3:20 Why are 'wise' people's thoughts vain?
The word 'wise' in this scripture
is 'skilled' in the original Greek.
The scripture refers to the
attitude people may possess when they feel that what they know is superior
to their estimation of the capabilities of others: "Boy, I really did a
great job on that. I'll bet no one can do it as good as I"..2Corinthians
1Peter 1:14; Luke
Attitudes are critical.
A good peaceful attitude is preferred to wishing to lord it over others
for selfish advantage.
as most of those called 'the elite'
have done throughout history.
A good kind attitude keeps
you on the love side of life, so necessary to
remain in connection with the frequency connected to the invisible
Infinite One. Greed blinds people
to the real purpose of existence and thus, they selfishly concern themselves
with this life only and miss out until later
on the real purpose of existence here. A good kind attitude along with
actions based on concern for others opens up greater pathways in life.
David learned this lesson the hard way:.1Chronicles
When we lack love
and allow knowledge to create an overtone
of superiority in us.(1Corinthians
8:1; Psalms 39:6),
we, in effect, are admitting ignorance of the realization that our lives
here are temporary, a vapor.(James
4:14), thus blinding oneself to
the true purpose of existence and excusing
ourselves of compassion towards others:.Ephesians
1Peter 2:15. One without
for an eternity of living is living 'a life
of wind':.James
12:3 What does it mean here to call Emmanuel "accursed"?
The original has it as "declared,
communicated, a thing set up or laid by in order to be kept; specifically,
an offering resulting from a vow, which after being consecrated
was hung upon the walls or put in some other conspicuous
Many men and women into
religion, may declare
that they are Christian,
often are only 'Christian' in name only. Declaring that they are Christian
is one thing, but in works of
love, if they fail, they then are only using the name to whatever advantage
it may provide to them. These are hypocrites,
appearing as one thing one thing and living another. They are of the dark
side attitude of the double
12:3 What does it mean about no man can even say that Emmanuel is Lord
but by the Holy Ghost?
The word 'say' in the original
means 'to enthusiastically speak one's heartfelt thoughts', or 'speak from
a heart affected by'.
Means if you see one who
has conviction in his heart about his or her spiritual beliefs, you can
be sure that it is sincere.
5:16 What does it mean to not know anyone after the flesh?
8:5-9 talks about trying to regulate oneself with law, when now you
are a spiritual being in Christ. This is typical of life at the ordinary
consciousness level and was true with those in Old Testament times as it
is today with those of ordinary consciousness. Look at society today with
all its laws, rules and regulations.
the flesh" and."carnally
minded".is talking
about the ordinary low consciousness of humanity as compared to the high
consciousness of the Creator.
Verse 7
tells us why the law, which then contained the established ways of the
Creator, the high consciousness things, just did not work. So, a new
covenant was needed to bring in a better hope for people:.Hebrews
7:19. It's saying that those of ordinary consciousness just can't be
in higher consciousness. Why? It's saying
that something more was needed.(verse
show humanity that it was possible to live spiritually in a physical life,
a life that would not end.
8:4 shows that walking not after the flesh means 'not trying to get
yourself right with God' by a lot of physical
do's and don'ts because sin no longer
counts with the Creator. Only Christ in you counts:.Colossians
1:27 ".....Christ in you, the hope of glory." Romans
11:36 "For of him and through him and to him are all things, to whom
be glory for ever. Amen."
11:2 What's
it mean here where it says."you
might well bear with him"?
5:21 Is this saying that if we still."envy",
we aren't going to be in the Kingdom of God?
Who are the."they".which
do such things that this verse is talking about? Paul
is drawing a contrast between those who do and those who are not like that
and in his letter to the Ephesian church back then, reiterates
the same thing there:.Ephesians
5:5-7 "For this you know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person,
nor covetous man, who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom
of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive
you with vain words.
For because of these things comes the wrath of God.(the
wrath of God comes from the result of the universal laws set up, in this
case being we reap what we
have sown).upon
children of disobedience.(who
are they?). Be not you therefore partakers
with them.(don't
be taking a part in ordinary low consciousness things anymore:.1Corinthians
Note that he is talking about
the children of disobedience, or as the original has it, 'the children
of unbelief', those
not yet on the spiritual pathway
of life. He is making a contrast, showing that it is for us as Christians
to decide to be different from that which we were when 'in the world',
in the world of ordinary consciousness living.(2Corinthians
6:14-17), before our
conversion and receiving the Holy Spirit.
Being a Christian means moving
from the negatives
that hurt you and others and coming to the ways of God, which are the ways
of higher consciousness. We can be sure that if we are Christian, we
are in the Kingdom of God now,
if we still do sin. Because, we are the children of faith,
the children of
the faith of Christ,
thanks to
Christ's righteousness being
to us. One of the reasons
He died was to be our righteousness.
And because we
are Christ's workmanship now, it's His responsibility to guide us in
our spiritual growth leading to getting a great
reward there. How does this guidance
Paul is saying that if Christian,
then we are not under the law of sin
and death anymore. More
on ways of the flesh.
In his letter to the Galatian
church, Paul is showing the works of the flesh.(Galatians
contrasts these negative results with the fruits of
true spirituality, which come as a result of
higher consciousness, far away from the
ego level which has caused all the problems in the world through the
all encompassing.negativitythat
to the individual and collective thinking of humanity).that
we have and predisposes
us to dark side influences and the tools
of the dark side.
4:8 ".....purify your hearts, you double minded."
5:22-25 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is
no law.(what
does that mean?). And they that
are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk
in the Spirit.".Contrast
with the dark side.
on fruits of the Spirit.
29:29 Why would the Creator keep these things secret if we are equal
with Him as is says in.Philippians
Hebrew is 'desires hidden come to pass God uncovers makes known the
son to the degree forever work, accomplish, produce, words spoken the law'
and from this the translators came up with verse 29 as they did. What law
is this verse referring to that is applicable to us today:.Deuteronomy
6:5. It certainly wasn't the burdensome Mosaic Law, so burdensome it
abolished. God is always and only love:.1John
from the point of view of comprehending the heretofore
secret power of Creator-God available now to all of us: 'Desires hidden
come to pass or, come about, when God makes known the work.(your
produced the son.(you
are the father of your thoughts; your son is the result being manifest
of those thoughts), that is now forever.(or,
integrated with this pervading
energy of all that is).because
words have been spoken into Universal Law.(the
Intelligent Energy of the all that is existent).
would Creator-God, being good, do such a thing as this; deceiving in order
to destroy these type of humans?
good! Creator-God is not out to destroy
anyone. We destroy ourselves unless we ask
God for help to get away from this and we know how to do this because of
the many prompts that
come to us daily. But are
we listening? We can ignore those prompts and remain where we are in
our hearts, stuck at the low consciousness third dimension, because God
overrides anyone and never
strikes anyone out. Do the
spiritual things so you rise up into the higher dimensions where love
is supreme and you become the love that was first in the multiverse:.1John
4:8-16. So, with that in mind, let's have a look at it working down
to this verse from verse 1.
was speaking with some elders of ancient Israel who wanted to be as Ezekiel
was, a prophet, as verses 1 with 9 shows. At this time of speaking with
these elders, these would-be
prophets, something welled up in Ezekiel's
mind from God.
God said that these men with
whom he was sitting had idols
in their heart which were blocking any inspiration from God to them and
because of that, their answer would be according to what was still in their
hearts. This is because of the multiversal law that one reaps
what he has sown. So, how does one reach another spiritually if the
other is not inclined to spiritual
concerns? They are effectively blinded
and locked out due to their own thinking.
Carrying on, God notes to
Ezekiel that because of this they are estranged
from Him. So, God tells Ezekiel to tell those with him, in
order to get back with God and receive inspirations, they must change,
they must get away from these idols in their minds and any other thoughts
that keep the Creator out.
Then God says what His position
is always with those that maintain an.unGodly.stance.
These would-be prophets sitting with Ezekiel would only be able to provide
untrue inspirations to others who may regard
them as a prophet and that God is responsible for deceiving them because
they wanted to be a prophet but didn't want to change from the idols they
held close in their heart so they could become genuine.
So they were 'falsies'.
10 then says that they'll bear their own punishment, that is, anyone
who takes advice from them will find out the advice was worthless and thus
the one who provided the advice, destroying their reputation as elders.
These selfish types cared
not for the spiritual condition and growth of others, but rather, simply
wanted to appear pious
and approved for the sake
of getting money from others for their phony
This is similar to what
Micaiah declared in the presence of King Jehoshaphat and King Ahab.(2Chronicles
the four hundred prophets of Ahab were possessed by a lying spirit:.verses
is this verse referring to?
are causes of suffering and anguish.
When you are offended you feel upset and may want to avenge
your feelings upon that which you feel caused the situation.
Feeling offended can put
one into missing the mark of high consciousness living. 'Missing the mark'
is the original word meaning for the word 'sin' in the Bible.
"for it needs be that offences
come". This part of the verse, means that
offences come automatically because of being in the lower consciousness,
the ego consciousness.(Ephesians
humanity, as humanity has been in by default
since he's been on Earth and this is so that he would begin thinking on
'surely there must be some better way' and by this thinking would seek
for a better way, a better way which he can find and live by, if he
has the heart to do so.
who betrayed Emmanuel had an evil heart. This was the problem also
with those of old. Those in Old Testament times never
had a heart for the higher consciousness things of God.
"woe unto the world because
of offences".part
of the verse, means that offending anything is out
of alignment with high consciousness ways and therefor the thinking
causing such offending is added to the
collective consciousness, becoming part of the problem for further
for humanity. Humanity today desperately
needs to be on the side of solutions to all the negatives in order to fix
them; that's why man is here, to
fix them all. But why is he that
way in the first place?
"but woe to that man by
whom the offence comes".part
of the verse, means that this person has both provided more negativity
for all humanity, thus
making it more difficult for others to disengage
from negativity and set himself or herself up for the automatic working
of the universal law of man reaps
what he has sown. And so, what happened to Judas:.Matthew
5:16 What does."exalted
in judgment".and."Holy
God being sanctified in righteousness".mean?
Because we are so ingrained
in the ego level of existence,
which is far and away from the higher
consciousness things of God, the way to have God be the prominent
driving purpose to life, is to exalt
Him. So, how does one do that?
It requires a transformation,
a change from thinking that has kept one stuck
at the low consciousness ego level and moving instead
into higher consciousness thinking.
To make the change.(change
is what the Bible calls repentance).one
makes judgment
then decides.
Once the decision is made, the
soul will draw you to it like a magnet and you'll be on the
spiritual highway of all good, for you and others.
"Holy God being sanctified
in righteousness".means...