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what is left over; a small remaining part; remainder

in regard to.or.with regard to.adverb
concerning, relating to, as relates to, with relation to, with reference to, with respect to, while speaking of; relatively, pertinently, as to, as for, as respects, as regards, regarding, about
careful consideration; attention to and interest toward (thinking about all the good she has done to help); taking heed of (Proverbs 15:5); if you regard someone or something as being a particular thing or as having a particular quality, you believe that they are that thing or have that quality (she regarded creativity both as a gift and as a skill; many religious individuals regard advice from their church as absolute); regard is what you may think of something your attention is on; regard is to consider in a particular way (how do you regard the belief that income tax is necessary?); concern (she gives high regard to her appearance); respect and affection; esteem (high regard for his teacher); regard implies evaluation of worth rather than recognition of it; to look at attentively; observe closely; to look upon or consider in a particular way; to hold in esteem or respect (she regards her teachers highly); if you have regard for someone or something, you respect them and care about them; if you hold someone in high regard, you have a lot of respect for them (she has a very high regard for him and what he has achieved); to relate or refer to; concern (this item regards their liability); to take into account; consider; good wishes expressing such sentiment (give the family my best regards); regards are greetings; you use regards in expressions such as 'best regards' and 'with kind regards' as a way of expressing friendly feelings towards someone (give my regards to your family); a particular point or aspect; respect (she was lucky in that regard); concerning; in regard to or with regard to; with respect to; you can use as regards to indicate the subject that is being talked or written about (as regards vaccination, the public should have full information); you can use 'with regard to' or 'in regard to' to indicate the subject that is being talked or written about (people are reviewing department policy with regard to vaccination after so many emploees were ill, disabled or dead after the so-called safe vaccines); you can use 'in this regard' or 'in that regard' to refer back to something that you have just said (in this regard nothing has changed; they have made a mistake in that regard)
intransitive verb senses.to look or gaze; to give heed; pay attention (he didn't pay attention to ancient buildings, thinking that their history was unimportant for the present day)
regard, regarded, regarding, regards.transitive verbs
to consider as being special; to care for; have reference to; to take into account (I regard this birthday card as an example of her affection; some ancient kings were highly regarded and others not so, such as Ahaz:.2Chronicles 28:27)

regardless, regardlessly.adverbs
in spite of everything; anyway (continues to work regardless of the impending storm); irrespective of
heedless; unmindful

means regardless; it is a form that many people mistakenly believe to be a correct usage in formal style but that in fact has no legitimate antecedents in either standard or nonstandard varieties; the word was likely coined from a blend of irrespective and regardless; perhaps this is why critics have sometimes insisted that there is 'no such word' as irregardless (but ah these critics), a charge they would not think of leveling at a bona fide nonstandard word such as ain't, which has an ancient genealogy

providing or intending to provide a remedy

a means of counteracting.something.undesirable
remedy, remedied, remedying, remedies.transitive verbs
to relieve or cure a disease or disorder; a treatment; to set right (doctors are very good at fixing broken bones); remove, rectify or counteract; to correct; cure; solve the issue; alleviate

overall, a race is one of the major.groups which human beings can be divided into according to their physical features, such as the color of their skin, hair and general height; a local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically.transmitted physical characteristics; a group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality or geographic distribution (the Russian race); a genealogical line; a lineage (last of the race of ancient Jeroboam I); human beings considered as a group (the non terrestrial races
a program and practice of racial segregation (separation of races), persecution and domination
the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others, thus, this is a belief in separation, such as what evolutionary tenets have connoted; discrimination or prejudice based on race
arising from or based on differences among human racial groups (racial or ethnic food and dress; racial discrimination); of, relating to or characteristic of race or races (beginning of the races)
Biology:.a population of organisms.differing from others of the same species in the frequency of hereditary.traits; a subspecies; a breed or strain, as of domestic animals

race, raced, racing, races.verbs
intransitive verb use.in sports, to compete in a contest of speed; to move rapidly or at top speed (raced home in time for eat with the family; it was a race against time to get it all done before company arrived); to run too rapidly (an engine that was racing until it warmed itself up)
transitive verb use.in sports, to compete against in a race; to cause to compete in a race; enter in a contest (the little girl entered her favorite horse at the town's annual fair horse racing derby)

recant, recanted, recanting, recants.verbs
to make a renunciation or withdrawal of statements, beliefs, etc. formerly held (example of Judas who betrayed Christ:.Matthew 16:21)
transitive verb use.to make a retraction or disavowal of (a statement or belief to which one has previously committed oneself)
intransitive verb use.to make a retraction or disavowal of a previously held statement or belief

deserving rebuke or censure; blameworthy; culpable
reprehensibility, reprehensibleness.nouns
reprehend, reprehends, reprehended, reprehending.transitive verbs
to reprove; censure; criticize; from Middle English 'reprehenden' which is from Latin 'reprehendere' where 're- + prehendere' means 'to seize'

relating to or exhibiting genetic recombination (recombinant progeny); relating to or containing recombinant DNA; produced by recombinant DNA technology; tinkering with God's perfect patterns to produce harm is the satanic way

recombinant DNA (reinsertion of concocted gene combinations).noun,.plural.recombinant DNAs
called this because the genes are made of DNA; genetically engineered DNA prepared in vitro (latin for 'living') by cutting up DNA molecules and splicing together specific DNA fragments usually from more than one species of organism; recombinant DNA is a way of joining genes in the test tube and reinserting them into an organism, the method being used to create organisms with combinations of characteristics that could not arise by natural means, resulting from novel (new) gene combinations, the old, classical rules, which restricted mating and genetic exchange to members of a species, no longer being necessary to apply; an example of the satanists' tinkering with God's creation

using processes foreign to the pattern of genes created by God in order to produce inferior concoctions by interfering with natural patterns (examples); when it comes to life, recombination is genetic modification, using selected assortments of genes to produce new combinations of that which did not occur in the parents 

any of a family (Retroviridae) of RNA-viruses-(as HIV was once thought to be) that produce reverse transcriptase by means of which DNA is produced using their RNA as a pattern maker and incorporated into the genome of infected cells and that includes numerous tumorigenic viruses; the name 'retroviruses' arises because of the copying of the RNA which forms the viral 'genes' (the genome) 'backwards' into DNA, a direction contrary to that long considered universal, that is, from DNA into RNA

reiterate, reiterated, reiterating, reiterates.transitive verbs
to state or do over again; to iterate; the words iterate and reiterate mean the same (go figure), welcome to English

causing or inclined to cause repression (a repressive dictatorship) repressively.adverb

repress, repressed, repressing, represses.verbs
transitive use.to cause to hold back; put down; suppress; quell; stifle; compare oppress
intransitive verb use.to take repressive action
Psychology:.to exclude (painful or unpleasant memories, for example, from the conscious mind
repressive, repressible.adjectives
the act of repressing or the state of being repressed
Psychology:.the unconscious exclusion of painful impulses, desires or fears from conscious awareness

restrain.transitive verb
to hold back; constrict; to repress; to keep under control; to confine

reverse transcriptase.noun,.plural.reverse transcriptases
is an enzyme carried by an RNA-virus, but is unlike others of the same type (RNA viruses) in that this RNA genome makes it possible to replicate in a host (inhabits your body) as the other nucleic acid, DNA. It is therefore called a retrovirus

right angle.noun,.plural.right angles
an angle whose sides are perpendicular to each other; an angle of 90º, examples  _| or —| or |_ , etc.

a great number, amount or collection (we have rafts of clothes from last year that didn't sell)

a flat structure, typically made of planks, logs or barrels, that floats on water and is used for transport or as a platform for swimmers; a flat-bottomed inflatable craft for floating or drifting on water (shooting the rapids in a rubber raft)
one who rafts down a river (let's build a raft and go down the river)
raft, rafted, rafting, rafts.verbs
transitive verb use.to convey on a raft; to make into a raft
intransitive verb use.to travel by raft; Middle English from Old Norse 'raptr' meaning 'beam' & 'rafter'

one of the sloping.beams that supports a pitched.roof

of or relating to relativism; in physics, of, relating.to.or.resulting from speeds approaching the speed of light: relativistic increase in mass; having to do with or based on the theory of relativity (relativistic mechanics, that is, how relativity.functions in different scenarios)
a philosophic theory that conceptions of truth and moral.values are not absolute but are relative to the persons or groups holding them

having pertinence or relevance; you use relative to say that something is true to a certain.degree, when.compared with other things of the same kind; having pertinence or relevance; connected or related; considered in comparison with something else (the relative quiet of the suburbs); dependent on or interconnected with something else
Grammar:.relative pronoun
in comparison with something else; in a relative manner

the quality.or.state.of.being.relative; a state of dependence in which the existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent on that of another
Physics:.in physics, Special relativity and General relativity

your relatives are the members of your family; one related by kinship, common.origin, an agreement or marriage; something having a relation or connection to something else

repair, repaired, repairing, repairs.verbs
transitive verb use.to restore to sound condition after damage or injury; fix (repaired the broken watch); to set right; remedy (repair an oversight); to renew or revitalize; to make up for or compensate for (a loss or wrong; to make right; mommy will make the 'owee' go away)
the work, act or process of repairing; an instance of repairing general condition after use or repairing (vehicle is now in good repair); something that has been repaired (the repair took an hour); to put in order
repairability, repairer.nouns
repair, repaired, repairing, repairs.intransitive verbs
to betake oneself; go repair to the dining room; to go frequently or habitually (repairs to the country every week)

the act or process of repairing or the condition of being repaired; the act or process of making amends; expiation; something done or paid to compensate or make amends; compensation or remuneration (the people whose financial lives have little by little over many years been destroyed by what's called the Fed, now receive reparation) 

possible to repair (reparable damage from the storm)
tending to repair; of, relating.to.or.of the nature of reparations; to fix

total destruction or disintegration, either physical, moral, social or economic; a cause of total destruction; the act of destroying totally; a destroyed individual, object or building; remains of something destroyed, disintegrated or decayed (studied the ruins of ancient Greece)
ruin, ruined, ruining, ruins.verbs
transitive verb use.to destroy completely; demolish; irreparable; to reduce to poverty or bankruptcy; to deprive of chastity
intransitive verb use.to fall into ruin
causing or apt to cause ruin; destructive; falling to ruin; dilapidated or decayed
ruinousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
the act of ruining or the condition of being ruined; a cause of ruin