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X-ray crystallography.noun,.plural.X-ray crystallographies
the method of using X-rays-diffraction for obtaining an exact picture of atoms in molecules.to determine the structure of crystals or molecules

relatively high energy photon with wavelength in the approximate range from 0.01 to 10 nanometers; a stream of such photons, used for their penetrating power in radiography, radiology, radiotherapy and scientific research; also called roentgen ray; called 'x' because the discoverer Roentgen didn't know what else to call them; part of the family of invisible energies
x-ray, x-rayed, x-raying, x-rays.transitive verbs
to irradiate with x-rays; to photograph with x-rays

Xenophon, circa.B.C.E. 430-355, Greek soldier and writer. A disciple of Socrates, he joined Cyrus in an attack on Persia. After the death of Cyrus, Xenophon led the Greek troops to the Black Sea, an ordeal he recounted in Anabasis.

xenophobe.noun.(pronounced 'zee nuh fob'),.plural.xenophobes
a person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples

yank, yanked, yanking, yanks.verbs
transitive verb use.to pull with a quick, strong movement; jerk (yanked the emergency cord); to extract or remove abruptly (yanked the starting pitcher early in the game; had to yank the bolt out)
intransitive verb use.to pull on something suddenly; jerk
a sudden vigorous pull; a jerk
a Yankee

gaping open; cavernous (a yawning abyss)
yawn, yawned, yawning, yawns.intransitive verbs
to open the mouth wide with a deep inhalation, usually involuntarily from drowsiness, fatigue or boredom; to open wide; gape.(the chasm yawned at our feet)
transitive verb use.to utter wearily, while or as if while yawning (yawned his disapproval of the silly bureaucrat)
the act of yawning

a persistent, often wistful or melancholy desire; a longing (the yearnings for romance and adventure that are awakened by spring)
yearn, yearned, yearning, yearns.intransitive verbs
to have a strong, often melancholy desire; to feel deep pity, sympathy or tenderness (yearned over the poor child's fate)

the word 'yet' can be used in describing some other aspect related to the subject, as in the sentence, The Creator is beyond all physicalness, 'yet' His holy nature comprises it all:.Ephesians 4:6; you can use 'yet' in negative statements to indicate that something has not happened up to the present time, although it probably will happen; you can also use yet in questions to ask if something has happened up to the present time (they haven't finished yet; no decision has yet been made); you use yet with a negative statement when you are talking about the past, to report something that was not the case then, although it became the case later (there was so much that Sam didn't know yet; he had asked around and learned that Billy was not yet here); if you say that something should not or cannot be done yet, you mean that it should not or cannot be done now, although it will have to be done at a later time (don't get up yet; we cannot leave yet as the weather is still crummy); other uses (I haven't finished my homework yet; we don't know whether she'll come yet); it can also come after 'don't', 'hasn't' etc. or before 'why', 'whether' etc. (they don't yet know the full facts; I haven't decided yet whether to take part in the competition); at this time; for the present (I know she is going on a date but she isn't ready yet); up to a specified time (I'm going but not yet); thus far (the warmth of the summer had not yet come); at a future time; eventually (she may yet change his mind); besides; in addition (returned for yet another helping); still more; even a yet larger saddle for about the same money); nevertheless (he was young yet wise)
as yet.idiom up to the present time; up to now

yield, yielded, yielding, yields.verbs
intransitive verb use.to give forth a natural product (the mothers yielded their children at almost the same time); be productive; to produce a return for effort or investment (bonds that yield well); to give up, as in defeat; surrender or submit; to give way to pressure or force (the door yielded to a gentle push); to give way to argument, persuasion, influence or entreaty (the child pleaded, but the parents wouldn't yield; to give place, as to one that is superior (the government reluctantly yielded to the will of the people) 
transitive verb use.to give over possession of, as in deference or defeat; surrender; to give up (an advantage, for example) to another; concede; to give forth by or as if by a natural process, especially by cultivation (a field that yields many bushels of corn); to furnish as return for effort or investment; be productive of (an investment that yields high percentages)
an amount yielded or produced; a product; a profit obtained from an investment; a return; the energy released by an explosion, especially by a nuclear explosion, expressed in units of weight of TNT required to produce an equivalent release (the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima had a yield of 20 kilotons)

the passive (yin) and active (yang) cosmic principles (from Asian dualistic philosophy); check the Internet for which foods may be of the yin or of the yang type; one yin type is sugar, others are a nuclear explosion and radiation and can be balanced by yang types, such is salt, miso, etc. (a doctor on the second story of a hospital in Nagasaki quickly gave miso soup to all in his ward when the atomic bomb went off; none got radiation poisoning as the yang quality of miso yanks radiation particles from the blood stream, taking them safely out of the body)

yogi.noun,.plural.yogis.(pronounced 'yo gee', 'yo gees')
one who practices yoga; yogi is one who seeks union of body mind and environment; Deepak on yogis
Yane Yoga.is yoga of knowledge

a Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquillity; a system of exercises practiced as part of this discipline to promote control of the body and mind; yoga means unity; Deepak on yogas

yoke, yoked, yoking, yokes.transitive verbs
to fit or join with a yoke; to harness a draft animal to; bind (a yoke of oxen; partners who were yoked together for life); to force into heavy labor, bondage or subjugation
a frame designed to be carried across a person's shoulders with equal loads suspended from each end; a crossbar with two U-shaped pieces that encircle the necks of a pair of oxen or other draft animals working together (a yoke of oxen); a pair of draft animals, such as oxen, joined by a yoke; a coupling.device; a bar used with a double harness to connect the collar of each horse to the pole of a wagon or coach; a clamp or vise that holds a machine part in place or controls its movement or that holds two such parts together
Nautical: a crossbar on a ship's rudder to which the steering cables are connected; the condition of being subjugated or in bondage (the modern day world slaves under the yoke of monetary subjugation)
intransitive verb use.to become joined securely

yonder means 'over there' (now look yonder just beyond the wooden post and you can see the deer); thereon or at that indicated place (the house over yonder)
being at an indicated distance, usually within sight (yonder hills)

Yukon Territory

Z boson.noun
Z boson is an unchanged massive {91GeV/c2 (c is the speed of light in a vacuum; 2 is for it squared)-particle said in a period of growing knowledge to be of the Weak Force.

filled with or characterized by zeal-(zealous missionaries); enthusiastic

means intense.emotion.compelling action; implies energetic and unflagging pursuit of an aim or devotion to a cause (preaches with the zeal of an ardent salesman; the ardor of anger); passion; eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something; fervor

one who is zealous

spirited enjoyment; gusto (though well on in physical age he zestfully approaches each day); flavor or interest; piquancy; the outermost part of the rind of an orange or a lemon, used as flavoring
zest, zested, zesting, zests.transitive verbs
to give zest, charm or spirit to

the spirit of the time; the popular outlook; the taste or characteristic of a period or generation; popular thinking of the present of whichever times have now past; the zeitgeist of a particular place during a particular period in history is the attitudes and ideas that are generally.common there at that time (most ideas promulgated by authorities are lies to harm you:.John 8:44; Matthew 15:14); zeitgeist is the prevailing.mass mind way of looking at slices of life; an activity that a lot of people are doing; from Germanic 'zeit' and Middle High German 'zot' meaning 'time' and from Old High German 'geist' meaning 'spirit', 'ghost'

nothing; nil; zero (received zip for money after doing the job for them)
zippy, zippier, zippiest.adjectives
full of energy; lively
zip, zipped, zipping, zips
intransitive verb use.to move or act with a speed (the cars zipped by endlessly); to act or proceed swiftly and energetically (zipped through her homework); to become fastened or unfastened by a zipper
transitive verb use.to give speed and force to; to impart life or zest to (an organic smoothie gives me zip); to fasten or unfasten with a zipper

zip code, also called postal code
a totally unnecessary cabal.concoction to get tacit approval from you by use of it, which places you in a zone under their control and doesn't speed up the mail, as it gets to its destination oftentimes faster without it

zero; nothing
amounting to nothing; nil (business was zilch)

an instrument composed of a flat sound box with about 30 to 40 strings stretched over it and played horizontally with the fingertips

one who looks or behaves like an automaton, like some programmed toy; someone who moves slowly and does not seem to be thinking about what they are doing, especially because they are very tired (after the party last night, he walked around like a zombie for most of the day); a snake god of voodoo cults in West Africa, Haiti and the southern United States; a supernatural power or spell that according to voodoo belief, is a corpse revived by some power; a tall mixed drink made of various rums, liqueur and fruit juice
zombify, zombified.transitive verbs
to turn an active alert individual into a zombie 

an area or a region.distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic; any of the five regions of the surface of the Earth that are loosely divided according to prevailing climate and latitude, including the Torrid Zone, the North and South Temperate zones and the North and South Frigidzones; a similar division on any other planet; an ecological area characterized by distinct physical conditions and populated by communities of certain kinds of organisms; area
zone, zoned, zoning, zones.transitive verbs
to divide into zones; to designate or mark off into zones

zoonotic.adjective, pronounced 'zoh uh noh sis'
of, relating.to.or.constituting zoonosis (the virus is believed to be zoonotic)
a disease thought to be communicable from animals to humans; from 1876 New Latin 'zo' + 'nosis', which is an alteration influenced by 'osis' of the Greek 'nosos' meaning disease (a diagnosis is a looking for disease) 

the branch of biology that deals with animals and animal life, including the study of the structure, physiology, development and classification of animals; the animal life of a particular area or period (the zoology of Alaska; the zoology of the Pleistocene); the characteristics of a particular animal group or category (the zoology of mammals); a book or scholarly work on zoology
of.or.relating.to animals or animal life; of or relating to the science of zoology

any cell formed by the union of two gametes (the marrying {Greek, 'gamos'} of a reproductive cell with another similar one to form the cell that develops into a new individual)