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departing from a recognized, logically.intelligent, conventional or established norm or pattern; off base in life; deviating from a circular form or path, as in an elliptical orbit; not situated at or in the geometric center
one that deviates markedly from an established norm, especially a person of odd or unconventional ideas
the quality of being eccentric; deviation from the normal, expected or established; an example or instance of eccentric behavior
Physics:.the distance between the center of an eccentric and its axis
Mathematics:.the ratio of the distance of any point on a conic (shaped like a cone) section from a focus to its distance from the corresponding directrix; this ratio is constant for any particular conic section

any of numerous radially-symmetrical.marine invertebrates of the phylumEchinodermata, which includes the starfishes, sea urchins and sea cucumbers, having an internal calcareous (calcium) skeleton and often covered with spines
echinodermal or echinodermatous.adjective

an ecological community together with its environment, functioning as a unit

the branch of biology that deals with relations between living organisms and their environment and the balances between these relationships, such as the study of the detrimental effects of modern civilization on the environment and what can be done to healthily rectify; human ecology

an orderly, functional arrangement of parts; an organized.system; careful, thrifty management of resources, such as money, materials or labor (learned to practice economy in making out the household budget); the system or range of economic activity in a country, region or community; economy is the use of the minimum amount of money, time or other resources needed to achieve something, so that nothing is wasted (improvements in the fuel economy of cars); if you make economies, you try to save money by not spending money on unnecessary things (they will make economies by hiring fewer part-time workers); economy services such as travel are inexpensive and have no luxuries or extras (economy class travel); economy is used to describe large packs of goods which are less expensive than normal sized packs; if you describe an attempt to save money as a false economy, you mean that you have not saved any money as you will have to spend a lot more later (a cheap bed can be a false economy)
economical or inexpensive to buy or use (an economy car; an economy motel)

of or relating to the production, development and management of material wealth, as of a country, household or business enterprise; of or relating to an economy (a period of economic growth); of or relating to the practical necessities of life; material wrote the book primarily for economic reasons; financially rewarding; economical (it was economical to keep the manufacturing facilities open); efficient; economical (an economical automobile engine)
prudent and thrifty in management; not wasteful or extravagant

economize, economized, economizing, economizes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to practice economy, as by avoiding waste or reducing expenditures; to make economical use of something (when we built our new home we economized by use of recycled materials)
transitive verb use.to use or manage with thrift
a device which economically provides a mist such as a vaporizer; a specialist in economics

the social.science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services and with the theory and management of economies or economic.systems

a transitional.zone between two communities containing the characteristic.species of each

concerned with cell movement

an abnormal.infiltration and excess.accumulation of serous fluid in connective tissue or in a serous.cavity, called also dropsy; watery swelling of plant organs or parts; any of various plant diseases characterized by such swellings 

edify, edified, edifying, edifies.transitive verbs
to instruct or improve.spiritually; to build up; to instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge; uplift; enlighten; inform; if you describe something as edifying, you mean that it benefits you in some way, for example, by teaching you about something (when feeling down, the right kind of music can be edifying to one's soul; music, art and poetry are somethings edifying)
an edifying speech, book, etc. improves your mind or moral character by teaching you something; enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement (the paintings in the church served an edifying purpose even for those who could not read); to erect a house, temple; build; establish
intellectual, moral or spiritual improvement; enlightenment

a building or elaborate.conceptual.structure, especially one of imposing appearance or size, such as would be an imposing.statue (the false edifice of evolutionary theory); from Middle English and Old French and from Latin 'aedificium' from 'aedificre' meaning 'to build' and from 'aedis' meaning 'a building'

having the power to produce a desired effect; effective

the power to produce an effect

shameless; unashamed boldness; gall; impudence; presumption
always derogatory in usage, effrontery connotes shamelessness or insolence in defying the rules of propriety, courtesy, etc.

for example

acting directly to produce an effect (an efficient cause); effective; acting or producing effectively with a minimum of waste, expense or unnecessary.effort; exhibiting a high ratio of output to input
the quality or property of being efficient; the degree to which this quality is exercised (the program was implemented with great efficiency and speed)

the repeating of sound produced by reflection of sound waves from a surface
echo, echoed, echoing, echoes.verbs
transitive verb use.to repeat a sound by the reflection of sound waves from a surface; to repeat or imitate
intransitive verb use.to be repeated by or as if by an echo (the story echoed out of my mind when she mentioned that; the speaker's words echoed in her mind); to resound with or as if with an echo; reverberate.(rooms echoing with laughter)
of or resembling an echo
like or characteristic of an echo; echoic

a sensory system in certain animals, such as bats and dolphins, in which usually high pitched sounds are emitted and their echoes interpreted to determine the direction and distance of objects
Electronics:.a process for determining the location of objects by emitting sound waves and analyzing the waves reflected back to the sender by the object; also called echo ranging

Eminent Domain.noun,.plural.Eminent Domains
the unrestrained ownership of land; independent of all action from without and paramount over all action within (in detail)

The United States federal government possesses the right of Eminent Domain as a sovereign state, made possible by the individual states granting land to form the District of Columbia. It exercises that right in the acquisition of land.

The individual states through their own constitutions, also possess the right of eminent domain as sovereignties, within their borders and within the limits on their powers as defined by delegates from the 12 states who drafted the document and subsequently presented this U.S. Constitution to the individual states for ratification. Point is: the people of the individual States had opportunity and were able to be involved in that which was to affect them and knew and agreed on the limited powers they agreed to be granted to a federal government of their creation. Such a thing has not happened in Canada to the detriment of regions outside of Ontaruio and Quebec, the original Canada.
Business and Economics:.the right of a government to take private property for a public purpose, usually with just compensation to the owner

a representative of a government who is sent on a special diplomatic mission; a minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador

enact, enacted, enacting, enacts.transitive verbs
if an event or situation is enacted, it is brought about, it is brought into action to affect.something or someone; to act something out, as on a stage (enacted the part of the parent); to make into law (Congress enacted a tax reform bill);
the act of enacting; the state of being enacted; something that has been enacted

envision, envisioned, envisioning, envisions.transitive verbs
to picture in the mind; imagine

intense joy or delight; an intense state of happiness; if you are in ecstasy about something, you are very excited about it (kids at Christmas time, what with the anticipation of what they'll get and the great meal they'll usually have, are an example of what it's like to be in ecstasy)
marked by or expressing ecstasy; being in a state of ecstasy; enraptured; blissful

lasting for a markedly brief time ("There remain some truths too ephemeral to be captured in the cold pages of a court transcript or . . . opinion." ...Irving R. Kaufman); living or lasting only for a day, as certain plants or insects do; transient
a markedly short-lived thing

enable, enabled, enabling, enables.transitive verbs
to supply with the means, knowledge or opportunity; make able (a hole in the fence that enabled us to watch; techniques that enable computer administrators to be efficient); to make feasible or possible (funds that will enable new technologies); to make operational; activate (enabled the computer's modem)

encounter, encountered, encountering, encounters.verbs
transitive verb use.to meet, especially unexpectedly; come upon (encountered an old friend on the street); to come up against (encounter numerous obstacles)
intransitive verb use.to meet, especially unexpectedly
a meeting, especially one that is unplanned, unexpected or brief (a chance encounter in the park)

exist, existed, existing, exists.intransitive verbs 
to have actual.being; be real; to have life; live; to be; to continue to be; persist (old customs that are beneficial that are thankfully still with us)

having life or being; existing; real; occurring or present at the moment; current
one that exists

the fact or state of existing; being; the fact or state of continued being; life (our brief existence on Earth with its afflictions at times {2Corinthians 4:17}); all that exists (sang the beauty of all existence); a thing that exists; an entity; a mode or manner of existing (all in all he had a great existence); specific.presence; occurrence (the Geiger counter {radiation.detecting instrument} indicated the existence of radioactivity)

of, relating to or dealing with existence; based on experience; empirical

a philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe and that which regards human existence as unexplainable and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts
one who espouses an existentialist philosophy
an existentialist philosophy
