"It's a wondrous
thing how the wild calms the child."....joshduv.com
connecting children with the great outdoors
"The magic of unstructured
nature play for kids."
outsideplay.ca ideas
for unstructured play
importance of a child's playtime
The biological
wealth of the planet is our children. If you don't care about children,
why should God care about you?.1Peter
5:7. Chldren are precious!
them. An example of not caring.
Treat your children with
great respect:.Proverbs
22:6. And this includes teaching them about the very important two
sides all people have and how to deal with that to keep the little
devil that may be wanting to start in them at
bay, by always choosing
the good
side. Teach them some people are just evil and more so than others.
Teach them why
and teach them how to recognize them and to stay away from them:.Matthew
your part in eliminating evil, so children and all of us never
again have to again experience evil.
Otherwise they may end up
being sucked in with criminal types, such as those highly influenced by
ways. Proper education, such as homeschooling
with heartfelt involvement by high quality loving parents will circumvent
threats and threads of evils.
Be an upstanding
parent, not a bad ass
one who never even prays for their kids. A
prayer that one can use similar thoughts to pray in keeping the demons
away. Pray also for the
good soldiers, both non terrestrial and terrestrial, in their battle
to free our planet from evil permanently.
At times children may need
little realignment when they are leaning toward an eventual harmful
side in life. Training them now keeps them out of prison later:.Proverbs
22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and even when he is
old, he will not depart from it."
Teach them how to
love if you indeed
know how and you will, if you know you are loved and you love them.
Teach them to accentuate
their good side by encouraging
them, like 'You are so kind to let your friend, who doesn't have a tricycle,
try yours a couple
of times' and stroke the cat gently and it'll purr. Be kind to people and
to animals, as they too, like you, are living
things that have a soul.
"They were two twelve year
old boys; one had little of anything, as the dad could only find temporary
low level work. The family was of five kids. The mom was busy looking after
things as best she could.
"The other boy came out of
a more stable life. But these two were friends. They only saw each other
when the family who was poor was invited over for lunch and an afternoon
visit. This they did every so often. The old car they owned had an on again
off again affair with its life.
"One could easily see the
food provided when they came over, was very welcomed indeed. Their girls
had dresses that were faded and scruffy.
The boys, clothes with holes.
"The two boys, being older,
headed out for the bus on their way to see a movie at a downtown theater,
while the others visited. Only one of the boys had money, but he treated
the poorer boy. As they were walking and talking on their way to the theater,
it was noticed that one of the poorer boy's shoe soles
was flapping
as he walked. Cardboard could be seen. They couldn't afford shoes and decent
clothes as they were just trying to feed the kids and get by as they could.
Anyhow, they got to the theater and saw the movie. It was suggested by
the better off boy 'Let's go have a bite, I'm buying!' So they headed to
a close restaurant, then back on the bus.
"The families didn't again
get together. It was too difficult for the poorer family to come over by
bus, if they even would have the money for all of them and they didn't
seem to want to have people over to their place or for them to be picked
up and taken out, but the heartfelt feeling for them all would remain."
Let them know when you see
your children are expressing higher
consciousness. When they are expressing high consciousness, any bad
side gets depleted.
A most important quality
to instil in
children is honesty.
atmosphere to have with children is happiness.
Give your child your best self and that good
example will affect them in a positive manner. Be lighthearted
and encouraging toward children. Avoid
Avoid sapping
their spirit:.Proverbs
17:22 "A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit
dries the bones." Proverbs 15:15
"All the days of the
afflicted are evil.(or,
are not happy for the one afflicted)..."
Don't put children down,
lift them up. Kids always do things you see as wrong. It's part of learning
to grow up. As long as their mistakes aren't serious, continue to strengthen
them in their good points by being happily involved with them and the wrong
ways will vanish. Pray for them. Meditate
about them. Think about them. Do your best in making sure the attitude
in the home is conducive
to educing
the best of what they are inside that needs opportunity to come out.
Teach your children that
God is always with them:.Hebrews
13:5 "...he has said,.I
will never leave you, nor forsake you.".But
close is God to each of us? One knows God is there by the sureness
of one's connection.
You know that's for sure once you've proved
God's existence. Then you're well on your way and well in your way.
A child's prayer will help
him of her keep in tune.
A child left
to itself will not grow to be a happy child like these
children. Involvement produces happy children, that is, if the parents
are of decent quality. This is the way to ensure avoidance of the hard
knocks of life. Why? Because we reap
what we have sown. You don't want them to begin to sow negatives that
will later affect them.
Being honest lays the pathway
for reaping good things for them. Dishonesty brings heartache, maybe not
right away, but the universal laws set up are inexorable.
They always work. Keep your children on the blessed side of life. Teach
them well. That is, teach them high
consciousness ways so they benefit all their lives. Teach them that
no matter what, honesty will prevent their lives from leaning
into the dark side, wherein are many hurts. Teach them to forego any way
that gives them advantage at another's expense and what one takes from
others, he or she is actually taking from self. Train them well. Train
them out of any evil. How? Teach them good
things and if it seems like it's too late for that, ask
Bruno for help. What's more important than children?
When a child's curiosity
leads them to sexual things, they often.pursue.senselessness,
driven by a nagging.quest
for some sort of
Here, parents must be on the qui
vive or the child could be hurt emotionally and physically and/or stray
off the sexuality he or she was born with and into perversive.behaviors
of one kind
or another. Humans want to learn. Humans want to experiment.in
order to see what they like; that's just natural.
The importance of
thought forms parents should be using for a child's pathway. Parents
and other individuals can form the future events of a child, either from
low consciousness playing its tunes in a child's head or from the high
consciousness realm. Just
does this come about and what is its importance to your child's future
health and well-being?
Be aware that richness of life does not equate to abundance of goods. Teach
your children to be frugal.
Teach them by painting scenarios
for them, based on where they are in their intellectual growth. For example,
they discover the sexual organs and may want to see if other children have
them too. So, they may fiddle
around with theirs and if out of parent's sight, fiddle around with the
sexual organs of others as well, curious to see if they are the same. Their
curiosity leads them into such things, but not being supervised, leaves
opportunity for the dark side to
implant directions that will lay groundwork toward a pathway of hurt.
Parents must teach their children those things that will pave their futures
with high consciousness
living, otherwise.just
what are they each a parent for?
Parents and potential parents.may.prefer
their children be of a certain gender. There is a
way to influence producing either a boy or a girl baby.
"There are only two ways
to live your life. One is as though
nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."....Albert
Einstein Theoretical Physicist.
Parents hold their children's
hands for just a little while, but their hearts forever, especially so
when parents have their hearts attuned
to their chidren.(how?.Job
family discussions are more important to them than time wasters. Never
let time wasters come between relationships
and if an adult relationship is a time
waster, find one that isn't. If you don't gain something from it and another
gains nothing from you, like hello, duh! Avoid the banal.talk
engaged in by most surface minded people.
"See everything.only.in
positive light."....Grigori
Grabovoi. A little story
that illustrates the principle.
Who cares about kids? Most
parents do. Those who don't are in for paying a heavy price later in life
as the kid goes awry.
Don't cheat a kid out of a great future. If you do, your heart will ache
when his or her tomorrows have to be regulated by the penal
system or worse, as was in the case of ancient
What would your child choose?
Four years old she received her first helium filled balloon from a local
store having an anniversary. The color was purplish-red. Soon after leaving
the store, her mom took her to a close local park which had a lake catering
to only sailboats. She, of course took her beloved balloon for the walk
down the hill toward seeing the boats sailing on the lake. She stopped
to put down a drink her mom had bought her on the way to the park. She
needed to adjust her socks that had slid inside her shoes. At that point
the balloon headed upward so fast she could not catch it. She commented
"Mommy, look at that balloon going up". She was in wonder over it rising.
Many kids would have viewed
it as a loss and cried, as it would have spoiled their day. Not, Ella!
She was a child filled with amazement at so many things and saw the positive
side of everything. Her mother had taught her how to look at both sides
of every situation and urged her to always choose the side with a sense
of wonderment
to it, the side where there was something to learn, something to gain.
Teach your children to do
good and they'll be good. And the best way to do that is by being the change
you want to see them become. It's by example children pick up behavior.
Teach your children how
to pray.
One of the things you don't
want for your kids is when they are older, for them to have memories of
bad deeds that keep creeping into their present attention. This is tormenting.
The way to prevent any torment is not have the bad deed happen in the first
place. To do this parents must be involved with and watch their children
so they know at all times what their children are up
to and who they are with and what is going on with them. Of course this
advice will be like water off a duck's back for
ass parents.
3:20,21 "Children, obey.(original
is 'listen to, so as to learn from' and how do they listen? they mimic
the behaviors they observe).your
parents in all things, for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.(what's
Lord'?). Fathers, provoke.(original
is 'not to contend
with them to the point of them becoming disheartened').not
children to anger.('to
anger' is not in the original), lest they
be discouraged."
Children desperately need
be taught.definite
things and those things are the
things of high consciousness, otherwise, if you allow them to just
grow up and then to choose the way they think is right from their
mental database of what they have learned, they are already in trouble:.Proverbs
14:12. Some
fairy tales are good to use. Most are not.
Children are programmed by
developing egos to the greater or lesser extent dependent upon the
degree of good parental influence. Remember they are highly influenced
by their peers
and in a new baby, also mostly by the environment. This means the baby
acts mostly from the soul level. The tool of creating is consciousness,
so, the baby has to grow into this. His or her consciousness, of course
at this baby stage, just could not handle what an older child could. If
it feels pressure to leave the comfortable place with the soul it presently
has, this can precipitate
Babies pick up on the prevalent
emotional environment surrounding it. Babies come here with the same task
as we came with, that of making the world a better place for all, a place
of transformation through clearing negativity it encounters
as it grows, airing out the negativity using its creative tools of imagination
and heartfelt intent. When a small child paints a picture, no matter what
it looks like, he or she can tell you a story about it. And the story told
is invested
with a vision that is even more powerful.
A parent with spiritual insight
can 'see' the environment the child is in and can take loving steps in
mind to ameliorate
it as necessary.
The way of the ego gets us
freedom. Instead it gets us the
mass mind of humanity, so we all are exposed to whatever is in it and
here are pains of experience, the pains
including addictions to money, power, control, greed, drugs, too early
sex and all others behaviors based on selfish intent,
which are never seen as pains when steeped
in the ego level.
Guidance away from the destructive
things of the ego level is a most important parental responsibility. Better
to have them learn by parental and good peers' examples rather than hard
knocks of experience.
For children to comprehend
just what to listen to in life, their parents must talk to them
and thus, be involved with the development of their children. Take time
with your children to do such things as, clean the garage together, with
something special after to do together they'll like. Perhaps listening
to records you like, so they learn your tastes in such things. Read a book
together and explain what is not clear to them in what they've heard. Discuss
situations and circumstances that come along, so they see how you would
handle it. Take them with
you amongst other adults, so they can learn from how you interact with
others. Teach them words so their thinking and analytical abilities will
good time for talking with your kids.
Children have such an advantage,
the younger the more so. All of us have a predilection
towards bad stuff and there's a
reason for that. It is just the
way it's all set up for an overall great purpose for humans on Earth.
It can be such an advantage
to have smart parents, parents who comprehend
how to bring up their children. Parents guided by their love for their
children will produce children to be proud of. Why
would this be so? They will become ideal members of a better society made
up of more people who are effective with others, because they know all
about themselves.
Ask kids what came to mind
when they did something. Raise your child with spiritual skills. Spiritual
things must be cultivated, nourished and encouraged. Teach them to
look for meaning in things in a simple way.("What
does this mean to you
Susie? What did you like about that experience? How do you think the tree
grows? Why do trees always grow up and not into the ground, ever? Why so
many different kinds of trees and flowers; look at the design of these
flowers. Why do the clouds move? What is rain the consequence of? Is there
a way to get the fallen leaves back on the tree? Why do you think people
pass on? Do you think they could come back here? How is it that birds can
fly? Why does a garden grow? How come all seeds don't look the same? What
could have been a better way to...? a happier way? a more efficient and
productive way? Why do you think that they are building that structure?
Why do they make cars to be so shiny do you think? Look at those flowers,
notice the differences, why are they as they are? Why are the animals all
different, some large, some insects? What was your favorite time today?
Why do so many things in nature mimic
the things of the human physical body? What was most important to you today?
What did you do most today that you liked? Did you get all done you wanted
to? Who are those you would like to be your friends? What do you see about
them that you like? What do you see about them that you don't like? Are
they acting in a way that makes others and them happy? What do you think
about the way your body is developing? What is it that you like about the
book you are reading? What new words have you learned today? What is an
interesting book you have read lately? Why was it interesting to you? Do
you think the invisible supports the visible? How do you think it does
this? Teach them to observe
in what they see and so on; if you are alert, your children will also become
that way and they will be wide eyed about life and interested in others
and the things of others).
Children learn to act out
the demands of others.(slavery).
You don't want your child to obey out of fear and punishment. That's world
controller stuff. We are now out of that
age of subjugation
and into a higher consciousness realm,
at least in
the mind and what's in the mind comes into physical reality soon
after. And it now is.
Teach them what to put in
their minds. Expose them to the good of life. Take them often into nature
where the unmoving molecules are
of higher consciousness and are more easily sensed.
To this end parents need
to know just how to produce such ideal children:.Proverbs
22:15 "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of
'rod of correction', see on at the verse's link).shall
drive it far from him." Proverbs
29:15 "The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself
brings his mother to shame.".(because
she's the one normally home with her children).Proverbs
22:6 "Train up a child in the
way he should go and when he is older he will not depart from it.".Proverbs
6:23 ".....reproofs of instruction.(instructive
the way of life." Proverbs 10:1
"The proverbs
of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad
father, but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother."
11:29 "He that troubles his own house inherits the wind and the fool
is servant to the wise of heart.".More
good Proverbs to help you.
Children have caused the
saddest tears that man has ever had to shed. Why?
Parents are encouraged to
be involved with their children in a way
which enables them to experience success in endeavors important to them,
the drag to become a dudhead:.Proverbs
28:19 "He that tills his land shall have plenty of bread, but he that
follows after vain persons.(goin'
nowhere friends).has
plenty of poverty." Proverbs 30:8,9
"Remove far from me vanity and lies. Give me neither poverty nor riches,
feed me with food convenient for me; Lest I be full and deny thee and say,
Who is the Lord? or lest I be poor and steal and take the name of my God
in vain.('vain'
is to attribute
to the Great Infinite One that which is not true, such as 'He doesn't care
about me and others at all; what good is He? It's all a bunch of crap')."
Be involved with children
in perhaps learning with them how to build a skateboard ramp, a treehouse,
a garage. They will see how and learn to build something from scratch.
Are you teaching your children to swim? Have you taught them to write a
little story? or to tell an interesting story? Are you teaching them how
to deal with their friends and what to look for in a good friend?
Once they've seen how you
think, it's their turn. Ask them to make up a story right then and there
and tell it to you. Perhaps at bedtime is a good time for the story. Even
a two or three sentence can be a story. Children need to realize that they
can be successful at what they attempt. They need to draw on that which
is within them, even from their limited experience. They need to see that
some things indeed do work, that some things are indeed worthwhile investing
time in and that others aren't.
their children to violence, be it on TV, movies and/or in selfish,
violent and hurtful arcade and video games are actually breeding
killers, as one former top military trainer in the United States Army
has proven. His article is here. His email is LtColDaveG@aol.com.
Children have many fears,
most of which follow the principle 'emotion
follows thought' fueled by information received. 70% of the children
reported that their nightmares were caused by aggressive or frightening
TV shows. What do you allow them to watch at halloween
time? In this you are either an exemplary
parent or a bad ass one.
Maastricht University.(Netherlands).researchers
found that these fears can be
significant anxiety disorders. ...Behavior Research and Therapy
38, 2000, 217-218;.Journal
of Clinical Child Psychology 2000, Volume 29, Number 1, 43-52.
"Since 1988 the rate of
violent crime against female youths has doubled and against male youths
65%." ...Calgary Herald, December 22,
1999. Is it the food, is it the environment, is it the lack of parental
influence and the effect of crime? Is it contributed to by the 'day care
generation'? Perhaps all contributing factors for some. Also, why would
you have children and then hand over your responsibilities of raising them
to total strangers at Day Care Centres? Haven't you heard of homeschooling?
Thirty-one Nobel Peace Prize
Laureates, Champions of Peace, have joined together to send a letter urging
world leaders to support the education of 39 million children.(thepetitionsite.com)
who are being kept out of school due to armed conflicts. Children should
be taught messages of peace, not exposed to war. But fear, disease and
wars are tools for controllers to maintain their selfish stance
of controlover others.
And parents need to be aware
of possible poisons in some toys. Check the Internet for 'poisonous childrens'
Children need courageous,
moral parents
correctly how to guide him or her, in order to bring up the child for his
and her betterment; that is, so they'll have the tools of living, which
of course are avoided being included in the horrible school curriculums
which abound
What examples could you use
to teach your children patience, kindness, insight, seeing the good side
of circumstances? What about coping,
managing, how to carry on well themselves as they get older. These things
will stay with them if they have learned about them:.Isaiah
54:13 "And all your children shall be taught of the Lord and great
shall be the peace of your children." Isaiah
30:21 "And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying This is the
way, walk you in it when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to
the left."
Rather than sacrificing
your children to the 'video and computer game God' or to a 'dumb
ass school', better to take them with you to
be involved with other adults, otherwise they may end up as naive.as
was ancient Hezekiah.
Children are a blessing from
the Creator and are always a blessing if their parents bring out of them
the qualities of higher consciousness. Children are the way the Creator
has chosen to bring us from the spirit
world into this physical one.
stories for children
Consider these two 4-5 year
old girls sleeping in an alley in Manilla, Philippines:.Parents
where? Who knows?
When my friend asked the
cop "what are we going to do about this" and received the reply "around
the other corners are a million more, I don't know, the agencies are overloaded".
To these two little girls 'wanting it all' never enters their minds. Only
existence and that, for the moment. Two innocent little girls, all alone.