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-quanta: plural of quantum

-quantum, is different if it is a noun or an adjective
quantum, as a noun, plural quanta
basically it means 'how much?' a quantum is simply a quantity, an amount, a portion, a part of, something that can be counted or measured; a gross quantity; bulk; quantum also refers to, again 'how much?', any of the very small increments or parcels into which many forms of energy are subdivided (nanoparticles); any of the large and small subdivisions of a quantized physical magnitude (as magnetic moment)
quantum as an adjective
large.significant; of, relating.to.or employing the principles of quantum mechanics; quantum as used regarding the new quantum off-world technology computer that does ten trillion calculations and more, a second, as used in the new DLT (Digital Ledger Transfer System), also called QFS (Quantum Financial System) that the sentient beings of the invisible realm monitor as they are of living intelligence and are as humans but far above humans, but only for now

In physics the quantum level has to do with the very small, a level reached when we arrive at the smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently that we know of, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation; this is the subatomic club of which thoughts are part of a portion or tiny package as it is in the defunct.Latin language; an elemental unit of energy; a discrete amount that is the minimum by which a physical quantity can increase or decrease in a quantum mechanical.system; quantum has to do with the very small.(whereas relativity.generally has to do with the very large); quantum means package, a very small or large package, the largest or smallest indivisible.unit in which waves.(frequencies).of information and energy are either absorbed or emitted; a quantum of light is a photon; a quantum of electricity is an electron; a quantum of gravity is a virtual.graviton. A photon, electron and graviton are just labels we use for units of information and energy. Thought is also a label for a unit of information and energy regarding the mind/body connection with the body's incredible quantum computers. How quantum is in use right now that you need to know something about.

-quantum electrodynamics.(QED): in physics is a set of equations that accounts theoretically for the interactions of electromagnetic radiation with atoms and their electrons. QED appears to underlie the chemical and readily observable behavior of matter and to encompass classic electromagnetic theory. Quantum electrodynamics, the quantum field theory of electrons and photons, predicts that atomic energy levels must change in discrete steps, which have been established experimentally with very high accuracy. Analogous quantum field theories have been developed to describe other fundamental processes in nature, such as the forces that bind quarks and gluons together to form protons and neutrons.

The equations, which explain electromagnetism in terms of the quantum nature of the photon, the carrier of the force, were formulated by British physicist Paul Dirac, German physicist Werner Heisenberg and Austro-American physicist Wolfgang Pauli in the 1920s and 1930s and were elaborated thereafter.....comprised with.Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

-quantum field: quantum field

-quantum leap: quantum leap

-quantum mechanics: a theory.(based upon subatomic interactions involving the fundamental forces).and procedure describing the dealing with subatomic phenomenon.(atoms and other subatomic particles).allowing physicists to predict the probabilities of various possible results; quantum mechanics is about making a better world based on the nature of information technology being governed by the rules of the universe itself. It's about the play and display of information, the play and display of potential electrons, that is, how matter comes into existence from vibrations in the field caused by thought impressed upon the  subconscious mind.(the thought being the information component).where the unified field first forms particles as all particles are formed by thought. The field that is waving.(the vibrations in it producing a particle {understand that a particle is a wave , an occurrence in this field}).is the universal ocean of pure potentiality, an ocean of abstract potential existence. The unified field is also called the superstring field.(the superstring field has been expanded and has a new incarnation called the 'M' theory); these are pure abstract waves of consciousness; Einstein tried to reconcile his relativity theory with this theory.
   A principle of quantum mechanics is the uncertainty principle.

Quantum Mechanics successfully describes the fact that what we observe, is altered according to the consciousness of the observer. This has been proven many times.(*). You actually enliven the unified field by participation in it. How do you participate in it? The act of observing increases order in that which is observed. This is important for you dissipating your dark side.

HotBits harnesses the fundamental uncertainty of nature to generate truly random bits, unlike the pseudo random sequences created by an algorithm on a computer.

-quantum physics: The study of the realm of subatomic.(a constituent part of an atom).particles and forces. The idea of 'dark energy' originated with quantum.physics which regards a vacuum, not as pure nothingness, but rather as a storehouse of latent energy at a subatomic level; however, the value of this perceived energy is zero or so close to it that it is inconsistent with observations. In fact observations affect it. The origin of the laws of physics.

-quantum theory: Developed by Max Planck who said that all radiation can be assigned an energy intrinsic to its wavelength; that is, electrons and all particles of matter, act like waves under certain circumstances; that is, radiant energy.(energy that radiates out from a source).is transmitted in the form of discrete units.

Quantum theory describes wave and particle behavior at the subatomic level using the concept of wave particle duality, whereby waves of a given wavelength correspond to particles of a given momentum, with the product of the wavelength and the momentum being fixed by Planck's constant. According to quantum theory, the waves associated with electromagnetic and gravitational.fields have corresponding particlelike excitations, or discretepackets of energy, called quanta. A quantum of electromagnetic energy is called a photon and a quantum of gravitational energy is called a graviton. Because both electromagnetic and gravitational waves travel at the speed of light, their associated particles or quanta, are massless.

Wave-particle duality also predicts that each elementary particle, such as electrons and protons, must have a corresponding wavelength and quantum field. The interaction of an electromagnetic field with an electron's charge is actually the result of the interaction of this field with the quantum field of the electron.

Each photon of light carries its own quantum of energy; blue is greater than red. Energy increases with wavelength.(frequency, also called Hertz).speed unchanged. In open space particles of light.(photons).move in straight line. The first practical application to result from quantum theory was the electronic scanning microscope

Quantum theory involves the study of subatomic particles. The theory that energy is not absorbed nor radiated continuously, but discontinuously in definite units called quanta. The theory relies on the idea that matter can exist in more than one state at the same time, a principle know as superimposition. Quantum theory attempts to explain infinity based on the idea of continuous fields and a geometry involving dimensionless points.(no size at all).as its key feature. Quantum theory is challenged by String Theory.

-volt/voltage: the unit of electromotive.(related to producing electrical current).force, being that electromotive force or potential difference, which will cause a current of one ampere to flow through a conductor whose resistance is one ohm.
