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a protein; its function being to link microtubule

nucleic acid.noun,.plural.nucleic acids
a complex.organic.compound occurring in organic nuclear material, such as in living cells that consists of a chain of nucleotides; the two types of nucleic acids are DNA and RNA

a nucleon is a subatomic.particle such as a proton or neutron in the nucleus of an atom.(part of what comprises an atom); within this nucleus the strange quarks reside; the photon is a nucleon; material objects are held together by some force or other, such as nucleons in a nucleus by the nuclear force, see binding energy; electrons in an atom by the electric force (Electromagnetic Force); cellulose molecules of wood by the balance of atomic (so-called Strong Force) and molecular forces (so-called Weak Force) and the material of stars by the so-called gravitational force; the amount of energy that would be required to take apart objects held together is called the binding energy, but taking something apart is not the way to find its function in unity. That takes insight from observation and intuition. Certain mankind ones, like to take things to a non functioning stage, hoping to find how something works. They are severely crippled mentally by their nonsensical approach, because they fail to see behind the synergy when mechanisms are functioning as designed.

an isotope with a specified nucleon number; radiocarbon-14 dating for example uses the nuclide 14C, whereas the standard atom for measuring relative atomic.masses is another nuclide of carbon, 12C

the part of a cell of a bacterium (singular of bacteria), a prokaryotic cell, being a chromosome and containing the bacterium's important genes, as well as the genetic mitochondrial DNA, controlling the genetic activity of the cell; its shape is lengthy circular, wound around an imaginary stick and has an overall appearance like coral, as the chromosome attaches to the cytoplasmic.membrane at one point and branches out creating its unique appearance, which appearance is maintained by proteins binding to the particular nucleic acid.(DNA in this case); the varying strengths of the coral looking nucleoids causes areas to be either tightly wound (coiled) or more loosely wound; the nucleoid not delimited by a membrane exhibits an organizational structure of extreme complexity and here we see similarity of design by the Creator

the origin of the elements and their isotopes

having a nucleus or nuclei.(the nucleated cell of a spermatozoon)
nucleated, nucleate, nucleated, nucleating, nucleates.transitive verbs
to bring together into a nucleus; to act as a nucleus for; to provide a nucleus for; to form a nucleus 
nucleation, nucleator.nouns

nuclear magnetic resonance.noun
a method used for chemical anaylsis and structure determination involving the absorption of electromagnetic radiation at a suitable precise frequency by a nucleus with nonzero magnetic moment in an external magnetic field

nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA; they are organic.compounds each consisting of a nitrogen containing base linked to a sugar and a phosphate group.(nucleoside) (combination of a phosphate with a carbohydrate and a base of nitrogen); the nitrogen component of these three contains one of either adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine, a four base 'quantum computer' system; DNA and RNA are made up of long chains of nucleotides, the nucleotide variations being designated by DNA letters; nucleotides contain large numbers of specific chemical compounds and appear as a double stranded chain (like a spiraling vine) comprising DNA

excessive love or admiration of oneself; conceit; egoism, egocentrism; narcissists think the world revolves around them as  they only think of themselves and 'what's in it for me' and why did they become that way?; narcissists are renown for using projection in blaming others, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong (blaming the healthy unvaccinated for being a disease threat to the vaccinated, when all along it was the vaccine (actually a proven bioweapon of war) causing the problems and they knew it but hid it, so their sales would continue and their purpose of death by vaccines to eliminate humanity would expand)

negate, negated, negating, negates.transitive verbs
to make ineffective or invalid; nullify; neutralize; to rule out; deny the existence of 
the opposite or absence of something regarded as actual, positive or affirmative; the act or process of negating; a denial, contradiction or negative.statement
negator or negater.noun,.plural.negators or negaters.

not making sense (illness is nonsense once one understands his or her true invisible self is never sick; those providing so-called health opinions not based on science are simply providing nonsense); words or language having no meaning or conveying no logically.intelligible ideas or knowledge providing proof positive evidence for what is purported (people are often nonsensical in relationships as ancient Gedaliah was:.Jeremiah 27:6,7); language, conduct or an idea that is absurd or contrary to good.sense (a quote on it); something that is lacking in commonsense; things of no importance or value; gibberish
if you say that something is nonsensical, you think it is stupid, ridiculous or untrue and lacks commonsense (it seemed to Gedaliah that his men's arguments were nonsensical); lacking intelligible meaning (he didn't really know much of anything that could be used to benefit another)

light, misty, cloudlike patches of different shapes, seen in the night sky, consisting usually of groups of stars too far away to be seen singly or of masses of gaseous matter (the Crab Nebula)

any of several worms of the phylum Nematoda, having unsegmented, cylindrical bodies, often narrowing at each end and including parasitic forms such as the hookworm and pinworm (also called roundworm)

neutralize, neutralized, neutralizing, neutralizes.transitive verbs
to make neutral; to make ineffective; to counterbalance or counteract the effect of; render.ineffective; in chemistry, to make a solution neutral (the pH of water is neutral)

not taking part in either side of a quarrel; in a middle position between two extremes

Grammar:.in grammar, either.masculine.nor.feminine in gender; neither.active nor passive; neuters are.intransitive verbs
Biology:.in biology, having.undeveloped.sexual.organs (the neuter caste in social.insects)
Botany:.in botany, having no pistils or stamens; asexual. c. Zoology:.in zoology, sexually undeveloped; taking no side; neutral
Grammar:.the neuter gender; a neuter word; a neuter noun; a castrated.animal; sexually undeveloped insects, such as worker bees; a plant without stamens or pistils; one that is neutral, that is neither female nor male and thus unable to reproduce
neuter, neutered, neutering, neuters.transitive verbs
to castrate or spay, which is to remove part of the sex organs of an animal so that it cannot produce babies (a neutered male cat); to remove power from something or to stop something from being effective (plans to reform local government are designed to neuter local democracy); from Middle English 'neutre' and from Old French, which is from Latin 'neuter', 'neither', in 'neuter' where 'ne-; means 'not' and 'uter' means 'either' 

the state of being neutral, which really does nothing (*)
the state or policy of being neutral
the act or process of neutralizing; the state or quality of being neutralized

neutron star.noun,.plural.neutron stars
neutron stars are the forerunners to supernova; neutron stars are super dense cores of exploded stars; a neutron star is the collapsed iron core of a very massive star; the energy released by the formation of a neutron star is so great that the explosion can hurl most of the original star, whose weight is 10 suns or more, into space at a velocity of 10,000 kilometers per second (6,000 miles an hour, but...); from here neutrinos escape into space

death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body

a cemetery, especially a large and elaborate one belonging to an ancient city

numb, numer, numbest.adjectives (pronounced 'num', 'num er', 'num est')
deprived of the power to feel or move normally; benumbed.(toes numb with cold); emotionally unresponsive; indifferent.(numb to anything that doesn't provide immediate selfish benefit)
numb, numbed, numbing, numbs.transitive and.intransitive verbs
to make or become numb
numbness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

number.noun,.plural.numbers.(pronounced 'num ber')
a number is a word such as 'two', 'nine' or 'twelve' or a symbol such as 1, 3 or 47; you use numbers to say how many things you are referring to or where something comes in a series (no, I don't know the room number; Stan Laurel was born at number 3, Argyll Street; the number 47 bus leaves in 10 minutes); a numeral or a series of numerals used for reference or identification such as a telephone number or an apartment number; a position in an ordered sequence that corresponds to one of the positive integers (the house that is number three from the corner; ranked number three in her class); one item in a group or series considered to be in numerical order (an old number of a magazine); a total; a sum (the number of feet in a mile); an indefinite.quantity of units or individuals (the crowd was small in number; a number of people complained about the poor lighting in the museum; numbers of people visited the fair); Numbers is also the name of a book in the Bible; in mathematics, a member of the set of positive.integers; one of a series of symbols of unique.meaning in a fixed.order that can be derived by counting; a member of any of the further sets of mathematical objects, such as negative integers and real numbers, that can be derived from the positive integers by induction; a symbol or word used to represent a number; see also cardinal number, even number, odd number, ordinal number, prime number, real number, whole number
number, numbered, numbering, numbers.verbs
transitive verb use.to assign a number to; to determine the number or amount of; count
intransitive verb use.to call off numbers; count (numbering to ten she called off the numbers written on the board); to constitute a group or number (the children at the large picnic numbered into the thousands)

Usage note: As a collective noun the word 'number' may take either a singular or a plural verb. It takes a singular verb when it is preceded by the definite article 'the', as in 'the number of skilled workers is small' and it takes a plural verb when preceded by the indefinite article 'a', as in 'a number of the workers are unskilled'. See more Usage notes
innumerable; countless;  (there were so many locusts flying they were numberless)

of or relating to a number or series of numbers (numerical order); designating number or a number (a numerical symbol); expressed in or counted by numbers (numerical strength)
that can be counted; countable (numerable Canada geese were flying by just over our heads)
of or relating to a number or numbers
numerate, numerated, numerating, numerates.transitive verbs
to enumerate; count
able to think and express oneself effectively in quantitative.terms

of.or.relating.to the nerves or nervous system (nervous tissue); stemming from or affecting the nerves or nervous system (a nervous disorder such as pumping the foot up and down as in Saint Vitus' dance); easily agitated or distressed; high-strung or jumpy; marked by or having a feeling of unease or apprehension (nervous moments before takeoff)
nervousness caused by being inexperienced in handling life's situations is often shown by one's yapping 

a sovereign.state.governed by the group of people, called We the People, who live in it and adhere to precepts of Natural Law, Common Law and or Constitutional Law and have set in place those they want to admininster governing things their society decided it wants; a sovereign state is a country, a people who share common.beliefs, customs, origins, history and use much the same language, so they can properly communicatewith each other; a nationality
the status of belonging to a particular nation by origin, birth or naturalization
by or to everyone in the nation; with regard to a nation taken as a whole; relating to a country as a whole; relating to a particular country
of.or.relating.to belonging to a nation as an organized whole (a national anthem); of or relating to nationality (their national origin was Scottish); characteristic of or peculiar to the people of a nation (a national trait; of or maintained by the government of those residing within a nation (a national landmark; a national flag); being in the interest of one's own nation; devoted to one's own nation or its interests; patriotic; a citizen of a particular nation

the material world and its phenomena; the forces.(the laws of nature) and processes that produce and control all the phenomena of the material world; the created world of living things and the outdoors (the beauties of nature; the harmony God created); a primitive.state of existence, untouched and uninfluenced by civilization or artificiality (couldn't tolerate city life anymore and went back to nature)

the essential.characteristics and qualities of an individual or thing (she has such a loving human nature that he doesn't, why?); the fundamental.character or disposition of someone (her nature shows she was both strong and kind); type; temperament; a kind or sort (the nature of a thing; how it behaves)
by nature.adverb
through inherent nature (he was naturally optimistic)
having a nature or temperament of a.specified.kind, often used in combination, such as.mean-natured; bad natured (Titus 1:12); sweet-natured; a good natured child)

present in or produced by nature (a natural pearl; a rose is a natural wonder); of, relating to or concerning nature (a natural environment); conforming to the usual or ordinary course of nature (a natural thing it is for a tree to lose its leaves in fall); not acquired; inherent (though hidden, kindness is natural to all people); normal; not produced or changed artificially; not conditioned (natural immunity; a natural reflex); spontaneous; free from artificiality, affectation or inhibition; not altered, treated or disguised (natural coloring; natural produce; non genetically modified 'food'); faithfully representing nature or life; related by blood (the natural parents of the child); born of unwed parents (a natural child as compared to a fictionalized child registered by the state)
one having all the qualifications necessary for success (you are a natural for this job because you have passion for it)
naturalness.noun.(most words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)
in a natural manner; that which is based on the simplicity and perfection of God's laws:.Matthew 22:36-40; by nature; inherently; without doubt; surely
Mathematics:.of or relating to positive integers

naturalize, naturalized, naturalizing, naturalizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to grant to one of foreign birth the same rights as one born in a sovereign.state; to adopt something foreign into general use; to adapt or acclimate a plant or an animal to a new environment; introduce and establish as if native
intransitive verb use.to become naturalized or acclimated;  undergo adaptation

noxious.adjective.(from Latin 'noxa' meaning 'damage')
harmful to living things; harmful to the mind or morals; corrupting (noxious ideas); injurious to health (noxious chemical wastes; noxious pesticides); pernicious; deleterious; detrimental; baneful

Bohr, Niels.1885-1962
A Nobel Prize winner, Niels Bohr was known not only for his own theoretical work, but also as a mentor to younger physicists who themselves made important contributions to physical theory. As the director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen, Bohr gathered together some of the finest minds in the physics community, such as Werner Heisenberg and George Gawow. During the 1920's, the Institute was the source of many important works in quantum mechanics and theoretical physics in general. The chemical element with the atomic number 107 would be given the official name bohrium (Bh), in honor of Niels Bohr. A quote of his..Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.