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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  N o t e s
p a g e  5 b

-Metazoan:.the large zoological division made up of all animals whose bodies, originating from a single cell, are composed of many cells; distinguished from Protozoa.

-Mitochondrial.or.mtDNA.are a cell's power plants for energy production.(an organelle), powering the cell's other activities. Mitochondria have their own DNA.

Mitochondrial DNA.(mtDNA).is a particular kind of.DNA.(a solitary gene).found in cell parts of almost all organisms, each mitochondrion carrying its own 16,000 base pair loop of DNA. 

Unlike nuclear DNA, it does not go through genetic recombination during the cell cycle. Its mutation rate is ten times that of nuclear DNA, providing a reliable indicator of changes through time. 

mtDNA is inherited only from your mother, who received them from her mother, etc., on down the line. The mitochondria in the father's sperm were left outside the egg membrane at fertilization. From the long line of descent to your mother, new types occur, but, to the chagrin of evolutionists, these adaptions do not affect how the mitochondria function, that is; they do not contribute to your great grandmother being stronger, weaker or more or less fertile. Darwin's theoretical view of natural selection is effectively silenced hereby.

The only reason one individual's mtDNA differs from another's is the changing of blood conditions over time, as affected by so many things.(even attitude 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), as all processes in animal bodies are provided nutrients by the blood. All life comes out of your attitude.(how's this work?), your spirit. Choose a good attitude.

-Mitochondrion:.is one of the smaller compartments of the cell. The typical cell contains about two thousand of them, occupying about 29% of the cell's volume. Each mitochondrion carries a 16,000 base pair loop of DNA.

-Monitor Lizards:."are characterized by a long, forked, snakelike tongue and are able to engulf and swallow large prey whole. They are sleek, fast runners with tapered heads, long necks, strong legs and long, powerful tails. Monitors feed on insects, birds, reptiles and their eggs, small mammals and carrion.(dead and decaying flesh)."....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99.

The Rusty monitor is the only saline lizard, living quite happily in salt water. Many questions for evolutionary votaries are elicited by this critter. Which ones can you think of?
