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strong force.proper noun
thought to be one of the fundamental.four forces necessary for all existence throughout the Universe; the others being gravity, electromagnetism.and.the weak interaction.(or, the weak force). It's a fundamental physical force that acts on hadrons and is responsible for the binding together of protons-and neutrons in the atomic.nucleus and for processes of particle creation in high energy collisions and that which is the strongest known fundamental physical force, but acts only over distances comparable to those between nucleons in an atomic nucleus – called also strong interaction,-strong nuclear force; compare electromagnetism, weak force, gravity; the Strong Interaction (or 'force') is felt by hadrons, not by leptons; the Strong Interaction holds the protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei; it dominates the other forces, yet operates within infinitesimally small spaces at the atomic level; the Strong Force is carried by the gluon

a set each of whose elements is an element of an inclusive set; a set contained within a set (like a person in a specific group)

Biology:.in biology, the material on which the enzyme acts (a substance acted upon as by an enzyme); a surface on which an organism grows or is attached
an underlying layer of Earth beneath the surface soil, called subsoil; a foundation or groundwork; the material on which another material is coated or fabricated

synthetic products are made from chemicals or artificial substances rather than from natural ones (boots made from synthetic materials can usually be washed in a machine; synthetic rubber for vehicle tires); man-made; specifically produced by chemical synthesis, rather than of natural origin; not natural or genuine; artificial or contrived (counterfeit food that is really not food); prepared or made artificially (synthetic leather); produced by combining different artificial substances, rather than being naturally produced (synthetic chemicals; synthetic fibres/materials/fabrics)
a synthetic chemical compound or material

an argument used to deceive appearing correct in form but actually invalid; plausible but fallacious; unsound or misleading, but clever, plausible and subtle.argument or reasoning
of, relating.to.or.characteristic of sophists; apparently sound but really fallacious; specious (sophistic refutations as in.Job 13:4)

refined; characterized by a lack of simplicity or naturalness; not naive
to change from a natural, simple or artless state; a sophisticated individual
sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticating, sophisticates.verbs
transitive verb use.to make less naive and more aware; refine
intransitive verb use.to use sophistry

conforming to the current fashion; fashionable; modish

a doubter; one who believes that nothing should ever be accepted, but rather constantly questioned, as this can lead to increased knowledge; one who is always uncertain
marked by or given to doubt; questioning (a skeptical attitude, such as being skeptical of political promises); relating to or characteristic of skeptics or skepticism
a doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind

staff.noun,.plural.staffs.or.stave, staves
a narrow strip of wood forming part of the sides of a barrel, tub or similar structure (the staves of a barrel such as used for making wine or whiskey); a rung of a ladder or chaira stick or cane carried as an aid in walking or climbing; a stout stick used as a weapon; a cudgel; a pole on which a flag is displayed; a flagstaff; a rod or baton carried as a symbol of authority; a rule or similar graduated stick used for testing or measuring, as in surveying; assistants in a group (the staff were all equal in the company, even setting up the manager and what he was going to be paid in this company); nursing staff of a hospital
Music:.a set of verses; a stanza; a set of five horizontal lines and four intermediate spaces used in notation to represent a sequence of pitches, in this sense also called stave
staff, staffed, staffing, staffs.transitive verbs
to provide with a staff of workers or assistants; to serve on the staff of
staved, staving.transitive verbs
to break in or puncture the staves of (it was time to break up the staves of the old wine barrel); to break or smash a hole in; to crush or smash inward

a rung of a ladder or chair; a staff or cudgel; a staff in music; a set of verses; a stanza

stave off.phrasal verb
to ward off, hold off or put off, as by force, guile or evasion; repel (for decades they have been staving off the sea in Holland)

a state.of.reduced.or.suspended.sensibility; a state of mental.numbness; a daze; lethargic; from Latin 'stupere' meaning 'to be stunned'

stupid, stupider, stupidest.adjectives
if you say that something or someone is stupid, you mean that they or it shows a lack of good judgment or intelligence and they are not at all sensible (being sensible example is, after throughly researching as best they could, they decided to walk away from all vaccinations); silly.thinking shows one's stupidity (stupid thinking here does not mean he or she is stupid because they may lack knowledge, but rather means one not knowing something refuses to come to learn; those believing vaccinations ever were needed at any time are ignorant of true history, never having researched it, because they just were 'not the brightest bulb on the chandelier'; stupid is lacking intelligence, lacking thinking ability and comprehension to get one by in life with few and no serious errors; stupid is being asinine; stupid exists because of laziness (Isaiah 5:20; 2Peter 2:12; Titus 1:2), stubborness or dumbly.trusting what authorities say; stupid is being averse to learn and/or to develop an innerstanding; stupid is lacking or marked by a deficiency of desire to cultivate intelligence due to inability or unwillingness to learn and contemplate; obtuse; dumb; not clever; dimwitted; stupid people are non learners, believing it pointless to seek for truth and prefer to just accept what a majority of people seem to approve of, be it income tax and other ridiculous non constitutional so-called laws; stupid is being careless (they go headlong into things such as accepted beliefs, based not on what they have researched, but without checking things out to determine any other side to any information, example being what criminals masquerading as public 'health'crats and worthless politicians tell people about everything (why 'everything' is that way, is because such are they who are constant liars and if so, are bending their heart toward ways of the dark side and thus, can't ever tell all the truth about anything (John 8:44; Matthew 7:16,20) that comes out of their mouth, including the covid con, such as, "it's safe and effective", which is an absolute, total and complete lie); stupid is wasting yourself, that is, being worthless (a stupid purpose is one that doesn't help others and therefor is nonsensical)
an individual regarded as being stupid is one who screws up his life by decisions made too quickly and without proper research, a the spur of the moment decision that risks putting his or her life into a difficult to get out of negative pattern

excellence of beauty or form or proportion as a result of such correspondence; correspondence of opposite parts in size, shape and position; with reference to the interrelation of parts to form an esthetically pleasing whole, strictly implies correspondence in the form, size, arrangement, etc., of parts on either side of a median line or plane; the mathematical study of which is called Group Theory
symmetrical, symmetric.adjectives
having or showing symmetry 
symmetrize.transitive verb
to make symmetrical 

a system is an organized way; the system against We the People can be represented by the acronym SYSTEM meaning Suck Your Soul, Time, Energy, Money; a system is a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unity or connected whole; a system is something which works together with other things in it (your immune system; your digestive system); organic; immune system; a system also represents things concocted by those wanting to produce harm and hurt to others

forming or constituting a system
of, characterized by, based on or constituting a system; carried on using step by step procedures; methodical

systemize,systemized, systemizing, systemizes.transitive verbs
to to formulate into or reduce to a system; systematize
systematize, systematized, systematizing, systematizes.transitive verbs
welcome to English.the often crazy language; here the words systemize and systematize mean the same

of or relating to systems or a system; of, relating to or affecting the entire body or an entire organism (systemic symptoms indicate the entire organisn is ill; fluoride added to water supplies people drink is proven to be a systemic poison, so you can guess why it's added and who they are of who add it)

prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially; behavior, conditions or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex 

the range of one's perceptions, thoughts or actions; breadth or opportunity to function; room; the area covered by a given activity or subject; range; also, a viewing instrument such as a periscope, microscope or telescope
scope, scoped, scoping, scopes.transitive verbs
to examine or study carefully and in detail

sulk, sulked, sulking, sulks.intransitive verbs
to be sullenly.aloof or withdrawn, as in silent resentment or protest; if you sulk, you are silent and bad-tempered for a while because you are annoyed about something, such as this may be
sulky, sulkier, sulkiest.adjectives
sullenly aloof or withdrawn; gloomy; dismal (sulky weather); someone who is sulky is sulking, that is unwilling to enjoy themselves (he was quite a sulky adolescent and for a while didn't take part in much)
a mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal (stayed home in a sulk; a case of the sulks)

swindle, swindled, swindling, swindles.verbs
transitive verb use.to cheat or defraud of money or property; to obtain by fraudulent means (swindled money from the citizens)
intransitive verb use.to practice fraud as a means of obtaining money or someone's property
the act or an instance of swindling; one who swindles; a cheat

filthy or dirty; foul; depressingly squalid; wretched (sordid shantytowns); morally.degraded; exceedingly mercenary; grasping

a line of junction.formed by sewing together two pieces of material along their margins; a scar; a line across a surface, as a crack, fissure or wrinkle; a thin layer or stratum, as of coal or rock
seam, seamed, seaming, seams.verbs
transitive verb use.to put together with or as if with a seam; to mark with a groove, wrinkle, scar or other seamlike line; to form ridges in by purling
intransitive verb use.to become fissured or furrowed; crack open; to purl

not having any seams (seamless stockings); perfectly consistent (a seamless plot in the novel)

seamy, seamier, seamiest.adjectives
sordid; base; low consciousness ego level

one who poses as a satisfied customer or associate to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.(the political party had its paid shills to sway public opinion)
shill, shilled, shilling, shills.verbs
intransitive verb use.to act as a shill
transitive verb use.to act as a shill for a deceitful enterprise; to lure a person into a swindle; seamy

a coin used in the United Kingdom, worth one twentieth of a pound

happening without warning; unforeseen (didn't take into account any sudden storm on their trip); characterized by hastiness; abrupt or rash (a sudden decision); impetuous; characterized by rapidity; quick and swift
all of a sudden.idiom
very quickly and unexpectedly; suddenly

the highest point or part; the top; the highest level or degree that can be attained; a summit conference

insufficiency of amount or supply (the lie of the cabal.perpetrated upon humans that 'there isn't enough for all'; shortage; rarity of appearance or occurrence (the Snow Leopard is a scarce and elusive animal and it's a rarity to even see one through binoculars)

scarce, scarcer, scarcest.adjectives
insufficient to meet a demand or requirement; few; short in supply (fresh vegetables were scarce during the drought); hard to find; rare (man's ravaging the Earth has caused scarcity, thus one reason for the increasing prices)
scarce, scarcely.adverbs
barely or hardly; by a small margin
scarcely any.adjective
means same as hardly any

one of two or more individuals having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister

a sudden, involuntary.contraction of a muscle or group of muscles; a sudden burst of energy, activity or emotion

relating to, affected by or having the character of a spasm; convulsive; happening.intermittently; fitful(spasmodic rifle fire); given to sudden outbursts of energy or feeling; excitable
relating to, affected by or having the character of a spasm; convulsive; happening intermittently (spasmodic periods of sunshine today; one who stutters); also see antispasmodic

of, relating.to.or.characterized by spasms (having for example a facial tic)
a person affected with spastic paralysis, which is a chronic pathological.condition in which the muscles are affected by persistent.spasms and exaggerated.tendon.reflexes because of damage to motor nerves of the central nervous system

name of one of the buildings of the University of Paris, popularly used to designate the entire university, the name derived from a theological college founded about 1257 by Robert de Sorbon....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.