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a eukaryote is a type of cell, a single celled or multicellular organism whose cells contain a distinct membrane bound nucleus; unlike a bacteria, a eukaryote has a nucleus

a feeling of great elation
a drug that tends to produce euphoria

evince, evinced, evincing,evinces.transitive verbs
to show plainly, clearly; indicate; make manifest
that can be evinced
proving or tending to prove

evict, evicted, evicting, evicts.transitive verbs
to put out.(a tenant, for example).by legal process; expel; to force out; eject

evoke, evoked, evoking, evokes.transitive verbs 
to summon or call forth.(actions that evoked our trust); to call to mind by naming, citing or suggesting (songs that evoke old memories); to create anew, especially by means of the imagination; educe; elicit; conjur
tending or having the power to evoke
evocativeness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)

evolve, evolved, evolving, evolves.verbs
transitive verb use.to develop or achieve (evolve a style of one's own)
intransitive verb use.to undergo change; develop (an amateur acting group that evolved into a theatrical company)

a process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form (in one generation we have seen an evolution from bicycles to space shuttles; processes of the multiverse are always causing change as one form of energy turns into another); development; the process of developing as applied to consciousness
Biology:.the theory of evolution.presupposes the ability to change expressions of information and energy; although this can be done, deviation from set patterns containing high information cannot be altered permanently but only tampered with in one or a few units of creation's individual expression; for example, DNA can be interfered with in such a way as to alter a future birth but this in no way changes an entire species for all future births as the original designed pattern redounds; one cannot make something better without knowing the original patterns and these are 'locked': Deuteronomy 29:29); evolution in this light pretends to be an unfolding of some pattern, a pattern deemed by those believing in its theory to be of random.origin; its stupid theory purports groups of organisms change with passage of time from their original arrangments into brand new kinds (water creatures to land creatures) and this mainly as a result of natural selection, so that descendants differ morphologically and physiologically from their ancestors and this whole set of contrived confusions is now believed to be a poorly concocted.myth; evolution's theory presents to those ignorant of creation options, a historical development of related groups of organisms; phylogeny
evolutional or evolutionary.adjective

a theory of biological.evolution with its equally theoretical evolutionisms such as the concepts of natural selection, random mutations, preadaptions of species, etc., especially those formulations.originating with Charles Darwin and those who hijacked his information; advocacy of or belief in biological evolution; evolutionists believe in the tenets of their doctrine, such as this quote from.Encarta Encyclopedia.elicits:."Although the fact of evolution is scientifically accepted as underlying modern biology, theories that concern themselves with the processes of evolution continue to be debated and refined."....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved and written by James W. Valentine, M.A., Ph.D., coauthor of.Evolution, Professor of Integrative Biology, University of California at Berkley.
Of course this quote is not true because real science does not fit the definition of using conjecture as fact. Mr. Valentine purports that which he obviously knows little of and purports it in such a way as to say 'evolution is the fact of the beginning of living organisms', even though 'its processes continue to be refined' or in other words evolution is true and scientists are making that fact solid the more they discover about evolution.
   Is that so? Ha ha! Are we to accept this nonsense thinking that is supposed to wow! us with views of the correctness of something that is a theory?
   I have a theory too, that of the planets actually being made from organic yogurt and I know it's true even though the processes of such continue to be debated and refined. Ha ha!
an evolutionist is someone who accepts the unscientific theory of evolution, unscientific, because its flaws are so prevaricative, the hijacked theory remains unproved and unprovable and thus.unapproved in the minds of those who demand answers based on rigorous.scientific.methodology.coupled with open-minded.inquiry; however, due to close-mindedness, many evolutionists remain in various.states of cognitive.dissonance, fumbling around with their psychologically.maladjusted thinking, wasting time on a theory that presents erroneous.concepts regarding all living things evolving from a few simple life forms

exaggerate, exaggerated, exaggerating, exaggerates.verbs.(from 'agger' = pile, from aggerere = to bring)
transitive verb use-to represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate.(exaggerate the size of the enemy force; exaggerated his own role in the episode); to enlarge or increase to an abnormal degree.(thick lenses that exaggerated the size of her eyes); a fictitious story or explanation
intransitive verb use.to make overstatements; to heap up, magnify; to pile up
exaggerative or exaggeratory.adjective
synonyms.inflate; magnify; overstate.(the central meaning shared by these verbs is 'to represent something as being larger or greater than it actually is' {exaggerated the size of the fish he had caught; inflated her own importance; magnifying his part in their success; overstated their income on the mortgage application}); fabrication; concoction; fairy story; fairy tale;.fantasy; tall tale; embellishment; hyperbole; boasting; inflation; bravado; magnification; overstatement; lie; distortion; fabrication; falsehood; falsification; falsity; misrepresentation; misstatement; prevarication
antonyms.minimize, understatement, truth

causing.intense physical or mental pain; to subject to mental anguish
excruciate, excruciated, excruciatingexcruciates.transitive verbs
to inflict.severe pain on; agony; to inflict great mental distress on; afflict

excerpt, excerptor or excerpter,-excerption-nouns
excerpts, excerptors or excerpters,-excerptions.plurals
a passage or segment taken from a longer work, such as a literary or musical composition, a document or a film
excerpt, excerpted, excerpting, excerpts.transitive verbs
to select or use (a passage or segment from a longer work); to select or use material from a longer work

a detailed explanation or analytical.discourse on some subject; to explain;to interpret; an exposition
a person skilled in exegesis
of or relating to exegesis; critically explanatory

requiring immediate action or remedy; urgent; requiring much effort or expense; demanding
the exigencies of a situation or a job are the demands or difficulties that you have to deal with as part of it; the state or quality of requiring much effort or immediate action; a pressing or urgent.situation; a crisis; an immediate need

serving as a pattern; deserving imitation; commendable.(his courage was exemplary); deserving imitation because of excellence.(they serve exemplary pastries); serving as an example, instance or illustration 
exemplariness, exemplarity.nouns

exemplify, exemplified, exemplifying, exemplifies.transitive verbs
to show or illustrate by example; to be an instance of or serve as an example; embody; to be typical of

the act of exemplifying; one that exemplifies; an example

exhibit, exhibited, exhibiting, exhibits.verbs
to present; hold forth; display; expose to view
transitive verb use.to show outwardly; display (exhibited a happy attitude by smiling; to present for others to see (rolled up his sleeve to exhibit the tattoo; to present in a public exhibition or contest (exhibited her paintings at a gallery); show
intransitive verb use.to put something on public display
the act or an instance of exhibiting; something exhibited (studied the dinosaur exhibits at the museum); a public showing; an exhibition (spent the afternoon at the space exhibit)
Law:.something, such as a document, formally introduced as evidence in court
the act or an instance of exhibiting; something exhibited; an exhibit; a large-scale public showing, as of art objects or industrial or agricultural products, etc., such as at the amazing annual Calgary Stampede

encapsulated, encapsulating, encapsulates.transitive verbs
to encase in or as if in a capsule; to express in a brief summary; epitomize.(headlines that encapsulate the news)
intransitive verb use.to become encapsulated

an object or a representation that functions as a symbol; a distinctive badge, design or device (trucks marked with the company emblem; the emblem of the air force); an allegorical picture usually inscribed with a verse or motto presenting a moral lesson

of, relating to or serving as an emblem; symbolic

being one of two or more considered individually; every (each apple was sweet and crisp; my technique improved with each lesson)
every one of a group considered individually; each one
for or to each one; apiece (ten cents each)
Usage note:.the traditional rule holds that when the subject of a sentence begins with 'each', it is grammatically singular and the verb and following pronouns must be singular as well (each of the suites has.{not 'have'}.its.{not 'their'}.own private entrance.{not 'entrances'}; when 'each' follows a plural subject, however, the verb and subsequent pronouns remain in the plural (the suites each have their own private entrances.{not 'has its own private entrance'}); an exception is made when 'each' follows the verb with a first-person plural subject (one may say 'We boys have each our own room'); the expression 'each and every' is likewise followed by a singular verb and singular pronoun in formal style (Each and every driver knows.{not 'know'}.what his or her.{not 'their'}.job is to be); See more Usage notes

each other.or.one another.pronominal
each the other; used to indicate that a relationship or an action is reciprocal among the members of the set referred to by the antecedent (the boys like each other)
Usage note:.it is often maintained that 'each other' should be used to denote a reciprocal relation between two or more entities; when speaking of an ordered series of events or stages, 'one another' is the preferred form (the waiters followed one another into the room); 'each other' should not be used as the.subject.of a.clause.in writing; instead of 'we always know what each other is thinking', one should write 'each of us knows what the other is thinking'; the possessive forms of 'each other' and 'one another' are written.each other's.and.one another's.(the boys wore each other's (not each others') coats; they had forgotten one another's (not one anothers') names; See more Usage notes

excite, excited, exciting, excites.transitive verbs
to stir to activity; to call forth a reaction or emotion, for example; elicit (odd noises that excited our curiosity); to arouse strong feeling in (speakers who know how to excite a crowd); stimulate; provoke
Physics:.to increase the energy of; to raise an atom for example, to a higher energy level as is done in accelerators
creating or producing excitement (an exciting adventure story) excitingly.adverb
easily excited; capable of responding to stimuli
being in a state of excitement; emotionally aroused; stirred
Physics:.being at an energy level higher than the ground state
causing or tending to cause excitation
the act or an instance of exciting; the condition of being excited; activity; agitation; something that excites (the dancing tigers and other circus excitements)
the act or process of exciting or an instance of it; the state or condition of being excited; in physiology, the activity.produced in an organ, a tissue or a part, such as a nerve cell, as a result of stimulation
tending to excite; stimulating
an agent or stimulus that excites; a stimulant

a mission to a foreign government headed by an ambassador; a staff of diplomatic representatives headed by an ambassador; a building containing the offices of an ambassador and staff; the position, function or assignment of an ambassador

Euphrates river.proper noun.(map)
the waters of the Euphrates river were a major source of irrigation for the flourishing civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia and flowed through southwest Asia for about 1,700 miles (2,735 km), from central Turkey through Syria and into Iraq, where it joins the Tigris river to form the Shatt al Arab, its waters were a major source of irrigation for the flourishing civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia

of or concerning.sexual love and desire; amatory; tending to arouse.sexual desire