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protection or shelter as from danger or hardship; a place providing protection or shelter; a source of help, relief or comfort in times of trouble
refuge, refuged, refuging, refuges.verbs
intransitive verb use.to take refuge
transitive verb use.to give refuge to

one who flees evil governments or from religious persecution in search of refuge

of, relating.to, produced by or resulting from reflection; capable of or producing reflection (a reflective surface, such as a mirror);  characterized by doing meditation and contemplation; thoughtful; pensive
reflect, reflected, reflecting, reflects.verbs
transitive verb use.to form an image of something in the mind; to throw or bend back (light, for example) from a surface; echo; to manifest as a result of one's actions (her work reflects intelligence; she reflects on how her day went at the time of sunset); to reflect on is to contemplate
intransitive verb use.to give back a likeness; to be bent back; to think; carefully considered thoughts (songs such as these 1, 2 which reflect your life)
the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected; something, such as light, radiant heat, sound or an image, that is reflected (her pretty face reflected from the mirrored waters of the fountain); to quietly consider (what was in her mind she took time to lightly focus on, seeing what other thoughts would come about from it)
reflect on.phrasal verb
to form or express carefully considered thoughts about (reflects on her life's happenings)

reprieve, reprieved, reprieving, reprieves.transitive verbs
to postpone or cancel the punishment of; to bring relief to
temporary relief as from danger or pain

a short interval of rest or relief; a pause; a reprieve
respite, respited, respiting, respites.transitive verbs
to delay; postpone

receive, received, receiving, receives.verbs
transitive verb use.to take or acquire (something given, offered, or transmitted); get; to hear or see information, for example (receive good news; received a good report); to bear the weight or force of; support (the beams receive the full weight of the walls and roof); to take in, hold or contain (a tank that receives rainwater); to admit (receive new members); to greet or welcome (receive guests); to perceive or acquire mentally (receive a good impression); to regard with approval or disapproval (essays that were received well)
intransitive verb use.to acquire or get something; be a recipient; to admit or welcome guests or visitors
one that receives something (a receiver of many compliments); in electronics, a device, such as a part of a radio, television set or telephone, that receives incoming radio signals and converts them to perceptible.forms, such as sound or light; a person appointed by a court.administrator to take into custody the property or funds of others, pending.litigation; a receptacle.intended for a specific purpose; in football, a member of the offensive team eligible to catch a forward pass; in baseball, the catcher

relieve, relieved, relieving, relieves.transitive verbs
to cause a lessening or alleviation of (relieved the tension); to free from pain, anxiety.or.distress; to furnish assistance or aid to; to make less tedious, monotonous.or.unpleasant (only one small candle relieved the gloom); to allay; to assuage; to lighten; to mitigate; to palliate; to ameliorate
relieve oneself.idiom
to urinate or defecate (pee or poop)

the easing of a burden or distress, such as pain, anxiety.or.oppression; something that alleviates pain or distress; a  pleasant or amusing change; a diversion (the funny movie we saw was a relief from the high stress days we had experienced); release from a post or duty, as that of sentinel (the changing of the guard in England); one who releases another by taking over a post or duty; the projection of figures or forms from a flat background, as in sculpture or such a projection that is apparent as in painting, also called bas-relief and low-relief; work of art featuring such projection; the variations in elevation of an area of the Earth's surface; distinction or prominence due to contrast

reinforce, reinforced, reinforcing, reinforces.transitive verbs
to give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen (the news reinforced her hopes); to strengthen by adding extra support or material; augment
the act or process of reinforcing or the state of being reinforced;  something that reinforces; in psychology, the occurrence or experimental.introduction of an unconditioned stimulus along with a conditioned stimulus; the strengthening of a conditioned response by such means; an event, a circumstance or a condition that increases the likelihood that a given response will recur in a situation like that in which the reinforcing condition originally occurred

not easily understood; abstruse; ambiguous; concerned with or treating something abstruse or obscure (recondite scholarship); concealed; hidden (recondite politics)

shy and reserved; modest
retire, retired, retiring, retires.verbs
intransitive verb use.to withdraw, as for rest or seclusion; to go to bed (decided to retire for the night); to withdraw from one's occupation, business or office; stop working; to move back or away; recede
transitive verb use.to cause to withdraw from one's usual field of activity (retired all at 55); withdraw; to take out of circulation (retired the old coins); to withdraw from use or active service (retiring an old battleship); in baseball, to put out a batter); to cause the opposing team to end a turn at bat

revenge, revenged, revenging, revenges.transitive verbs
to inflict punishment in return for (injury or insult); to seek or take vengeance for (oneself or another person); avenge; (some people say 'I hope he gets justice done to him', meaning not justice at all, but revenge, which only furthers.chaos and that's why we are advised to not take revenge:.Romans 12:19)
the act of taking vengeance for injuries or wrongs; retaliation; a desire for revenge; spite or vindictiveness
full of or given to revenge; vindictive

something that can be used for support or help (the local library is a valuable resource); an available supply that can be drawn on when needed

able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations

revolt, revolted, revolting, revolts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to feel disgust or repugnance (to revolt at an instance of animal cruelty); to turn away in revulsion or abhorrence (they revolted from the sight of corrupt government officials supposed to represent the populace); rebel; to oppose or refuse to accept something (revolting against high taxes; the angels who revolted against God)
transitive verb use.to fill with disgust or abhorrence; repel
an act of protest or rejection; the state of an individual or individuals in rebellion (students in revolt over harsh administrative policies)
causing abhorrence or disgust; offensive
if you say that something or someone is revolting, you mean you think they are horrible and disgusting

rout, routed, routing, routs.transitive verbs
to defeat (routed out the vermin; )
rout, routed, routing, routs.verbs
intransitive verb use.to dig with the snout; root (we routed around in grandma's stored boxes to find the old necklace); to poke around; rummage
transitive verb use.to expose to view as if by digging; uncover; to hollow, scoop or gouge out; to drive or force out as if by digging; eject (rout out a rat)

a road, course or way for travel from one place to another; a highway; way; a course or territory assigned to a salesperson or delivery person (the delivery route for the vegetables)
route, routed, routing, routes.transitive verbs
to send or forward by a specific route

clothing; garments; vesture; raiment; attire

rough, rougher, roughest.adjectives
having a surface marked by irregularities, protuberances or ridges; not smooth; coarse or shaggy to the touch (a rough, scratchy blanket; timber); difficult to travel over or through (the rough terrain of the Scottish highlands); rugged; characterized by violent motion; turbulent (rough waters); difficult to endure or live through, especially because of harsh or inclement weather (a rough winter); unpleasant or difficult (had a rough time during the exam); boisterous, unruly, uncouth.or.rowdy (ran with a rough crowd for awhile); lacking polish or finesse (rough manners); characterized by carelessness or force, as in manipulating (broke the crystal through rough handling); harsh to the ear (a rough, raspy sound); being in a natural state (rough diamonds); not perfected, completed or fully detailed (a rough drawing; rough carpentry)
rugged, overgrown terrain; something in an unfinished or hastily worked out state; the part of a golf course left unmowed and uncultivated (the ball went into the rough); the difficult or disagreeable aspect, part or side (observed politics in the rough when working as an intern at the capital) a crude, unmannered person; a rowdy
in the rough
in a natural state; untreated or undecorated; in difficulties
rough, roughed, roughing, roughs.transitive verbs
to treat roughly or with physical violence (roughed up his opponent); to treat an opposing player with unnecessary roughness during a sport or game (roughed the passer and was ejected from the game); to prepare or indicate in an unfinished form (rough out a house plan)
in a rough manner; roughly
rough it.idiom
to live without the usual comforts and conveniences (roughed it in a small hunting shack)

a rough, disorderly person
rowdy, rowdier, rowdiest.adjectives
disorderly; rough (rowdy teenagers; a rowdy party)
rowdiness, rowdyism.noun

rove, roved, roving, roves.verbs
intransitive verb use.to wander about at random, especially over a wide area; roam
transitive verb use.to roam or wander around, over or through
an act of wandering about, over, around or through
one that roves; a wanderer; a pirate vessel