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phosphoric acid.noun
a clear colorless liquid, H3PO4 (3 parts {molecules} hydrogen, 1 part phosphorus, 4 parts oxygen), used in fertilizers, detergents, food flavoring and pharmaceuticals; one of the constituents of Coca-Cola and other cola drinks, used to dissolve rust and metals, used also as a pesticide and toilet bowl cleaner

a cell, such as a white blood cell, that engulfs and absorbs waste material, harmful micro-organisms or other foreign bodies in the bloodstream and tissues; the body has very efficient systems to rid itself of garbage 1) 2) 3)
the engulfing and ingestion of bacteria or other foreign bodies by phagocytes

a procedure is a way for systematic accomplishing something; a manner of proceeding (he developed a procedure to use for a proper comparison of pens to find out how they performed regarding ease of writing); a way of performing or effecting something (complained to the manager and by this procedure got the money back; his procedure was first to do the calculations on a hand held calculator, instead of doing them right on the computer); a series of steps taken to accomplish an end (it was a therapeutic procedure); a procedure is a way of doing something that someone wants to be done, whether it is right or wrong, such as using a PCR test to erroneously.determine.something not necessary
of or concerning procedure, especially of a court of law or parliamentary body
a police procedural

politics.plural noun
government or governing (the nation's governing was inept); the methods or tactics involved in managing a state or government (the politics of the former regime were rejected by the new government leadership; if the politics of the conservative government now borders on the repressive, what can be expected when the economy falters?); intrigue or maneuvering within a political unit or a group in order to gain control or power (partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government; office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive); political attitudes and positions (his politics on that issue is his own business; your politics are clearly more liberal than mine)

the form of government of a nation or corporation, a state, a church or an organization; an organized society, such as a nation, having a specific form of government

one who is actively involved in politics, especially politics going on within the party they have joined (petty party politics) and generally avoiding, as much as possible, the people duped into electing them; one who holds or seeks political office; one who seeks personal or partisan gain, often by scheming and maneuvering ("Mothers may still want their favorite sons to grow up to be President, but . . . they do not want them to become politicians in the process. The only valid test of leadership is the ability to lead and lead vigorously."....John F. Kennedy)

a corporation owned by another corporation, that being government and whose policies dictate making a profit for shareholders (here being the government and those hidden behind it who own it, usually the corrupt bankers who control most corporations of the world) and which operates within a community to ensure.compliance to policies approved by those within and/or responsible for the corporation by means of regulations and fines and control of activities of people (licenses, etc., stupid unscientific regulations which override {covid regulations anybody?} and are below and irrelevant considering Common Law freedoms of people, common laws such as was the American Constitution of 1776 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and others)

having or marked by a definite or organized policy or structure with regard to government; of, relating to or dealing with the structure or affairs of government, politics or the state; relating to, involving or characteristic of politics, parties or politicians

rules that corporate government (city, state, provincial, municipal, federal corporations, etc.) make to regulate actions of people and as made by the policy makers, such as the politicians and whose policies are monitored and enforced by policy inforcers, the police corporation (policy force); a written contract or certificate of insurance

superior to or notable above all others; outstanding; dominant

polite, politer, politest.adjectives
marked by or showing consideration for others, tact and observance of accepted social usage; refined; elegant

a man who rules a family, clan or tribe; in the Old Testament. one of the antediluvian (before the flood) progenitors (a direct ancestor) of the human race, from Adam to Noah, such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or any of Jacob's 12 sons, the eponymous (a person whose name is or is thought to be the source of the name of something, such as a city, country or era) progenitors of the 12 tribes of Israel
of, relating to or characteristic of a patriarch; of or relating to a patriarchy (a patriarchal social system); ruled by a patriarch a patriarchal see; 'see' is an area governed by a bishop of the Catholic Church
a social.system in which the father is the head of the family and descent is traced through the father's side of the family; a family, community or society based on this system

if you say that two people or things are on a par with each other, you mean that they are equally good or bad or equally important; an amount or a level considered to be average; a standard: performing up to par; did not yet feel up to par; an equality of status, level or value; equal footing (a local product on a par with the best foreign makes); the established value of a monetary unit expressed in terms of a monetary unit of another country using the same metal standard; the face value of a stock, bond or other negotiable instrument (sold the bond at par)
on a par with.phrasal verb
as good as, comparable with, in the same class/league as, equivalent to, equal to, on a level with, of the same standard as
on par.phrasal verb
to be at the same level or standard; equal (in Iceland wages of males and females, by law, must be on par)
not up to par.phrasal verb
to be less good than usual or below the proper standard; to feel a little ill or lacking in energy (her dog had been feeling a little under par the last couple of weeks; none of the people who'd auditioned were really up to par)
Sports:.the number of golf strokes considered necessary to complete a hole or get the ball into all the holes on a particular golf course (he was five under par after the first round)
par, parred, parring, pars.transitive verbs
in sports, to score par on a hole or course in golf
equal to the standard; normal (a solid, par performance); of or relating to monetary face value

an adverse judgment or opinion ascertained beforehand without knowledge or examination of the facts; predilection; a preconceived.preference or idea; the act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions; irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race or religion; detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived, unfavorable conviction of another or others; bias
prejudice, prejudiced, prejudicing, prejudices.transitive verbs
to cause someone to judge prematurely and irrationally; to affect injuriously or detrimentally by a judgment or an act; bias
with prejudice
means extinguishing any right to pursue a claim in another suit
without prejudice
in law, 'without prejudice' means without detriment to any existing right or claim and includes without attempting coercion; 'without prejudice' is a legal term meaning any offer or admission made during conciliation is only for use during conciliation and cannot be used anywhere else 

of, relating.to.or.characteristic of Plato or his philosophy (platonic dialogs; Platonic ontology); 
platonic is often.used in describing the transcending of physical.desire and tending toward the purely spiritual or ideal (platonic love; they used to have a hot sexual relationship but eventually it became platonic)
Word history: Plato did not invent the term or the concept that bears his name, but he did see sexual desire as leading toward a higher love, that of heartfelt love. Marsilio Ficino, a Renaissance follower of Plato, used the terms 'amor socraticus and amor platonicus' for a love that was preparatory for the love of God. From Ficino's usage Platonic (already present in English as an adjective to describe what related to Plato and first recorded in 1533 A.D.) came to be used for a spiritual love between persons of opposite sexes

Plato.B.C.E. 427?-347? Greek philosopher; a follower of Socrates, he founded the Academy (B.C.E. 386), where he taught and wrote for much of the rest of his life. Plato presented his ideas in the form of dramatic.dialogs, as in The Republic; a quote of his:."When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.".And another quote. And another and another."The price good people pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil.".Search on the Internet for a video of Plato's.The Allegory of the Cave.
the philosophy of Plato, especially insofar as it asserts.ideal forms, is as an absolute and eternal reality, of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory reflection

undisturbed by tumult or disorder; calm or quiet; a placid person or animal is calm and does not easily become excited, angry or upset (she was a placid child who rarely got upset as she was content at any time with what she was doing)

pesky, peskier, peskiest.adjectives
troublesome; annoying.(a pesky mosquito)

procreate, procreated,procreating, procreates.verbs
transitive verb use.to beget and conceive.(offspring);
to produce or create; originate
intransitive verb use.to beget and conceive offspring; reproduce
procreation, procreator.nouns

a person who demonstrates an exaggerated.conformity or propriety, especially in an irritatingly.arrogant or smug.manner
prig, prigged, prigging, prigs.transitive verbs
to steal or pilfer
priggery, priggishness.nouns

an interval of time.characterized by the occurrence of a certain condition, event or phenomenon.(a period of beautiful sunshine); an interval of time characterized by the prevalence of a specified.culture, ideology or technology (artifacts of the pre-Columbian period {originating in the Americas before the arrival of the severely criminally evil cabal member Christopher Columbus}); a period is also an instance or occurrence of menstruation
Grammar:.the full pause at the end of a spoken sentence; a punctuation mark ( . ) indicating a full stop, placed at the end of sentences
of, belonging to or representing a certain historical age or time (a period piece; period furniture)

periodic; published at regular.intervals of more than one day;
of.or.relating.to a publication.issued at such intervals
a publication issued at regular intervals of more than one day

having or marked by repeated cycles; happening or appearing at regular intervals; recurring or reappearing from time to time; intermittent; characterized by periodic sentences

one that supports, protects or champions someone or something, such as an institutuion, an event or a cause; a sponsor or benefactor.(a patron of the arts); a customer, especially a regular customer; from Medieval Latin 'patronus' from 'pater' meaning 'father'
support, encouragement or championship, as of a person, an institution, an event or a cause, from a patron (the staff at the grand opening said our patronage was appreciated); support or encouragement proffered in a condescending manner (it seems our little establishment has finally been deemed worthy of the bank's patronage); the trade, the business provided by customers of a commercial establishment (shopkeepers thanked Christmas shoppers for their patronage); customers or patrons considered as a group; clientele (the grand old hotel has a loyal but demanding patronage); appointing people to governmental or political positions including those not elected by the people they will now supposedly represent; the act of distributing or appointing people to such positions; the positions so distributed or filled

patronize, patronized, patronizing, patronizes.transitive verbs
to treat in a condescending.manner; to talk to someone in a way which seems friendly but shows that you think they are not as intelligent or do not know as much as you: to adopt an air of condescension toward; treat haughtily or coolly to act as a patron to; support or sponsor; to go to as a customer, especially on a regular basis

a mischievous trick or practical joke

a trite or banal.remark or statement, especially one expressed as if it were original, significant or efficacious; cliché

puzzle, puzzled, puzzling, puzzles.verbs
transitive verb use.to baffle or confuse mentally by presenting or being a difficult problem or matter to solve or interpret; to clarify or solve (something confusing) by reasoning or study (he puzzled out the significance of the statement)
intransitive verb use.to be perplexed; to ponder over a problem in an effort to solve or understand it
a jigsaw puzzle; something, such as a toy or game, that tests one's ingenuity; something that baffles or confuses; the condition of being perplexed; bewilderment