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equal in measure or extent; coextensive (lived a life commensurate with the early years of the republic);
corresponding in size, extent, amount or degree; proportionate (was given a job commensurate with her abilities); commensurable

having a common measure specifically divisible without remainder by a common unit, example, 100 silver coins divided by 2 = 50 silver coins; measurable by a common standard; commensurate; proportionate; in arithmetic, exactly divisible by the same unit an integral number of times

commence, commenced, commencing, commences.verb
transitive verb use.to begin; start
intransitive verb use.to enter upon or have a beginning; start; begin
a beginning; a start; a ceremony at which academic.degrees or diplomas are conferred; the day on which such a ceremony occurs

a group of people delegated to perform a function, such as investigating, considering, reporting or acting on a matter

commit, committed, committing, commits.verbs
transitive verb senses.obligate, bind, pledge self to; pledge or assign; to put into charge or trust, entrust
the act or an instance of committing; a pledge to do; the state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons (a profound commitment to the family)

the word communion means fellowship; communion with nature or with a person is the feeling that you are sharing thoughts or feelings with them; one can only truly commune/communicate with those intimately aware of the other's heart; the act or an instance of sharing, as of thoughts or feelings; spiritual fellowship (in the conversation I felt as if our spirits had the same base)
Religion.(*):.the sacrament of the Eucharist received by a congregation; the consecrated.elements of the Eucharist; the part of a Mass or a liturgy in which the Eucharist is received. Basically, what it is?

compassion is a heartfelt feeling toward someone you are concerned about, coupled with a desire to help:.Hebrews 4:14,15; sympathetic; sameness of feeling; two hearts tugging at the same load; recognition of the feelings another is having with a desire to help in some way one can: Christ was compassionate; consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it; commiseration; also compare empathy; compare mercy
one with no compassion
feeling or showing compassion; sympathetic; humane
compassionate, compassionated, compassionating, compassionates.transitive verbs
to pity

well qualified; capable; adequate; able
the state or quality of being adequately or well qualified; ability; a specific.range of skill, knowledge or ability; sufficient.means for a comfortable existence; compare incompetent
Law:.the quality or condition of being legally qualified to perform an act 

contented to a fault (she was contented with her faults and so did nothing about them:.2Peter 3:17); self-satisfied (a complacent smile, showing no concern for another's plight); unconcerned with correcting negative issues; pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things
self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies
contented self-satisfaction having a total lack of concern; calm or secure satisfaction with oneself or one's lot in life; self-satisfaction; unconcern

consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts; composite; composed of two or more units (a complex carbohydrate); involved or intricate, as in structure; complicated
the quality or condition of being complex; something complex (a jet engine seems a maze of complexities)

the natural color, texture and appearance of the skin, especially of the face (she had short brown hair and a pale complexion); the complexion of something is its general nature, character, aspect or appearance (findings that will alter the complexion of the problem) 

complex number.noun,.plural.complex numbers
any number of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is an imaginary number whose square equals –1

complicate, complicated, complicating, complicates.transitive.and.intransitive verbs
to make or become complex or perplexing; to twist or become twisted together
complex, intricate and involved

intricately involved; containing intricately combined or involved parts; hard to untangle, comprehend, solve, analyse, etc.
a complication is a problem or difficulty that makes a situation harder to deal with (the age difference was a complication to the relationship; the modern automobile is a complication of mind-blowing.integrated.design); a complication is a problem for those not alert to viable solutions; a confused or intricate relationship of parts; a factor, a condition or an element that complicates
Medicine:.a secondary disease, an accident or a negative reaction occurring during the course of an illness and usually aggravating the illness

component, components.adjectives
a part; serving as one of the parts of a whole; any of the minimum number of substances required to specify completely the composition of all phases of a chemical system
a constituent element, as of a system; element
Mathematics:.one of a set of two or more vectors having a sum equal to a given vector

a putting together of a whole by the combination of its parts (rocks are a composite of many minerals; the Psalms are compositions of words and music); the result or product of composing; a mixture or compound; arrangement of artistic parts so as to form a unified whole; the art or act of composing a musical or literary work; a work of music, literature or art or its structure or organization; a short essay, especially one written as an academic exercise
a composite object or item is made up of several.different things, parts or substances; made up of distinct.components; compound; mosaic
Mathematics:.having factors; factorable (see integer)

comport, comported, comporting, comports.verbs
intransitive verb senses.to be fitting; to agree, correspond or harmonize; in accord
transitive verb senses.behave; especially to behave in a manner conformable to what is right, proper or expected; behave; to conduct or behave oneself in a particular manner (comport yourself with dignity)

calmness; self possession; stateliness; demure; tranquility; sedateness; exhibiting peaceful deportment
composure implies.exhibiting the discipline of one's emotions in a trying.situation or habitual self-possession in the face of excitement; the ability to remain mentally focused and emotionally stable in spite of circumstances.dictating the contrary

compound, compounded, compounding, compounds.verbs
transitive verb use.to combine so as to form a whole; mix; to put ingredients together; to add to, such as the compounding interest of a bank loan; increase (high winds compounded the difficulties of the firefighters); to make by combining parts or elements; a substance formed by the combination of elements in fixed proportions, the formation involving a chemical reaction
intransitive verb use.to combine in or form a compound; to come to terms; agree
compound, compoundable.adjectives
consisting of two or more substances, ingredients, elements or parts; a combination of two or more elements or parts; mixture
a building or buildings, especially a residence or group of residences, set off and enclosed by a barrier

cozen, cozened, cozening, cozens.verbs
transitive verb use.to mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud; deceive; to obtain by deceit or persuasion; to persuade.or induce to do something by cajoling or wheedling
intransitive verb use.to act deceitfully

a political.unit.properly.formed by will of majority of people in such an area as the unit comprises, with affairs of the land and those living on it, administered by those chosen by the majority in a selection.process, often an election; a nation or state; the territory or area of land of a nation or state; land; the people of a nation or state; populace

continue, continued, continuing, continues.verbs
intransitive verb use.to go on with a particular action or in a particular condition; persist; to exist over a prolonged period; last; to remain in the same state, capacity or place (she continued as mayor for a second term); to go on after an interruption; resume.(the training continued after a break for lunch)
transitive verb use.to carry forward; persist in (the police will continue their investigation; to carry further in time, space or development; extend; to cause to remain or last; retain; to carry on after an interruption; resume
a continuous.extent, succession or whole, no part of which can be distinguished from neighboring parts except by arbitrary division
Mathematics:.a set having the same number of points as all the real numbers in an interval
recurring regularly or frequently (the continual need to be happy); not interrupted; steady (continual noise; a continual diet of vegetables)
uninterrupted in time, sequence, substance or extent; continual; attached together in repeated units (a continuous form fed into a printer; the chain had continuous links)
the act or fact of continuing; the time during which something exists or lasts; duration; a continuation
the act or fact of continuing; the state of being continued; an extension by which something is carried to a further point; a resumption after an interruption; continuance
the state or quality of being continuous; an uninterrupted succession or flow; a coherent whole; a detailed script or scenario consulted to avoid discrepancies from shot to shot in a film