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any of several bases that are derivatives of purine; a colorless crystalline organic base, C5H4N4 (5 parts {molecules} carbon, 4 parts hydrogen, 4 parts nitrogen), that is the parent compound of various biologically important derivatives; any of a group of organic compounds derived from or structurally related to purine, including uric acid, caffeine and the nucleic acids constituents adenine and guanine

phyllotaxy-or-phyllotaxis.noun,.plural.phyllotaxies also phyllotaxes
the arrangement of leaves on a stem; the geometric and numerical principles governing patterns of leaf arrangement
phyllotactic or phyllotactical.adjective

presenting favorable circumstances; auspicious; favorable; kindly; gracious

plaster of Paris.noun,.plural.plasters of Paris
any of a group of gypsum cements, essentially hemihydrated calcium sulfate, CaSO4½H2O, a white powder that forms a paste when mixed with water and hardens into a solid, used in making casts, molds and sculpture

mixture of lime or gypsum, sand and water, sometimes with fiber added, that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls and ceilings; plaster of Paris; a pastelike mixture applied to a part of the body for healing or cosmetic purposes
often used to modify another noun (plaster bandages; plaster walls)
plaster, plastered, plastering, plasters.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover, coat or repair with plaster; to cover or hide with or as if with a coat of plaster (plastered over the wall to hide the scratches); to apply a plaster to (plaster an aching muscle with a mustard plaster); to conspicuously cover as with things pasted on; overspread (plaster the walls with advertising)
intransitive verb use.to apply plaster

posit, posited, positing, posits.transitive verbs
to place in position as one places his money in a bank; a putting forward, as for consideration or study; suggest; to affirm or assume the existence of; postulate

prescribe, prescribed, prescribing, prescribes.verbs
transitive verb use.to set down as a rule or guide; enjoin; dictate; to order the use of (a medicine or other treatment); to prescribe means 'before writing', that is, say, a doctor first determines in his mind what to write down on a piece of paper
intransitive verb use.to establish rules, laws or directions; to order a medicine or other treatment; to assert a right or title to something on the grounds of prescription
the act of establishing official rules, laws or directions; something prescribed as a rule; a written order, such as by a physician for the preparation and administration of a medicine or other treatment; in law, the process of acquiring title to property by reason of uninterrupted possession of specified duration, called positive prescription. also the limitation of time beyond which an action, a debt or a crime is no longer valid or enforceable, called negative prescription

pert, perter, pertest.adjective
trim and stylish in appearance; jaunty (a pert hat); high spirited; vivacious; saucy

lacking courage; cowardly

dry food, such as hay, used as feed for livestock; food or provisions; fodder

the act of supplying or fitting out; the provision of something is the act of giving it or making it available to people who need or want it; if you make provision for something that might happen or that might need to be done, you make arrangements to deal with it; a provision in an agreement is an arrangement which is included in it; something provided; a preparatory action or measure; provisions; a stock of necessary supplies, especially food; a stipulation or qualification, especially a clause in a document or an agreement
transitive verbs.provision, provisioned, provisioning, provisions
to supply with provisions

provided or serving only for the time being; temporary
an individual hired temporarily for a job, typically before having taken an examination qualifying the individual for permanent employment (police and fire department provisionals)

pH.proper noun
Chemistry:.a measure of the acidity or alkalinity.of a solution, numerically equal to 7 for neutral solutions, increasing with increasing alkalinity and decreasing with increasing acidity. The pH scale commonly in use measures ranges from 0 to 14.

that can be permeated or penetrated, especially by liquids or gases (permeable and semipermeable membranes; rock that is permeable by water)

Physics:.a semistable meson produced either in a neutral form with a mass 264 times that of an electron and a mean (average) lifetime of 8.4 × 10–17 second or in a positively charged form with a mass 273 times that of an electron and a mean lifetime of 2.6 × 10–8 second. Also called pi meson

a transcendental number, approximately 3.14159, represented by the symbol, that expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle and is a constant in God's mathematical expressions (God designed the multiverse using pi and so pi is seen muchly in creation, examples); pi is also known as the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet

proclaim, proclaimed, proclaiming, proclaims.transitive verbs
to announce; declare; to indicate.conspicuously; if you proclaim something, you state it in an emphatic way; make plain (wearing a button that proclaimed my choice for class president); to praise; extol
the act of proclaiming or the condition of being proclaimed; something proclaimed

a situation, especially an unpleasant, troublesome or trying one, from which extrication is difficult; plight; dilemma

imminent.danger; exposure to the risk of harm or loss; something that endangers or involves.risk; perils are great dangers (the perils of the sea in bad weather); the perils of a particular.activity or course of action are the dangers or problems they may entail; if you say that someone does something at their peril, you are warning them that they will probably.suffer as a result of doing it (anyone who breaks the law does so at their peril)
peril, periled, periling, perils.transitive verbs
to expose to danger or the chance of injury; imperil

full of or involving peril; dangerous; the word 'parlous' means the same, not in use anymore

lasting or remaining without essential change (the universe though always changing yet remains; a permanent address) 
a long lasting hair wave produced by applying a chemical lotion to the hair while wet, winding the hair on rollers and drying it with heat, also called permanent wave
the quality or condition of being permanent; permanency
the property of being able to exist for an indefinite.duration

purify, purified, purifying, purifies.verbs
transitive verb use.to rid of impurities; cleanse; to rid of foreign or objectionable.elements
intransitive verb use.to become clean or pure
the act or an instance of cleansing or purifying

pure, purer, purest.adjectives
having a homogeneous or uniform.composition; not mixed (pure oxygen); free from adulterants or impurities (pure chocolate); free of dirt, defilement or pollution ("A memory without blot or contamination must be . . . an inexhaustible source of pure refreshment"....Charlotte Brontë); free of foreign elements; containing nothing inappropriate or extraneous; having no faults; sinless (once I stopped being resentful I no longer missed the mark of joy in life); free from discordant qualities (pure tones  used in the pseudoscience of audiology)

the quality or condition of being pure; freedom from sin or guilt; innocence; chastity.("Teach your children . . . the belief in purity of body, mind and soul."....Emmeline Pankhurst)

a solemn binding promise to do, give or refrain from doing something (signed a pledge to donate regularly); a pledge of money to a charity or a pledge of something valued by another and given to him or her (articles as security for loans such as has been done since ancient times)
pledge, pledged, pledging, pledges.verbs
transitive verb use.to offer or guarantee by a promise (pledged their cooperation to help the disadvantaged); devote; promise
intransitive verb use.to make a solemn binding promise

in architecture, a rectangular.column with a capitaland base, set into a wall as an ornamental.motif

pant, panted, panting, pants.verbs
intransitive verb use.to breathe rapidly in short gasps, as after exertion; to long demonstratively; yearn.(was panting for a chance to play); to give off loud puffs, especially while moving;  transitive verb use.to utter hurriedly or breathlessly (I panted my congratulations to the winner of the race)
a short, labored breath; a gasp; a short, loud puff, as of steam from an engine

trousers; used in the plural; underpants
with (one's) pants down.idiom
in an embarrassing position

portray, portrayed, portraying, portrays.transitive verbs
to depict or describe in words; to represent.dramatically, as on the stage; to depict or represent pictorially; make a picture of as by inscribing.thereon
the act or process of depicting or portraying; a representation or description, such as inscriptions found on the ancient Sumerian tablets

prevent, prevented, preventing, prevents.verbs
transitive verb use.to keep from happening (took steps to prevent any chance of vehicle breakdown before the trip); to keep someone from doing something; impede.(prevented us from going outside the safe ski area); to anticipate or counter in advance; to come before; precede
intransitive verb use.to present an obstacle (there will be a picnic if nothing prevents)

preventive.same as.preventative.adjective
intended.or.used.to.prevent or hinder; acting.as.an.obstacle: preventive measures; carried out to deter (they avoided all food poisoned with chemical.fertilizers and '...cides', instead sticking to consuming.organic food; preventing or slowing the course of an illness or a disease; prophylactic (preventive health care)
something that prevents; an obstacle; something that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease

the act of preventing or impeding; a hindrance; an obstacle

punishment established by law or authority for a crime or an offense; something, especially a sum of money, required as a forfeit for an offense; the disadvantage or painful consequences resulting from an action or a condition (neglected his health and paid the penalty); a loss of advantage imposed on a team or competitor for infraction of a rule (a penalty kick; a penalty stroke)

penalize, penalized, penalizing,penalizes.transitive verbs
to subject to a penalty, especially for infringement of a law or an official regulation; punish; to impose a handicap on; place at a disadvantage

of, relating.to.punishment for breaking the law; subject to punishment; legally punishable; serving as or constituting a means or place of punishment (penal.servitude; a penal colony) penally.adverb

penance, penanced, penancing, penances.transitive verbs
to impose penance upon

diseases which destroy; a plague

an annoying person or thing; a nuisance; an injurious plant or animal such as poison ivy, mosquitos or mice

posse comitatus.plural noun
a temporary police force
a group of people summoned by a sheriff to aid in law enforcement; see CSPOA.com (Constitutional Sheriffs Police Officers Association); from Medieval Latin 'posse' meaning 'power' and 'body of men' and from Latin 'to be able'

possess, possessed, possessing, possesses.transitive verbs
to have as property; own; to have as a quality, characteristic or other attribute (possessed great tact); to acquire (possess valuable data)
of or relating to ownership or possession; having or manifesting a desire to control or dominate (a possessive cat who likes to have all for itself)
Grammar:.in grammar, a possessive.determiner or possessive adjective is a word such as 'my' or 'his' which shows who or what something belongs to or is connected with; example, the possessive form of a name or noun has an 's added to it, as in Jenny's or cat's dinner
the act or fact of possessing; something owned or possessed (one's possessions); if you are in possession of something, you have it, because you have obtained it or because it belongs to you; a territory.subject to foreign control; a country's possessions are countries or territories that it controls
of, relating.to.or.having possession (possessory interest)