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nonvascular organism.noun,.plural.nonvascular organisms
organisms without vascular.tissue, e.g..algae, lichens, fungi, mosses

near, nearer, nearest.adverbs
to, at or within a short distance or interval in space or time; just about; almost; nearly (was near exhausted after cutting the trees down, slicing them into smaller sections and loading them on the truck to take to the landfill); with or in a close relationship
near, nearer, nearest.adjectives
close in time, space, position or degree (they are so alike, they are near equals); closely related by kinship or association; intimate (a near relative; a near and dear friend); just.barely.avoided; nearly occurring but not actually.happening (the two planes flew close to each other and they called it a misnomer, that is, a near miss, when really it was a near hit; closely corresponding to or resembling an original (a near likeness); closely resembling the genuine article (a dress of near satin); short and direct (what's the nearest route to town)
near, neared, nearing, nears.verbs
transitive verb use.to come close or closer to
intransitive verb use.to draw near or nearer; approach
almost but not quite (the coat nearly fits); in a close.manner; intimately (a matter nearly affecting our interests)

Near East.noun
a region of southwest Asia generally thought to include Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the other countries of the Arabian Peninsula. Egypt and Sudan in northeast Africa are sometimes considered part of the region
Near Eastern.adjective

of, belonging to or characteristic of Naples, Italy
a native or resident of Naples, Italy
a block of ice cream with 3 or 4 layers of different colors and flavors (neopolitan ice cream)

a loop.formed in a rope by means of a slipknot so that it binds tighter as the rope is pulled also called running noose; a snare or trap; a noose is a circular loop at the end of a piece of rope or wire, which is tied with a knot that allows it to be tightened and it is usually used to trap animals and to execute criminals having done serious crimes such as...
noose, noosed, noosing, nooses.transitive verbs
to capture or hold by or as if by a noose; to make a noose of or in

an individual educated and trained to care for the sick or disabled; a woman employed to suckle children other than her own; a wet nurse; a woman employed to take care of a child (a nursemaid)
nurse, nursed, nursing, nurses.verbs
transitive verb use.to serve as a nurse for (nursed the patient back to health); to feed at the breast; suckle; to cure by special care or treatment (nurse a cough with various remedies); to treat carefully, especially in order to prevent pain (he nursed his injured knee by shifting his weight to the other leg); to manage or guide carefully; look after with care; foster (nursed the old beauty of a car back to new condition); nurture; to consume slowly, especially in order to conserve (nursed one drink during the whole evening)
intransitive verb use.to serve as a nurse; to take nourishment from the breast; suckle
nurse practitioner.noun,.plural.nurse practitioners
also known by the abbreviation NP; a registered nurse with special training for providing primary health care, including many tasks customarily performed by a physician
registered nurse.noun,.plural.registered nurses
also known by the abbreviation RN
a trained nurse is one who has paid to gain the knowledge needed to become qualified and who has then passed an examination and then is licensed after paying upwards of a fee of 600. dollars and in order to continue being a nurse, the fee must be paid again and again every year
practical nurse.noun,.plural.practical nurses
a licensed practical nurse; a person who has had practical experience in nursing care but who is not yet a graduate of a degree program in nursing
wet nurse.noun,.plural.wet nurses
a woman who suckles another woman's child; one who treats another with excessive care or solicitude

a room or area in a household set apart for the use of children; a place for the temporary care of children in the absence of their parents; a nursery school; a place where plants are grown for sale, transplanting or experimentation; a place in which something is produced, fostered or developed
someone who grows plants and trees in a nursery

a woman employed to take care of children

nip, nipped, nipping, nips.verbs
transitive verb use.to seize and pinch or bite (the fish nipped the wader's toe); to remove or sever by pinching or snipping (nipped off the plant leaf); to bite or sting with the cold; chill
intransitive verb use.to move quickly; dart
the act or an instance of seizing or pinching; a pinch or snip that cuts off or removes a small part (he gave a small nip to each corner of the cloth); the small bit or portion so removed (there were nips of construction paper all over the child's table); a sharp, stinging.quality, as of frosty air; severely sharp cold or frost (it's a bit nippy this morning to go walking)

a small amount of liquor
nip, nipped, nipping, nips.verbs
transitive verb use.to sip alcoholic liquor in small amounts (had been nipping scotch
intransitive verb use.to take a sip or sips of alcoholic liquor
nip and tuck.adverb.and.adjective
to close that the advantage or lead shifts from one to another and is virtually indeterminable; neck and neck

a crazy or eccentric individual; a fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel (a walnut, a brazil nut, a hazelnut, etc.); a small flat piece of metal or other material, typically square or hexagonal, with a threaded hole through it for screwing on to a bolt
nutty, nuttier, nuttiest.adjectives
tasting like nuts; containing a lot of nuts; crazy; silly; ridiculous 

nut case.noun,.plural.nut cases
an individual regarded as eccentric or crazy (some people are so strange they nuttier than a fruit cake)

and not; or not; not either (has neither phoned nor written us; life forms that are neither plants nor animals); you use 'nor' after 'neither' or 'nary' in order to introduce the second alternative or the last of a number of alternatives in a negative statement (neither Mr Rose nor Mr Woodhead was available for comment yesterday; I can give you nary an opinion nor any advice; animals can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts; the word 'or' is more common than 'nor' when such a noun phrase, adjective phrase or adverb phrase is introduced by the word 'not' (he is not a philosopher or {or 'nor'} a statesman; we were not poor or happy); if my husband has no future there then nor do my children; he doesn't want to live in the country when he grows up, nor does he want to live in the city); you use nor after a negative statement in order to introduce another negative statement which adds information to the previous one (cooking up a quick dish doesn't mean you have to sacrifice flavour, nor does fast food have to be poisonous junk food)

of or relating to medieval.Scandinavia or its peoples, languages or cultures; of or relating to Norway or its people, language or culture; of, relating to or being the branch of the North Germanic languages that includes Norwegian, Icelandic and Faeroese Norse.noun
the word is from the Dutch word 'Noorsch' and from the Scandinavian, which was spelt 'Noortsch', a derivative they came up with from the Dutch word and from 'nort' meaning 'north'; the people of Scandinavia; the Scandinavians; the people of Norway; the Norwegians; speakers of Norwegian, Icelandic and Faeroese; any of the West Scandinavian languages, especially Norwegian
Old Norse.proper noun
the North Germanic languages until the middle of the 14th century A.D., such as Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian

of, relating.to.or.characteristic of Scandinavia or its peoples, languages or cultures; of or relating to a human physical type exemplified by the tall, narrow-headed, light-skinned, blond-haired peoples of Scandinavia; in sports, of or relating to ski competition featuring ski jumping and cross-country racing
a person of the Nordic physical type

a member of a Scandinavian people who settled in northern France in the tenth century A.D.; also called Norsemen; a descendant of this people, such as, one ruling or inhabiting England from the time of the Norman Conquest; a native or inhabitant of Normandy
of or relating to Normandy, the Normans, their culture or their language; of or being a style of Romanesque architecture that was introduced from Normandy into England before 1066 and that flourished until about 1200 A.D.; from Middle English and Old French 'Normant', from Old Norse 'Nordhmadhr', meaning 'north man'
Norman Conquest.noun
the conquest of England by the Normans under William the Conqueror beginning in 1066 A.D.
a historical region and former province of northwest France (map) on the English Channel. Normandy was once part of what was called ancient Gaul, the region successively conquered by the Romans, Franks and Norse. It passed to England after the Norman Conquest (1066) and during the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453); and was restored to France in 1450. Its beaches were the focal point of Allied landings on D-day June 6, 1944 in World War II.

a sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected or undesired; a sound of any kind (the only noise was the wind whistling through the pine trees)
Physics: in physics, a disturbance, such as a random and persistent disturbance, that obscures or reduces the clarity of a signal
noise, noised, noising, noises.verbs
transitive verb use.to spread the rumor or report of
intransitive verb use.to talk much or volubly; to be noisy; make noise
noisy, noisier, noisiest.adjectives
making noise (a small, noisy dog); full of, characterized by or accompanied by noise (a noisy cafeteria)

not one ("Frequently, measures of major import glide through these chambers with nary a whisper of debate."....George B. Merry)

New Testament
the part of the Bible which describes the life of God in the physical person called Emmanuel the Christ, why He came, what He did and taught and also of the life of the first Christians

a V-shaped cut as in a serrated.tool; a level or degree (a notch or two higher in quality)
notch, notched, notching, notches.transitive verbs
to cut a notch in (the manufacturing of a serrated blade, such as a saw); to record by or as if by making notches (notched the score on a stick; notched the rulers against the wall to measure the children's growth); probably from the phrase 'an otch' from French 'oche' and from Old French 'ochier', meaning 'to notch'