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fascia.noun,.plural.fasciae (pronounced fay she ah)
a flat usually horizontal member of a building having the form of a flat band behind which the soffit is located; a flat piece used as a molding; a horizontal board covering the joint between the top of the outside wall and the projecting eaves, called a fascia board; a nameplate over the front of a shop; a sheet of connective tissue covering or binding together body structures, such as muscles

in architecture, a plain or decorated horizontal part of an entablature between the architrave and cornice; a decorative horizontal band, as along the upper part of a wall in a room; a coarse, shaggy woolen cloth with an uncut nap; a dense, low-pile surface, as in carpeting, resembling such cloth

means the same as an idol but having more meaning to the one who has the idol (most people consider that their vehicle is just that, a means of transportation, yet there are others who regard their vehicle as worthy of special attention); an object of worship; unreasonably.excessive attention or reverence (made a fetish of cleanliness); an abnormally.obsessive.preoccupation or attachment; a fixation
worship of or belief in magical fetishes; excessive attachment or regard
fetishize, fetishized, fetishizing, fetishizes.transitive verbs
to make a fetish of

easily ignited and capable of burning rapidly; inflammable and flammable mean the same thing, welcome to English
Usage note: Historically, flammable and inflammable mean the same thing. However, the presence of the prefix 'in' has misled many people into assuming that inflammable means 'not flammable' or 'noncombustible'. It is therefore advisable to use only flammable in contexts imparting warnings or on product labels, where a misinterpretation might have more serious.consequences for the reader than an etymological mistake would deserve. And why the 2 'm's in both words, when only 1 consonant would do? Duh! Welcome to the purposely screwed up cabal's English to confuse and hinder you. Any word with 'in' at a the beginning, means 'not', so 'inflammabe' SHOULD MEAN 'not flammable'

flee, fled, fleeing, flees.verbs
intransitive verb use.to run away, as from trouble or danger (fled from the house into the night); to pass swiftly away; vanish
transitive verb use.to run away from flee the scene of an accident)

a dense growth of trees, plants and underbrush covering a large area; something that resembles a large, dense growth of trees, as in density, quantity or profusion (a forest of skyscrapers); often used to modify another noun, as in forest management, forest fires, etc.
forest, forested, foresting, forests.transitive verbs
to plant trees on
the planting of forests

running away to hide or fleeing after having done something wrong, as from the law; lasting only a short time; fleeting (his leaving was only a fugitive attempt); transient; having to do with topics of temporary interest; ephemeral
one who flees; something fleeting or ephemeral

one that precedes, as in time; a predecessor; an ancestor; a forebear; one that comes before and indicates the approach of another; a harbinger; a warning sign or symptom; if you describe a person or thing as the forerunner of someone or something, you mean they existed before them and either influenced their development or were a sign of what was going to happen (a machine which, in some respects, was the forerunner of the modern helicopter; the forerunner of the modern automobile is the horse drawn.carriage, often called a stagecoach)

a man or woman from whom one is descended; an ancestor

forbear, forbore, forborne, forbearing, forbears.verbs
transitive verb use.to refrain from; resist (forbear replying); to desist from; cease
intransitive verb use.to hold back; refrain; to be tolerant or patient in the face of provocation
the act.of forbearing; tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation; patience; in law, the act of a creditor who refrains from enforcing a debt when it falls.due

frankincense is a substance which is obtained from a tree and which smells pleasant when it is burned and was used especially in religious ceremonies in ancient times; an aromatic gum resin obtained from African and Asian trees of the genus Boswellia and used chiefly as incense and in perfumes

full, fuller, fullest.adjectives
containing all that is normal or possible (a full pail); complete in every particular (a full account of any damage caused by the Earthquake); in baseball, amounting to three balls and two strikes, used of a count (he now has a full count); being at the peak of development or maturity (flowers in full bloom); having a great deal or many (a book on the evolution of living organisms full of errors); rounded in shape; plump (a full figure); having or made with a generous amount of fabric (full draperies); having an appetite completely satisfied, especially for food or drink (was full after the Thanksgiving dinner); possessing both parents in common (full brothers; full sisters)

the word is from the Anglo-Saxon word 'fullian', meaning 'to whiten'; to 'full' is to press or scour cloth in a mill; this art of whitening is one of great antiquity; mention is made of 'fuller's soap' and 'fuller's field' in the Old Testament part of the Bible:.Malachi 3:2; 2Kings 18:17; in Mark 9:3 in the New Testament Emmanuel's transfiguration made our Lord's raiment.extremely bright."so as no fuller on Earth could white them"
to a complete extent; entirely (after the meal she was full)
full, fulled, fulling, fulls.verbs
transitive verb use.to make a garment full, as by pleating or gathering
intransitive verb use.to become full, used of the moon
the maximum or complete size or amount (repaid in full); the highest degree or state (living life to the full; how many fulls do we have of those oil storage tanks?)
fulness.also spelt.fullness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
totally or completely (fully grown at age 20-25); at least (fully half of the volunteers did not appear)
full-fledged means the same as fully fledged; having reached full development; mature; having full status or rank (a full-fledged plumber); a bird having fully developed adult plumage

in linguistics, a consonant, such as 'f' or 's' in English, produced by the forcing of breath through a constricted passage; also called spirant
of.relating.to.or.being a fricative consonant

fade, faded, fading, fades.verbs
intransitive verb use.to lose brightness, loudness or brilliance gradually; dim (the lights and music on the shore faded as we set sail from the harbor; the brightness of the day fades into the twilight of eveningtime); to lose freshness; wither (summer flowers fade at the onset of fall); to lose strength or vitality; wane (youthful energy need not over the years if one maintains health); to disappear.gradually; vanish (we watched as the herd of deer trotted by, soon fading into the distance); disappear
transitive verb use.to cause to lose brightness, freshness or strength (time and a lack of maintenance has faded the once beauty of that centuries old building)
a gradual.diminution in the brightness or visibility of an image in cinema or television (the movie had 8 fades in it); a periodic reduction in the received strength of a radio transmission (once we drove into the mountains, the station we were listening to faded in and out)
fade in.phrasal verb
to appear gradually; to cause to appear or be heard gradually, used of a cinematic or television image or of a sound
fade out.phrasal verb
to disappear gradually; to cause to disappear gradually
not fading or not subject to fading (fadeless colors in the fabric)
the act or an instance of gradually diminishing in brightness, loudness or strength until actual.disappearance.occurs

the vault or expanse of the heavens; the sky

goods carried by a vessel or vehicle, especially by a commercial carrier; cargo; burden; a load; the charge for transporting goods (what's the freight charge?); a railway train carrying goods only (the freight train is loaded and ready to go)
freight, freighted, freighting, freights.transitive verbs
to convey commercially as cargo; to load with goods to be transported

used to indicate a specified place or time as a starting point (walked home from the station; from six o'clock on); used to indicate a specified point as the first of two limits (from grades four to six); used to indicate a source, a cause, an agent or an instrument (a note from the teacher; taking a book from the shelf); used to indicate separation, removal or exclusion (keep someone from making a mistake; liberation from bondage (the ancient Israelites were under 400 years of bondage to Egyptian  pharaohs); used to indicate differentiation (know right from wrong); because of (faint from hunger); means somewhat differently in the Bible

a complete failure; a fiasco is an event that is completely unsuccessful, in a way that is very embarrassing or disappointing; a disaster; a debacle; if you describe an event or attempt to do something as a fiasco, you are emphasizing that it fails completely

a shallow place in a body of water, such as a river, where one can cross by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle
ford, forded, fording, fords.transitive verbs
to cross a body of water at a ford

an ancestor; a man or woman from an earlier time having originated or contributed to a common.tradition shared by a particular.group