1:8 mean we still are in sin after Christ is in us?
Verse 8 means 'have not had
sin'. Keeping the commandments perfectly can not give you a perfect relationship
with the Creator.(John
from the
of Emmanuel the Christ being accepted by you as a gift, no matter how
much 'obedience' to any
law one can boast about:.Ephesians
1:9 says that if we have confessed our sins they are gone. The sin(s).meaning,
the 'missing the mark' is, not
being in higher consciousness and this is what got us to rely
so much on the ego level to begin
with, this ego level which takes as much from you as it gives, always
leading further to frustration with life. Why
carry around guilt from sins. Telling them to God in your own way
releases negative energy attached to them and refreshes you:.Hebrews
Thus relying on the ego level.(what
choice did we have? we just grew up mostly ignorant of higher consciousness
being out of a relationship with Creator-God, thus
being unable to see much higher than our immediate concerns and impressions
others may
To be in the higher consciousness level where one is aligned with how the
Infinite Intelligence is, requires going 'through'.(for
lack of a better word).your
soul and here is where there is both intuition
and clairvoyance.
Now when recognizing
all this.(in
depth of what all this means),
we are forgiven because we have decided to embark
on a new journey, a journey away from the dark and to the light, a journey
made possible by Him.(Christ).who
for many reasons, chief of which was to open the way for others to
the realm He shared
in eternity:.1John
And then we are also cleansed
from all unrighteousness.(Hebrews
Galatians 2:21),
now having peace with the Creator:.Romans
5:1. This is to
the praise of God!
The word 'confess' as used
in 1John 1:9 means 'giving thanks,
and 'to
belief in'; that is, your belief is a reality for you. And here meaning,
you realize you missed it, so acknowledge this. You acknowledge what you
missed by
looking at it and seeing where you are short in your concept
of the true reality.
do you do this?
If we are still the
same as our sins, then decide to meditate
to become of higher consciousness.
1:10 says if we think we do not need be in this great intelligent formative
ever present ever available energy.(the
we feel that we are ok, that is, righteous on our own.(an
level standard), then how can His
word.or His righteousness.be
in us? It isn't then in us. We are adrift on the sea of the
mass mind and doing our own paddling.
2:1 is saying not to miss the mark.(sin).in
this and if you do, realize that it is in Him.and
not any other righteousness by any law and any works you feel are necessay
religiously, works.that
you have help to be different. Why? Verse
Verse 3 is about how to be
sure if you indeed do know Him; that is if your attention is on His
1John 3:23; 2John
after His commandments is walking after love}; 1John
2John 1:6}; 1John 2:7-11).and
not anything else.
Verse 4: the commandment.(singular
or plural in the original).John
is here talking about is verses 5-11.
-How are we to strive against
sin as it talks of in.Hebrews
The word 'sin' means 'to
miss the mark' and mostly refers to missing the mark of a
relationship with the Infinite Ever-Living Creator of all there is.(Revelation
1:8), that we commonly call God,
the Father. One cannot have a relationship with the Creator and still have
an increasing ego level experience:.Matthew
The ego is selfishness.(Psalms
and the Creator's ways are far above that type of consciousness. If one
wants to be above that type of consciousness, he or she must desire to
be. In that he or she will be led out of it. Ego living is incompatible
with alignment with God.
Like anything in life, what
comes from our hearts, our
subconscious to our minds and from which we decide to act, is what
we are and this is what our programming has devolved
ourselves to be, whether or not we recall how it is that we became as we
now are, that is, the invisible base of us from which we view, accept and
adapt to the things of life.
An awakened subconscious
is its creative
function. The plan for humans is to awaken to God again and that's
today. When was the time before?.2Timothy
What's an awakened subconscious
and to what should it be awakened
to and if it can be awakened, why
then was it asleep. What is its
state of sleeping where it missed awareness of higher consciousness
things and happenings and why did it miss
This can easily be changed
to a higher vision of ourselves. Once we realize
that something seems not quite as it should be in life, we wonder how then
could it be made better?
If it's health,
know that your invisible body always is monitoring
and restoring the perfect patterns it was designed with and applying this
best it can toward your physical body, the physical body that most
people continue poisoning, knowingly and unknowingly.
But there is a way out of it and
through a door into a full existence while we are here on Earth.
One of the keys of health
is not overriding what your body is telling you. Listen to your body.(scan
your body).
It's won't tell you wrong. It was created in love and only acts in love.
Allow it by listening to it, to control you. It wants the best food. It
tells you when it's hungry and thirsty. It alerts you when it wants to
lie down and sleep in order to repair itself. It awakens you when it's
time to start another day. It doesn't need an alarm clock. It has its own.
When something in your body needs attention, it lets you know. If it's
your toe that is hurting; if it's a headache and if it's lack of sunshine
making you feel
then it's giving notice to you to do something to fix it. Overriding these
alerts, is not listening to the body, so, things get worse. Never neglect
the messages the body is sending you, if you want to remain healthy.
Most people have become
what it is that they remember themselves to be from all
in their lives that has contributed to making them as
they appear and express today. Where
do all the things we want to recall go?
What collectively has been
into what's called the collective
consciousness, the database of all information of all time is from
where we draw thought. This has been allowed unknowingly by all of
us, just by going along with and accepting the status
quo of whatever environment we found ourselves to be in, whatever 'radio
station' of life we happened to be listening to that was appealing
to us. From here information is played to us, information initiated
by circumstances encountered as we go through life. The information contained
therein involves our beliefs on everything we know right up to our belief
on our aging. All belief structures can be reversed, for example aging.
Affirmations based on one's
new consciousness of love are effective. Affirmations based not on a consciousness
of love are doomed to failure.
are affirmations based on love effective, producing positive desired results?
Even if ill, find something your mind can hold onto that is positive,
something you can expect, something you can do or request for yourself.
Bruno to heal you and forget it:.Isaiah
33:24; Psalms 103:3;
By seeing a higher consciousness,
a better 'radio station', we can intelligently choose. And so it is that
we can increasingly become a product of a better environment:.1Corinthians
6:19 "What? know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy
Ghost which is in you, which you have of God and you are not your own?".One
then becomes different than the way he or she was under ego influence,
thankfully, from the ways he or she had grown up with, the ways which were
negative, depending of course on the quality of
parenting each of us had. He or she is no longer 'their own' self,
that is, a product of erroneous.concepts
one thought best to live by.(Proverbs
now is becoming a higher consciousness self.
We came here being unconditioned
spirits as it were, no memory of our spirit past.(why?),
yet still a unique expression,
a mold as it
were, ready to be filled with the material of our lives yet to come.
This life is where we are trapped in conditions created by the
mass mind and held there by low consciousness ego concepts
we have accepted as true as we grew. We have also
contributed into this invisible collective mind of humanity and unknowingly
The way out is a different
path, a path of higher consciousness guaranteeing
escape from the ego bound world and on and over to a new life of high consciousness
forever. Newer better thinking and knowing contributes into this collective
mind by eradicating the evil in it by an
amazing factor. What
you think fills your world.
We are here to establish
in higher consciousness. To do this, it is important to be in
awareness, as this is the only way to be in high consciousness and,
this is how to remain aligned with
the Infinite One.
keeps the body functioning properly, renewing itself every 2 years and
keeps one connected to the source of all that is.
from Deepak Chopra: You are already
outliving your physical body every 2 years, but your spirit memory is constantly
reestablishing itself from mind to physicality.
Through conditioning, you
generate the same information and energy.(your
transform themselves into the same states of presence you had before. We
are in bondage to our own memory when at the ego
level. The same wrinkles, the same scars, the same everything remains.
We have a new body but may
have the same arthritis, the same wrinkles, the same skin spots, the same
eyebrows, the same aches and pains, etc., because through conditioning.(what
we believe to be true about ourselves).we
generate the same impulses of information energy.(we
are our own local radio frequency generating and receiving station),
the same patterns which were in the soul, us individually. It's the same
way the multiverse
retains patterns. You can play different music at the radio station
and so it is you can play different beliefs. Choose the highest and the
best for yourself.
We continually reinforce
our beliefs and this maintains the same patterns. We eat the same foods,
many of which have harmful ingredients. We tend to react the same ways
to others that we have before. Etc.
You look much the same because
your looks and all else that is the you that you know, the you that you
remember yourself to be, is continually renewed according to the pattern
the soul holds. And our individual souls receive information, a lot of
information that we have accepted as being true and from there come our
decisions that make our lives.
gave us this principle of 'according
to your faith, be it unto you'. Your faith is what you believe to be
true regarding you and this has gone into what is you by acceptance. This
includes information that you believe should govern your body and from
here experiences come, but God
also can send new information when asked for. This can be changed:.Romans
12:2. Even reversing
aging is now occurring in the lives of those knowing about it. So you
see, knowledge is important. Learn, for without new knowledge, what new
directions, what new options are there for you?
Freeness also is there if
you use your memory and not let it use you. If your memory is using you,
you probably have insomnia, being unable to shut off your mind in order
to sleep. If your memory is using you, you mull
over the past and worry with past information about how it will affect
your future. If your memory is using you, you'll feel agitated,
and depressed, perhaps even hopeless.
No matter what the outward
circumstance you are only as free as you can live
in the present.
If you use your memory you
are able to effortlessly call upon it as needed. Using your memory is being
in a state of rendition.
The information field that
gives rise to form and to emotions has memory that outlasts the molecules
of the body of which you get a new one every 2 years, as the body is in
formation. Even at older than 100, if you cut your hand, your body restores
the cut. So, why then would you
die? Taste buds change every 6 weeks but you still remember what a strawberry
shortcake tastes like. Stomach cells change every 3 days but you still
remember what hot and cold feels like in your tummy. Skin changes every
3-6 weeks but new skin still has the same scars and blemishes.
All these because memory outlives the death of the molecules on which it
rides, maintaining the patterns.
Deep inside us we are what
we remember ourselves to be. Do you remember that in your soul you are
healthy, prosperous and wise and that the soul cannot ever get sick?
33:24 "And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick..."
When you have a phone conversation
with someone and you again talk a week later, you can recall what it was
that was previously discussed and carry on from there, perhaps now with
more thoughts on the same item. Where is the storage
area where the information was stored that was not in your mind after
you left the conversation to do other things? It wasn't in the mind again
until perhaps you again thought of the person and the conversation or until
you again talked.
You work on building a rocking
horse for your child. You do some work. You've had enough for the day and
go in for dinner, some reading and then go to bed, not thinking again about
what you did toward make the rocking horse this day. You arise in the morning
and head outside to work some more on the rocking horse. It is your intention
to remember where you left off from yesterday's work and what you were
going to do next in its construction. It is this real you which is spirit
that retains memory so you can have continuity
in your life. I ask you what the front door of the first school you went
to in first grade looked like. You see it. It may not have been in your
mind for years. So where did it come from? From memory, from the real you
which is spirit. Do you recall what your first day at school or your first
girlfriend or boyfriend was like?
We think and feel from the
invisible world, the world of energy and information, the world of the
source of good and evil.
You are either drawing frequencies.(thought,
the invisible mass
mind of humanity.(if
they are negative).or
from the higher consciousness level of
the Infinite Intelligence, where they are worthy of producing good and
affecting the mass mind for the better for all.
The Everliving Knower, the
One who is expressing
as you, the One we commonly refer to as 'God', is also known as Infinite
Intelligence, Everliving Knower, Creator, Intelligent Energy and so many
other names in so many other cultures.
The body should be light,
carefree and safe. Emotions
should be happy and positive. Use your imagination choosing the imaginings
that are most comfortable to you at all times. If you tend to worry, here's
when and how to deal with it.
Our body is not a thing.
It is an orchestrated
process, a conducted symphony of being, an
energy converter, a maintainer,
where all conversions of energy are done automatically. The body is always
renewing and maintaining itself the best it can according to how much each
of us has not been poisoning
Stop poisoning it.(how).and
it recovers. After a week to 10 days of being off eating anything produced
using 'cides'.and.off
of genetically modified foods, which are now almost all foods that are
not organic.(get
a list of which foods that are not organic and are still ok, from ewg.org,
as some organic companies have been bought by the evil cabal and you know
what they'll do to the food), a group
of over a thousand doctors in the U.S.A found that strange symptoms of
body uneasiness
in the digestive system cleared up.
The Creator designed a human
being's elimination system.
There is also a spiritual
elimination system, one that we can have control over. Recycling any negatives
the light of truth is a purpose of our life's journey while on Earth.
Creator doesn't repair a
broken system. He replaces it. Replace any negatives that may be breaking
you. When we are, as they say, 'born again',
the new system completely replaces the old.(Romans
6:4), where the old
ordinary consciousness ways are superseded
by higher consciousness
Negativity will remove one
from life. The more negativity,
the quicker the removal, example
1; example 2.
Negativity is being hurtful to oneself and since we are all
one, it affects others by means of the collective
Negativity is shown in ways
that on the surface
don't appear negative; such as a careless lifestyle, a hidden attitude
of disliking the self and perhaps being a nighthawk, up late taking in
the bars on a regular basis, pushing your body to get less than 8-9 hours
sleep, which eventually wears it out.
Along with these, you can add anger, resentment, hate, frustration, anxiousness,
deceit to gain advantage for selfish reasons
so on. Just be positive! How? Be filled with gratitude.
Gratitude destroys the evil in the
mass mind of humanity.
It's love that clears negatives
from the heart because it flows renewing
energy. When you consider yourself why see anything other than only
love? Even when dissipating
your dark side, this is love.
The body is run by an invisible
spirit computer which monitors
everything, monitoring the body for
invaders, digests food, creates cells, controls elimination, maintains
temperature, tells you when it is thirsty and hungry, makes a baby, tells
you if something is too cold or hot, has a pacemaker for electrical stimulation
of the heart by an electromagnetic field, which keeps the heart beating
at 72 beats a minute, etc. Nearly one million things have to happen for
your body just to maintain its blood sugar levels. The body is an amazing
creation of
organized energy
and awareness,
a thing of the greatest design and potential. Consider its
nervous systems. Things created by God work properly. God put your
body together. Don't hamper
it by hidden poisons.
Listen to messages your body
gives you:.1Corinthians
The activity of the body
is organized by a non local intelligence called the soul, your personal
'signature' in the energy field of intelligent spirit. Likewise our 'extended
body' called the universe is also organized by non
local intelligence, the spirit.
Your body believes what
your mind tells it. Test:.Imagine
a lemon you are biting into and saliva runs. See videos by Bruce Lipton
and by Joseph Murphy, here.
Your body is a
field of energy and matter as animated by the
invisible Soul, giving it the non quantifiable
qualities of love, feelings and emotions through the
mind wherein runs the intellect and ego.
With these there is no location in time and space, because one can't experience
the things in this transformational
field through the senses.
We are encapsulated
egos that come with a skin wrapping, a bag of flesh and bones confined
to a prison of spacetime and causation,
squeezed into the volume of a body and the span
of a lifetime, imprisoned by the selfish drive of materialism,
materialism being one of the main concerns of those at the
low consciousness ego level, the concept
of which maintains one in a self-demanded prison. Some of your cell's bars
in this prison include sadness and guilt. Why harbor the things that no
longer matter?.Colossians
2:13; 3:3;.Hebrews
12:12 "Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees."
Remember David
the murderer:.Psalms
And David wrote this Psalm:.Psalms
51:10-17 "Create in me a clean heart...and
renew a right spirit within me...Cast me not away from your presence and
take not your holy spirit from me...Restore unto me the joy...Deliver me
from bloodguiltiness...For you desire not sacrifice, else would I give
it...The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite
heart, O God, you will not despise.".Isaiah
Material works are clusters
of energy in the cosmic
sea, your body being only one aspect
of reality.
We have lost sight of the
fact that the real us is spirit,
soul of us, which
never changes from its base 'operating system'
of love and all its attributes.
We are here to rediscover this.
It's just that we try to
things learned at the ego level
that are inharmonious
to our real underlying
nature, the nature of the soul. This has caused
problems we have had on Earth since humanity began. And, since humanity
began, the dark side has been out to keep all helpful things for life from
all of us.
"We need to shift focus
of attention from our 'scenery' to the seer.(one
that sees, seeing). The body is a printout
from consciousness and works for each and every other part. Everything
is connected."....Deepak
Chopra. See the free movie The
Connected Universe.
And like the body, so the
multiverse and all in it. You affect every part whether or not you may
be aware of this fact. A
true story.
Even genes and germs are
energy. All there is, is energy in one form or another. "The
soul uses no energy but funnels it.(a
and filter).from
consciousness into the body."....Deepak
And why
are we the way we are? The apostle.Paul
is here encouraging the
brethren to continue the struggle
believe like this.
-What does it mean that
the."old man
is crucified with Him"? Romans
It means lots! Take
a coffee.(or
better yet, a tea break with Bancha tea, also called Kukicha).break
If you are dead, sin is gone
for you:.Romans
2Timothy 2:11.
Without the law, sin was
7:8. With the law we are dead:.Romans
7:6. With Christ, we're alive and dead to the law:.Romans
says we are dead to sin having accepted Him.(Romans
that all the things that formerly cut us off from God.(missing
the mark of a higher consciousness relationship with the Father by living
best we could but not very good because of our egos).we
are now free from:.Romans
6:6. In Him we are covered:.Romans
To paraphrase
the whole verse from the original Greek:.'Know
that the things that made you think that you were cut off from God, have
been crucified with Him, effectively doing away with them, as God no longer
regards them as a factor in your relationship with Him, so don't now think
of your state with God as before you believed, just because you still see
sin in your life. Reckon.(recognize).yourself
dead to all that':.Romans
3:22 says the Bible has concluded all under sin? All whom? Why?
What scripture? These are the questions?
All whom and the scripture:.Romans
5:12 "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world and death
by sin and so death passed upon all men, for that.(or,
'in whom' as the original has it; refers to the early corrupted mass
mind which was not so massive way back then with only two people on
the Earth).all
have sinned.".Why
have all been classified
here as having sinned?.Romans
-If there is still sin in
my life,
does that mean
that the devil is working in me?
-Did Emmanuel die for us
or to take away sin?
5:6 "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died
for the unGodly." Romans 5:8 "But
God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ
died for us.(Romans
5:8)." 1Corinthians
15:3 "For I delivered unto you first of all that which
I also received, how that Christ died for
our sins according to the scriptures." 2Corinthians
5:14,15 "For the love of Christ constraineth.(original
for constraineth is 'holding beside'; to have in possession;.Jamieson,
Fausset, Brown Commentary:."the
Greek implies to compress forcibly the energies into one channel"; Love
is jealous of any rival object engrossing
the soul.".Geneva
Bible Notes:."the
love of Christ, he says, compels
us to this, that seeing he died for us all who were dead {Romans
6:7,8; 8:10; Colossians
3:3}, when as we lived to ourselves.{that
is, while we were yet given to these Earthly affections.{Galatians
we in like sort should consecrate
our life which we have received from him, to him.".Barnes
New Testament Notes:."it
means, that the impelling
or exciting motive
in the labors and self-denials of Paul, was the
love of Christ, the love which he had showed to the children of men. Christ
so loved the world as to give himself for it:.John
3:16,17. His love for the world was a
demonstration that men were dead in sins, already dead and now ready to
live again. And we, being urged by the same love, are prompted to like
acts of zeal
and self-denial.{what
would these be?}.to
save the world from ruin.").us;
because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead.(or,
'all were then considered dead'). And
that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live
unto themselves, but unto him which died for them and rose again."
5:10 "Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live
together with him."