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R e l a t i o n s h i p s
p a g e  7

-Are many partners ok? After all, David and many other Old Testament characters like Jacob, had wives and concubines? And Abraham had sex with his wife's maid?

A few men and women having been emotionally hurt in relationships, lack knowledge of how to have a loving relationship, though they may have sincerely desired that. Some become homosexual, thinking it is normal:.Romans 1:26,27.

"If your feelings for the opposite sex are fundamentally.extrinsic to who you are and are more like a distracting recurring thought than a driving need, then you probably are straight and only need to keep this perspective in mind."....Deepak Chopra.

Adam was not created to be lonely. Neither were you or any of us:.Ecclesiastes 7:29. There was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, not Eve and Evelyn, not Adam, Eve and Emily:.Mark 10:6; Proverbs 5:15. Ecclesiastes 7:29.

Having more than one sexual partner at a time shows immaturity, selfishness and lack of really what to look for in a partner. If one is willing to enter into consecutive frivolous relationships without a heart for the commitment required between a couple for the permanent foundation necessary to progress in intimacy and account for children that may come along, then that's his or her choice.

Is there such a thing as soul mates?

Some become homosexual.(one touching example).because their normal feelings may have been shut down from a lack of love and attention in early years, especially from the father..(see about how to circumvent these tendencies in children)

"Past feeling" in Ephesians 4:19 in the original Greek means "separated from feeling", such as some of the 'mankind' ones as compared to those of humanity. Tense of the original Greek word for 'past feeling' is perfect; voice is active; mood is participle.

Once one becomes "past feeling", whether gay or not, he or she becomes excessively selfish regarding immoral acts to the point of hurt for self and others, as Paul explains here in Ephesians 4:19.

I used to wonder when I was in my twenties how older men could cry when they saw examples of man's inhumanity to man or children in third world countries so unfortunate that they were at the point of starvation or severely ill. Like why should I care too much to the point of action. I had my life as my paramount concern at the time. I guess I was callous and cold, disinterested, but it bothered me that they were able to feel as they did and I just couldn't. It just 'was not in me'. Now, I comprehend.why. Now, it's different. I see things in increasing degree from the eyes of love. I am becoming reprogrammed by learning about love and thinking about loving things.

I prayed about it, saying that if these men were sincere with these emotions that I could see were good, then I wanted to be that way too. I like it that I now feel more deeply for people and want to help them as well as pray about them and their lives so they can be helped.

I know now how the multiverse works.
   The key to a blessed relationship.

Never enter into a sexual relationship unless you are sure that this is may be the one you want to live with all your life. Have an agreement stage to live together to find out for the both of you if this is so. 

Before having children, a man and woman need to be solid with each other, ready to have children. This takes an agreement phase so each learns what the other is really like and to see if each of you can work out the idiosyncrasies before a long term commitment where you're both ready for children. 

This agreement phase is often called an engagement. How long should it be depends on what both decide, agreeing to perhaps one year at a time. There are natural ways to keep from getting pregnant until both are truly ready to have children. Certain plants do this with no harm or changes being caused to the body. What plants are they? I missed it when I first listened to it and don't now recall which one of Gene Decode's so many talks it was in. I'll try to track it down. I know it was in his Deep Dives ones.

Anyhow, really get to know one another before deciding to enter the wonderful word of having children. If this preliminary relationship doesn't work out, so what? Is it time for another one or maybe time for reflection on the self first?

If the relationship becomes untenable; if there seems to be just no way for the relationship to progress, then move on out and away from it. There are probably a thousand individuals with whom you could have a good relationship. You'll learn as you go along what you really want in the another. Never get so hung up on anyone that it would hurt if a separation occurs. Enjoy each other as you go along. 

Always pray for others, want the best for them in your heart and if necessary walk on from this engagement period in agreement that 'it's just not working between us'. 

There is no way the multiverse will cheat you. You always get what you are, so look at what you are and make changes that you feel need to be made in yourself. Here one decides to be different in ways improving comfortablity with another. Accepting each other as both continue to adapt in the relationship, builds a good foundation along the way. Always have an eye to the long term potential of being and growing closer together.

Just like today, many in Old Testament times just did not have the conscience in them to have a proper relationship. God laid down some guidelines for them.(Exodus 21:3-11).and this was before the time of the Mosaic Law. More guidance was necessary for them back then as they just got worse as time went along and so similarly is society today:.Deuteronomy 5:29; Matthew 19:8.

God abandoned all regulatory Old Testament restrictions:.Hebrews 8:10; Ephesians 5:25

The New Testament is all about freedom and living from one's heart. One partner is enough, for why would more than one relationship be wanted? Not only would it take too much time away from spiritual concerns, but two or more women constantly together in the same house? Well, welcome to problems. Jacob found this out. Ancient times were not as today where one could easily support many women and lots of children, as there were those who assisted taking care of the logistics involved. 

Paul's recommendation as to who should be taken into the traveling group was:.1Timothy 5:9. Of course some women and men, always have to have someone for sex in their lives. Nothing wrong with that. That's just the way it is. When there was great distress upon the church due to persecutions back in Paul's time, Paul had this to say: 1Corinthians 7:7,8

Paul was divorced or widowed at this time. He was earlier, before his conversion, many scholars believe, a member of the high ranking Jewish Sanhedrin.(2Corinthians 11:22) the supreme judicial and administrative council of those of Judah.and was taught by the highly respected Gamaliel:.Acts 5:34; 22:3.

For history see.Josephus. At local libraries, free on the Internet and for sale at Christian Book stores, but also free with the free Bible program you can put on your own computer. 

Paul was a member of this extremely legalistic sect called Pharisees which had strict.adherence to Old Testament practices, understood well, but incorrectly so, in the light of the New Testament. As a member of the Sanhedrin, a requirement was that one be married.

The Creator took Paul out of all this.(Acts 9:1-20).as he was so sure that he was right and that Christians were wrong when it came to religion, that he would even travel to different cities to haul Christians away to be put to death. With the same fervor with which he did such evils, Paul now served God:.2Corinthians 11:23-30; 1Corinthians 10:33.
