybe, if so how to break them)
Generations.(the 42 generations to the time of Christ)
Generations of ancient Abraham.(through whom he became the 'father of many nations')
Genesis.(a book of the Bible)
Genetically modified babies
Genetically modified 'food'
Genetically modified people
Genetics.(genetics of humanity as compared to mankind genetics)
Gentiles called now
Gentiles.(times of)
Geoff Lawton.(on the importance of permaculture)
Geologic Time Scale
George Beverly Shea.(great inspirational singer of hymns who regularly sang at Billy Graham's meetings)
George Carlin.(a great funny man who got his messages across interspersed with humor)
George Orwell
George Swenson, Jr..(complexity of life)
Gergesenes.(ancient city where Emmanuel cast out demons)
Georgia Guidestones
GESARA.(program to help all good people in the world)
...small businesses reimbursed
Gesenius, Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm.(Hebrew, Chaldee & Phoenician inscriptions scholar)
Get out.(of some groups if you're uncomfortable there)
Get together.(with others against evils in society)
Getting.(getting what you want and need)
Getting a head.(the mind)
Getting ahead in life
Getting along with others
Getting even
Getting good at something
'Getting it together' in life?
GeV.(giga electron volt)
Ghost.(given up the ghost)
Ghosts.(what are they?)
Giants.(back then and recent; and ancient spacecraft, ET's, aliens; angels, invisible living creatures)
Gibran, Kahil
Gibbons, Edward.(wrote the book.(Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, about why it fell; one of the many, many free books you can select that is available with the also free Online Bible)
Gideon.(an ancient who saw what God could do)
Gifts.(if it's from your heart, it's always the right gift).(physical and spiritual gifts).(worldwide telescope a gift) 
Gill slits
Giraffe.(see 'animals')
Girls.(2 little girls in Manila)
Gisin, Nicolas.(physicist at the University of Geneva)
Gitmo.(Guantánamo Bay, Cuba)
Give.(and 'freely you have received, freely give')
Give.(what to give children)
Givers and takers
Giving or loaning?
Giving thanks
Gladstone, William Ewart.(a prime minister of Britain)
Glasberg, Ronald
Glass.(what is the 'looking glass' and the 'yellow cube'? See gene Decode, starting at 24 minutes in at rumble.com/v4f93r0-2023-07-18-roseanne-barr-unedited-interview-with-gene-decode-re-published-f.html)
...full spectrum lenses
...what to use to clean plastic lenses
Global warming?.(the former name for what is now called 'climate change')
Gloom and doomers
Glucose.(mostly made from genetically modified corn which also has glyphosate {just below} used on it)
Glyphosate.(only one of Monsanto's contributions to killing people)
Gnostic writings
Goats and sheep
Gobel, Kurt.(his amazing theory rocked the world)
God the Creator.(God {large 'G' for the good God; small 'g' for the bad one}; and what about the scriptures saying that we are Gods?)
...index on God.(370 listings, including Does God Exist? and 6 duplicates worded differently in the list)
...ancient gods the people had.(small 'g')
...god of this world
...gods.(the many gods {small 'g', also in Bible written as GOD in all capitals; proper is God}, groves & high places used in pagan worship)
...Janus.(the confused Roman God of doors and gateways)
Kurt Gödel.(Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gog & Magog
Going crazy?
Gold and other asset backed currencies
Gold from sand or copper
Gold refined.(as to character)
Golden angle
Golden calves.(the golden calves of ancient king Jeroboam I)
Golden rule
Golf.(amazing tips to better golfing)
Golgotha.(also known as Calvary, where the crucifixion of Emmanuel took place)
Goliath.(the giant slain by David)
Gomorrah and Sodom
Gone permanently.(be good, making sure you're not in this group)
Gone to next life?
Good.(God turns bad into good for you)
Good (how to remain in)
Good.(live the good, live the bad, why?)
Good.(being good; don't turn others away & more:.Matthew 5:40-48)
Good.(This Is Good, a story about how better to look at the things of life)
Good.(think good, good follows)
Good.(you evil? be sure there is.some.good in you, Abijah's example)
Good.(what is good or how can one know what good really is?)
Good.(whatcha good for?)
Good and evil
Good and evil.(rewarded a good individual with evil)
Good & evil kings
Good & evil women
Good doctors.(and not so good doctors)
Good Friday
Good God, bad God
"Good master what good thing..."
Good memories.(are what to give)
Good old days
Good Samaritan
Good women equals good moms
Good works
Goodman, Morris.(an amazing story showing absolutely nothing is impossible; themiracleman.org)
Goodness of God leads to change
Gopher.(analogy of a gopher game at an exhibition)
Gospel message to the world
Goths & Vandals.(455-476 A.D.)
Gould, Russell-Jay.(his most interesting documentary)
...cabal controlled
...church and state
...effective types of governments?
...enemy of the state.(good people being whistleblowers)
...fighting?.(also here, income tax)
...ism's.(systems of governing)
...levels of
...the three branches of government are
...two governing bodies in most countries of the world, no, not two parties, two governments, a good one with a good military and a satanic one, using & abusing anyone they can in anyway they can get away with