are the most distant objects ever detected, the furthest being 10 billion
years away. They are starlike objects having a large red shift, emitting
powerful blue light radio waves.
Quasars are extremely bright
intense energy sources, appearing star like but emitting more energy than
100 giant galaxies
and are easily detected due to their extreme brilliance. They appear starlike
on optical images and possess high redshifts,
leading to the conclusion that they are very distant objects. It is thought
that the radiation from quasars initiates
star construction. The more we discover about the multiverse, like microquasars
for example, the greater the distance is it seems, to unlocking the
mystery of why?
Microquasars present a large
challenge to current astronomical.taxonomy.
Galaxies billions of light
years away are distributed as evenly as sifted sand, with quasars
spread through them. Some appear faint. Why? Why is the energy different?
Does intergalactic space.(between
the galaxies).with
its dust and gases absorb a substantial amount of the visible light, making
them appear faint to us? Perhaps, as the x-rays
do show intense activity.
Is the multiverse
infinite? And why? In a deep field view.(the
keyhole being about as wide as the head of a nail held at
arm's length).of
space, the Hubble telescope reveals some three thousand galaxies, the larger
ones with black holes in proportion. Some black holes are 10,000 times
larger than our Sun. A black hole appears much the same as a cyclone.(a
Western term for it is hurricane; in the East, it's called a tornado, in
the south, a typhoon, all synonymous
terms. These storms rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere
and clockwise in the southern hemisphere).with
all around swirling into it.
The multiverse with
all the universes in it is expanding at an ever increasing rate including
the Earth.
radiation of space has frequencies both high and low; the higher the
frequency of
the greater the energy and vice
From short waves.(high
frequencies in the invisible to the naked eye electromagnetic spectrum).to
long waves.(low
frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum).are:
gamma at 3x10 to the 21st power.Hertz.(frequency).
rays are a product of
ray interaction, itself an interesting mystery; then x-ray,
and radio
at 3x10 to the 3rd power.(10
kilohertz to 300,000 megahertz, taken advantage of for radio broadcasting
and communication), all of which can
be used to see parts and functions of the universe we are in that is unable
to be observed by the naked eye. Here is the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Radiation is emitted in
Consider radio waves
which pass through walls yet are reflected back by the ionosphere.(an
electrical sheath protecting Earth with its reflective long wave frequencies;
of being transmitted into space.
In space,
streams away from the Sun in solar
of high energy
particles of bosons,
being a steady stream of particles emanating
from the Sun).
Plasma also contains
and the single electron
which is seemingly everywhere at once and other atomic nuclei.(plural
of nucleus
{a thing or part forming the centre}).
of the solar wind doesn't bother Earth thanks to Earth's magnetic
has recently been discovered about plasma.
still puzzling over the whys of electric
fields having to do with
black holes, chandra.nasa.gov
The event horizon, also
called the cosmic horizon, is thought to be where matter emerges
from the invisible into the visible.
And where would this be? It's one of the knowables as it's 47 billion light
years away. By the time something happened there on the physical realm
such as a star disintegrating, it would be 47 billion light years before
anybody on Earth with their massive telescopes would notice a change. Time
is always factored
by distance in the physical world, but not in the invisible world.
The event horizon is crossed
when a particle accelerator
bombards atoms, causing a sub atomic particle
to emerge for a millionth of a second. Man, being physical, is limited
to the speed of light, whereas, beyond the event horizon or black hole
there is no time and all things
are one. Difficult for man to comprehend. Becomes clearer the more
its studied. Particle accelerators are physical machines attempting to
reach into the invisible world of matter forming from information
and energy,
Black holes are celestial
bodies that contain so much mass
that even photons
are prevented from escaping because of gravitational attraction around
the black hole's center. 33 have so far been discovered. Here. when the
concentration of matter is very large or dense enough, the gravitational
distortion can be so immense that even light cannot escape. A video on
black holes.(documentary-log.com/?id=77).
But there are small ones too, too small to see.
Our world is scaled from
the universal structure we live in, to the atom and subatomic particles.
This scaling is able to be described under the conditions of a black hole.
Equations describing the nuclei
of the atom.(the
with the vacuum structure
and obeying the conditions necessary to be described as a black hole.
the interview with Nassim by Vishen Lakhiani, entitled.The
Physics of Spirituality; amazing information
on antigravity vehicles and lots more
And see the video of Nassim
speaking about how our connection to the multiversal source of all.(God).affects
Some of Nassim's
quotes and publications
you can download and, Nassim on
the Bible. Nassim's course is free so all can learn. He talks
about it here.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dySbOfrXMIA
don't miss Nassim's tour talk on just how connected are we.(making
quantum physics fun and easier to comprehend).and
see the movie of his amazing new, true and in plain language
Connected Universe.
You can also see his 2 hour
August, 2015 tour talk he gave on it in Toronto. You'll love it and him
too! For that, type 'Nassim Haramein Connected Universe' into YouTube,
if it hasn't yet been banned, as they are banning everything they
determine doesn't fit into what only they want you to know.
Comprised from Nassim's Resonance
the resulting circular velocity
of such a scaled system in Hertz
yields the gamma ray emissions typically associated
with atomic decay.
This is a very exciting result, as in this case the atom is described in
a completely classical way with very little quantum physics involved.
"This new description
of our world marks a deeper understanding of our relationship to the scaling
of event horizons from infinitely
large to infinitely small. Here we show that the microtubules
structure of the cellular level bisects the graph almost at its exact middle,
placing biological systems, including us, as one of the event horizons
connecting worlds.
"Later in the
paper we demonstrate that a 'spin
horizon' can be described to both accommodate the galactic center black
holes and the scale to the dynamics of the core of our Sun and its
This implies
that the central black holes of galaxies are the driving force producing
the galactic disc and its halo and that the very same force most likely
produces the high energy physics we observe in our own Sun. This 'spin
horizon' now describes our world as being white
hole/black hole structures at all scales or what Haramein has coined
the 'white / black whole'.
"We believe
this paper to be a groundbreaking innovative
view of our multiverse and our place in it. The Resonance Project.(ResonanceScience.org).and
its Director of Research are ecstatic
to offer this new paradigm
of understanding. Share the excitement with your friends and family and
support us in creating a brighter future!"
Other Nassim papers:.origin
of spin; torque; plasma;
spinors, twistors; AIP_CP_SProton.(Schwarzschild
proton paper);
Gravity and the Holographic Mass.
are Plank's spherical units? At this link also is covered, information
from Nassim's paper Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass.
One example is the nuclei
of an atom which is really a mini black hole where protons
are attracted to each other by gravitation not by the mysterious so called
undefined 'strong force'.
"In Newton's
equation, acceleration was one of the three quantities, the others
being, mass of a body and the force acting on it. Acceleration is acquired
by the body as a result of the force acting upon it. Force characterizes
an interaction
of bodies. We have the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force
and two others postulated
to come of the first two. These are the so
called strong force and the so-called weak force..But
that's old information now in
the light of what Nassim has discovered.
"This new view of the quantum
world produces a unification of the
which there appears to be just 2 and not 4, but that also is no
longer correct, why?
Basically there's just positive ions
and negative ions; learn how
you can use this power available
to all).and
appropriately predicts measured values for the nucleon of atoms. An atom
sits in an electromagnetic field which interacts with it. This is called
the quantum field effect.(QFT)."....Nassim
Haramein, quantum physicist.(ResonanceScience.org).
His paper on black holes.(entire
multiiverse and all in it is a black hole, including many tiny ones in
us; see his movie.The
Connected Universe.and
his talk in Toronto).
is a product of the collective consciousness which produces the matter
having mass. Acceleration and speed are both associated
with time and distance measurement. It means that in the end the concepts
of acceleration and speed come to the concepts of space and time. We already
know that space & time are constructs of the collective consciousness.
And therefore everything that happens can be changed by consciousness.
This has been proven everywhere and in advanced
martial arts."....page
94, Grigori Gabovoi's book.
Other papers, such as.(theresonanceproject.org/research/scientific).and
- get the document on it).originating
with Trump in office in October 2020.
about what's being done and planned to do in making a better world
on the nature of information technology being governed by the rules of
the multiverse itself, known as quantum
mechanics. This realization helped establish the field of QIS.(Quantum
Information Services). Presently, new
technologies that harness unique quantum properties of coherence, entanglement
and measurement are emerging from fundamental advances in QIS. Developing
practical, real-world applications for these technologies that benefit
other scientists and end-users in a wide range of disciplines is now an
important frontier for quantum information scientists and technologists.
Two major areas of inquiry are key for making progress along this frontier:
discovering what is fundamentally possible with quantum technology, including
practical quantum advantages and a deeper understanding of the classical-quantum
trade space; and engaging interdisciplinary QIS researchers with domain
scientists and end-users early on, to work together and identify potential
applications for QIS technologies and concepts in government, industry
and other branches of science.
Nassim has noted NASA's
video of a gigantic space event.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjD5aayptXk).that
put us in a period of grace.
And this event too.
But other
things have happened as well that make one think 'how much time is
left' and what we should be doing to ensure we all make it through ok.
black hole is where you go in meditation;
black hole. It's from the black hole where thought turns
into matter. You go in with the stillness in meditation. Once your
mind is still, you are there! Once there in 'the
gap' as it's called, you introduce the thought that begins
to form into matter. So, what did you want? World peace, prosperity
for yourself and others, beauty, kindness, health, love, safety and protection,
more intelligence, wisdom, a fulfilling purpose in your life? More on all
these things in the A-Z Index at the top of the page. How
you 'ask' is key.
Whatever the mind can conceive
it can achieve,
that is, once a person knows how to work it. So start meditating to get
into the place where your
black hole of manifestation
exists. All this involves the spirit of
We each live in different
scale black holes with the universal fractal
pattern which is a fractal
of singularities, within the whole, within the oneness. Here we can
our own universe within the limited realm of power we have as humans.
Everyone in an area is.somewhat.similar,
yet unique.
The physical multiverses
out there are a type of the multiverses within us, the many systems the
body has that all
interact with each other. That's why when you travel to a different
area, maybe to see old friends and family, you notice how different their
outlook may be. That's because they have evolved spiritually, mentally
and socially in a different 'world' as it were, a different environment
than yours.
And so we have visible and
invisible, the visible which comes out of the invisible, the visible being
the 'slowed down' spiritual frequencies we interpret by using our senses,
as the world and the physical things of it, which are already manifested
and are all around us, birds, us, mountains, flowers, rocks, animals, roads,
trees, food, everything. In the invisible realm includes those
having passed on. See subject of Death.
The equations of General
Relativity show that time literally stands still at the invisible boundary
surrounding such a concentration of matter. This is called the event horizon,
the point at which light rays trying to escape the enormous pull of gravity
bend back upon themselves. And what about white
Were the heavens and the
Earth once closer? Maybe:.Romans
1:20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world
are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his
eternal power and Godhead..." Hebrews
11:3 "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the
word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which
do appear."
42:5 "Thus saith God the Lord, he that created the heavens and.stretched
them out. He that spread forth the Earth and that which comes out of
it. He that gives breath unto the people upon it and spirit to them that
walk therein."..
10:12 "He has made the Earth by his power. He has established the world
by his wisdom and has stretched out the heavens by his discretion."
12:1 "...he Lord, which stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundation
of the Earth and forms the spirit of
man within him."
Theory attempts to reconcile Einstein's
Theory of Relativity which describes the large scale structure of the
multiverse, whereas quantum
mechanics deals with nature at the subatomic
level. Hawking's wave function
of the multiverse contends
that the universe has no edge or boundry in imaginary time.
holes are thought to be formed when massive stars shrink at the end
of their life.
A black hole sucks in more
matter, including other stars, from the space around it. Black holes are
not black. They can be detected because gas falling toward them becomes
so hot that it emits x-rays, which can be seen with special cameras until
the radiation evaporates and disappears. Once the energy from matter is
removed, the matter disappears. Don't get negative. Once your energy
is sapped, you're
on your way down and then out. Stay happy! Stay around! How?
Are black holes the recycling
bins of the multiverse, keeping all in balance as programmed by the
"In seconds, the iron core
of a massive star implodes.(collapses
a black hole is formed. Energetic jets moving at nearly the
speed of light produce a
burst of gamma rays that plow through the star, causing it to explode.
If one of the jets is pointing directly toward Earth, astronomers can detect
a burst of gamma rays in addition to a supernova
January 2000, page 32.
"A black hole radiates energy
at a rate inversely.proportionate
to the square
of its mass."....Stephen
Hawking, Scientific American Magazine.(sciam.com),
article The Quantum Mechanics of Black Holes, January, 1997.
Quasars are the signatures
of gas and stars falling into black holes.
Cosmic rays:.Cosmic
rays are extremely small particles full with high energy and are the
only sample of matter from outside the Solar System.
Invisible electrical streams.(the
ones from our Sun seen sometimes as the Aurora
Borealis {Northern Lights).or
currents, embrace not just Earth but entire space.
Space is not empty, but filled
and dynamic,
as these currents move not in isolation but in relation to other cosmic
streams. As one can ascertain,
space is well
put together. It all had to function properly from the start; the streams
are in harmony. They do not wipe each other out. They function without
the bosons: Which came first or do you think they all had to exist
at once? And if so, this complex interdependency requires evolutionary
theory to an accounting of their simultaneous development?
There is mind boggling order
and balance everywhere in space, without which it just could not exist.
The mathematics and physics
'holding it all together' are astounding, the little of which we fully
The deeper one looks, the more evidence is seen of the need for it to have
been quickly or even instantly created by 'some great intelligence', far
above and beyond the mind of man; so much so, that we can barely comprehend,
almost as if we were looking through translucent
smoked glass.