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R e s u r r e c t i o n
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Many times Emmanuel appeared physically and in spirit to others after His resurrection:

1. To Mary Magdalene:.John 20:14-17; Mark 16:9.

2. To the other women:.Matthew 28:9.

3. To Peter:.1Corinthians 15:5; Luke 24:34.

4. To two disciples as they were going to Emmaus:.Mark 16:12-14; Luke 24:13-32.

5. The same day at evening, to the apostles, in the absence of
Thomas, He appeared to the eleven other disciples:.1Corinthians 15:5; Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36-43; John 20:19,24.

6. To the apostles when Thomas was present:.John 20:24-29.

7. In Galilee, at the sea of Tiberias, to Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James and John and two others:.John 21:1-14.
   This is said to be the third time that He showed himself to the disciples—i.e., to the apostles—when they were assembled together:.John 21:14.

8. To the disciples on a mountain in Galilee:.Matthew 28:16.

9. To more than five hundred brethren at once:.1Corinthians 15:6.

10 and 11. To James, one of the apostles and to all the apostles assembled together some forty days after He rose:.1Corinthians 15:7.

12. To the apostles at His ascension:.Luke 24:50,51; Acts 1:9,10.

13. To Paul:.1Corinthians 15:8; Acts 9:3-8; 22:6-10; 26:9-18.

14. To Stephen:.Acts 7:55.

15. To John:.Revelation 1:9-17.

And then He left:.Mark 16:19 "So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God.".Hebrews 1:3; 8:1.


From Grigori Grabovoi's book.The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality.

Many devices have been created which are of benefit to humanity.

p 201."At present there are devices which register thought forms. Events can be changed into favorable ones by changing a thought form purposely, that is, with the purpose that an event becomes favorable.

"Real salvation of all people and for all times is passing of real knowledge from the Creator. And each man who has received this knowledge must spread it as extensively as possible.(1Chronicles 16:8; Matthew 24:14; Acts 20:24; Ephesians 3:10)..That's one good work you can have toward a reward.

Spread to those you feel you can, such as those who are open-minded. Closed-minded people will shut their mind's door to you. When you notice this, it's time to respectively leave. Avoid standing there and proselytizing. Respond to those who may be awakened enough to ask you more. Your abilities and knowledge in this grows with experience.

p 267-271 "The true reality is always there but encrusted with say, viruses, which when cleaned off the reality, the reality is fixed up. In an experiment, circuits were disconnected disrupting the electricity. I showed that at a distance I was able to fix the circuit by modeling in my consciousness a lacking part of the conductor. I input into the right place information that a closed electrical circuit requires so that electricity would flow. The image created in my consciousness functions as a physical conductor. This example shows that consciousness can fulfill any functions.(such as...).

"Based on this, on the basis of consciousness or at the technical level by means of optical systems, it is possible to build safe and invisible by physical sight, devices just in the air.(as Nikola Tesla was able to do). Physical reality becomes what is considered natural. If each individual considers resurrection and eternal life as such, life will be exactly like that.

"An image in consciousness determines and forms that physical image. This is the way physical reality is created. This is the way to create really happy eternal life.

"We must awaken to communicate with our soul where all knowledge on eternal life, on resurrection, on restoration of organs, on recovery from any illness was laid into man. However, not everyone has awakened to this awareness and to communication with his soul. One can communicate directly with his soul originally created by the Creator.

from pages 83-86 in Grigori Grabovoi's book:."Once one has been resurrected it opens the door for many others.(read more on the newly resurrected). How? The soul of the resurrected one, knowing for sure that it's possible to resurrect, creates a shape in space that is a human contour, perhaps his own contour. A week after being resurrected such a soul is able to create two contours, after a month many more. Within this contour is an available path, indispensable life conditions, all necessary events, so that when a passed on one finds himself inside this shape his resurrection takes place. This passed on one who finds this contour to use has scanned space and detects what he or she was looking for, an available space time cell, which he then enters and then resurrects. As people are resurrected they send by default, impulses which create new space, new people. Resurrection is always positive for all as one single resurrected can reproduce in space on account of information exchange, many new people and this not based on information creation but just based on information communication. Such a contour from the start pertains to the status of the one who performed the resurrection. For example, I resurrected a person; the resurrection begins to develop space. Deep down it is my status, my information, but it started developing, because the resurrected one sent a new impulse to the world, the invisible information grid and the impulse creates new space, new people. In presence of a proven resurrection technology lifetime lengthens of itself to infinity. This is how the contours get occupied. You resurrect a person and you who resurrected this person from the contours you built and you're, say, walking down the street and suddenly you see a contour that looks very much like the resurrected you created and somebody, a passed on one, or could also be someone who is a living one who has experienced a discontinuation of his events, often before my very eyes, gets inside this contour, into this area, into this cell of time-space and resumes living on. See also principle 4:3 on page 145 for more. The existence of the world (invisible patterns behind the physical) is eternal. The impulse of consciousness toward one to resurrect is toward not only his resurrection (his creation; the physical tissue) but applied to the entire course of events for the one being resurrected. That is, you focus not just on the physical body of the resurrected but also towards the resurrected one's infinite spiritual development. That's why you want to resurrect. Every event has its existing connections. If you see the resurrected as living a life of joy, of satisfaction, of wholeness, then that is what will take place. If you see the resurrected as living a life of heartache and sadness, the resurrection won't take place because none of those passed on want to live a negative life. The one being resurrected always sees and is aware of the resurrection process and actively participates in it, even taking the initiative toward completion as he sees it to be completed. All passed on people when offered the resurrection, accept it gratefully and immediately. Simultaneously with the resurrection, optimal.supportive environment for normal living should be insured for these people. The one being resurrected always knows that after the resurrection he will live as a normal person and feels that way too, an equal to the living. After the resurrection the resurrected one quickly masters the instrument of continuous life and does not die anymore. Here also why resurrection is better than reincarnation. It is the resurrection now that is the natural process for returning."

from pages 269,270."I created devices which enable the consciousness to be supplemented with knowledge of the soul which haven't yet been completely transferred into the consciousness.(humanity is still awakening in this regard, with higher consciousness increasingly affecting the overall mass mind of humanity). This discovery was presented in my Ph.D. thesis in Physics and Mathematics on which I received a Doctor's degree. The essence of the discovery was that people become aware of any phenomena. Perceptions come by physical vision or sensations or mentally. When we fix the things that we perceive in our consciousness we can always see some light image. This light image is seen with spiritual sight. So, we can say that man has a certain system of conversion which can transfer his perception into light images. This system, the optical system, produces images which can be considered as an optical signal. 

"The signal in the spiritual space, say, the image of the person who is being resurrected, corresponds to the perception of this person in the usual physical world. From this point of view resurrection is the process of the transformation of an optical signal from spiritual space into three dimensional physical space. This can be done in air, vacuum, or really in any place. How does it work?

page 270."Space is considered as the structure of time revealed in perception. Time is considered as the function of space. The reproduction of matter is considered as the consequence of the reaction of time to the change of space. In this case it is possible to calculate the points of contact of space with time. These points are the points of archive storage.(the Akashic record).of any information. Knowledge of the points of archive storage of information makes it possible to create technological systems on the basis of computers which can archive the required information in any point of space time. The archived information of the past is the static construction of this machine. Archive storage of the future provides its dynamic construction.

"I back up information using single pulses of a special set top box to a computer.(connected to). Information archived in this way at the physical level can be placed in an area of a match head, less than 3mm. ...certificate license Computer Technology of Remote Control, p.438 copy is reproduced.

"Any event can be transferred into geometric forms by using special computer software to transfer the information. Then this initial form is converted into another one which corresponds to the development of this event in the required direction. This is the way of events control realization. Control can be exercised at any distance. In the particular case the computer can be used for creating the required form of reason at the selected point. This reason at the selected point arises from the actions of controlling single pulses from a special set top box to the computer."

page 272."I have built several different installations of this type. They work great. They use interaction between space and time to create substance. This is one more principle that I discovered and it is officially registered: Certificate-license 'Time is the Form of Space'.(shown on p 439 in his book).

"This document states that I have developed computer technologies that make it possible to transfer time into any substance. Thus completely new possibilities for creating substances are offered. These computer technologies make it possible to ensure control of material, organism tissues regeneration, possibility to instantly obtain the required form of material, construction of buildings, creation of mechanisms and machines, controlling machines and much more."

page 145."Time is created with respect to space by people's thoughts and is necessary for functioning at the ordinary consciousness level. The creation of time also means both the creation of information and the creation of space in which the concept of time is in existence."

page 272-275."Due to these and other created by me technologies you can forget once and for all the energy crises and the problem of energy. Energy can be obtained, for example, from the time of past events. This energy source is unlimited.

"I think it makes sense to make one more comment to the above. You may wonder how it is possible to archive information not on the traditional media, such as diskettes, but without any media, in vacuum.

"Let us recall again that space and time are the constructions of consciousness. And since space and time are the constructions of consciousness, information can be placed into any point of space-time including vacuum, since vacuum, so to speak, 'empty space', is also a construction of consciousness. For this very reason some scientists though on the one hand consider vacuum as a medium which does not contain material and on the other hand, are forced to admit that one can get everything from vacuum. And in order to justify somehow this position they began to call vacuum as physical vacuum.

"Creation of names is often a way of avoiding problem solution. It will never be possible to make ends meet if we continue to hold to the concept of objective physical reality that does not depend on consciousness. Since, as we know, such reality just does not exist.

"In fact the essence of the question is simple. Vacuum, the empty space, is the same construction of consciousness as anything else. And since vacuum is the construction of consciousness, it is indeed possible to get everything from it. Because it is possible to get everything from consciousness. All bodies are created on the basis, on consciousness. And therefore, it is not surprising that at any point including vacuum, it is possible to archive any information. And thus it is possible to create a required form of reason at the selected point.

"Thus, on the basis of the presented discoveries I created special software products. This is normal computer software; however, it works according to the principle of extrasensory effect. It properly supplements the information of control and as a result tissue appears, or otherwise, the tissue is created. And as a consequence of this, for example, the destroyed cells are restored.

"When recovering organs and physical body altogether, the tissue that is sure to be connected with the Soul of man is created. We have to keep in mind that one of the manifestations of the Soul is highly concentrated information. Connection of the created tissue with the Soul takes place due to the coordination of information.

"By the way, since the Soul is an infinite by the volume structure and since one of the manifestations of the Soul is highly concentrated information, it is obvious that this is archive storage.(the Akashic record).of information at all points of space-time. So the principle of archive storage of information is one of the fundamental principles of the World. Therefore its use, which was discussed above, is completely natural. And therefore possibility to create such form of reason that will constantly restore man at any point of space-time is quite natural. It will not just restore his organs or resurrect him, but generally will ensure the constant level of normal health.

"This work will be implemented, as I said, on the basis of the principle of complementation. In other words, technical devices will implement this work when human consciousness is diverted to something else or if structurization of one's consciousness hasn't been completed in this area yet.(hasn't grown spiritually enough yet). This is exactly how the devices created by me work based on the principle of complementation.

"In resurrection and restoration of lost organs conducted with the aid of technical devices the question related to the identity is especially urgent. Indeed the resurrected person should be exactly the same one, who he was before. He should be exactly the same. The same refers to his organs, to the physical tissue. In the general case the recreated object should manifest itself identically in physical reality. This problem is solved on the basis of my discovery; Certificate license 'Reproducing self-developing systems, which reflect the external and internal areas of the variety of creating spheres' APPENDIX 6, p. 440.

"The fact of the matter is as follows. I discovered the complete identity of any objects of information with respect to the creating area of information that provides complete identity of the restorable objects with their originals. I made the discovery of creating area of information using the knowledge about the Soul. Complete identity achieved in the processes of restoration was demonstrated in practice. The protocols of these results are notarized in the United Nations.

"I proposed concrete technologies that make it possible to use the creating area of information without its destruction. Moreover, it is shown how it is possible to ensure its self-development.

"There is a detailed technique that enables you to find such creating information areas. The idea of this procedure is as follows. We get the form of a sphere from the past known objects of information. Actually on the inner surface of this sphere we have reflections of objects of the current time on the basis of the principle of common connections. Now let us choose an object, which must be restored. We find its reflection on the inner surface of the sphere since we know the past. This will be the area of creation of this object. As a result the object can be completely restored.

"Real technologies that I created work exactly in line with this principle. They restore entire person, either his individual organs or separate cells. These technical devices work on the basis of developed by me special computer software and optical systems.

"The above discoveries are presented in my work.Applied Structures of the Creating Area of Information. On the basis of the principles presented there I made one more invention that was registered under invention patent No 2148845 named 'Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and a Device for its Realization'; APPENDIX E, pages 441-449.

"We have already discussed this device when we spoke about prevention of Earthquakes. However Earthquake is just one type of catastrophes, There are different types of catastrophes. Cancer or AIDS of the fourth stage are also catastrophes but of human organism. Illnesses, which are not so serious can be considered as smaller-scale catastrophes. Since this device is created on the basis of true science it is of universal action. And therefore it can be successfully applied for prevention and elimination of organism catastrophes, i.e., for recovery. And for resurrection as well.

"I'd like to remind that this device works as follows. First it decreases the force of the approaching catastrophe. If it has enough technical capacity it just eliminates the potential danger. But if its capacity is insufficient for complete elimination of the catastrophe, it maximally reduces the impending danger as much as possible in line with its potential and then it reports when and where this catastrophe might occur. Then it is possible to concentrate on crystals with the thought on prevention of the catastrophe or recovery and in this case the capacity of the device will increase many times.

"The device intended for resurrection and for health recovery is based on the same operating principle.

"This device is an optical system created on the basis of crystals. If something is wrong in a human organism it suffices to place this device near the person or to direct toward him the receiving surface of the device in order to restore normal health.

"If to direct this device toward the sick organ or toward its x-ray photograph, restoration of this organ occurs. If to direct this crystalline module toward the photograph of the individual who passed away, you can implement his resurrection. By directing the module to the schedule of some event, you can normalize all actions connected with it.

"Thus, this technical device is a multiversal one based on its ability to restore normal state. 

"You may be interested to know how it gets information about the norm the organism should be brought in line with or about the norm of some other object? It reads information about the harmonic norm in the space, that is to say, about that norm, which was laid by the Creator for this very development stage.

"This device adjusts the corresponding system to this norm. And information about the required norm exists at each point of space..Somewhat similar to the device Tom Bearden talks about on his page.

"I am going to repeat once again that such devices controlled by the consciousness of man have been working already in practice. The technical devices of the future wil be created based on the same principles."
