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containing or derived from error; beliefs, opinions or methods that are erroneous are based on information that is incorrect or only partly correct; mistaken (erroneous conclusions); wandering about in error; wrong; mistaken

having or showing extensive scholarship; learned; having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying, as opposed to experiential learning (a bookworm for example, lots of knowledge but perhaps little or no experience in life with it, thus, lacking experiences providing wisdom)
deep extensive learning; knowledge

intended for or comprehended by only a chosen few such as the management group, the priestly order in the time of Emmanuel and thereafter (recall the burning of books, the burnings at the stake, the martyrizing of so many, etc.); the philosophy of aloofness or keeping others ignorant so as to maintain secrecy, respect and distance in relationships; one makes little or no effort towards building trust; a protection wall for the one holding to the philosophy, used to exclude others, hide the heart's real intent, maintain control at the expense of others and secret meeting behind closed doors; perhaps better known as sneaky elitism or untoward-surreptitiousness; contrast exoteric

not confined to an inner circle of individuals; available to all transparent as opposed to hidden dealings (if workings are honest they do not need to be kept out of public view); popular; of.or.relating.to the outside; external

espouse, espoused, espousing, espouses.transitive verbs
to give loyalty and support to; if you espouse a particular policy, cause or belief, you become very interested in it and give your support to it; to become attached to; to take on; adopt (governments want you to espouse tenets unapproved by people, yet presented as necessary burdens to be borne and so, in much the same fashion, many churches adopt that approach)
adoption of an idea or a cause; a betrothal; a wedding ceremony

a short literary composition dealing with a single subject from a personal point of view and without attempting completeness
essay, essayed, essaying, essays.transitive verbs
to make an attempt at; try; to subject to a test; compare assay
a writer of essays

the intrinsic or indispensable.properties that serve to characterize or identify something; the most important ingredient (its the spiritual that is behind all physicalness; the essence of creation); the crucial element; the inherent, unchanging nature of a thing; essentially, basically (what is the essence {the essential part} of the matter, of the subject); in essence; in or by its very nature; the permanent (real you, your soul) as contrasted with the projected element of being; the individual, real or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to just its physical {external from the invisible} existence; the truth about the nature of; an extract that has the fundamental properties of a substance in concentrated form (orange essence added to orange juice to make it taste fresh after weeks of shelf life)
in essence.idiom
by nature; essentially (he is in essence a gregarious.sort)

esteem, esteemed, esteeming, esteems.transitive verbs
the word 'esteem' comes from Middle English 'estemen' meaning to appraise; esteem is a value of attitude, a seeing to needs of others and leading them forward in life and to lead them you have to be alongside them in the journey; it's a going together in life (to lead someone to a better place in life, they have to be willing to come along with you and they will if they believe what you are doing is in their overall best interests); to regard someone with respect; to value; to prize; to consider (esteemed it an honor to help them); it's a doing unto others as you would have them do to you:.Matthew 22:36-40
synonyms.appreciate, value, prize, treasure, cherish
favorable regard
synonyms.regard, admiration, respect

any of a class of organic compounds corresponding to the inorganic salts and formed from an organic acid and an alcohol

relating to the philosophy or theories of esthetics; of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste; characterized by a heightened sensitivity to beauty; artistic
a guiding principle in matters of artistic beauty and taste; an underlying principle, a set of principles or a view often manifested by outward appearances or style of behavior

the sexual excitement or heat of female mammals corresponding to rut in male animals

et al.abbreviation
also with a period.et al..or.et alia
'et al' means 'and company' or 'and others'.like them, that is, of the same ilk (the scientist was accompanied by others who were doing similar research; the scientist Martin et al are expected to arrive this afternoon)

et seq.abbreviation
Latin 'et sequens' meaning 'and the following one(s)'

ether.plural noun.
the invisible 'nothingness' also known as dark energy (a.k.a..vacuum and the invisible energy), dark because we can't see it; the heavens; any of a class of organic compounds in which two hydrocarbon groups are linked by an oxygen atom; a volatile, highly flammable.liquid, C2H5OC2H5, derived from the distillation of ethyl alcohol with sulfuric acid and widely used as a reagent, a solvent and an anesthetic; also called diethyl ether and ethyl ether

ethereal means unrelated to practical things and the real world as compared to the fantasy world people hold onto in their minds (the ethereal nature of romantic fiction); far away to grasp for useful day to day living; very light; characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; intangible; airy-fairy; like the ether or upper regions of space
etherealize, etherealized, etherealizing, etherealizes.transitive and intransitive verbs
to make or become ethereal
ethereality, etherealness, etherealization.nouns

conforming to moral standards
ethicize.transitive verb
to make or regard as ethical
a set of principles of conduct producing no downside in life for anyone; the right from wrong ways of thinking where one's actions come forth from:.Matthew 7:16,20; moral values
ethics.used with a singular-verb
the study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person; moral philosophy
ethics.used with a singular.plural.verb
the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession (police ethics)

etymology is the study of the origins and historical development of words; the etymology of a particular word is its history; the branch of linguistics that deals with word derivations; origin and development of a word; an account of this
an expert in etymology
etymologize.transitive.or.intransitive verb
the original form of a word, from which its derivatives have developed

Eucharist is a Greek word meaning 'thanksgiving'. It denotes a sacrament and the central act of worship in many Christian churches, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed in remembrance of the death of one called Emmanuel; some churches take it a step further with their doctrine of transubstantiation; the Eucharist is also called Communion; it includes the consecrated elements of this rite; basically it is a time when a few who believe what Emmanuel had done gather to give thanks and share in taking some wine (symbolic of Emmanuel's blood shed for all sins for all time) and eating some bread (symbolic of His body being physically broken so that those who are sick can be healed):.1Corinthians 11:23-26. Also, at this time those gathered often pray for others of concern:.Ephesians 6:18; the famous Dr Ken McAll's example showing the power of the Eucharist is in the beliefs of those participating in it

of or relating to the geometric principles discovered by Euclid, a Greek mathematician of B.C.E. 3rd century who applied its deductive principles of logic to (theorem 1 leads to theorem 2, and 2 to 3 and so on; thus being algorithmic), thereby deriving statements from clearly defined axioms
Mathematics:.of, relating.to.or.being any of several modern.geometries that are not based on the postulates of Euclid

enlighten, enlightened, enlightening, enlightens.transitive verbs
to give spiritual or intellectual insight to (the Bible will provide enlightenment to all who read it); to give information to; inform; instruct ("Enlighten the people generally and tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day."....Thomas Jefferson;."Enlightenment equals self actualization."....Maslow); being enlightened is to have found meaning, beauty, laughter, playfulness; enlightenment has been observed as a 'second birth' as it renews the person

the act or a means of enlightening; the state of being enlightened; pathway to enlightenment
Buddhism: blessed state in which the individual transcends desire and suffering and attains Nirvana

relating to or derived from experience

experience is experimented living; knowledge or skill gained from one's thoughts and/or actions in life (his female partner has learned much experience with her mother in taking care of twins; he's counting on his mother to take care of the twins for him, as she's had plenty of experience with them); experience is used to refer to the past events, knowledge and feelings that make up someone's life or character (I should not be in any danger here, but experience has taught me caution; she had learned from experience to take little rests in between her daily routine); an experience is something that you do or that happens to you, especially something important that affects you (his only experience of gardening so far proved immensely satisfying; many of his clients are unbelievably nervous, usually because of a bad experience in the past); if you experience a particular situation, you are in that situation happens to you; (we had never experienced this kind of holiday before and had no idea what to expect; if you experience a feeling, you feel it or are affected by it (widows seem to experience more distress than do widowers); an experience is the apprehension of an object, a thought or an emotion through the senses or mind (a child's first experience of snow; imagination provided the experience of peace when she thought of a tranquil countryside scene); active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill (a lesson taught by experience; a carpenter with experience in wall and roof repair); the knowledge or skill so derived; an event or a series of events participated in or lived through; the totality of such events in the past of an individual or a group
experience, experienced, experiencing, experiences
transitive verb use.to participate in personally; undergo: experience a great adventure; experienced loneliness

the study of causes or origins; the branch of medicine that deals with the causes or origins of disease; assignment of a cause, an origin or a reason for something; the cause or origin of a disease or disorder as determined by scientific diagnosis

exhaust, exhausted, exhausting, exhausts.verbs
transitive verb use.to wear out completely; tire; to drain of resources or properties; deplete (chemically fertilized crops that exhausted the soil); to use up completely (the rains finally exhausted themselves); to let out or draw off (exhaust vaporous wastes through a pipe, such as a vehicle's exhaust)
intransitive verb use.to escape or pass out (steam exhausts through this valve)
the act or an instance of exhausting; the state of being exhausted; extreme.fatigue (long distance runners are prone to collapsing from exhaustion)
the escape or release of vaporous waste material, as from an engine; the poisonous fumes or gases so released; a duct or pipe through which waste material is emitted
exhaustedly, exhaustingly.adverb
exhauster, exhaustibility.nouns

treating all parts or aspects without omission; thorough.(an exhaustive study); tending to exhaust
exhaustiveness, exhaustivity.nouns

of worldwide scope or applicability; universal; concerned with establishing or promoting unity among churches or religions
ecumenical, ecumenicalism.nouns

enamor, enamored, enamoring, enamors.transitive verbs
to inspire with love; amorous; captivate (was enamored of the beautiful dancer; were enamored with the charming island); infatuated by; taking great pleasure in something (found herself enamored of those huge English teas); charmed, enchanted, entranced, fascinated